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A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance)

Page 6

by Cummin, Sharon

  "I'm not pretending anything. Don't you give me that crap. I didn't cut you off. You married him. What was I supposed to do? You obviously loved him. He was the one you wanted. I wasn't going to call and ask how your marriage was and what you and your husband were doing. What did you want me to do?"

  "We were best friends, Zander. You were my everything. You left me. You cut me off. You weren't there when I needed you. I was always here. I never went anywhere. I even helped your mom take care of your dad, which I'm not sure was the right thing now. I did that for you. I knew you wouldn't want her to do it alone."

  "What?" I asked. "What do you mean you're not sure it was the right thing?"

  Mike walked back out the door. It didn't take long at all. He looked pissed as he marched over to Livie. The man was definitely on a mission.

  "I love you, Olivia. You're my woman. I don't appreciate people saying things about me. You will come back to me."

  He reached forward and she flinched. I knew I was right about what I thought. Women didn't flinch when a man reached for them unless they had been hurt. His hand grabbed onto her arm, and she jerked her arm to pull out of his grip. I saw the fear in her eyes and was devastated. It was my fault that asshole hurt her. If I had been there for her, she would have talked to me. I could have gotten her away from him before he had the chance to hurt her. His grip tightened, and I lunged forward. He was against the wall with the side of my arm at his throat in seconds.

  "What did you do to her?" I growled at him.

  "What do you care. You had your chance with her. You let her go. You don't think I know about you two. You don't think I know she went to New York to see you before she accepted my proposal."

  She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. I tightened my grip on him.

  "I'm not sure what happened, but I got her. You gave her up. You don't get to try and rescue her now. I didn't do anything to her. If she listened like she was supposed to, it wouldn't have happened."

  My blood was boiling. She had been to New York. He knew it too. What did he mean before she accepted his proposal? How did I not know she was in New York? What did he mean I let her go? I couldn't believe he said if she had listened nothing would have happened. What did he do to her? I couldn't take it any longer. My hand came back and released. I heard the crack of his nose just as the blood began to flow. I shoved him out the door before he dripped on the rug. Then I followed him out. She was right behind me.

  "Zander," she cried out. "Don't hit him again. Just let him go. He's not worth it."

  She grabbed my shoulder to pull me back.

  "What did he do to you?" I snapped, afraid of what she was going to say.

  "Let him go. I'll talk to you about it later. This is a funeral for your dad. My kids are here. I am begging you to let him go so he can leave," she said softly.

  Nobody had seen any of what was going on. I knew she didn't want me to cause a scene she'd have to deal with long after I was gone. Before I let him go, I looked into his eyes.

  "If I ever find out you touch her or go anywhere near her again, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Do you hear me? I better not see you around her again."

  I dropped him to the ground. He grunted and groaned and turned to stumble off.

  "You might want to get your nose checked. It's broken," I said.

  I grabbed Livie's hand in mine and walked back into the funeral home. We sat down where we were before.

  "We have a lot to talk about. Why did you come out here crying? What happened in there?"

  "I heard your mom talking to one of her friends and was shocked by what I heard her say about me. At least I know that it wasn't just you who didn't think I was good enough. She didn't either. It doesn't even matter. I just can't believe after everything I've done for her and your dad that she feels that way about me. It really hurt hearing her say I wasn't good enough for you. She said I belonged in a small town while you belonged in a big city. She said you deserved better than me."

  I looked down at her and shook my head.

  "That's not how I feel," I said. "She used to tell me that. I would tell her how wrong she was. When I got back, I thought she would have a different attitude, but she didn't. I told her she didn't deserve what you had done for her. Please don't think I've ever felt that way about you. You deserve much better than me, Livie."

  "It's okay," she said. "Maybe I don't belong anywhere but here. I know you don't want to see him, but I don't want you to leave with any regret. I want you to know you did what you were supposed to do. Go with me. It's almost time to leave."

  I knew I needed to do it. I had to get it over with. When I nodded and took her hand, she stood up and pulled me with her.

  "I don't know what I'll do if Mike hurt you," I whispered. "I'll never forgive myself. I thought you were happy. I should have been there."

  She didn't say a word as we walked through the door toward my father. He looked so much older than I remembered. It looked like he was so frail. There was nothing that could have been done to save him. I made sure he had everything he needed, but there was nothing they could do. Her grip on my hand tightened as she stood beside me. Livie was always there for me. Why hadn't I done that for her?

  Chapter 10


  We stood there holding hands. I wanted him to know he wasn't alone. He never would be. I knew that no matter how mad I got at him, I would always be there. It seemed like forever passed. All I could do was wonder what he was thinking. Was he thinking about his dad not caring about him or something else entirely? When my dad passed, we didn't have anything big. My mom didn't want it. Zander's dad was liked by many people. Most of the town showed up for the viewing. Carol was crying as she walked up to us. I moved to pull away so they could have some time together, but Zander held tight to my hand and pulled me closer. He wrapped his mom into his other side and kissed the top of her head. Not a single tear fell from his eyes, but I could feel the emotion in his body. After sixteen years, I could still read him. He was hurting, but there was no way he was going to show it. I hoped he would talk to me before he went home.

  Zander took all of the stuff he bought the kids out to his car. He said he wanted to make sure it got home. I had to laugh. What did he think I was going to do? It was all opened already. I hugged his mom and then him before taking the kids back to my car.

  I helped Carol set everything up before guests arrived. Zander helped the kids carry their stuff into my house. The food had been delivered. We were set and ready. It was hard watching Carol talk so nicely to my face after what I had heard her say. I couldn't believe she thought I wasn't good enough for Zander. She had no idea how much I cared about him. After all of the years that passed, my feelings hadn't faded one bit. As soon as I saw his face, everything I thought was gone came flooding back. I knew I would end up asking her about her words. If I didn't, they would eat me up inside. It made me think about everything I had done for her and Pete and all of the time I gave up for them.

  People came and went the rest of the afternoon. The food was a hit. My desserts didn't disappoint. I watched from across the room as Zander ate a piece of cake and some cookies. He was definitely enjoying them. I knew I was going to bake the chocolate cake for him and send him home with lots of goodies.

  The kids had changed into play clothes and were outside with some of the stuff Zander had bought them. What I hadn't realized was that he didn't bring everything he purchased into the funeral home. That was why he wanted to take it all with him. He thought I wouldn't notice the extra toys when we got home. I wasn't sure I would ever figure him out.

  I went looking for him so I could give him my opinion on what I had just seen outside. He wasn't in the kitchen or living room. When I rounded the corner into the office his dad had, I heard him talking to his father's doctor. I stood quietly as they spoke.

  "He had the best care. They did everything they could, Zander. You know I watched over him to make sure everything you reques
ted was done. You got him the best doctors and every treatment available. At least you know everything possible was done. Your mom hasn't questioned a single thing. When she asked about the bills, I told her the insurance covered everything. She has no idea all the bills are being sent to you," the doctor said. "I'm sorry he didn't make it."

  "I appreciate everything you've done to help," Zander said. "Thank you for doing it all. You know she never would have let me do anything. She's too damn stubborn. I knew she would have worried about money every day. This way, she was able to spend her time with him instead of worrying. She'll be fine. I made sure she had enough life insurance on him that she'll be able to live the rest of her life without worry. She doesn't know I paid for that either. I handled it all. All she knows is that she's going to be okay. Hopefully that makes up for me being gone. I offered to move her to New York. She doesn't want to go. I don't want her taking advantage of Livie. The woman would lose sleep and sanity helping her. I'm afraid my mom will run her ragged. I can't move back here. My practice is there. My career is there. I've worked my ass off for that. It's my entire life."

  "If that's where you want to be, than you need to be there. Your mom will be fine here. She has friends and family. Livie has been amazing to her. She spent hours driving and taking care of your dad. I know she'll watch out for her. She's an amazing woman. It was so great to see her finally get that bakery. She's worked there forever. I'm so glad it worked out for her. No matter how it happened. I'm glad she got rid of that man of hers. He was no good for her. I'm surprised the two of you never got together."

  "Can I ask you a question?" Zander asked. "Did he ever do anything to her?"

  "You know I can't tell you that," the doctor said. "As much as I'd like to, I can't."

  "I know," Zander replied. "Thank you so much for everything. Let me know if any other bills come up that I don't know about. I don't want my mom to get them."

  "I will," the doctor said, as he turned and walked out the door.

  I peeked in to see Zander looking out the window into my backyard. He watched the kids playing. I walked in quietly behind him, still shocked at the conversation I had just heard. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and leaned my head against his back.

  "What else are you hiding, Z?" I whispered. "I have a feeling that wasn't everything."

  He held my hands in front of his stomach but didn't respond, as he continued to watch my kids play. I wanted so badly to know what he was thinking about. He had been involved in his dad's care the entire time. I couldn't believe he had paid the entire bill. It seemed strange that everything was covered by insurance. I just assumed they had amazing insurance like mine. It made me wonder. The kids had been to the doctor many times, and I had been there a few times myself. I'd never gotten a bill either. When I was married to Mike, we had doctor bills. It all clicked into place. I moved to pull my hands from his, but he held them tight and wouldn't let them go.

  "Zander Nero," I snapped. "You better not."

  He turned around in my arms and wrapped his around me quickly. I felt his chin on the top of my head.

  "Not a word, Livie," he said quietly.

  He kissed the top of my head and released his hold on me before walking out of the room. The air felt so cool on my skin, and I missed his warm touch. I stood alone looking out the window and watched the kids playing. When I saw them take off running and him right behind them, my heart melted. It was supposed to be him. He was the one I had always wanted. If he had chosen me, I wouldn't have had those two amazing kids he was chasing. My mind was a mess. What was he doing to me?

  Chapter 11


  I had to get out of there before Livie flipped out on me. There was no way she was going to start asking questions. I have no idea how she heard what I said, but I knew she figured out that I'd paid her bills too. She wasn't an easy person to get things passed. I knew she couldn't afford medical bills on top of raising two kids. My mom had told me that Mike didn't help with them. There was no way I wanted her to struggle. I wasn't around. It was the least I could do. My entire day was spent working. When I went out, I spent money. That was really the only time. I was so busy, I never had time to spend it. There was nothing wrong with making the people I care about's lives a little easier if I could. I wouldn't let her give me shit about it.

  As soon as I walked outside, I grabbed the ball the kids were throwing. Little April made a comment about me getting my suit dirty, and I took off after her. She laughed and yelled as I chased her around the yard. When I caught her, I could tell she was surprised.

  "Not bad for a stuffy, old guy in a suit," I said.

  "I never said you were old," she said with a laugh, as she took off again.

  By the time I caught her a second time, it was taking its toll on me. I fell to the ground on my back. She stood over me and laughed.

  "You're a better workout than the gym," I said between breaths.

  "You really should put some play clothes on," Jack said, as he ran up. "You're going to mess up your dress clothes. We get in trouble for playing in our nice clothes."

  I pulled them both down on top of me and they started laughing. Hearing the two of them had me laughing too.

  "You're not so bad," Jack said. "I think you're kind of fun. Do you have fun like this where you live?"

  "No," I said honestly. "I don't have anyone to have fun with. I work most of the time."

  "Do you get to see blood?" April asked.

  They were both sprawled out on the ground next to me, talking about what I got to do as a doctor, when Livie walked out to find them.

  "Your job sounds so cool," Jack said.

  "It's pretty awesome," I said.

  "You kids need to leave Zander alone," Livie yelled out, as she got closer to us.

  "Zander gets to see blood, mom," Jack yelled. "He gets to see what people look like on the inside too. Doesn't that sound so cool?"

  "It does," Livie said. "I need to get you two in the house for dessert."

  "Zander got his nice clothes dirty," April said. "We told him not to do it."

  "That's okay," Livie said. "I'm sure he knows what he's doing."

  "You won't let us dirty our nice clothes," Jack said.

  Livie looked down at me. I could tell she was fighting a laugh. I stood up and pulled the two kids up from the ground. My suit was dirty for sure, but I didn't care. The two of them were actually a lot of fun. They ran ahead toward the house.

  "You didn't have to play with them," Livie said. "Exactly how much do they know about your job?"

  "Just the cool stuff," I said. "I get to see blood and cut people open so I can fix them inside."

  "I never really thought about," she said. "I just thought of you as a doctor. I never thought of you elbow deep in blood, tying things together."

  I burst out laughing.

  "Maybe that's what I should say. I have to tie you back together."

  Livie burst into laughter as well.

  "That might not be a good idea. I'm sure it's very rewarding knowing you're helping people."

  "It is," I said. "It's also sad at times when you have to tell someone that you can't help them. Sometimes it's really hard."

  She looked over at me, and I could tell she wanted to say something else.

  "When were you there?" I asked.

  "Where?" she asked.

  "When did you come to New York, Livie?" I said. "Why didn't you come and see me?"

  "The week before I accepted Mike's proposal. He told you that. I'm going to get the kids their plates."

  "I'll help you," I said. "Let me go change first."

  I ran upstairs and changed into my pair of jeans and a t-shirt. When my hands were clean, I went back down. Livie had just finished helping the kids wash their hands as well. I helped Jack fix his plate while she helped April.

  "We're a pretty good team," I said without thinking.

  "Fix yourself a plate," she said. "I'm not doing it for you."
br />   I gave her a narrowed look and handed her a plate.

  "After you," I growled.

  I grabbed drinks for the kids, and she let me know that they got drinks after dessert not during.

  "You really are a good mom," I said.

  As soon as we finished eating, I looked around at all of the people still surrounding my mom and needed to think about things. Livie was in the kitchen. I took off out the door to clear my mind and figure some things out.

  Chapter 12


  The kids were in the kitchen talking to Carol and my mom. I looked everywhere but couldn't find Zander. My mom said she would watch for the kids for me so I could find him. I knew where he was and headed for our spot in the woods. He was sitting in one of the chairs with his eyes closed. Everything was so different. He was different. I watched him for a moment before walking closer and sitting in the chair next to him.

  "I've missed being out here. I never thought I would. The air is so fresh. It's so quiet. I slept out here all night. It was so relaxing. I go to my gym now to think and get rid of my stress. It just doesn't feel the same," he said.

  "That's not so bad," I said with a smirk. "I'm sure the ladies appreciate that."

  "You were there a week before you accepted his proposal. It's the only time you've left here. Why didn't you come see me? Why didn't you call and let me know where you were? I would have wanted to see you. I can't believe I could have seen you. Why were you in New York nine years ago, Livie?"

  I took a deep breath and looked down at my fingers that were nervously twisting together.

  "I went for a little trip. I'm sure you were much to busy to see me," I said.

  "How long were you there?" he asked.

  "One day," I said softly.

  "Why the hell were you in New York for one day? Who were you with?" he asked.


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