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Keepers of the Cave

Page 17

by Gerri Hill

  When she didn’t answer, CJ shoved off the wall with a nod. “Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

  “What does that mean?”

  CJ grinned. “You know. I like you, you like me,” she said, motioning between them.

  Paige panicked immediately. “We can’t do this.” She shook her head. “We can’t,” she said again.

  “Of course we can. We’ve done it before.” CJ’s voice lowered. “I think we were quite good at it, in fact.”

  CJ turned and left, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Paige heard the TV turn on and she went back to the laundry, methodically folding each item, her glance going to her watch, the minutes still ticking away.


  There was electricity in the air. At least, it felt that way to Paige. The DJ was blasting music as the band set up. Even though they were an hour earlier than last week, the place was packed. She reached for CJ’s hand as bodies pressed in around them, everyone talking loudly, trying to be heard above the music. CJ followed Suzette and Becca, weaving through the crowd, pulling Paige along with her. Paige looked behind her, motioning for Valerie and Ella to follow as they had become separated. Suzette found them a table, although there were only six chairs, Jules and Sherry claiming the last two.

  “Val and Ella will have to stand,” Jules said, the noise level only slightly lower than near the bar.

  “Or steal someone’s,” Becca said with a laugh.

  “Dare we brave the bar?” CJ asked.

  “I’ll go with you,” Sherry volunteered.

  “Beer for everyone?” CJ asked. She glanced at Paige. “Or something else?”

  “Beer is fine,” she said with a nod.

  CJ took the money that was offered her, then she and Sherry fought through the crowd again. Paige turned her attention back to the table, straining to hear what Suzette was saying.

  “I’m still in shock over Fiona,” she said. “She’s never once mentioned a boyfriend.”

  “I didn’t get the impression there was a boyfriend involved,” Paige said. “She didn’t really want to talk about it.”

  “Maybe that’s why she was sick that week,” Becca suggested.

  “Maybe so.”

  “You know, as nice as she is, I don’t recall her ever having a one-on-one lunch with someone. She must really like you.”

  For all of the closeness the teachers displayed in public, she’d found that it wasn’t always the case. They did the weekend cookouts, they did the group trip to the bar for dancing, and they sometimes shared shopping trips. But other than that, everyone pretty much stayed to herself during the week. Which wasn’t all that odd, she supposed. Given that it was such a small group, there was such a thing as too much togetherness.

  They lapsed into silence and turned their attention to the throng of weaving bodies. As opposed to last week, this was a mostly older crowd tonight. She assumed it was because of the band.

  “Here you go,” CJ said, sitting down beside her and sliding a beer along the table. “Nice and cold.”

  “Thank you.”

  Their thighs brushed and Paige felt a jolt of excitement at the touch. Whether it was an accident or not, she didn’t know, but she didn’t move, allowing the contact to continue. Playing with fire. Yes, she knew she was, but the tension between them had reached a breaking point. First at home, then in the car, then at dinner—innocent touches, prolonged glances, both she and CJ guilty. She knew exactly what she wanted from this night and that nearly terrified her. She was apprehensive of the first dance, yet the anticipation was killing her. When Valerie and Ella got up to dance, it seemed to stir CJ. She turned to her, leaning closer.

  “Would I be breaking a rule if I asked you to dance with me?”

  CJ’s breath tickled her ear and Paige turned, meeting her eyes, their mouths only inches apart. “How about...we don’t have any rules tonight.”

  She couldn’t tell if CJ was startled by her suggestion or relieved. But as had been CJ’s course of action the last week, she hesitated.

  “Are you sure? It could be...dangerous.”

  Paige managed a short laugh. “Of course I’m not sure. We shouldn’t be doing this. We shouldn’t even be thinking about doing this.”

  CJ nodded. “Then let’s just dance. We won’t think about it.”

  Paige took CJ’s hand, letting herself be led to the dance floor. She didn’t have a clue as to what the song was, but she seemed to remember it from last week. It didn’t matter. It meant nothing to her. Right now, her sole focus was on CJ. Their eyes met for a brief second, then strong arms pulled her in close. She didn’t hesitate...or protest. One hand cradled in CJ’s, the other slipped over her shoulder. She buried her face against CJ’s neck, breathing in her unique scent, allowing herself a few moments to just absorb what was happening before she lifted her head again. Her feet moved automatically, following CJ’s lead, shuffling in a rhythm that came naturally to them. They didn’t speak, only sharing shy smiles occasionally.

  They pulled apart as the song ended. Paige avoided her eyes as she turned to head back to the table. But CJ stopped her, grinning as another song started. Once again, Paige found herself in CJ’s arms.

  “Love this song,” CJ murmured.

  “Mmm,” was all she could manage as she lost herself in CJ’s arms. The line she was trying not to cross was vague at best, if it was even there at all. She allowed CJ to hold her close, allowed their bodies to meet, their breasts to touch. Her hand found its way into CJ’s hair and she swore she heard a soft moan in her ear. It was her undoing. She lifted her head slightly, resting her cheek against CJ’s, feeling her warmth, feeling her breath. But she was tired of pretending. She turned then, blindly seeking CJ’s mouth...finding it. She moaned into the kiss, dancing nearly forgotten as their feet slowed, barely moving at all. Her fingers tangled in CJ’s hair, her mouth opening as she shyly brushed the tip of her tongue against CJ’s.

  The spark ignited—as she knew it would—and Paige could feel CJ’s hands moving boldly across her body, pulling her closer still. Their kiss deepened, Paige letting go completely of the tiny bit of resolve that still existed. She started the kiss, not CJ, and she was the one to finally bring it to an end. Embarrassed, she couldn’t meet CJ’s gaze. Instead, she closed her eyes, shielding herself against CJ’s neck. She could feel—hear—CJ’s thundering heartbeat, its beat matching her own.

  CJ didn’t speak, didn’t question her actions. If she had, Paige would have had no answer. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed when the song mercifully came to an end. She was flushed and breathless, yet she clung to CJ’s hand. Much like that long-ago night they’d met at the bar, she felt like she was in a daze, unable to focus on anything but CJ. CJ led her back to their corner table, politely holding her chair out for her. The table was far from the dance floor and the band, which would be starting soon, and it afforded them some privacy.

  Where CJ’s hand rested on her thigh, she felt her skin burning. She covered that hand, letting her fingers entwine with CJ’s. She had a wicked thought of pulling that hand between her legs and begging for relief, and she barely resisted the urge to do just that.

  Her breath caught as CJ leaned closer. Her voice was just loud enough to be heard, her mouth brushing against her ear. “If you kiss me like that again, all bets are off.”

  Paige just stared at her, her gaze going from her lips to CJ’s eyes, then back to her lips again. She wondered where her resistance had fled to, the resistance she’d clung to all these weeks. She didn’t realize just how hard she’d been fighting her attraction to CJ. It was one thing to tell herself that she wasn’t attracted to her, that CJ wasn’t her type. It was quite another to realize she’d been lying to herself all along.

  She finally gave a slight nod, acknowledging what CJ had said. But like a magnet, she felt herself being pulled to her. She could tell herself that they were still role-playing, that the kiss was for show only, but again, she’d be lying. S
he quit fighting it, meeting CJ’s mouth, keeping the kiss light, pulling away when she felt herself losing control. Her hand was shaking as she reached for her beer, now terribly warm, but she needed something to distract her. When she was able to look at CJ, she was pleased to note that CJ seemed to be as affected by their kisses as she was.

  As before, they all took turns dancing with the others in their group. Despite Paige’s assertion that she didn’t even like to dance, she admitted it was quite enjoyable. She found Sherry to be a good dancer, but the one time she tried to lead when dancing with Suzette, they’d ended up laughing as their feet kept tangling together.

  She and CJ had not danced again, but they weren’t avoiding each other like they had been the last time. Quite the opposite. They sat close together, their legs brushing, touching, eyes meeting quickly before pulling away. The tension was thick between them, dangerous. Perhaps that’s why they hadn’t danced again. They both seemed to realize how risky it could be.

  She didn’t know much about country music and only recognized a handful of songs, but the band appeared to be very good. Judging by the others there, who would sing along with nearly every song, she’d have to say they were a hit. So she sat back, trying to relax as she listened to the music. She’d finally accepted the fact that she and CJ would not dance again; she wasn’t sure if she was thankful or not. Her earlier aroused state had tempered but not disappeared. CJ was sitting too close for that.

  A new song started, eliciting claps from the crowd as the lights dimmed, and soon the dance floor was crowded with women. A popular love song, apparently. CJ glanced at her, eyebrows raised. Yes, she wanted to dance with her, but did she dare? Her desire won out and she nodded, taking CJ’s hand. Her heart pounding loudly, she moved into her arms as if it was something they’d done hundreds of times before. The dance, apparently, was just an excuse to be close, to touch, to breathe the same air. Paige gave up any pretense of dancing. So did CJ. The floor was too crowded for that anyway. The other couples just shuffled about slowly, lovers embracing, kissing.

  With both arms around CJ’s neck, she couldn’t stop herself from threading her fingers into her hair. CJ’s hands seemed to be everywhere, soft caresses stirring her arousal even more. She was so close to losing complete control, to forgetting they were on an assignment, that she made a last effort to stop things from escalating further.

  “CJ, we can’t do this,” she said, making a feeble protest. “Please don’t do this to me.”

  CJ pulled back slightly, meeting her eyes. “Do what?”

  “Don’t make me want you like this.”

  CJ leaned closer, brushing her lips lightly. “Do you want me? It seems only fair,” she said. “This week has been torture for me. Sleeping next to you, wanting to touch you so badly it hurt.”

  “God,” Paige murmured, her eyes slamming closed. CJ’s mouth was on hers again and there was nothing chaste about it. Paige opened to her willingly, moaning as CJ’s tongue slid against her own. Their bodies were so close, she doubted light could penetrate between them. So close, yet not nearly close enough. She was shocked to realize how shameless she felt, how much she wanted this, wanted CJ.

  CJ was the one to pull away, her breath coming as fast as Paige’s was. Paige was actually embarrassed for the wanton way she’d kissed CJ. They were still in public, after all. But the couples around them were all lost in their own worlds, oblivious to them. That knowledge alone made her ache to continue, but she still tried to cling to the last of her sanity.

  “We shouldn’t do this,” she murmured again, trying to resist.

  “No?” CJ moved her mouth to Paige’s ear. “What this are you talking about? This?” she asked as her hand slid low, pulling Paige’s hips against hers in an unmistakable innuendo. “Or this?” she said, moving back to Paige’s lips, kissing her slowly, deeply, Paige inevitably responding as she forgot about her half-hearted protest.

  She also forgot where they were as her feet stopped moving entirely, her only conscious thoughts involved CJ...and the shocking truth that they had definitely crossed a line. There was no pretense any longer, the charade having come to an abrupt end.

  “Paige...Jesus,” CJ murmured against her lips, taking a step away from her.

  She took Paige’s hand, leading her off the dance floor. Paige assumed they were returning to their table, but CJ kept going, fighting through the crowd of women. Paige didn’t know an outdoor patio existed, but when the door closed—the music now muffled—she found herself being led into a dark corner, lush shrubs providing privacy. She could hear other couples in the shadows, whispered words floating around them, then away. They were alone in their corner, and Paige couldn’t keep her hands to herself as she reached for CJ. Their kiss was hard, wild, and Paige was moaning, her body lost to her as CJ’s fingers trailed under the swell of her breast, teasing her, finally brushing her taut nipple as it hardened even more.

  She pulled her mouth away, gasping for breath, leaning into CJ’s touch. If she took the time to think—rationally—about what they were doing, she might have been able to stop it. But she had no coherent thoughts, nothing to cling to other than this raging desire she had, a desire to do so much more than kiss.

  Her legs parted willingly as CJ slipped a thigh between them, hands cupping her hips and pulling her closer. They were in a semi-public place and she didn’t care. Her body was no longer hers to control.

  “Are you wet?” CJ whispered into her ear.

  Paige pressed down harder on her thigh. “Silly question,” she murmured between breaths, her hips rocking slowly against CJ.

  CJ nearly growled in her ear, then pushed her away quickly, shocking her. “Jesus,” she said, running both hands through her hair. “No, Paige. Not here. Not like this,” she said, shaking her head. “This isn’t you. Not like this. I’m sorry.”

  Paige gripped her arms, moving closer to her again. “This isn’t me? Am I too good for this?” She tried to smile, but her desire was too much. “Apparently, right now, this is me,” she said. “I’m out here with you, aren’t I?”

  Their gazes held, neither looking away.

  “I want you,” CJ said quietly. “I want to take you home, to bed, and make love to you. Not...not out here. Not like this.”

  Paige swallowed, trying to find her voice. She moved back into CJ’s arms. “You’re evil,” she whispered into her ear. “I could come so easily right now.”

  CJ groaned, pulling Paige closer again, slipping that same thigh between her legs. “God, I want to be inside you,” she said, making Paige whimper. “Deep inside you.”

  Paige’s hips jerked, the seam of her jeans pressing down hard against her clit. She held tightly to CJ, eyes closed as CJ’s breath tickled her ear.

  “Not just my fingers. I want my tongue inside you,” she whispered, her tongue snaking in and out of Paige’s ear. “Just like that. My tongue so deep inside you. I want to taste you when you come.”

  Paige’s brain was a muddled mess and she felt nearly delirious as she clung to CJ, her orgasm hitting as quickly as she knew it would. She bit her lower lip to keep from crying out, her clit throbbing as she pressed hard against CJ’s thigh.

  CJ held her tightly, hands moving soothingly now against her back, whispered words that Paige couldn’t decipher in her lustful daze. She rested her head against CJ’s shoulder, finally able to open her eyes. Good God, had she just done that? Had she been in such a feverish state that she let CJ do that to her? Yes.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “That got out of hand.”

  CJ held her in a tight hug. “I want to make love to you,” she murmured. “Please don’t pull away from me. Don’t...think about this so much.” CJ lifted her head, meeting Paige’s eyes. “Let’s have tonight. Please?”

  “This is so wrong on so many levels,” Paige said, her voice quiet. Could she deny CJ? Could she deny what she wanted herself? She leaned forward, her kiss light, moving ever so slowly against CJ’s lips. No, she cou
ldn’t refuse this. She wanted it too.

  The kiss apparently gave CJ the answer she needed. She smiled with relief as she led Paige back inside. She paused before opening the door.

  “I don’t think we should dance anymore tonight.”

  Paige laughed, breaking some of the tension between them. “Afraid we’ll get arrested?”

  CJ laughed too. “Ice and Billy would love that, wouldn’t they?”

  They stopped at the bar, CJ getting a plain Coke and Paige water, before joining the others back at their table. Knowing eyes watched them and Paige felt herself blushing. She dared to meet Suzette’s gaze and she was surprised at the envy she saw there. And why not? She and CJ could hardly keep their hands off each other. Suzette, as well as the others, knew exactly what she and CJ were going to do when they got home tonight. And that thought, too, made her blush.


  CJ felt like a fumbling, bumbling teenager on the ride home. The night had been endless and she didn’t think they’d ever leave. True to their word, she and Paige didn’t dance again. Although, as it turned out, that might have been the safer route. Instead, they’d sat together in their corner of the table like two horny teenagers, touches growing bolder by the second, their kisses hot enough to burn. She knew it was time to stop when she’d pulled Paige’s hand between her legs. Paige could feel the wetness through her jeans; she knew that by the soft moan Paige had let out. She’d allowed Paige to touch her, but only for a second. She didn’t want to totally embarrass them. Paige had taken her hand away, but the hot breath in her ear and Paige’s words nearly caused her to climax right there.

  “Do you remember what it felt like when I made love to you with my mouth? With my tongue on your clit, sucking it? I want to do that again. Tonight.”


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