The Rise of Nazil
Page 38
“Yes, Father. Could I accompany Pentanimir? With my guard, I’d be well protected.”
“Your protection isn’t the issue. It isn’t proper for you to accompany Pentanimir until you’re wed. It would be different if I were there as well. Spero will be your home after your wedding, not before.”
“Surely I’ll be able to visit her in Nazil?”
“Denotra would appreciate a visit whenever your duties allowed.”
“Nothing would please me more, Zaxson. I’ll do whatever duty Nazil would have of me.”
“Good. Denotra, I need to speak with Pentanimir privately. I’ll have you summoned before he takes leave.”
“Yes, Father,” she said, rising and exiting the hall.
Draizeyn turned to Pentanimir, his face grave. “I spoke with your uncle regarding some reports about your public disagreements. He assures me that they only pertain to your house. Is that the truth of it, First Chosen?”
So, Uncle doesn’t have the trust of the Zaxson that he believes. “He spoke true. Uncle isn’t pleased with the slave Danimore chose for our home. He feels that she isn’t worthy to serve such a house.”
“He mentioned the same. Does he have cause to worry?”
“No, my lord. Zeta does as she’s instructed. Her treatment is no greater or worse than any other serving in the city. If she’s ill, she receives minimal treatment to ensure she’s able to serve. As a representative of our home, we’ve bought her suitable attire and feminine items. We’ve had no need to beat the girl, if that’s what gives him pause.”
“He believes that she’s treated too well for a human slave. Even so, it’s of no matter. His concern extended toward your brother’s supposed affection for her, too. Although, he says she hasn’t been used for pleasure yet.”
“On this, I’m not sure. Danimore is much like our father: he doesn’t visit the pleasure houses or find slaves desirable. However, he’s made his interest known in securing a possible pledge. Mayhaps he awaits his wife.”
“He seeks a pledge? With whom does he wish it?”
Pentanimir tried to contain his growing smile. “The young maid, Nikolina d’Garrion. Her father holds a position as a scribe at the temple.”
“I know of the girl. Allister d’Garrion would consider it a great honor to be offered a pledge from one of your house. Has your uncle been informed?”
“Danimore plans to visit him on the morrow. His duties won’t allow until then.”
“Very well,” Draizeyn said. “Your uncle’s use of the slave wasn’t necessary. Mayhaps the talk of her swallowing cocks intrigued him. After learning about your brother’s interest, he’ll realize his folly. Had it been otherwise, your uncle would’ve seen to the proper punishment.”
Pentanimir forced a smile. “Danimore’s only fault is his soft heart. Nonetheless, he remains a man of Nazil. Zeta meets his demands, and does as she’s commanded. Uncle’s use of her wasn’t necessary or appreciated. My brother’s only interest in her is as a servant,” he assured, hoping his prevarication was convincing.
“I don’t want to hear about any further disagreements with your uncle. I won’t have my daughter pledged to a house in such disarray. If you can’t keep your house in order, how’re you to lead a great city?”
“As always, Zaxson, you’re most wise. I’ll have no further disagreements with my uncle. He’ll be at ease with Danimore’s interest in his pledge, and we’ll keep the slave from his focus. It isn’t our intent to displease our uncle and head of our home.”
“Now it’s you who speaks wise, Pentanimir. My daughter chooses well.”
“I’m honored.” He bowed. “If it pleases you, my lord, I should return home.”
“You’re going to leave without finishing your meal or seeing my daughter?”
“I wish it otherwise, but I must prepare for the morrow. We’ve only just arrived, and I’ll need to hurry if I’m to have everything ready.”
Draizeyn nodded. “We’ll send a carriage for you. Pack well, Pentanimir, your return won’t be swift.”
“Thank you, Zaxson. I’m honored to do duty for Nazil.”
Pentanimir could barely contain his composure as he rode back to his house. Visions of his uncle abusing Zeta assaulted both his mind and heart. Oxilon’s methods of torture were sadistic when dealing with Nazilian prisoners. He couldn’t fathom what he’d done to Zeta. His father had spoken of the sadism derived from such treatment, and that made his heart ache all the more. Oxilon was cruel, yet Pentanimir never thought he’d violate their home with his obscenities.
Taking no time to properly care for his mount, he closed the door on the stall, moving quickly into the house.
“Oh! Pentanimir,” Zeta giggled. “I wasn’t expecting you. Did you have evening meal at the citadel or would you like me to make you a plate?”
“I…just raise your dress, Zeta.”
“What? Pentan—”
“Just raise your dress.” His tone was firm, but his visage was forlorn.
Zeta trembled, taking a step back. She rung her hands, fighting the eruption of emotions assailing every part of her. Apprehensively, she grasped the fringes of her dress, raising it up.
He gasped, a feeling of rage, sorrow, and guilt rushing through his mind. Reaching out, he lowered her dress, sitting heavily on a chair.
“Why, Zeta? Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I—it—please, Pentanimir—”
“No. You’re going to tell me all of it now, and before Dani returns from duty.”
“I—I didn’t want Dani to know. That’s what Oxilon wanted. He wanted me to tell him, to hurt him beyond measure. How did you find out?”
Pentanimir sighed. “Oxilon told Draizeyn that he abused you while we were away. What did he do to you?”
“You hadn’t been gone a glass before he came. I—I didn’t want to let him in, but he threatened me. I tried to do what he asked, but he didn’t want food or drink or anything. He wanted me.”
Pentanimir caressed her hand, offering a gentle squeeze. “Tell me, Zeta. I know it’s difficult, but I must know.”
Zeta was more fearful now than when she’d first arrived. Her eyes stayed fixed on the floor as she recounted the brutalities that Oxilon had committed.
Pentanimir’s jaw clenched, the anger building with each word. “Have you told me all of it?”
“Yes, Sir. I wouldn’t do what he wanted. Learning what he did would hurt Danimore far more than what he did to me. My wounds will heal in time, but the truth of this would linger in Danimore’s heart forever. I couldn’t hurt him, Pentanimir, but I didn’t mean to lie, either. If you order it, I’ll tell him, but we shouldn’t. We should never let him know.”
“Your omission wasn’t dishonesty. You’re willing to suffer this alone due to your love for my brother, and I admire that, Zeta. I admire you. My uncle did this to punish Danimore, but you’re the one who’s suffered. Nothing I can say can change what’s been done or erase the pain you’ve endured, but I’m sorry, Zeta. I’m so sorry.”
“I know. You and your brother are the reason that I’m able to heal. If Dani knew about this, he might confront your uncle. I don’t want him to ever know. The pain is nearly gone, my son is healthy, and I love your brother. Isn’t that truth enough?”
He smiled wistfully. “It’s a most important truth, and what happened will stay between us. My apology isn’t enough, but I offer it to you anyway. I’ll do everything that I can to free you from Nazil, Zeta. I promise.”
As she returned his smile, the door creaked open. Zeta brushed away her tears, rushing to the door.
“How was your duty, Dani?” she asked.
“It was too long away from you and Raithym,” he said.
“Raithym’s still sleeping. Are you hungry?”
“For more than your meal,” he said, scooping her up in his arms and kissing her. “How’re you feeling?”
“Much better now.” She glanced at Pentanimir. “Gali brought some herbs for me
and said I’m healing well.”
“I’m pleased to hear it. I hope Yannick allows her to continue to come.”
“Me, too,” she said, moving to prepare his meal.
“Brother, I expected you to be at the citadel,” Danimore said. “Didn’t you sup with them?”
“I did much and more. The Zaxson wants me to journey to Spero on the morrow.”
“But we’ve only just returned. Surely, the business in Spero can wait.”
“No. Daracus must inspect the new city, and Draizeyn wants me there to assist. He means for me to take charge at its completion.”
“You’re to head the new city?”
“Until his mind changes on the matter, I’ll hold the position.”
Danimore smiled. “Spero is very near Cazaal.”
“Very near, Brother, very near.”
“I’m so happy for you, Pentanimir. Not only will you have a better position, but you’ll be near the village.”
“What’s in Cazaal?” Zeta said. “I know of a few people from there.”
“Truly?” Pentanimir asked.
“My father and uncle had business there.” An honest smile found her face. “He even had the opportunity to craft a sword for the Caretaker, Lord Ravenot.”
“You know the Caretaker? What about his family?”
“I only met the Caretaker and his son. Lord Estenbrook made the introduction. Lord Ravenot had admired his sword and he introduced him to my father. It was a great honor,” Zeta started, until Raithym’s cries interrupted them. She finished Danimore’s plate, and then rushed off down the hall.
“Brother, why’re you asking about the Caretaker? Do you know him?”
“No, Dani, but he’s Brahanu’s father.”
“Couldn’t you visit the village on business? If you’re heading the new city, wouldn’t you introduce yourself to the Caretakers?”
“An introduction is customary, whether I host a feast or travel. I’d need to send a message and alert Brahanu of my arrival.”
“What about Daracus?”
“No doubt he’d remain in Spero. He detests socializing with the humans. If all goes well, I could secure a place for you and Zeta.”
“Draizeyn wants me to select a new Cha Asham from Nazil and others to populate the temple. Once I’m settled, I’ll need to appoint a First Guard.” He smiled. “That’ll be you, Dani. After he signs the proclamation, you’ll join me in Spero. There’ll be plenty of privacy for you and Zeta.”
“What about our home here?”
“Kieran and her family will maintain it as they always have.”
“Are you certain Zeta and the babe would be allowed to travel with us?”
“Dani, I’m not asking for permission. Besides, we’ll be taking our possessions, and they see her as one of them.”
“This is true. She’ll be glad to hear it.”
“There’s more, Dani. We need to make Zeta aware of what we discussed.”
“What do I need to know?” Zeta asked, entering the kitchen.
“Zeta, Dani and I discussed a strategy to keep you and Raithym safe. It’ll be difficult, but it’s the only way.”
“What’re you talking about, Brother?”
“When I visited the citadel, Draizeyn mentioned Uncle’s concerns about Zeta.”
“Still he persists? Why would the Zaxson care about what happens in our home?”
“He doesn’t. It’s merely the appearance of disorder in the home of his daughter’s pledged.”
“I didn’t mean to make any trouble,” Zeta said.
“It isn’t you, Zeta, and I told the Zaxson the same,” Pentanimir said. “I mentioned your interest in a pledge, too, Dani.”
Zeta gasped, and Danimore immediately clasped her hand.
“It’s not what you think, Zeta, truly. We believe that if I can convince Uncle that I’m interested in seeking a pledge, that he’ll cease his efforts against you. We could enjoy our happiness without his intrusion and berating. Uncle can be very cruel, and if he made a move against you, I’d do my best to make him pay for it.”
Zeta and Pentanimir exchanged a look.
“He’s right,” Pentanimir said. “If Uncle’s attention is on Dani’s pledge to Nikolina, it won’t be on you.”
“What about Nikolina?”
“I don’t want to hurt her or her father, but we can’t think of another solution. There’re other men who desire a pledge with her as well. Once we leave the city, they could offer it. We won’t have the time to secure ours before we take leave, so it shouldn’t be seen as a slight.”
“Are you certain that your uncle will do it?”
“He’ll be relieved when I tell him,” Danimore said, and then regarded Pentanimir. “Will Draizeyn tell Uncle about the pledge?”
“He might, though I think he’s heard as much from Beilzen. Even so, you should go to him after your duty on the morrow. Make a sincere plea and beg for his assistance if you must. Don’t allow him to provoke you.”
“Don’t worry, Pentanimir, I’ll make him believe.”
“What is it?” Riok barked.
“Pardons, Caretaker. The Nohek Karab has arrived with word from Nazil.”
Riok sighed, rising from his bathing pool and waving the servants away. After pulling on his robe, he sat at the table, draining his cup.
“Bring more wine and cheeses,” he ordered. “You may show him in, Llywelyn.”
As the Nohek Karab entered, Riok inclined his head.
“Apologies, Nohek Asmaa. I would’ve met you in the hall, but Llywelyn made your message sound urgent.”
“There’s no need, Lord Estenbrook. The message wouldn’t read any differently in the hall; the words would remain the same.”
Riok chuckled, causing his round belly to shake.
“Well, what news has Nazil sent?”
“The Cha sent a notification regarding Lady Denotra’s coming nuptial.”
“Ah, she’s finally marrying,” Riok said, plucking a cherry from the bowl. “Does it mention to whom she’s pledged?”
“She’s pledged to the city’s First Chosen, Sir Pentanimir Benoist.”
“Benoist...I think I know his father. Do you recall his name?”
“If my memory serves, it was Sir Manifir Benoist. He was also First Chosen, and wed to Lady Kitrin Thaon of Yarah.”
“Yes, I thought the name familiar.” Riok nodded. “He’s the one who led the ambush against Hyorin, wasn’t he?”
“One and the same, my lord.”
“I recall him receiving high honors from the Zaxson after such a victory. And his son will wed the Zaxson’s daughter? It appears that those honors succeed his death.”
Estenbrook shifted, the thoughts of Hyorin’s destruction plaguing his mind. He’d lost his father during those attacks and numerous good friends as well.
“Are you all right?” Asmaa asked, leaning forward on his boney elbow.
“Of course. Tell me: wasn’t there news of Manifir siring children with his human captives?”
Asmaa gazed at the Caretaker, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t know, my lord. And if I may be so bold, to speak so could have you put in irons. The Benoist family is highly regarded in Nazil and beyond. It would be wise to guard your tongue.” Asmaa glanced at the servants in the room. “One never knows who might whisper your words in the Zaxson’s ear.”
Riok cleared his throat, signaling for more wine. “You speak true, Asmaa. Beg pardon. Is there anything else the Zaxson would have of me?”
“Yes. The Zaxson requests gifts from every city and village. He requires the best of your wares, five heads of cattle, ten bags of grain, and two-hundred gold pieces.”
“Two-hundred! In addition to the gold collected each season?”
“It would seem so.”
“Hells, is there anything else that he requires? I have two daughters that are maiden. Should I send Maisha and Natasha, too?”
“That information wasn’t contained on the scroll, Lord Estenbrook. Only the requested items need to be delivered.”
Riok had forgotten the Nohek’s lack of humor, and continued as if he’d made no jest.
“We’ll meet our obligations. When is the ceremony scheduled?”
“There’s no specific date listed. It’s to be in the warm season. Even so, he wants everything delivered before the next full moon.”
“The people won’t appreciate a double payment of tax. The harvest didn’t produce as much as we expected, and with the early cold, a new planting isn’t possible. Still, I’ll have everything prepared and delivered with haste.”
“That would be best, my lord. The Zaxson doesn’t make requests.”
“Surely not,” Riok said, sitting up in his seat. “I’d like for you to send birds to Lords Vaughan and Ravenot. Extend an invitation for a meeting and meal.”
“As you say. When would you have them come?”
“Eleven suns hence. Convey the urgency and importance of the meeting.”
“Yes, my lord. Should I respond to Nazil as well?”
“Yes, yes, of course,” he said with a wave of his hand. “Offer the proper greetings and congratulations when you do.”
“If that’s all, my lord, I’ll return to the temple.”
“You may leave, Nohek Asmaa, and thank you for your wise counsel.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
“Canid, I need you to ready my clothing and have Lady Oana meet me in my solar,” Riok said once Asmaa left. “Light the hearth and leave some refreshments. I want to speak with my wife alone.”
Riok pushed up to his feet, looking out of the window at the vast city. “Pentanimir, son of Manifir,” he said aloud. “Son of the assassin.”
The New City
Danimore moaned, moving in response to the sensations of his vivid dream. His hips raised, as his breathing became heavy.
“Zeta,” he called out in his sleep, jerking with each wave of pleasure. His body tensed, trembling with the unexpected completion. When his eyes blinked open, he noticed Zeta crouching over him.
Danimore sat up in the bed, dazed, trying to clear the fog from his eyes and mind. Zeta gently pushed against his shoulder, snuggling in next to him.