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PAWN: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Elite Royal Academy Book 3)

Page 4

by L. J. Woods

  “I’ll take care of it,” Damien says.

  Doc’s face lights up. “Perfect. We have her in a private suite, I’ll let you know when you can see her.” Pulling the door closed behind him, he locks the door and when I peer in, the curtain’s still drawn, blocking my view.

  Damien pulls me to him, looking as relieved as I am to know that she’s okay but that doesn’t change the mess we’re in. So I stop him, pulling back. I need space. A beat to think. “I …”

  His jaw twitches, brows lowering as I take another step back. “You what?” His impatience is quick to peak.

  “I need a second,” I say, glancing down the hall. He pulls on my hand, a shockwave flowing through me and I don’t want to let go but I do.

  “Jo,” he warns.

  My eyes spot the bathroom sign near a set of doors, my stomach feeling like it’s on the world’s largest roller coaster. My brain feels the same. Scrambled. Twisted.

  “Where are you going?” he calls as I start down the hall.

  “Bathroom,” I call, keeping my eyes on the sign as I haul ass.

  Ducking into the bathroom, I’m pressing onto the cold, stone wall as I hurry to find a stall. When I do, I let it all out, spewing right into the toilet. Thinking back to the rooftop, another hurl comes again, tears coming to my eyes.

  This is all my fault.

  “My dad broke his hand in a wall again.” Someone enters the bathroom and I’m quick to rise to my feet, flushing the toilet.

  Heading to the sink, I splash my face with cold water.

  Get it together, Jo. Don’t freak out. Stay calm.

  Scratches and bruises decorate my cheek and neck, a reminder of the battle on the roof. “Fuck,” I mutter.

  Dabbing at my eyes with a soft paper towel, I try to keep my breath steady. So what if I watched a woman plummet to her death? If it wasn’t her it would’ve been Damien. And if it wasn’t Damien it would’ve been me.

  The thought makes me want to hurl again as I grip the counter. Looking at my reflection, it’s like I have the words stamped on my forehead.


  Grim Reaper.

  The walls in the bathroom feel like they’re closing in so I head for the door. A sign reading ‘Chapel’ is on the wall in front of me. Avoiding Damien some more, I dash down the hall and into the room.

  It’s empty when I’m inside the quiet room. A set of four cushioned pews in front of a small podium.

  The hospital sounds muffled, the walls a soothing blue-grey. Like his eyes.

  Collapsing into a rigid pew, I let my head hit the wood, staring at the painting on the ceiling. Angels. Clouds. The opposite of the hell I’m in.

  And when I hear the voice of the devil, it doesn’t look like I’m getting out of Hades anytime soon.

  “Let’s handle this, Medusa. Now.”



  I’m a monster and she knows it.

  The fear I see on that perfect face proves it.

  It’s not the same look of fear that I crave. No, this is different.

  “What are you doing in here?” she asks, her body stiff when she sits up, hoodie over her curls in her face like she’s hiding from the world.

  I hate that she’s scared. Hate that she’s pulling away from me. I want to wipe it all away with another kiss, her lips on mine to calm us both. But we’ve got some real shit to deal with.

  “This isn’t the bathroom.” Locking the door behind me, I approach her, boots thudding against the beige carpet.

  “Damien, I need space and it can’t be with you.” Rising from her seat, she’s being stubborn as always. Those words sting more than she’ll know but I keep that stoic face. “Now open the door. You don’t own this space. You don’t own me.”

  “We’re talking about this..” I’m moving closer to her inch by inch, the smell of coconut getting stronger. “Marion’s dead. We can’t ignore that.”

  “That’s your fault!” Her hands are in fists again. “It’s your fault that she’s dead! It’s your fault I’m in this mess! I want out, Damien! I’m gonna die of a heart attack before twenty! Or be committed for fucking murder!”


  No. That won’t do.

  My jaw tightens. “Chill out, Rowland.”

  “No! Why should I listen to you now? Why should I listen to anything you have to say when I’m the one who saved you. Remember?”

  Jo is too in her tizzy to notice I’m pushing her towards the podium, my chest against her body as I’m savouring her warmth. Her back hits the wood, voice wobbling with the wood behind her when I trap her again.

  “I’m the one who gathered your friends to get you away from Marion,” she continues. “And here I am, still in this fucking mess!” Her hands come to my chest and even when she’s mad and frantic, I love the way they feel. Her eyes stop on mine and her scowl softens, but she looks away. “Leave me alone.”

  “I can’t do that.” Tilting her chin so she looks at me, those eyes sending tightness to my abs, I make it clear, “Not after this.”

  “We can’t be together.” Her words come out a whisper, nails curling against my chest.

  Every muscle inside me tenses and the swallow she takes when my eyes narrow tells me she knows she touched a nerve. I’ve been saying this same shit the entire time but she let me fall for her. She let me say those three words and now she doesn’t want to be with me?

  Fine, Medusa. Let’s do business. “Listen to me, Rowland, you’re not leaving my sight. Once Willow’s released, we’re going to the lake house and we’re staying there until this shit gets cleaned up. Baldy’s on it.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you!” Her brows lower and her voice gets a little too loud for my liking. Glancing over at the door, I make sure no one’s overhearing this. We’re not in The Grove anymore. People in Eden look for scandals like wolves hunt for food. “I should be going to the fucking poli—”

  My hand wraps around that smooth, slender throat, her sentence coming to a stop when I do. “Are you threatening me, Medusa? You should know better than that by now.”

  The fear is gone from her gaze, my other hand coming to her chin, forcing her to keep those eyes on me. It’s hard for me not to get riled up. It’s the same look she gives me when I tell her to come on my cock.

  It twitches.

  Not now.

  Those angry eyes mixing with the bite of her lip doesn’t make this easier. We both know where this leads.

  With our pants down. With Jo screaming my name.

  If I’m a monster, she’s one too.

  “Since you’re quiet I’ll lay down the rules. You go to the police, you’re the only one getting locked up and fucked. Not me. You think they’ll believe a girl from The Grove over the CEO of King Financial? Not a fucking chance.” It’s hard not to chuckle when she squirms under my hold, trying to move her chin away like she really wants to get away from me.

  She’s a fighter but she’s no match for my strength.

  “Fuck you,” she spits. “You’re nothing but trouble, Damien.”

  My grip tightens, the red in her smooth, sandy cheeks growing deeper.

  “Don’t make me out to be the bad guy when you’re the same. You helped me throw Marion off that roof. You came back for me.” Parting her legs with my knee, I can feel the warmth of her pussy against my slacks and it only makes me want her more. “Don’t tell me you don’t want me when you’re always there, Medusa. We’ve been saving each other since the day we met.”

  “That’s why we’re better apart.” Her words lose their bite, a tremble in her voice. “We’re a mess together.”

  “You’re a mess. My mess. I wouldn’t be in this situation if we hadn’t gone looking for your sister. So here’s how it’s gonna go. You’re doing what I say so I can get us out of this.” Reaching into my jacket, I pull out the same cuffs Baldy had around my wrist. Letting go of Jo’s throat, I let a finger trail down her arm, catching the shiver and goosebumps she ge
ts when I do. It makes me want to use these cuffs for more than what I have planned.

  “Don’t upset me, Jo.” I bring my mouth to her ear, so she can hear every word. “You’re mine. Remember saying that? Or do I have to remind you?”

  “Not anymore,” she says. “I need space, Damien.”

  “You have all the space you need.” When I move my lips an inch from hers, she inches that bit closer so I can close the distance. With that little space between us, it’s like I’m teasing myself, holding myself back from my most favourite treat. So I give in, distracting her some more with my lips on her mouth, her tongue over mine. I sink my teeth into her skin until I hear the little whimper.

  When I pull her hands in front of her, creating a small gap between us, I get her where I want her.


  “Wh—” Her eyes spring open when she finally feels the cold metal on her skinny little wrists. She looks down between us, eyebrows high. “What the fuck is this?”

  If we have to do this the hard way, we will.

  Jo jiggles her wrists, pushing her skin against the metal. Taking her body, I swivel us around until she’s against the wall, pinned against my hard body.

  “Take them off,” she demands, her voice shaky as my finger trails along her warm hands, grazing her soft skin.

  “You’re gonna tire yourself out struggling. Believe me, I tried,” I warn. “This isn’t some flimsy shit from the sex shop.”

  “Why are you doing this?” Her eyes flick up to mine and it makes the room around us disappear. Catching her gaze is like looking into the golden sun. It’s deadly but you can’t look away. “Let me go!”


  Taking Allie’s scarf from my pocket, I wrap it around her hands, covering the handcuffs before I take a step back. “If you want out, you know where to go. I’m the only one with the key so unless you want to run around Eden with your hands in cuffs, you’re stuck with me, Medusa.”

  It’s taking everything for me to not pull those pants down and stick my cock where it belongs. Right inside her. That’s where everything’s okay. Where I know she’s mine. When I’m done with her, she’ll know I’m still the only one in this town who has her back.

  With one last kiss, soft and gentle on her lips, I show her I mean no harm but I’m standing by my words. “You’re mine, Jo. We’re in this together.” Reaching into her jacket, I finally take my wallet back, she’s had it since the motel.

  When I start walking towards the door, Jo calls to me. “Wait! You can’t leave me like this!”

  A smirk seals her fate, and I’m surprised that I’m able to leave the chapel still dressed.

  Alright, so cuffs are an unconventional way to get a girl to listen to you, but it’s a way I know will work. On my walk to the lounge, a nurse catches my eye with a smile. It’s got nothing on Jo’s. I’m counting the seconds until I see her face again, while I get comfortable on one of the sofas in the lounge. Glancing at the clock, it’s been five minutes. With my elbows on my knees, I say the numbers in my head.




  Looking towards the entrance of the ivory walled room, she doesn’t appear. Is she that scared or did something happen?

  Sitting up, I keep my gaze on the entrance. Fuck, did she fall in those cuffs?

  A head of messy curls appears in the doorway and my muscles relax like I’m hit with a tranquilizer. She’s looking around to see if anybody notices what I know she’s wearing, the scarf doing a great job at hiding any metal. Those eyes fall on me, a boom in my chest, my heartbeat picking up.

  Her back straightens as she walks over as if she’s trying to tell me she’s not bothered. It’s hard not to smirk at her defiance, that fight in her to the very end. Moving my jacket from the seat beside me, she plops down, hands in front. When I put my hand on top of hers, they’re warm even through the scarf.

  “You’re fucked up,” she whispers.

  “What’s that?” I lean in closer, bringing my mouth to her ear. “You wanna fuck? Meet you back in the chapel.”

  That gets me a glare and that gets her a smirk, those cheeks turning a hint of red under the hospital lights. “When we’re out of here, you’re fucked.”

  “Mmm.” My hand comes to her thigh. “I hope so. Tell me more, Medusa.”

  She stamps her boot on mine and I pull her closer by the scarf-wrapped cuffs. A boy enters the room, about Willow’s age but I don’t give a fuck. “Try it again, Rowland.”

  Her jaw works before she yells, “Take these off!”

  “There you guys are!” Allie, Christian and Isaac appear in the entryway. They all still look way too shook to be here.

  “You guys get out of here,” I say. “Thanks for driving us but I don’t want us all seen together. Not right now.”

  I’ve been checking my phone for updates on my orders to Baldy and his clean-up crew. I need everyone to do their part.

  Isaac looks out to lunch and I’m not sure what’s going on in his head. If what he said was true, if he was really in love with Marion, if he feels how I do about Jo, then he’s a mess inside. He’s no use to me like this.

  “Can you drive?” I ask Allie. She’s stronger than both of these guys and for that reason, she’s always walked to the beat of her own drum. Like Jo.

  Looking back at the door, she comes closer to where we sit, eyes moving between us. She fidgets with the string on her hoodie. “Are we gonna talk about this shit? How’s Willow? Is she okay? What about Mar—”

  “She’s fine.” Jo nods, pulling her wrists away from her friend. “I’m waiting for the doctor to let us see her but I don’t know how long that’ll be. It’s okay. You can go.”

  “What?” Allie looks confused, her forehead creasing like she’s still digesting our night. “Will you be okay?”

  “Yeah, thanks, Allie.” Jo chews on her lip, eyes on the floor. “I really mean that.”

  So she gets a thank you and I get a ‘fuck off’? My jaw tenses. “You guys go. Now.”

  “Alright!” Allie snaps. I can’t tell if it’s from agitation or built up emotion from seeing the shit she saw today. Her eyes drop to the scarf. “Oh wait, my scarf.” When she reaches for it, Jo sits up, pulling her arms away.

  “No!” The boy sitting in a chair across the room looks at her and when I look at her too, I give her a smirk. “I’m cold.”

  Allie’s brows furrow. “Isn’t that why you have this guy?” She tilts her head towards me, reaching for it again.

  “Yeah isn’t that why you have me?” I tease.

  Her mouth flattens before she pulls back again, the tip of the scarf pulling away from Allie’s fingers. Leaning back in my chair, I can see the gears turning in Jo’s head and I love watching her squirm, I love seeing what she does. She’s not predictable but there are two ways out of this and I win each time.

  C’mon show them you’re mine, Medusa.

  “Do you mind if I hang on to it?” Jo asks

  “It’s my grandma’s.” Allie reaches for it again and this time, she grips it.

  “No!” Jo’s eyes go wide and hell, we’re in for a show.

  Her cheeks redden and the glare she gives me could kill. But that’s what you get when you don’t play my games right, Medusa. The whole world knows your secret. The one you’ve been trying so hard to deny.

  You’re mine and mine alone.

  “Why are you cuffed?” Allie’s scarf hangs limply out of her hand, her jaw almost to the floor with an eyebrow raised.

  “Woah.” The boy across from us has his eyebrows higher than I wish I was right now.

  “Are those handcuffs?” Isaac finally says something, his loud drawl ringing around the room.

  “I-It’s …” Jo stammers, glancing at me, sinking into her seat.

  Leaning into her ear, I give her the way out, whispering, “Go on … tell ‘em what happened so I can tell them who you belong to.”

  “Fine! Why don’t you ask Damien?” she spits
, her eyes low and I wish she didn’t look so sexy when she’s pissed off.

  I help her out and shrug. “Seems we got a little carried away in the chapel.”

  Jo groans, “That’s not—“

  “In the chapel?” Allie’s eyes narrow, pushing up the glasses on her face. She takes a step closer. “I expect this from you.” She points at me. “But Jo?” She whips her scarf at Jo’s shoulder like she’s scolding a child. “Your sister is in the hospital and a woman just—” She cuts herself off, looking around before she shakes her head.

  “Allie,” Jo speaks up, letting her hair cover the side of her face. If she could disappear she would, but don’t worry, my Medusa. The minute these guys get the fuck out of here, I’m fixing this for the both of us. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  Allie holds up her hand. “We’ll talk soon. You still owe me.” Turning around, she tugs on her brother’s arm. “C’mon guys, I’ll take you home.”

  Christian turns around, Isaac under his arm before he looks over his shoulder at us. He meets my gaze instead of Jo’s because he’s not an idiot. He knows what I’ll do if I catch him playing flirty eyes at my girl again. “Call me when Willow wakes up.”

  I give him a firm nod and watch them make their way to the exit before Jo rises from her seat. Looking around, she stamps her foot on the ground, boot hitting the tile with a thud.

  “Take them off,” she demands. “This is fucking embarrassing.” She’s chewing on the inside of her mouth and we’ve both been through enough today to keep going with my antics.

  Getting up from my seat I pull her under my arm. “Just one more thing.”



  Damien King will be the death of me.

  If our relationship doesn’t kill me first.

  Cold metal digs into my wrists as Damien leads me towards the exit, our friends already gone. He’s turning the cuffs from out of sight but I’m already too humiliated to care.

  “Can you give me a call when Willow Rowland wakes up?” Damien calls the nurse at reception. “We’re going to get her a snack she likes so she has something familiar when she’s awake.”


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