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Page 4

by Annabelle Lake

  Gabriel held very still, kissing her and crooning his apology gently in her ear. The pain did not last long and soon Alexis began to once more feel the arousing pull of desire as Gabriel’s tongue circled her breasts, gently pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger until she cried out in pleasure at his touch, only then did he began to move once more. Going slow at first, then faster and faster, as Alexis quickly picked up the new rhythm and joined him in willful abandon, resulting in an instantaneous culmination for them both.

  Gabriel cried out at the same time Alexis also found her completion and the two lay panting together still joined for several moments, until Gabriel noticed the chill on Alexis’ damp skin and insisted on carefully bundling her up in his coat and taking her indoors to warm by the fire.

  Dinner was a very intimate affair; Gabriel dismissed the servants for the evening and they sat very close to one another side by side at the table in the candle light, feeding each other small morsels with their fingers. Gabriel could not remember a time when he had been quite so relaxed and happy.

  Afterwards, he took her to bed in the master bedroom, and as the two lay in the happy glow of their love making they talked. “I think that we need to try to salvage your reputation, we cannot stay here forever, though I would like too.” Fear seized at Alexis at his words.

  “We cannot tell people that you are the one who kidnapped me…” Her voice was edged with panic. “You are an Earl, tis true, but you very well could end up in prison, especially if Delacourt uses his influence.”

  Gabriel smiled at her concern for him. “He most likely will try… but darling, I did do it.” He spoke evenly, fully aware that he might very well end up in prison for his misdeeds. Alexis snuggled into him tightly a moment, unable to stand the idea of Gabriel in prison, before jumping up with a delighted giggle as an idea struck her.

  “I may have a plan...” Gabriel was temporarily distracted by the sway of her full breasts, but managed to pull his attention back to her face after only the briefest of moments.

  “What if we tell a tale that you rescued me from the kidnappers?” Alexis grinned at him conspiratorially. “You were ever so brave, fighting them all off… especially the leader for he was ever so big.” Alexis looked completely serious, and Gabriel laughed.

  “Do you really think people would believe that I fought ten armed men to save you?” He asked, causing Alexis to scoff.

  “Of course not that would be ridiculous; they separated and went their own ways shortly after the kidnapping; it was only three armed men that you had to slay to rescue me.” Gabriel burst into laughter at her ingenuity and hugged her tightly to his chest.

  “Well, I suppose if you do not mind encouraging the mistruth, I will not object to avoiding a prison cell.” Gabriel relented smiling. “We can also tell them that I was so enamored by your obvious charms that I offered you marriage on the spot.”

  Alexis laughed at the silly idea, but her laughter was short lived when she saw the serious look upon his face.

  “Surely you are not serious?” Gabriel nodded, and Alexis’s heart raced, she had a moment of such pure delight that she wanted to scream yes from the roof top; instead she shook her head, though it hurt her heart to do so.

  “I do not want you offering marriage out of some misguided, noble idea to appease your honor.” She protested vehemently, and Gabriel stiffened at her tone. “I do not want you to marry me to protect me from Delacourt.” Gabriel looked as though he wanted to say something, but Alexis doggedly ignored him and continued, for she was determined to have her say. “…Or because I gave you my innocence, it was mine to give, and I did not do it to trap you into marriage.” Her chin rose mutinously a fraction of an inch and Gabriel had to smile at her defiant look. Not stopping there, he kissed her defiant little chin before replying.

  “I am offering you marriage partly because I want to protect you from Delacourt.” She looked mutinous. “I am also offering you marriage because I bedded you and took your innocence.” Her eyes flashed dangerously now, and Gabriel paused to stare for a moment at how adorable she looked when she was furious.

  “But I am also offering for you because I am wildly attracted to you, had I not been, I would never have gone against my honor and bedded you.” Alexis had begun to smile now, however; it was very slight.

  “I like being around you.” He caressed her hand and smiled at her. “And simply because this daring rescue plot is fabrication, I still would not hesitate to take on ten armed men or even one hundred armed men to get you back if you were ever taken from me.” Alexis felt that special heat in her belly at his words.

  She remembered Delacourt, the day of their marriage as he simply stood there watching them drag her off, and knew instinctively that Gabriel spoke the truth. He would have fought them tooth and nail for her; he might have even won.

  “Then I will marry you” She interrupted him midsentence, and the look of relief upon his face at her words was just more proof that she was doing the right thing.

  They left early the next morning; Gabriel had somehow gotten a message to his coachman, and the man appeared bright and early the next day. In preparation for the journey, Alexis dressed in a soft gown of muslin green that went well with her hair.

  Alexis beamed at the coachman’s surprised look and gave him a cheery, “Good morning Henderson.” She was certain the change in her attitude over the past two days had him deeply puzzled. Alexis fell asleep almost instantly once they were on their way; for she had not gotten a lot of sleep the night before, as she and Gabriel had celebrated their betrothal by making love until dawn.

  Gabriel, whom she had been snuggled up against shook her gently when they reached a coaching inn, once more they did not stop very much, only to change fresh horses and once so that Alexis could relieve herself. They shared a picnic hamper much like they had the first time, only this time they laughed and talked together, feeding each other the plump red strawberries that they found in the basket, and the only time Alexis was tied up was once, when they made passionate love.

  It was nearing midnight when they reached London; Gabriel wanted to deliver her to her parent’s house immediently, but Alexis pleaded with him, to allow her to spend one last night with him.

  “We will have all the time in the world once we are wed; besides I do not want to sully your good name further.” Alexis grudgingly agreed, though she felt nervous and ill at ease as they pulled up in front of her families’ massive mansion in Mayfair. Gabriel sensing her unease, gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, a moment before the door was opened by a surprised footman.

  “Miss Grant!” The man exclaimed in pleasure and Alexis nodded to the man.

  “Are my parents at home?” She barely got the words out before she was bombarded by her sisters who had obviously been spying to see who was at the door.

  “Lexis” They cried in unison, as all three of them began to smother her with hugs and kisses. Alexis hugged them back, genuinely happy to see them and then all of a sudden they parted and her mother and father were there. Her mother fell upon her weeping, and even her father had tears in his eyes. His head was bound in a large bandage, causing Alexis to cast Gabriel an angry look, at the sight of it. It was then that her entire family seemed to notice Gabriel and all of a sudden everyone was talking at once. Several moments went by where Alexis and Gabriel could not make heads nor tails of what everyone was shouting; their words ran together in a fevered jumble. Finally, her father seized control of the situation and sent the three younger girls off to their rooms, where they would no doubt continue to listen through a vent. Motioning Alexis and Gabriel into his study, her mother came along also.

  “What in the devil happened to you my girl? We were so worried.” Her mother broke down and began to sob quietly into her hands at her husband’s words, and Gabriel hastily offered her his handkerchief. Gabriel and Alexis had rehearsed what they were going to say in the carriage during the long trip so Alexis immediently fell into the
story; Gabriel stayed silently at her side.

  “The Earl of Adderly rescued me Mama; he saved my life” Alexis beamed at Gabriel at these words, for they were true, he had saved her… from the Marquis.

  Gabriel looked uncomfortable at her parent’s profuse gratitude, and Alexis grinned widely at his discomfort. They had decided to wait to announce their engagement until Alexis had officially broken her betrothal to the Marquis. Alexis, unable to stifle a yawn drew everybody’s attention, and at her parent’s insistence, she was hustled off to bed. She wished that she could have had a moment alone with Gabriel, but it was apparently not to be. Her mother followed her up the stairs and tucked her lovingly into bed, acting the Lady's maid for her, while her father continued to speak to Gabriel in his study.

  “A piece of my heart was missing while you were away.” Her mother told her, planting a soft kiss to her brow before she turned and left the room. Alexis could hear her mother lecturing the younger girls sternly to let her rest. So Alexis was not surprised when a moment later, after her mother had no doubt gone downstairs to bid the Earl adieu, her three sisters came pouring into the room and jumped excitedly upon her bed.

  “The Earl is ever so handsome” Millie said dreamily and all three girls began to talk at once.

  “Were you scared?”

  “Did the Earl kill the kidnappers?”

  “It sounds ever so romantic” Beatrice sighed dreamily.

  Alexis finally got to sleep an hour later with all three of her sisters curled up in bed around her, she missed Gabriel terribly, but her sisters were a reassuring presence in his stead.

  The next morning, Alexis could not make a move without one or the other member of her family crowding her, midmorning she received an excessively large bouquet of exotic hot house flowers that were sent along with Gabriel’s calling card. Alexis smelled the roses and lilies dreamily, a moment before the butler interrupted her.

  “You have a caller Miss; it tis your fiancé Lord Blakely. Alexis felt a shiver of disgust roll over her, but she firmed up her shoulders and nodded to the footman. The door swung open a moment later, and the Marquis glided regally into the room.

  Alexis watched him and wondered how she could ever have been fooled by his artificial charm. He was dressed severely in black, as was his custom, a style that rather made him appear similar to an over grown crow. Gabriel’s own style of dress was so different, incorporating a touch of color, usually a blue that exactly matched his eyes that she wondered why she had never noticed how evil it made the Marquis look, before.

  “Good morning, my dear.” Alexis shivered at the endearment. “I had heard that you had been returned, your mother sent me a note this morning, and I had to come by and see for myself that no harm had befallen you.” Alexis pasted an uncomfortable smile upon her face.

  “Thank you, my Lord, as you can see I am perfectly fine. The Earl of Adderly happened upon me and rescued me quite heroically from my captors. Do you know of him?” Alexis watched him closely, except for a heightened color, there was no response.

  “Not very well, my dear.” He smiled; though it looked a little forced and did not reach his eyes.

  “So you say that Lord Adderly rescued you?” He was watching her closely now, and Alexis had to resist the urge to squirm.

  “Yes, he was very brave.” The Marquis suddenly looked mutinously angry.

  “You my dear, are a liar, a skilled one, but a liar all the same. Do you think that I am so stupid that I did not recognize that wretches voice when he held me at gunpoint in the church?” Alexis paled at his sudden vicious attack though she was determined to stick to the tale she and Gabriel had devised. Their future depended on it.

  “I am sure I do not know what you mean Sir, it was a very trying time for us all, and I am sure that mistakes could have been made.” The Marquis looked like he wanted to strike her for her impertinence, but instead he pursed his lips and said nothing.

  “I am actually glad that you came over my Lord, for there was something of importance that I wished to discuss with you.” The Marquis arched an angry eyebrow at her but remained silent.

  “I wish to be released from our betrothal; I am sure after all this scandal you no longer wish to be married to me either.” Alexis was stunned when the Marquis began to laugh, but it was not a deep chest rumbling humorous laugh like Gabriel’s, it was cold and sinister and put her instantly ill at ease.

  “What is funny my Lord?” Alexis asked though she was certain she did not want to know.

  “I came over here to end this disastrous betrothal.” Alexis breathed a sigh of relief and smiled genuinely for the first time.

  “Then it is settled.” The Marquis eyed her coldly, a sneer upon his face.

  “No, it is certainly not” Alexis stared at him in confusion.

  “I do not know what you mean?” Alexis was truly confused.

  “I no longer wish for our engagement to end.” Alexis grew cold at his words.

  “But you just said…” She began to protest, but Delacourt cut her off.

  “I knew it was Adderly in that mask. How could I not? It made me angry that he would dare take something that was mine, but I was prepared to drop you… after all what would a Marquis want with spoiled goods?” The look he gave her was as if she were an insect crawling across his boot.

  “You should never play cards my dear; you have a terrible poker face.” The Marquis laughed ghoulishly. “You have given your entire hand away. I will keep this engagement because I can see how badly you want Adderly; he has had you, has he not? You whored yourself to him when you were his prisoner!” Alexis’s face turned red, not from embarrassment but from fury, though she forced herself to say nothing; it was apparent the Marquis did not expect a response.

  “As much as I hate him, Adderly is a disgustingly honorable man… he would never have fucked you if he did not care about you a great deal.” The Marquis looked gleeful now. “He wants you and I am not going to let him have you.”

  Alexis could no longer hold her tongue. “You have forgotten an important part of that plan hinges on me agreeing to marry you.” Alexis dropped all pretense of Lady like decorum and actually smirked at the Marquis. “I would not marry you if I was starving on the street and you were my only salvation! Did you think Gabriel would not tell me what you did to his sister? You are a monster.” Much to Alexis’s frustration the Marquis only laughed at her impassioned speech.

  “You will marry me, or I shall offer for one of your sisters.” He sent a disgusted look at her flame red hair. “I usually prefer blondes anyway… who is that blonde little sister of yours? Millie I believe her name is?” Delacourt smirked at her as Alexis turned suddenly quite pale. He knew he had her. Alexis felt ill at the thought of Delacourt married to her soft spoken, younger sister.

  Her parents would never believe her that Delacourt was evil, they were too dazzled at the prospect of having a Marquis in the family and Delacourt was smart, he had never given any of them a reason to believe he was a monster. Alexis felt helpless and ill at the thought.

  “You do not want me… It is as you said, I have been bedded by Gabriel, and you could not possibly want a wife like that!” She was desperate so she had thrown caution to the wind and despite the flair of embarrassment that flooded her cheeks she stared back at the Marquis stonily. He gave a casual shrug of his black clad shoulder.

  “What do I care if you are not an untried virgin? I can buy one of those anywhere; I shall abstain from your wifely bed until I can be certain that you are not with child. I will not play father to some bastard.”

  “And what if I am?” Alexis challenged; certain she did not want to know.

  “A short sojourn in the country and the little bastard can be shipped off to a work camp. It will be like it never happened. And then I shall be able to enjoy your many attributes, the best of them, being how tortured Gabriel will be when I take you.” The Marquis sneered, and Alexis felt her heart accelerate in fear. She would never agree
to give her child up to a work house.

  “If I am with child… the baby must go to Gabriel.” Alexis bartered, her heart breaking in two even as she spoke the words for, despite everything she knew about this man, she could not sentence her sister to a fate worse than death, the fate of being this awful man’s wife. At least she had read the journals and knew what to expect, Millie was far too soft, he would kill her just as surely as he had killed Gabriel’s sister.

  She would be able to deal with it better than Millie; she could stand up for herself, perhaps even kill the bastard if he hurt her too badly. To her surprise the Marquis readily agreed to her terms. Seeing the obvious question on her face he laughingly explained it to her.

  “It will be all the sweeter revenge on Adderly, a constant reminder in the flesh of what he has lost.” Alexis was sickened by his words, but she nodded her head.

  “Then I will marry you.” The Marquis left shortly after and Alexis sat down to pen Gabriel the hardest letter she had ever written. She could not tell him of the Marquis’s blackmail, for he would try to find a way around it and any way Alexis thought it through the only way out of it was to sacrifice her sister.

  Gabriel was meeting with his man of business; a lot had happened in the past two days since he had been away. He was in real danger of losing a massive shipping contract with the French. The contract was worth over half a million pounds and would sink his business if he lost it. Gabriel was going to have to go across the channel himself to France to sort it out. He was making preparations to leave the following day when an urgent letter bearing the Grant crest was delivered via a liveried footman.

  He had not yet had a chance to explain the situation to her, but had been planning on a visit later that afternoon. Excusing himself while he read the letter, his face blanched and he threw the paper into the flames of the fireplace after reading it. What in the hell did she mean she had changed her mind, and she wanted to marry Delacourt. Had the woman gone daft? She had written that she did not want him to try and stop her, nor, in fact, did she want to see him ever again.


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