Book Read Free

Prison Fling

Page 56

by Cassandra Dee

  But there was no time to contemplate because the minute we were seated, all the other bridesmaids began throwing themselves shamelessly at Tyler, Kane and Mason. And I mean take-no-prisoners shameless. Stacy, a particularly aggressive blonde, began jabbering on and on about sports, although I knew for a fact she knew absolutely nothing about athletics. She must have read in some women’s magazine that guys like sports, thus her endless prattle.

  “Do you follow football?” she cooed, fluttering fake eyelashes. Strangely, there were glittery rhinestones attached to her falsies, and as the woman blinked, one dangled precariously before dropping into her food. Oh my god, oh my god. It winked in the light, everyone watching horrified as the girl jabbered on clueless.

  “I love the Tennessee Titans,” she simpered again. “They’re so fast and furious this season.”

  Please, girl. You just had a rhinestone drop into your food. Plus, it’s clear you’d rather roll in mud than toss a football and risk chipping a nail. But still, Stacy kept going on and on, reciting this and that with the rest of us immobile.

  Because the woman must have gotten up early this morning to comb through Google and search stats or something. She was tossing out names of players, teams and scores like she had her own fantasy football team. Part of me started to feel a little impressed by her dedication to get a guy’s attention. Unfortunately for her, her targets seemed bored with the stream of stats. Didn’t Cosmo tell you when to put a lid on it? The blonde hadn’t paused for a breath, let alone to let anyone else get a word in.

  But Stacy wasn’t the only one. Linda was just as bad, even worse truth be told. The redhead kept looking over at Mason, Tyler and Kane, and dissolving into helpless giggles like we were in a junior high cafeteria. I felt embarrassed just being in her presence. Literally, she kept stealing glances at the three men and then giggling behind her hand, like a little girl with a big secret.

  But these were just two stars of the show. Because the other ladies were twirling their hair and batting their lashes like they had nervous tics. Or maybe some of them actually were epileptics with a certain type of light sensitivity? I dunno, this was such a weird scenario.

  Realizing there was nothing I could do, I dug into my steak and quietly ate. The other bridesmaids ordered salads for their meal, but trust me to buck the trend. As a magazine editor, I make good money, but unfortunately, steak isn’t on my menu most nights, or even most weeks. It’s a treat to be savored, and I wasn’t gonna let this opportunity pass me by.

  So with my fork poised, I was just about to savor another bite when Tyler rumbled.

  “I see you like red meat.”

  My face flushed. It was true. The meat was really red, even a little bloody. A lot of people would find this gross and even barbaric.

  “Yes,” I muttered, putting my fork down. “Yes, I eat red meat.”

  But the voice inside spoke again. No more dithering! it scolded. You’re a grown woman, act like it! Be proud of who you are and your choices.

  So I straightened my shoulders and looked up, eyes direct.

  “I know I shouldn’t eat red meat because it’s supposedly bad for your cholesterol with a lot of fat. But it’s a special occasion, so I figured I’d indulge.”

  Mason raised a brow at my straightforward words.

  “Do you eat like this all the time?”

  Embarrassed, I mumbled something incoherent again. Because maybe I didn’t eat red meat all the time, but the larger question was obvious: Do I love to eat, in general? And the answer was a resounding yes. Indulgence is my middle name. I love ice cream, pastries, cheese, and anything with a lot of calories. Even worse, I love the things that girls aren’t supposed to love. Burgers. Steak. Onion rings and fries with ketchup all over. I love it all, and dropped my head shamefaced at the admission.

  But the men weren’t letting me get away with it.

  “Speak up honey, we can’t hear you,” growled the third groomsman named Kane.

  So taking a deep breath, I forced myself to buck up. It was too late to hide, and my gaze met his directly.

  “Yes, I eat meat, dairy, and just about everything. I know it’s not popular, but it’s not against the law either. I enjoy it,” I said simply. “Food is something to be savored and treasured, eating’s not a chore or a drag.”

  Around the table a hushed gasp arose as the other girls stared at me in shock. Every single one of them was stick thin and had ordered only salad, with dressing on the side. Their plates looked so miserable with a couple scraggly piece of lettuce and saggy-looking tomatoes, limp and unappetizing.

  Within seconds, Stacy started to berate me.

  “Katie, you shouldn’t eat like that,” she scolded. “It’s totally bad for you and damaging to the environment too. Plus, those poor cows suffer when they are slaughtered, didn’t you know? They cry. They cry big, fat tears just like a human.”

  Rachelle jumped in then.

  “Not to mention what it does to your body,” she said snidely, eyeing my curvaceous frame. “Eating all that shit makes you put on weight, didn’t you know? Look at yourself. You’ve got to know. Plus, it’s weight you can never get off, permanent poundage.”

  That was a lie. There’s no such thing as permanent poundage, it was a fictitious term coined by snake oil salesmen trying to sell diet products.

  So I shook my head.

  “No, I don’t think so,” came my reply, voice coming from far away. “Everything in moderation is my motto. I try to maintain a healthy diet that’s balanced, which includes all the food groups. And that means meat, fat and sugar, too.”

  A horrified gasp rose from the ladies at the table. I swear, they could be a Greek chorus, it was so predictable.

  “Meat? Like slaughtered animals?”

  “Fat? Like cellulite fat?”

  “Sugar? That’s the devil!”

  I sighed, trying not to roll my eyes. There’s been a crusade against sugar recently, all the health gurus swearing that sugar basically destroys your body. But I don’t believe it. There’s sugar in everything, even the most mundane foods like milk and fruit. Or are those bad for you now as well?

  But the girl clique just wouldn’t let up.

  “You need to stop,” hissed Annette, a freckly redhead. “You don’t know the damage you’re causing.”

  “To your body and to the environment,” chimed Olivia, her twin. “It’s permanent damage, the kind that can’t be reversed.”

  And Stacy went for the jugular then.

  “Besides, look at you,” she scoffed, eyes going up and down my frame rudely. “Anyone can see you’re out of shape, that dress is practically busting its seams. Ladies, don’t touch what Katie’s eating, and you’re guaranteed a good life!” she added snidely.

  The other girls dissolved into giggles like this was junior high again. And to my shame, tears started rising in my eyes, my vision blurring, chest going tight.

  But I wasn’t gonna let them see me cry. This wasn’t going to be gym class again, where I was the fat girl picked last for sports. So instead, I stood up hastily, tossing my napkin on the table.

  “Sorry. Please excuse me,” I said with as much dignity as possible, and turned, walking off to the back with what I hoped was a confident stride. Making my way blindly, I stalked to the hallway behind the restrooms, which was thankfully deserted.

  But then, my defenses crumbled and a low wail rang out from my chest. It was a choked sound, filled with pain, hurt and anger. Why, oh why was this happening? Flashbacks to high school spun in my mind, all the girls with straight blonde hair as tormentors. Why couldn’t they leave me alone? Was this some kind of bad voodoo that would follow me the rest of my life?

  The tears wouldn’t stop falling as humiliation and shame washed over me, shoulders hunched as I cried into my hands. Because there were some bad memories, for sure. Teresa from high school and her minions standing in a circle, pointing and laughing after my shorts split during some exercise routine.

sp; It wouldn’t have been so bad, if they hadn’t called attention to it right in front of Michael Mitchum, my crush since the second grade. And instead of rushing over to help me, Michael had merely stood there, helpless, before turning to go. Oh god! How could this be happening now? The parallels were umistakable except that this time, I was being humiliated in front of three gorgeous men, and not one.

  But suddenly, a low, deep voice interrupted my thoughts, startling me from my cry fest.

  “Oh!” came my unbidden gasp. Because as I wiped my eyes frantically, three huge male frames came into focus, dark and forbidding. “It’s you,” I whispered. Not exactly my finest hour, to be sure, but I tried to make the most of it, wiping furiously at tearstained cheeks. Hopefully, my ugly crying hadn’t produced snot dripping from my nose. My hands quickly swiped at my eyes and nose again.

  “What are you guys doing out here?” came my soft cry.

  Adding to the humiliation and shame was now embarrassment at having them find me out here bawling like a baby.

  Silence for a moment as three pairs of clear blue eyes took me in.

  “Those other chicks were pretty nasty to you.” Tyler grunted. But I didn’t want anyone’s pity. So instead, my head shook, trying to downplay what happened.

  “It’s okay. I’m okay, I’m fine, it’s nothing. They’re going to notice if you guys are missing,” my words rushed out. “You should go back. I’ll be okay.”

  “Naw, sweet thing,” growled Mason. “It’s no big deal.”

  “In fact, the band’s already started up and people are dancing,” remarked Mason with a wry smile. “I doubt those harpies have noticed we’re gone. They’re whispering in a group somewhere, scheming on how to catch the bouquet,” he snorted. “They’ll probably fall all over each other trying to grab that thing.”

  And the mental image made me laugh involuntarily. Stacy and her minions punching each other, fighting over the bouquet? Pulling one another’s hair, screaming and fighting? I hoped so. In my heart of hearts, I hoped they embarrassed each other like that.

  So wiping my eyes once more, I let out a watery smile.

  “Thanks,” came my soft voice. “Thanks for checking on me. But seriously, I’ll be okay. Even if they’re scheming now, they’ll notice your absence soon enough. So you better go,” were my final words.

  And standing, I got up. Oh god, this dress was even worse than before. My tits were practically busting out the top now, the hem looking worse for wear. There’d been a few loose threads previously, but now there was a giant smudge from where I’d sat on the floor, plus a tear that ran straight up the front. I was Cinderella for sure, wearing rags while all the other girls were dressed in ballgowns.

  But then something unexpected happened. As I brushed at my butt, discreetly trying to straighten my outfit, Kane leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. It was so unexpected that my mouth opened, letting him get in deeper.

  “Mmmph?” came my surprised gasp. It was immediately followed by a low, throaty, “Mmmm.”

  Because I’ve never been kissed before. Well, at least not kissed like this. There was Humphrey in tenth grade, who convinced me to give it a try, but that was bogus. The dude had bad breath, and I’d stopped after two seconds, unable to take the smell of garbage and rotting teeth.

  So this was definitely new and exciting, my heart beating furiously.

  “Mmmm,” came my involuntary moan again. “Mmmm.”

  And with that, the men surrounded me on all sides, their hands stroking, Mason’s lips dropping to kiss a shoulder as Tyler leaned forward and lightly trailed his tongue against my décolletage.

  “Mmmm!” came my surprised yelp, muffled still by Kane’s all-consuming liplock. “Mmmm!”

  But the alphas weren’t stopping there. Slowly, their hands moved over my body, stroking and caressing, undoing a strap here, unzipping my top there. And before I knew it, my curvy form was revealed in its full splendor, nude and creamy before the men’s eyes.

  “Oh!” came my startled gasp, eyes flying wide as my hands darted to cover my big double Ds reflexively. “Oh!”

  But the billionaires were relentless. Tyler took my left hand, while Mason took my right. And slowly, they pulled my small palms away so that the lusciousness was revealed in all its glory, two sacks of cream tipped with deep pink nipples, already hard as bullets.

  “Oh!” came my mewl again, both men holding my arms paralyzed. And there was nothing to do but to let them look. The billionaires devoured me, eyes running hotly over every inch of my skin, missing nothing. They saw the way my breasts heaved with excitement, pulse beating rapidly in my throat.

  And then Tyler reached between my legs and slowly ran his finger through my pussy lips. Oh god, oh god! A man was touching me there, the first man who’s ever sampled that uncharted territory. A low moan escaped my lips even as my hips twisted, begging him for more.

  But Tyler had other things in mind. Because holding his finger up to the light, the big digit glistened, heavy with female juice as my cunt fragrance wafted through the air.

  “Oh yeah, she’s ready,” he rumbled, eyes hot. “Our sweet little filly is more than ready. She’s fucking soaked.”

  And with that, I mewled once more, boobs bouncing as my body twisted this way and that. Because I wanted them. It was wrong, we were in a deserted hallway, with loads of partygoers inside celebrating at this very moment.

  And yet, I didn’t care. The time was now, with no uncertainty. I wanted to lose my virginity to three strange men, the most gorgeous alphas I’d ever laid eyes on. Their hard, masculine bodies made the fire burn within, my pussy already loose and wet, ready to spread for my first dick. And the intensity in those blue eyes burned even brighter because Mason, Tyler and Kane could read my mind … and they wanted it just as bad.



  Fuck, she was amazing. More than amazing, downright unstoppable. Because once we got that little filly on a roll, shit, but she rolled. Katie turned into a wanton slut before our eyes, legs spreading as the female moaned, that curvy body jiggling enticingly.

  Because oh yeah, Katie’s a slut. The little girl shook her arms free, and then lay back on the dirty hallway floor, maneuvering her curvy form until it was spread out like a feast before us. Good thing there was carpet because at this rate, there was some hard pounding in store, dick in cunt style.

  And the little girl was unstoppable. Coyly, she looked us full in the eye before beginning the spread. One inch. Two inches, then three, and slowly, her legs parted until everything was revealed. Oh yeah, those thick white thighs split, revealing her sweetest spot. Then she did something so fucked up that I practically jizzed in my pants, releasing the geyser.

  The sweet thing reached one hand down to stroke her nether lips, playing with her labia. But she didn’t stop there. Slowly, with our eyes glued to her cunt, she pulled those flaps apart, revealing everything. Oh yeah, the pulsing insides, the hot pink channel glistening with female lust, it was all on display. And as we stared with hunger, the girl let out a throaty laugh, three men wound around her pinkie.

  “Like what you see boys?” she cooed, shifting back even further so that we could see straight up her channel, practically to that cervix. “Because it’s all yours.”

  And fuck, but it was ON then. I needed that creamy cunt like a dog needs a juicy bone. I needed to be inside, to taste, lick and feel. So dropping to my knees between her thighs, my eyes blazed intensely.

  “Get ready for some fucked-up shit, honey,” came my growl. “Get ready to get fucked-up.”

  And instead of being afraid, the girl cooed more, throwing her head back, tossing those brown curls.

  “Yes,” she murmured. “Yes, yes.”

  Meanwhile Mason and Tyler were on the same wavelength. Each man dropped to either side, whipping out their dicks as they bent their heads and sampled her tits. Oh yeah, two dark heads bent over that lusciousness, biting and licking her nipples as the gi
rl moaned wantonly, pussy juicing even more.

  And that was my signal. Dipping my head, I went in for a taste. Just a tiny taste at first, a sweet lick at her slit.

  But Katie sat up as if electrified, jolting both Mason and Tyler.

  “Unnnh!” she screamed. “Unnnh!”

  God, the female was responsive. Good thing the beat was thumping in the reception hall, otherwise someone would have heard for sure. But as it was, we were in a deserted hallway, the lights flickering uncertainly over our heads, our best girl laid out like a feast.

  So I chuckled.

  “Aw honey, you ain’t seen anything yet,” I rumbled. “Cause there’s a lot more where that came from.”

  And slowly, I ran a finger up and down her slit, toying with those puffy vaginal lips. Holy shit, but her cunt creamed even more then, a drop of dew coagulating at her hole before sliding down that luscious ass.

  “Shit,” came my grunt, eyes transfixed. “Goddamn.”

  But that wasn’t enough. Parting those thick thighs, I spread open her labia, treating myself to another penetrating look. It’s like I’m a gynecologist, obsessed with the inside of a woman’s twat, but hey, different strokes for different folks. And Katie’s snatch was perfect. A deep pink, ruby red almost on the inside, her folds gleamed and juiced, pulsing before my gaze.

  “Aw fuck,” came my grunt. “Damn.”

  And my tongue was on her clit in an instant. Because it beckoned, stiff as a flagpole, protruding from those fat labia. With my index finger, I teased it out of its hood, and then leaned down for a deep lick with the flat of my tongue, sampling the hard nub.

  That did it.

  “Unnnh!” the female moaned, writhing on the carpet. “Unnnh.”

  “Fuck bro,” grunted Tyler from up above. “We gotta move faster, this filly is gonna burst any second.”

  And for sure, that was true. Because Katie’s insides were already beginning to quiver, small pre-spasms lancing through her cunt. So I went full-force then. Lowering my face, I slid my tongue up her vaginal canal, sampling that female goodness.


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