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Full Moons and Mistletoe

Page 8

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “As long as it takes to get where we’re going.”

  “Real helpful,” I mumbled.

  “Relax. It’s going to be worth it.” He led me down the rest of the steps and to the car.

  “People are going to think you’re kidnapping me if you drive me somewhere like this.” I tried to come up with any excuse to convince him to take the bandana off short of me refusing.

  “Who’s going to see us? It’s dark out.”

  “There are lights on the road.” Or not. Forest Ridge wasn’t big on them.

  He picked me up and put me in the truck. “Quit worrying. No one is going to arrest us.”


  “You should be excited.” He reached over and buckled my seatbelt.

  “I am.”

  “Are you?” In the next moment his lips were on mine, igniting the fire in me that was always lit by his touch. I reached out for him, pulling him closer. The blindfold made it hotter. Since I couldn’t see I focused on my other senses—mostly touch. He intensified the kiss, pushing into my mouth and demanding my tongue. I opened up freely and fully.

  Then just as suddenly he stopped.

  I groaned. “You and your teasing.”

  “This isn’t about teasing, it’s about getting where we need to go.” He kissed my forehead and closed the door to the truck.

  I waited for him to go around to his side and get in. I listened to the truck start, and he backed out of the driveway. We were on our way to whatever the surprise was, and I was no longer nervous. Ryder’s kiss had done the trick, and I was positive that was exactly what he’d been hoping for.



  Ending a kiss with Alex was never easy, but I had to. I’d had the whole evening set up and planned for days. The timing was important.

  I’d gotten a little nervous when she struggled to say goodbye to Langdon. I understood her hesitation. I was reluctant to say goodbye to him too, but I needed time alone with Alex. Whether she knew it or not, she needed it too.

  I’d given things some time. I’d let Alex and Langdon adjust to life in Forest Ridge, but now it was time to do what I’d wanted to do for years—make Alex mine in the most significant way possible—to make her my mate.

  I put the truck in park and turned it off.

  “Are we there?” Alex put a hand on the side of her bandana. To her credit she didn’t take it off. She was taking this very seriously.

  “Yes.” I ran my fingers over her hand.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” Her voice was filled with excitement instead of nerves now, and I was pretty sure my kiss had something to do with that.

  I hopped out and went around to her side. Now it was my turn to be nervous. I hoped she liked the surprise. I’d taken a risk with it, and I hoped it paid off. I opened her car door and took her hand. “You ready?”

  “As ready as I can be for something I don’t know anything about.”

  “Works for me.” I guided her from the car and up the brick walkway.

  I situated her exactly where I wanted her and pulled off the blindfold.

  I waited anxiously as she blinked and took in the sight in front of her.

  She said nothing at first.

  “So, what do you think?” I watched her like a hawk, determined to witness all of her reaction.

  “Think? Did Nancy tell you I liked this house?” Alex pointed at the large white painted brick house in front of us.

  “No. Langdon did.” I smiled. He’d been very specific about how much his mommy wanted it and that I should buy it for her.

  “What?” Her eyes widened.

  “I’m getting good at knowing when you lie because you don’t want me doing things for you. I knew your whole ‘our current house is perfect’ thing wasn’t true. Langdon told me you loved this one.”

  “But it’s not for sale.”

  “No it’s not.” And I hoped it wouldn’t be again for years. This was the house we’d raise our family in. “Unless you don’t want it.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Wait. You already bought it? Even though it wasn’t for sale?”

  “Most houses are for sale for the right price.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” She gaped at me, and then back at the house.

  “You like it, right? Langdon pointed out the right one?”

  “Oh, it’s the right one, but I can’t believe you bought it.” She put a hand to her chest.

  “I know I probably should have talked to you about it first, but every time I brought up getting a new place you shot it down. You also refused to change anything in the current house because you don’t consider it yours. I figured we needed a new place for our new family.”

  A slow smile spread across her lips. “Can I see inside?”

  “Of course.” I took her hand again and led her up the steps to the front door.

  I pulled out the key from my pocket and pushed open the door. “Do me a favor, and look around over here and in kitchen for a few minutes. I need to finalize things for the rest of the surprise.”

  “There’s more to the surprise?” She put a hand to her chest.

  “Yes.” I smiled. “Be right back.”

  I hurried off to the master bedroom to make sure everything was exactly the way it was supposed to be. I got to work lighting candles. When I was satisfied things were perfect I headed back out toward the main living area to find her.

  She ran her hands over the marble counter top. “This place is gorgeous.”

  “Yes, but it’s going to be even nicer once you put your touch on it.”

  “Thanks for not doing that part.” She grinned.

  “I do know you. I wasn’t about to take away any of your fun.”

  “Speaking of fun.” She raised an eyebrow. “Where’s that other surprise you were telling me about?”

  “Right this way.” I held out my arm to her. She linked her arm through it, and I led her down the hall to our new room.

  Her face lit up when she took in the candles surrounding the pile of blankets I set up.

  “Wow. This is beautiful.”

  “I didn’t want to buy any furniture without you, but I thought this was a perfect evening to try out the new room.”

  She walked over and pulled my head down to meet hers. “Absolutely perfect evening for it.” She kissed me.

  She may have been the one to start the kiss, but I quickly took over. I demanded access to her mouth, while at the same time slipping my hand underneath her sweater. Her skin was warm and soft, exactly the way it always was, but this time it felt even better because I knew what was coming.

  She broke the kiss and took a step back. I was about to complain, but she pulled off her sweater, letting it fall to the floor. “Make me yours.”

  “You’re ready?” I locked my eyes with hers.

  “Completely.” She unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off.

  I hurriedly shed my shirt and jeans and closed the distance between us. I unclasped her bra, and slowly slid it off, followed by her panties. I tossed both aside.

  I watched her, letting my eyes enjoy what my hands and mouth would be enjoying soon.

  She let me look. She made no move to cover herself up or hide from me. Her confidence turned me on more until I couldn’t wait any longer. I lowered my mouth to her breast, lightly grazing my teeth over her nipple. She moaned, and I slid my hand between her legs.

  She opened up to me, and I slid two fingers inside of her. She moaned even louder.

  I slid in a third finger, and she whimpered. I bit down on her nipple before releasing it so my lips could move next to her neck.

  She took me in her hand, and I closed my eyes for a moment, savoring her touch before opening my eyes and offsetting her hand. I slid my fingers out and stepped back.

  “No teasing me tonight.” She pouted.

  “There will be no teasing.” I gently helped her down to the blankets and lay beside her. “You comfortable?”

sp; “Perfect.” She ran her hand down my chest.

  “I’m going to make this as painless as possible.” I didn’t mean the sex. I meant the bite.

  “I want you.” She pulled on my back to move me toward her. “I need you.”

  “I need you too.” I moved over her and looked down at the most beautiful woman I had ever met. “I love you, Alex. I will love you forever.” I thrust into her slowly at first to make sure she was ready to take me.

  I continued to thrust, harder and faster until the entire length of me was inside her. We fit perfectly together, and we moved in perfect rhythm as I made things continually harder and faster.

  She moaned my name and thrust her hips into me, and I knew it was time.

  I bit down on her neck. She cried out in pain, but soon she was moaning again as I licked the wound to heal it. I continued to move inside her, bringing her to a level of pleasure I couldn’t have before I’d bitten her. She reached her release, but I made no move to stop. Bringing her to climax once wasn’t enough.

  I pulled her on top of me and rested my hands on her hips as she rode me. She moaned, the pain long forgotten as she became as lost as I was in the euphoria of our physical and supernatural connection.

  When she neared her second climax I rolled her over again so I was on top. I looked deep into her eyes as I met my release at the same moment she did just the way it was supposed to be. She was mine. I was hers. We were forever connected, and no one could ever take her away from me.

  I stayed inside her long after we were done. I wasn’t ready to separate.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’m yours.”

  “You’ve always been mine.” I kissed her lips. “From the moment we met.”

  “Is that so?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Absolutely. It just took awhile to convince you of the truth.”

  “I am thoroughly convinced.”

  “Are you completely sure?” I ran my lips down her neck.

  “Maybe you should convince me some more just to be sure.”

  I grinned. “We have all night.”

  “No, we have all weekend.”

  She kissed me. “Best surprise ever.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “You gave me the best surprise ever when you showed up and told me about Langdon.”

  “Hopefully we’ll have more surprises to share.”

  “I have one more for tonight.” I reached over to where I’d tossed my jeans. I pulled out the small black box.

  “Wait.” Her eyes widened. “What?””

  I got down on one knee in front of her, still completely naked and well aware of what was on display. It didn’t matter. She had all of me now.

  “Alexandra Mason, will you do me the honor of being my wife as well as my mate?”

  “Yes!” She reached up and pulled me down on top of her.

  I pushed the ring onto her left ring finger into the spot it would stay for the rest of her life.


  Please keep reading for a preview of Hunt (The Grizzly Brothers #1) and Dire (The Dire Wolves Chronicles #1) by Alyssa Rose Ivy.

  To stay up to date on Alyssa’s new releases, join her mailing list:


  The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles

  There's a new Alpha in town and he just found his mate, she just doesn't know it yet.

  Welcome to Crestview, Montana. Population ~1000 and not all of those are human.

  After his brother is murdered, Ian must step up to become Alpha of his bear shifter pack. At the same time law student Mara shows up in town, and Ian knows she’s destined to be his mate.

  When a rival pack lays claim to Mara, Ian and his brothers will stop at nothing to protect her.


  In the space of a few moments I went from kissing Ian to being held in rough arms as I was carried up toward the sky.

  Disoriented and petrified, I watched Ian’s ranch disappear below. I tried to scream, but I was breathless from the shock. Instead I held onto the creature carrying me, both hoping he’d release me and terrified he would let go and send me falling to my death.

  Less than forty-eight hours before I was a normal law student. Now I was falling for a bear shifter and kidnapped by a guy with wings.

  It turned out my summer in small town Montana wasn’t going to be so quiet after all.


  No one should be laid to rest alone. Even if you’ve been forced to walk the road of life with no one by your side, you deserve to have someone present at your burial. At least that’s what my grandfather taught me when I was a kid. Somehow even at twenty-three I couldn’t shake the lesson, which is why I was standing in the pouring rain without an umbrella.

  The weather report hadn’t called for rain. I’d checked twice before leaving the house dressed in the black cotton dress I saved for these sorts of occasions. The material was too thin for the cool Montana morning, but I didn’t have any other options in my closet.

  I’d made the slow drive over to the old cemetery just outside of town for the first time since arriving in Crestview six days before. I’d witnessed far more burials in the same time period when I lived in Philadelphia, but it seemed most people in this small town had someone around to bury them. I hoped people would be able to say the same thing about me when the time came.

  The rain had started innocently enough. A few drops landed on my wavy brown hair while I watched the gravedigger work. I ignored the water, watching the surprisingly upscale wooden coffin sit beside the hole in the ground that would become its new home. I’d been to plenty of these burials before, but this one felt different. Usually it was older people who had money but no family. This man was in his thirties. Had the dead man bought himself a high-end coffin before he died? Most thirty-year-olds I knew weren’t preparing for their own death.

  The small drops of rain became larger, but I refused to run back to my truck. It couldn’t take that much longer. These burials never did. There was no one around to make speeches or to play music. There was something beautiful about the simplicity even though the reason for it was depressing.

  The worker turned the crank and lowered the coffin into the hole. I walked closer, still keeping enough of a distance that he might not notice me. Explaining my presence was the most awkward part of these things.

  I looked up at the sky, letting large droplets of rain splash down my face. Was my Grandfather watching me? He’d never told me much about his belief in the afterlife. He’d always been more concerned about his life while on earth.


  I startled at the sound of a voice. The gravedigger paused with the coffin midway into the hole. He was older than I expected. At least seventy something with a weathered face that suggested he spent a lot of his time outside in the sun.

  “Yes?” I brushed my wet hair way from my face.

  “You should get on out of this rain.” The man squeezed water from his soaking wet t-shirt.

  “So should you.”

  He frowned. “This is my job.” Then his expression softened. “Unless. Are you a friend of his?” He pointed to the coffin.

  “No.” I shook my head. “I’ve never met him.” And I’d been unable to find out anything about him. Some might call it stalking, but I called it honoring. I always researched the deceased in an attempt to know them in some small way. Even if you are alone at the end of your life, you still did something, and someone should acknowledge, even if silently, the imprint you left on the world.

  “Then why are you here?” He tilted his head slightly.

  “Because someone should be.” That’s what my grandfather used to say. Of course it sounded better coming from him. More sage.

  “Well, I’m here already, so why don’t you go ahead home.” He gestured with his hand
for me to leave as if shooing a fly away.

  “Ok.” I accepted his logic half to be polite and half because the rain had picked up even more. “You do an important job.”

  His body stiffened. “No one has ever said that to me.”

  “Now someone has.”

  “Get out of this rain before you catch a cold.” His expression was serious.

  “That’s not possible.” I shook my head. “It’s an old wives’ tale.”

  “I believe the old wives. There was a reason for every story they told.”

  “There’s also a reason for science.” I may not have gone into the sciences, but I had a lot of respect for people who did.

  “Is that why you’re here?” His brow furrowed. “Standing in the rain at the burial of a man you never met?”

  “Maybe.” I shrugged before walking back toward my truck.

  And that’s when I saw him standing underneath the trees only a few feet away from me. Tall, dark, and with intense emerald green eyes so bright they almost gleamed. The intensity of his eyes was only matched by his scowl that seemed born more out of sadness than anger.

  I looked away, despite my desire to study his handsome face. Handsome faces brought heartache with them.

  I resisted the urge to look back as I made my way across the parking lot to my truck. I’d chosen to park in the furthest spot in the lot. Given the rain, it wasn't my best decision. I manually unlocked the door and stepped up into the Chevy S-10 truck that had been my grandfather’s only months before. It was nice to have my own vehicle, but I’d had far preferred his company. I’d learned to drive in this truck, but somehow now that the title bared my name it felt different, less like mine.

  Choosing to spend my summer break working in a small town in Montana probably didn’t help matters, but it sounded good at the time. I needed to get out of the city. There is something soothing and healing about silent, dark nights. They are the kind of nights that only exist in the country, and even though I hadn’t lived in the country since I was eighteen, it still called to me in a way the city never would.


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