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Scent of a White Rose

Page 15

by Tish Thawer

  * * * * *


  Fire in My Veins


  After reveling in the best experience of my life, Christian and I laid in his bed, kissing and snuggling like two newlyweds.

  "I wish we could stay like this all night and do that over and over." I nipped little kisses along his jaw line. God, I just couldn't keep my hands or lips off of him. "God, you are the most delicious thing I have ever tasted."

  He laughed. "That's something the vampire should be saying to you, not the other way around."

  The smile on his face kept the comment light, but the reality of it hit me right away. "Do you want to feed from me?"

  He started drifting the moment the words left my mouth. His hair got darker and his eyes started to lose their caramel swirl, and since everything I had learned about vampires had been completely wrong, I didn't know if I should start to panic or not. But then my heart caught up with my head and I realized that Christian would never do anything to hurt me.

  "I assume since you're drifting that it means you're hungry?" I wasn't sure if I was making a mistake by talking about it so openly, but what the hell...I was tired of keeping secrets, especially if I was going to become a vampire soon, too.

  "Yes, I'm hungry. Horny, too! The thought of feeding from you is a most delectable idea and it's playing havoc with my brain as well as other parts of my body." He sat up and scooted closer to me. "Before you knew that I was a vampire, it was forbidden for me to feed from you because I was in love with you. When a vampire feeds from the one he loves, there is no sedative that can make you forget. So if I were to have fed from you, you would have immediately known I was a vampire, and revealing ourselves is something that no clan permits."

  "I guess it's a good thing that I figured it out all on my own then, huh?" I smiled as he leaned in to kiss me. "So now that everything is out in the open you can feed from me without getting in trouble?"

  "Yes." His voice was low and steady, but I could tell that he was actually straining for control.

  I loved having this much power over him. To know that it was me he loved and craved in so many ways was definitely a turn-on. So with a surge of excitement burning like fire in my veins, I let the sheet drop back onto the bed, revealing my breasts as I tilted my head." So go on then...feed."

  * * * * *


  It was taking every ounce of will power I had to stop myself from launching at Rose. With her beautiful breasts, the memory of what we had just done etched in my brain, and the pumping of blood just below her beautiful neck...this was excruciating!

  But the moment I started to consider her offer, my "new ability" must have kicked in. Because not only did I know that this wouldn't be the right time, but that it would in fact be a huge mistake. I didn't know why, and I didn't know how I was going to explain it to Rose, but I knew, completely one hundred percent knew, that I shouldn't feed from my girlfriend.

  "Rose, I can't tell you how tempting you are right now, but we really don't have time for me to feed. I can hear Evie and the others starting to gather, and they know you are here. They're very anxious to hear what you found out. I'm sorry." I peeled myself from the bed and dressed in a flash of vampire speed. Now who was the one hiding things?

  As we made our way up into the club, Rose had seemed quiet. I'm sure it was because of my rejection, but there was just nothing else I could do. I also knew that I was going to have to tell Evie what had happened.

  When we reached the top of the stairs and exited from under the stage, the smiles that greeted us were a good sign that everyone would be accepting Rose into the clan. "Look what the cat drug in," Tori teased.

  Rose smiled and scooted tighter against my body. "Hi, everyone."

  Evie moved towards us and reached out to hug Rose. "I can't tell you how it does my heart good to see you wake with Christian. And hopefully soon, we can make that a permanent thing."

  Everyone gave their whoops and cat calls in agreement. I was so proud to have Rose on my arm.

  "So, Rose, what did you find out about Meredith?" Evie motioned for all us to take a seat.

  "Unfortunately, nothing. I found out her last name and that her family was originally from the southern part of New Mexico, but I don't see how either of those things is going to help us in any way." I could tell Rose felt bad for not having more valuable information to share.

  "Well, that's okay. I think that we definitely need to keep an eye on her though, so I'm going to send for Renard and Loni. They are traveling in Europe at the moment, but I know they will be more than willing to cut their honeymoon short once they find out about the situation that we're facing." Evie finished by telling Rose she could use the key to the club she'd given her whenever she wanted, and now that she knew of our existence, she could join us when the club was open as well. Since we no longer had to hide our true selves from her, it would be easy to bite and sedate any law enforcement that would question her presence in the club.

  As everyone headed off to start opening the club, I pulled Rose close. "Are you going to be okay to go home and face your dad? He's probably pretty worried about you by now."

  "Yes. I should be fine. I'm going to call him on my way and make sure that the demon bitch isn't going to be there, and then maybe once we're alone I can talk some sense into him." She rose up onto her tippy toes and kissed me goodbye."Thanks for an amazing night. I love you."

  "I love you too. Call me if you need anything. I can literally be there in flash." I was so reluctant to let her go, but I knew it was necessary.

  * * * * *


  Father-Daughter Moment


  Once five o'clock ticked by, I realized that Rose wasn't coming straight home after school. I had tried her phone, but there was no answer. I called Jillian's house, and as expected, everyone was out. I hoped that maybe Rose was with them and not somewhere on her own, but honestly, I knew better. I didn't think that she was doing anything bad, but just taking more time to wrap her head around everything that had happened. But damn it...if she'd only come home or pick up her phone then I could tell her that there was nothing to be upset about, and that Meredith and I were over.

  I literally sat there stewing, pacing, cussing and almost crying for another two hours before she called.

  "I'll be home soon." she said. She was safe and sounded fine, but it was obvious by the tone in her voice that she was nervous. It made my heart tighten.

  Throughout our entire lives, Rose and I had been extremely close. She wasn't exactly a daddy's girl, because she had been just as close to her mother, but that was the beauty of it. We had had the perfect family. Then Loraine was murdered, and even though Rose and I remained close, there was a distance that Loraine's death had put between us, and I was coming to realize that it was probably all my fault.

  I didn't know how else to behave. Protecting my daughter was an almost primal instinct. But I had to admit, I shouldn't have been so overbearing. I just hope I hadn't realized it too late.

  "Okay, honey. I'll be waiting. See you soon." I tried to keep it light and not indicate just how upset I was.

  By the time I heard a car pull up in the driveway, I had practically worn a path into the carpet between the living room and the front door. When the car didn't pull off again, I realized that this wasn't Jillian dropping her off, but was in fact Rose herself. That must have been where she went after buy her new car.

  I tried not to let it hurt, but it was something that I really had wanted to do with her, and now her anger had robbed us of that father daughter moment. But since there was nothing I could do about it now, I supposed as long as it was a dependable car then I was just going to have to let it go.

  When I peeked out the window and saw a suped-up muscle car instead, I almost passed out. This was so unlike Rose. I suddenly wasn't too sure that our conversation was going to go so well after all.

* * * *


  The entire time I was driving towards home, I kept trying to think of a reasonable excuse for my dad not to see Meredith. But honestly, besides the fact that I thought she was a demon, everything else I came up with just made me sound like a spoiled brat who was upset that her daddy had moved on with his life. Which, when I think about it is pretty damn ironic, since that's exactly what I'd been complaining about for months.

  The moment I pulled up into our driveway, I stopped thinking about what to say about Meredith, and instead wondered what the hell I was going to say about Christian's car. Then again, I was so over this whole "sweet innocent Rose" persona that everyone had always put upon me, that I was actually looking forward to telling the truth. Coming out to Christian and his clan had been a truly freeing experience. Now, I just had to see how well I could pull it off with my dad.

  As soon as I opened the front door, I saw him sitting on the living room couch. "Hey Dad," I said. I really didn't know how to start, or what the fuck I was supposed to say to convince him to not see that bitch ever again, but I had to start somewhere.

  "I'm sorry that I ran off after our fight about Meredith. But Dad, you have to see how upsetting it was to realize that not only were you seeing someone and keeping it from me, but that the woman you were seeing looks almost exactly like Mom. How did you think I would react?" I flopped down into the chair opposite his.

  "Rose, I understand why you were upset, but I cannot excuse the way that you reacted. We will talk about my relationship with Meredith. But first, we're going to discuss where you've been and why there's a hot-rod sitting in my driveway." Dad was stern but not mad, so I guess it was time for the truth.

  "It's my boyfriend's car. Remember, Christian? He was the boy that I was seeing before you tried to turn me into a nun." I guess the truth was going to come with a bite as well.

  "I guess I hadn't realized that you were still seeing him. I'm sorry." Dad really did look sorry, and like he hadn't slept very well.

  I could tell there was something on his mind and I really wasn't in the mood to drag this out. "Why don't we just get this over with? I'm tired and I have to study for an exam."

  "Okay. Well, first of all I'd like to let you know that I've broken things off with Meredith. I know that doesn't excuse that I kept our relationship hidden in the first place, but I just wanted you to know that before I tried to explain anything."

  I couldn't believe that this had happened. How perfect. Now I didn't have to play games in order to convince him to dump that bitch.

  As I sat back in the chair feeling better than I had only moments before, Dad continued. "I met Meredith over a year ago, and while she does have traits similar to your mother's, the two of them are nothing alike. Besides, you know how much I loved your mom. But when your mom passed, I didn't think it was fair to bombard you with the pain I was feeling, so I turned to Meredith since we were already close friends. She was understanding, and really helped me process some of the emotions I was feeling as a man who had lost his spouse. Only after I realized that she had developed feelings for me did things turn intimate." He took a deep breath and scooted to the edge of the couch. "I know that it doesn't excuse what I did, but Rose, I'm an adult, and to be honest, I don't have to justify my actions to you. But I want you to understand that at that time I did not think that I was using Meredith to fill the hole your Mother's death left within me. But now, looking back, I think that is exactly what happened."

  Dad sat back on the couch and I watched all the air leave his lungs in a big rush. That must have been what he wanted to get off his chest. I was just so happy that he had called things off with that demon whore that I really didn't need to hear any more. "Dad, I'm sorry for overreacting. You're right. You're an adult and you don't have to justify anything to me. I guess that I just felt hurt by the fact that you thought you needed to keep it a secret in the first place. But with how much Meredith looked like Mom, I guess I can understand that it was a difficult position for you to be in." I walked over and sat down on the couch next to him and gave him a hug. "I love you. And I do want you to be happy, just not with a woman that looks like Mom. I just don't think it's good for you, or for me."

  "I love you too, Rose. And thank you for understanding that even adults can make mistakes, especially when our hearts are involved." Dad kissed the top of my head and then guided us up off the couch. "Let's head to bed. All this worrying and fretting has left me exhausted, and you said you have a test to study for, right?"

  "I do. But one last thing. Are we okay with me having my freedom back? I really don't want to fight with you anymore." I tried to say it jokingly, but I was dead serious.

  "Yes, honey. I am okay with you having your freedom back. I'll let Dennis know tomorrow morning that he will no longer be driving for you. But...I really do think we need to get you a car of your own, because the thought of you zooming around in that thing out there completely terrifies me."

  I laughed as I hugged him again. "Okay. Sounds good. Can we plan on car shopping after you get off work tomorrow? I'll meet you back here and then we can head out."

  "Sounds good to me."

  I didn't know what was going to happen with Meredith or with Christian and me, but it made me feel good that me and my dad were on good terms again. Too bad that it couldn't last.

  * * * * *


  Better Plan


  It's about fucking time. The moment that I saw Jeremy's light go off and Rose's go on, I knew it was finally time to move. I had been waiting in my car for them to finish their little father daughter talk. I'm sure that he told her that he broke things off with me, but that was going to change very soon.

  Once I made my way inside, breaking in the same way as I had the last time, I silently snuck up the stairs and headed straight for Rose's door. I could hear her on the phone talking to someone, so I waited. I didn't want anyone to know something was wrong once I entered her room. Maybe I should have waited until Jeremy left for work tomorrow morning to confront Rose. I didn't want her to scream or put up a fight and wake him.

  With my head on straight and a better plan in place, I started to make my way back down the stairs. Unfortunately, right then is when Rose's bedroom door opened. Fuck...I was so busted, and I didn't have a clue as to how I was going to explain myself.

  * * * * *


  The moment I opened my door I regretted it. I had just got off the phone with Jillian and thought that I had heard my dad coming up the stairs, but after listening a little more, I couldn't quite make out the noises I was hearing. What I found was a complete shock.

  I stood there face-to-face with Meredith, not Dad. I was literally frozen with terror. I couldn't move, which really sucked, because all my instincts screamed at me to run. What made it worse, was that when she looked at me, I swore I saw her eyes flash red.

  "Don't panic," she whispered.

  "Are you fucking kidding me? You break into my house and you're going to go with, 'don't panic'? You're crazy!" I started to race back into my room and prepared to scream, but then I didn't have any idea what this demon bitch was capable of and I didn't want to risk her hurting my dad. She caught me by the elbow just as I reached the doorjamb.

  "We need to talk. Let's go downstairs so we don't wake Jeremy." She nodded her head towards the stairs as she tightened her grip on my arm.

  "Fine. But one wrong move and I'm screaming my head off." I jerked my arm out of her grasp and pushed past her to make my way down the stairs. She was a demon, but she didn't know that I was onto her just yet. And there was no way that I was giving her the satisfaction of scaring me in my own home.

  Once we reached my dad's study, I ushered her in and shut the door behind us. "What the fuck are you doing in my house in the middle of the night? I should call the cops right now you crazy bitch." I wasn't sure how long I could keep the tough girl act up, but I hoped she would buy it long
enough for me to dial Christian on my cell phone.

  "I would watch your mouth if I was you, little girl." She took a step towards me, just as I hit send. "You have no idea who you're dealing with or what I'm capable of."

  We continued to circle each other as I watched her eyes take on the red tint again. "Who are you? And why are you so interested in my dad?" I was hoping that I could trap her into revealing that she was in fact the demon while Christian was listening on the phone. And it worked.

  "From the look on your face and from the company that you keep, I think you know exactly who I am. Or should I say...what I am." She must have felt like she had the upper hand because she calmly sat down behind my dad's desk. "I'm a demon Rose; the very one in fact that infected your friend and killed your mother."

  * * * * *


  It was barely 8 p.m. when my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Rose's number. I smiled as I made my way to somewhere quiet so that we could talk. I hoped that everything had gone alright with her father.

  The moment that I clicked send, I heard Rose's voice. "Who are you and why are you so interested in my dad?"

  Fuck, something was wrong. I obviously knew she was confronting Meredith, but I had no idea where they were.


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