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PAWN: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Elite Royal Academy Book 3)

Page 15

by L. J. Woods

  “Fuck you’re so wet.” I’m as distracted as she is when I stroke her slick clit with two fingers, her hips moving against me, my bulge growing in my pants. “Harvey Richmond. If we get him on our side the deal’s good as done.”

  “Damien,” she moans when my fingers plunge inside her. I don’t mean to be talking business right now but I can’t resist. It seems she can’t either, the way she spreads those legs for me, giving me better access.

  “I want you by my side when I show this prick I know what I’m doing.” She reaches for my belt, pulling hard. “Just this one last—fuuck.” Her warm hand wraps around my cock.

  “I don’t work for you.” She speaks against my lips while she strokes my raging boner with her strong hold. “I’ll go but I’ll handle myself and you handle your business.”

  That’s an argument for later. Lifting her leg to my side I push inside her and she lets out a loud cry, the feeling of her wet pussy making me grunt against her lips. “Fuck you feel so good, Jo.” My hand moves from her tits to her throat, pressing her against the marble and the bite of her lip shows me she loves it.

  She wraps her arms around me while I hoist the other leg around my waist. My fingers push in her mouth while I thrust into her like a well-oiled machine. “Where are your demands now, huh?” I grunt, pushing my fingers down her throat and it only turns me on that she doesn’t flinch, my cock throbbing deep inside her.

  With another hard push, she cries out, her tongue against my fingers while I bottom out inside her, her pussy clamping on my cock before she pants.

  “Fuck! Fuck!” I know she’s almost there, her back arching against the marble. This is proof that she’s as fucked as I am. Never thought I’d be fucking the girl of my dreams in our family mausoleum, but here I am. And it feels perfect. “King!”


  Pinning her body between me and the wall, I can’t hold back anymore. “Jesus,” I groan before a growling sound leaves me, and so does my load. She writhes and squirms as I explode into her, her pussy squeezing out every last drop while she moves her hips on my cock. I smirk, her face all flushed and sexy before I plant another kiss on those perfect lips.

  When she’s back from her orgasmic trip, she bites her lip, looking around before she lets out a small laugh. Her face glows in the moonlight.

  “Fuck, did we just fuck in front of your parents?” She laughs again, reminding me just how high she is. “We totally just fucked in front of your parents.”

  “At least they know I love you.” I give her another kiss, those words making me feel freer and freer the more I say them. “I do love you. That doesn’t change. Even when you piss me off.”

  “Same here, King,” she gives me another peck. “Only I could love a sick fuck like you.”

  “What are you saying, Rowland?” I love hearing it and she loves to tease it.

  “I’m saying, I love you.” she tugs on my shirt and it makes me rock hard all over again. “And you’re my sick fuck.”

  Grunting, I pull her legs tighter around me, kissing her again, tasting her tongue. “Let’s go home before we give them another show.”

  * * *

  “Three hours,” Jo whispers into my ear. “Max.”

  “You telling me what to do, Rowland?”

  Approaching a server, my hand on the small of her back, I order a couple of rounds of Macallan before lowering my voice to that growl she loves. “I’ll fix that mouth later.” I smile at the server, keeping my voice low. “With my cock down your throat.”

  From the corner of my eye, I catch that smirk pulling at her red-painted lips, the golden chandelier above catching the glimmer in her hazel eyes. This musty room reeking of old money has nothing on my girl. Not in the slinky black number she’s wearing, the fabric clinging to her body in all the right places.

  Her eyes wander around the room, gold makeup on her lids that she doesn’t need, it’s obvious she still feels out of place. The way she’s chewing on her cheek gives her away, the stroke of her thumb against one of her rings.

  “King!” A man with a thick greying goatee and matching suit walks toward us.


  I know him from my Dad’s meetings in New York and while he’ll help me seal this thing, his partner’s my real target. He’s the last piece to this puzzle, the reason I’m in the highest suite in this Manhattan tower.

  “Harvey,” I greet, straightening my tie in the wood-panelled room. It’s one of those rooms that serve no purpose besides sitting around in ugly brown sofas.

  “My condolences, Damien.” He shakes my hand with too firm of a grip, a smug look on his wrinkling face. “Your father and your aunt in only a few months apart. I can only imagine the distress you’re feeling. I’m surprised you’re handling business so soon.”

  “You know us Kings,” I say, taking our drinks from the waiter, handing one to Jo. Harvey eyes her, Jo’s jaw clenching as tight as the grip around my glass.

  “And who is this?” he asks.

  “Jo,” she greets with a tight smile.

  “She’s my girlfriend,” I say. “My entire world, really.” My hand comes around her waist to prove my point before she glances at me with a genuine smile. “Jo’s actually the reason I’m here doing this revitalization project.”

  “Ah yes,” Harvey says with a wink. “It’s clear now. Your mother always enjoyed helping the less fortunate.”

  Jo’s face tightens, eyes narrowing.

  “Is Fredrick around?” I ask, lowering my hand on Jo’s back so I can distract her with a pinch of her soft ass through the fabric of her dress. “I’d love to discuss my plans with him.”

  “Straight to business,” Harvey chuckles. “Just like your father. Very well. This way.” With my arm around Jo, I start following him towards a back room but he stalls. “You can leave your … her, in the piano room. I like to keep our endeavours private.”

  Jo’s back tenses and so does my jaw. It’s taking everything for me not to smack that goatee off his face but I can’t risk this. Not now. Not this close.

  Turning to Jo I start to apologize, but she puts up a hand. “It’s okay,” she says with a small smile. “You go. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll make it up to you.” Pulling her close to me by her waist, I plant a kiss on her temple, taking in that intoxicating sweet scent. “You know I will.”

  “Go get ‘em,” she says, Harvey taking me to where most deals by rich pricks happen. In some closed-off room with other rich pricks.

  Two leather sofas sit between a coffee table in front of a large fireplace. More wood-panelling on the walls, the city lights twinkling below. Fredrick is already comfortable on one of the sofas, wiping his nose as I make my way over.

  My eyes land on the mirrored tray on the table, the look in Freddy’s eyes reminding me a lot of Isaac’s. That also reminds me I don’t have to play by my father’s rules. This should be easier than I thought.

  “Gentlemen?” Reaching into my blazer pocket, I take long strides towards them as I pull out my secret weapon.

  Grade A Columbian.

  “Uh, Damien?” Harvey starts to protest, his eyes on the bag between my fingers but this isn’t for him.

  “Let’s cut the bullshit,” I say, sitting on the sofa next to Fredrick. Harvey sits in a spot across from us as I tap out some lines like I’m with Isaac on a Friday night. “The sooner we can get high as fuck, the quicker this pitch will go and we can all get to the money.”

  Harvey starts to protest again but Fredrick cuts him off, “It’s nice to have some young blood in our circles.” Scooting to the edge of his seat, his eyes stay focused on the six lines in front of us.

  Let’s party Freddy.

  It takes me no time to explain my plans for The Grove while I’m on this shit. Yeah, my heart races but so does my mind and the sooner Freddy gives me a yes, the quicker I can get back to Jo and out of this place that I know is driving her crazy.

  The more Fred blows through my stash, pun intend
ed, the more excited he is about my plans. Harvey has no idea what the fuck is happening but something tells me this isn’t the first time his business partner made deals over a pile of coke. Bet he didn’t expect it to be with this eighteen-year-old.

  “King,” Fredrick starts, finally acknowledging me like a man, his nose wiggling from side to side like a fucking chipmunk. “This isn’t usual Carson business but he’ll like it. Let Harvey and I have a chat with him and we’ll get him to sign off during the week.”


  Fredrick finishes the last line, his head tilting to the ceiling.

  “Carson?” I ask, my forearms on my knees as I lean over to catch his eye. “Like, Collin Carson? From Ancaster?”

  “Yeah! Near your neck of the woods. It’ll be great for him to have his investments nearby.”

  My jaw clenches, fist tight in front of me but I try to remind myself of the truth. I don’t have to play nice with Craig. Just his dad. This has nothing to do with that idiot who put his hands on Jo.

  “Will that be a problem?” Harvey asks.

  My eyes firm on his, I make sure he gets it. “No problem at all.”

  After the regular cordialities, I head back to the main room, my chest held high, eyes scanning for that big head of hair, that tight ass.

  When I spot her, my heart picks up again and it’s not only because of the coke. She’s laughing by the bar, her elbow on it. That smile spreads across her face, lighting up the whole room as everything around her slows down.

  Fuck. When did I turn into such a sap?

  Wait. What the fuck is she laughing at?

  My eyes narrow when they land on him.

  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.



  I can’t believe I’m saying this but …

  Thank fuck for Craig Carson.

  “Seriously, though,” I say at the end of my laughs, soft piano in the background. “Thank you. It’s nice to have someone to talk to.”

  “No problem, these things blow.” He leans against the bar, a turtleneck under his blazer and while he’s being nice, I don’t miss his eyes dropping to the deep-v in my dress.

  “No party favours tonight?” I ask, ignoring the twist of a woman’s nose when she retrieves her wine. She makes me cough when she turns away, her stinky perfume catching my nose.

  “Why? You dealing again?” My eyes widen and he laughs, the piano hitting a high note. “Don’t worry. I’m clean tonight. Well, minus the few beers.” He tips his bottle to his mouth, looking as sober as he claims. He sighs, looking around the room, his back to the bar. “The old man would blow a fuse otherwise.”

  Damien’s only been gone for thirty minutes but it feels like forever in an overdecorated room full of rich dicks. The size of this place alone is enough to make me feel small. Knowing the cost of apartments in New York City, there’s no doubt this is millionaire realty.

  “No heels tonight?” Craig gestures to my Docs.

  “No. Never again.” While I don’t fit in, at least I’m comfortable. “My days in heels are over.”

  I’ve already apologized for the way things went at the club and his party. We laughed about it, Craig promising to throw water under the bridge. It’s impressive how mature he’s being about the whole thing. Guess he’s not all that bad when he doesn’t have his crew of sweater vests around him.

  “Bummer.” His eyes wander my outfit again. “You look hot in them.” When I roll my eyes he laughs. “But I’ll shut up before King hears me.”

  “Too late.”


  Damien’s fist lands in Craig’s nose, my body stiffening, eyes wide at the sight.


  The piano plays on as Damien pushes him against the bar, giving him another few hits.

  “Damien!” Screaming his name makes others look our way, and the people who do, seem mortified. Disgusted. An old lady clutches her pearls and I never thought I’d see that in live-action. Craig’s trying to fight back, reaching for Damien’s neck, but it’s no use, he’s no match. “Jesus, Damien! Stop!”

  “Stay the fuck away from her!” he yells, finger in his face. “I thought I made that clear, Carson!”

  “You made it clear you had chlamydia,” a bloodied Craig chuckles, reaching for his nose. “Get the fuck off me, King. You’re embarrassing yourself.”

  He’s not wrong. This doesn’t look good for King Financial, for Damien, or me. Looking around, his grip on Craig loosens, that’s when I catch how blown his eyes are.

  “What is going on?” A voice comes out of the crowd before a man in a blue suit pushes through. “Craig? Explain!”

  The man’s face looks familiar before it hits. It’s the same guy from the photos in that office where I sold Craig a bag of MDMA. Shouldn’t mention that now though.

  “Dad?” Craig pushes off the bar, wincing with a battered eye when Damien takes a step back, blinking towards Craig’s dad.

  “Start talking and it better be good,” he demands, hands on his hips as his blazer swings behind him. The whole party watches the scene like a goddamn soap opera while Damien looks caught in headlights. A victim to his own rage.

  “Why don’t you ask King?” Craig asks, some whispers erupting around us and I’m starting to feel like I’m back at the academy.

  “Listen, he …” Damien stalls, and my brows furrow. He never stalls. Craig smirks and I’m not sure what I missed but Damien looks like he needs help.

  Sorry, Craig.

  “He hit on me when I asked him to stop,” I explain, taking a step forward. Craig’s dad’s eyes drop to my boots. “Damien was protecting me.” Which he was. Albeit in a very aggressive and hostile way.

  “By beating my son’s face in?” he asks, his nose twisting at me like everyone else in the room. “This is unacceptable, Damien.” Craig walks towards his father. “It’s a shame. Frederick told me how great your plan is. Too bad I’m about to sue King Financial for everything you have.”

  Shit. Everyone still has their eyes on Damien and he looks like he lost the championship game. Defeated.

  “Can I get a goddamn medic?” Craig’s dad drops his arms, taking a spin around the room. “A doctor? Now!”

  “C’mon,” I say, walking towards Damien. When my hand hits his shoulder, he brushes me off. “Damien?”

  No. Not back to this.

  Not again.

  “I need a minute,” he says, his eyes on the exit. “I’ll meet you by the entrance in twenty minutes. We’ll take a car home.” Reaching behind him, he grabs a bottle from the bar before he looks around him and bows. “Hope you enjoyed the show, everyone.”

  As he walks off, the people around us clear a path, stepping back as if he’ll lash out again. There’s no way he’s leaving me. If he’s drinking away his sorrows, I’m right there with him. Taking off in his direction, the crowd whispers and grumbles about the brawl they saw. He’s quicker than I am though, knowing his way around these rooms. By the time I get my jacket, I’ve already lost him, standing in the grand circular foyer.


  Hitting the button on the elevator, I turn around to see a medic tending to Craig, sitting on a chair. His dad stands beside him with his back turned to me, phone to his ear, hand on his hip.

  “Sue him! Yes, I’m sure! He beat the fuck out of my kid! Again!

  I mouth “sorry.” Craig gives me the finger.

  “I’m not interested in a company that deals with Edwin Huang anyway,” his dad continues. “They’re as shady as King Financial. Coverups and scandals. The Evergreen deal? I know you’re invested but that is messy, Fred. I’m not signing up for that.”


  The elevator arrives in front of me and I walk in but my mind is still in the room. Cover-ups and scandals? And of course, the Huang name connects to it. Either Lea’s lying about what she knows or she didn’t dig deep enough.

  When I get downstairs, Damien’s leaning against the beige lobby stone a
nd it’s hard for a smile not to pull at my face.

  “You waited,” I say when I’m near him. He takes a swig in response and I grab the bottle from his hold, taking one of my own.

  “I was halfway out the door, about to call the board when I realized,” he pauses, his head falling against the wall. “The only voice I wanna hear right now is yours.” His eyes land on mine. “You’re not to blame for all this, Jo. I am. Sorry for being a cock.”

  “You actually owning up to that shit, King?” Leaning on the wall next to him, I nudge his shoulder. He hangs his head. “So what if you got carried away in there? You still have a solid plan.”

  “With Carson suing me, the plan’s dead.” He steals the bottle back. “Hell, the entire company is. No one’s gonna want to do business with a kid who can’t control his temper.”

  “Where’s my confident King?” My hand comes to his cold, chiselled cheek while I search his eyes. “I’m sorry you lost the deal but there will be another way. You’re Damien King. You don’t give up that easy.”

  “There is no other way, Jo,” he mutters, keeping his head down.

  He reaches for my hand and I let him, the comforting feeling of his hold too much to ignore. Pulling me close, he plants a boozy kiss on my lips that leaves the room around us in a murmured blur.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore.” His forehead lands on mine before he pierces me with that gaze. He sounds convincing but I’m not sure if I buy it. “The only thing I really want is you.”

  “What about—”

  “Not this business, not these assholes.” He kisses me again before his teeth sink into my lip, pulling on the thin skin and it makes me forget where we are. Makes me a dazed fool in his hold. “Nothing else matters, Jo. Just you. Just us.”

  * * *

  A slam startles me awake.

  When I open an eye, reaching for the comfort of Damien’s firm pecs, I get cold, silky sheets instead.


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