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Full Moons and Mistletoe

Page 5

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  I would have told or given him anything he wanted at that moment to get him to continue what he’d been doing. “I was embarrassed.”

  “Embarrassed of what?” His brow furrowed. “It’s just us.”

  “I know. But I don’t look the same as I did four years ago.”

  “No.” He cupped both of my breasts with his hands. “You look even better. Having my son changed your body. You have some more curves now, but that’s not a bad thing. I loved your body then, and I love it now. I’ll always love it.”

  “Really?” I got a fluttery feeling in my stomach. Was he for real?

  “Really. I love it so much I’m going to insist you spend the next hour completely naked.”

  “You mean we’re picking up where we left off?” I filled with excitement.

  “Not exactly.” He unbuttoned my jeans again, lifted me up slightly and pulled them off. He followed that with my panties, leaving me completely naked. Sitting on his counter.

  Instead of touching me he unbuttoned his own jeans, pulling them off and revealing that, just like the last time I saw him, he wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

  He was also aroused, and even bigger than I remembered.

  I reached out to take him in my hand. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and gently moving my hand. “As good as that feels, it needs to wait.”

  “Wait for what?”

  “For us to cook and eat dinner.”

  “Then why did you get us both naked?”

  “Because we’re doing that naked.”

  My hand flew to my very bare chest. “You’re crazy.”

  “I’m not. I’m making sure you understand I never want to see an ounce of self-consciousness when we’re together. You are mine, and I am yours. That means there is never a reason to hide our bodies when we’re alone.”

  “I’ll say it again. You’re crazy. I’m not going to cook and eat dinner naked.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because. And is that even sanitary?”

  “Were you planning to use anything but your hands to cook?” He sent me an incredibly sexy, crooked smile.

  “No.” I tired to ignore the tightness in my belly caused by that smile.

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “If you want a girl who’s going to cook naked, then find someone else.” I attempted to cover all private parts with my hands.

  “That again?” He groaned. “There is no one else. There is you and me. Everything I want to do, I want to do with you. And I know everything you want to do, you want to do with me.”

  “I don’t want to cook naked.”

  “Fine. You may pick one article of clothing to wear.” He pointed at the scattered clothes on the floor.

  “Great.” I hopped of the counter and picked up his t-shirt. I slid it on. “Perfect.” I felt a flood of relief.

  “Damn, that’s hot.” He gave me an appreciative look.

  “You just saw me naked, and now this is hot?”

  “You’re always hot, but seeing you wear nothing other than my shirt is incredibly hot. It’s also a tease because I know exactly what is waiting for me under there.”

  “Waiting for you?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes.” He stepped into his jeans. “Waiting for me. I saw your reaction when I stopped.”

  “That doesn’t mean I’ll always feel that way.”

  “Is that so?” He smiled.

  “Yes. I’m already over it.”

  “Over it you say?” He slid his hand under the shirt and cupped my breast while his other hand slid between my legs. “Should we find out just how over it you are?”

  “Hey, this isn’t fair. You’re more dressed than me.”

  “We both picked one article of clothing, and I let you go first.” He ran his hand up and down the inside of my thigh. “I must say not only is this hot, but it’s very convenient.”

  “Now who’s teasing who?”

  “Just admit you’ll be waiting for me after dinner, and I’ll move my hand.”

  “And if I don’t admit it?” I bit back the whimper that wanted to come out.

  “Do you want to know what happens?”

  “I’m not sure.” My stomach growled.

  “Saved by your stomach.” He removed his hand. “I’m taking a quick shower. Otherwise I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off of you.”

  “You really are the bigger tease.”

  “I promise to give you everything you want and even more later.” He kissed me on the cheek and disappeared from the room.



  I turned the shower on as cold as it could get. Otherwise I was going to go back to the kitchen, pull off that t-shirt, and have my way with her right there on the counter. She wouldn’t object. I knew that, but that didn’t mean I could do it. She had to be ready. Completely ready. Because once I had her again, it would be forever. There would be no running away and trying to hide from me. It wasn’t if, it was when.

  The cold water wasn’t enough, but it was going to have to be for a while. If I got my way, the next shower I took wouldn’t be alone. After that thought I had to turn the cold water on again.

  Satisfied it was as good as it was going to get, I got out and dried off.

  I picked up my phone and noticed a text from my brother. Instead of texting I called him back. It would be faster that way.

  He picked up right away. “Find anything waiting for you at home?”

  “Thought you were being clever, didn’t you?”

  “Figured you’d enjoy the surprise.”

  “I did. I am.” There was no better surprise possible, even if it did complicate things. Anything was worth having Alex and Langdon. I had a family now.

  Norm laughed. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but did she come with any news?”

  “Yes. Wonderful news wouldn’t you say?” There was no sense pretending. I knew she’d already told him.

  “Very. This changes everything for the pack.”

  “It does.” I glanced into the hallway. “But first I need to take care of making Alex my mate officially.”

  “Did she tell you her real name is Lexie yet?”

  “What?” I didn’t bother to hide my surprise from my brother.

  “Well, it’s Alexandra to be fair, but from what I got most people call her Lexie.”

  “Then why’d she tell me she was Alex?”

  “Not my place to ask.” He laughed lightly but tried to hide it.

  “Do me a favor.”


  “Tell the others I’ll be back Monday, and I need everyone ready.” I liked to give my own orders, but sometimes I needed to use my second in command.

  “I can do that. Anything else?”

  “Go shopping.”

  “Shopping?” He didn’t hide his surprise at my words.

  “For anything a three-year-old boy would want. This is new territory for me.”

  “It’s new for me too.”

  “Yes, but I have other things to do at the moment.”

  “You can say thank you.”

  I could practically hear him smiling through the phone. “Thank you. I don’t want to think about what would have happened if you weren’t there.”

  “Luckily you don’t have to.”

  “You’ll find your mate too.”

  “Make yours official before you worry about me.”

  “I’m planning on it.” But I couldn’t rush things. I’d waited four years. Surely I could wait another few hours more.

  I walked slowly back toward the kitchen. Alex sat at the round table sipping from a glass of water. “Hey.”

  “Hi. I figured you wouldn’t mind if I helped myself.” She held up the glass.

  “Of course not. I should have offered you something before I took off.”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  Her eyes seemed sad again. The lightness had disappeared.

  “You ok
ay?” I sat down in the seat next to her.

  “Missing Langdon.”

  “I’m sure I’d miss him too if I knew him.” I already wondered how I was going to make up for the lost time. But first I needed to win his mother over.

  “I’m sorry.” She looked down.

  “Don’t be.” I took her hand in mine. “How about something to eat?”

  “Sure.” She looked up. “I think I’m ready to admit I’m hungry.”

  I released her hand and went over to the stove. “How do omelets sound?”

  “That sounds great.” She hovered beside me. Her presence was comforting and natural.

  “Ok, good.” I’d remembered a conversation we’d shared while tangled together in the sheets four years ago. I’d asked her favorite breakfast, and she’d said omelets—but she’d added they were even better for dinner. I hoped I got some credit for remembering.

  She got to work cracking eggs while I chopped up some peppers. We easily fell into a rhythm, and with the two of us cooking together, we had the omelets ready in no time.

  We each brought our plates over to the table.

  I didn’t touch mine at first. I just watched her. I’d never get tired of looking at her.

  “You can eat.” She gestured to my plate.

  “So can you,” I pointed out.

  “Not with you staring at me.”

  “I’m not staring.”

  “Then what do you call what you’re doing?”

  “Watching. Enjoying the view. You can have your pick of those.” And I’d never get tired of this view. I’d been imagining it in my head for years. Adding in the fact she was only wearing my t-shirt, and it was even better.

  “You’re staring.”

  “You’re beautiful.”

  A blush crept up her cheeks. It was adorable. “Please stop.”

  “Stop what?” I feigned innocence.

  “Whatever.” She leaned back in her chair. “I guess I’ll just wait.”

  “My looking at you bothers you that much?” I needed to understand her. She was still the same gorgeous woman she was four years before, but she had lost so much of her confidence. I needed to bring it back. “You’re not even naked, so no excuse there.”

  “That doesn’t mean you aren’t making me self-conscious.”

  “Where did all this come from? You weren’t like this the last time I saw you.”

  “The last time I saw you I was high on you I guess.”

  “High on me?” I took a bite of my omelet hoping that if I ate she’d do the same.

  She blushed again. “Yes, in a way.”

  “Then maybe I need to get you high on me again.”

  “I’m a different person now.” She took a tentative bite of her omelet.

  “No. You’re not.”

  “How would you know?”

  “Because you’re still you. Yes, your life has changed, but you have the same heart, and that’s ultimately what defines a person.”

  She took another bite. “This is good.”

  “It is.” I ate another bite of mine. “We work well together.”

  “We can cook together. That’s doesn’t mean we’d do other things well together.”

  “You know as well as I do we do other things together very well.”

  “We used to.” She looked down at her plate.

  “So what was happening earlier?” I captured her legs with mine under the table.

  “It’s been awhile. I’m sure anything would have been, uh, enjoyable.”

  “Is that what you think?”

  “Yes.” She seemed to be hiding a smile.

  “What’s he like?” I changed the subject. I’d prove my point later on in the evening.

  “Langdon?” She paused with a bite close to her lips.


  She smiled. Her face lit up again. “He’s incredible. So full of excitement about everything. He’s sweet, and loving, and likes to be a big helper.” She set her fork down, food forgotten. “That’s not to say he’s perfect. His new thing is to repeat everything I say, especially the stuff I shouldn’t say.”

  I laughed. “You? Say anything you shouldn’t?”

  “Very funny. And you would too if you had my car.” She shook her head. “Never mind.”

  “No. What were you going to say?”

  “Nothing important.” She hurriedly took another bite of food, probably to give her an excuse not to answer me.

  “Anything you have to say is important.”


  “Come on, what about your car?”

  “It’s old.” She set down her fork. “That’s it. Nothing exciting.”

  “I’ll get you a new one.” I’d get her everything she needed.

  “See, that’s why I didn’t say it.”

  “Why?” I studied her. Why did my offer reward me with an objection too?

  “Because I’m not here for your money. I’m doing fine on my own.”

  “I never said you were here for that.” Had I inadvertently screwed up?

  “But don’t even think it.”

  “I have no thoughts on the subject. I know you’re here because of Langdon, and I’d like to think you’re here at the moment at least partially for me.”

  “Maybe a little. Well, why I’m still here.” She blushed. Man, I loved that blush.

  “Ok, I’ll let you eat.” I’d already finished mine. “I’ll stop looking.”

  “It doesn’t bother me anymore.” She took another bite.

  “Oh. That was fast.”

  “I’m just in a weird mood tonight.”

  “Hey, I have an idea.”


  “Did you bring a warm coat with you?” I hoped the answer wasn’t that she didn’t have one. I knew she could take care of herself, but I hated how much she’d had to sacrifice because I wasn’t there to help.

  “No.” She shook her head. “I packed everything for Langdon and didn’t worry much about myself.”

  “Ok. You can borrow a sweatshirt of mine.” I had a feeling that was the story of her life. She did everything for her son—our son— and forgot to take care of herself. That was about to change. I’d take care of both of them.

  “I thought we weren’t leaving.”

  “We aren’t—not really at least.”

  “Ok...” She furrowed her brow.

  “Here. Let me clean up.” I picked up the empty plates.

  “I can do it.” She stood up next to me and reached for the plate.

  It undid me. Seeing her standing there in my kitchen wearing just my shirt. Any thoughts of leaving the house went out the window.

  She must have noticed the change in my expression. “You okay?”

  The dishes were forgotten. Instead I picked her up and placed her back on the counter where she’d been before. I leaned in and kissed her, needing to taste her again. I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth.

  She moaned. I slipped my hand under the t-shirt, resting my hand on her thigh.

  I slid my other hand up to her breast. I cupped her breast, and she moaned again.

  I slid my hand between her legs, loving the easy access. She opened her legs up for me, and I teased her, running my fingers over her inner thigh.

  She sighed.

  “Still in a weird mood?”

  “I’m in a different mood.”

  “Oh yeah.” I moved my hand over just a little.

  She took in a sharp breath, waiting with anticipation.

  “What do you want to do tonight?”

  “Is that a joke?” She squirmed.

  “Well, I did plan to take you outside to see the stars. Maybe drive around to see some holiday lights.”

  “That sounds good.” She was struggling to hide her frustration. “Holiday lights are always pretty, and I’m feeling more festive now.”

  “You want to do that now?” I slipped a finger inside her. “You sure?”

  “Absolutely. We can go.”
  “Is that what you want to do?” I slipped two more fingers inside.

  She moaned and squirmed. I released her breast and pulled her shirt up over her head, revealing all of her to me. I took her breast in my mouth, running my tongue over her nipple. “Just say the word, and we’ll get dressed and head out to the truck.”

  “You like to tease me. I remember that about you.”

  “Correction. I love to tease you.” I bit down on her nipple.

  “Two can play at that game.” She undid the button of my jeans and slid her hand inside.

  I groaned as she took me in her hand. She pushed my jeans down, and I kicked them off.

  She stroked me, slowly at first, and then faster.

  I closed my eyes, taking in the sensation, but wanting to make sure nothing went too fast.

  “Let’s go to my room,” I breathed.

  “No.” She released me. “Let’s go see lights.”

  “What?” In my surprise I removed my hand and stepped back.

  She started to slide off the counter, but I caught her, putting her right back.

  “Hey, you said it was up to me what we did.”

  “You’re going to cut me off, here? Now?”

  “What do you think you did to me?”

  “Alex, baby, I think we’ve both had enough teasing.” There was no way cold water was going to help me this time. I needed her, and I needed her immediately.

  “Now you know how I feel.” She leaned her head back. Did she realize what that did to me? Revealing the skin I needed to bite to officially make her mine.

  I heard a loud knock at the front door.

  She froze.

  “Don’t move.” I pulled on my jeans and headed to the front. Whoever was interrupting us was going to get an earful. And if they didn’t leave immediately, a knuckle full.

  I sensed it was one of my pack. Grady. One of the youngest. What the hell was he doing here? I glanced back toward the kitchen to make sure no one could see Alex from the front door.

  I pulled open the door. “What do you want?”

  “We’ve got trouble, Ryder. Big trouble.”

  “What are you taking about?” My annoyance turned to worry. He wouldn’t exaggerate.

  “Word’s out you found a mate, and she had your pup. Is that true?”

  “First, tell me what the trouble is.” I stayed calm because I had no choice.

  “Adrian knows. He’s pissed. He knows the pup gives you the upper hand.”


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