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Thrill Me (Teased and Broken Book 2)

Page 14

by Ashley Black

  Yes! It had been too long.

  We had shared some sweet moments sure. A kiss or caress here. A gentle luxurious, intimate fuck there.

  But I had seen none of my artists passion in days.

  And now, impossibly, at the truly shit-ful news that Thorn was a free man. This gave him a boner that poked my thigh and near rose blisters on it for the insane warmth it gifted.

  “Brett,” I sighed against his lips.

  “El, I love you so much. I was such a damned fool before. Getting almost burned to death has changed me. The war, I thought, changed me, but then I stuffed it down and pretended it wasn’t there, didn’t I? But this … awful almost wiping out of my existence. Fuck it, I am a cliché in your stories El. It slammed repeatedly into me, over and over. My part in how we let that idiot into our lives in the first place. I worship you. I adore you. But I stopped caring enough to show it. I just became inert. It was all about the drive. The work. The art. My next creation. But know what feeds creation baby?,” he whispered as he freed himself expertly of the jeans he was wearing and lifted me into his arms and carried me past the bedroom.

  He gently set me on the floor, spun me around and bent me over the arm of the sofa in the little living room.

  “What?” I asked, mesmerized and a little curious at what he would do and say next.


  And then he punched me in the pussy with powerful hot ‘life’ between his legs. He burned into me in one hard powerful stroke of cock, once, twice, a third time, and withdrew. I squealed in excitement and at his absence as his arm caught me around the waist, lifted, and spun me around to face him. He gently lowered me to the thick glossy white mat that covered the polished floorboards.

  “Close your eyes,” he asked softly, brown eyes shining bright. “I don’t think we’ve had enough fun with how hot I run and your sexy body woman.”

  I loved how I heard the delicious smile in his voice.

  “I mean,” Brett dropped a playful kiss at the corner of my mouth. His hot tongue flicking out and running teasingly over my now quivering lower lip. “I am curious as to how you will respond.”

  “Oh yes,” I flicked my hips, ass lifting momentarily from the mat. “I am sure you will find me highly responsive.”

  His blazing hands gripped my hips and gently pushed my butt to meet the mat again.

  I pouted. He kissed it right off my mouth, sucking, biting, nipping at my parted lips.

  Oh. So good. My wanton back arched, despite trying to hold myself still. It was all his fault as far as I was concerned.

  He gently extended my legs, spreading them wider than I thought possible. Then I felt his hot breath stirring my pussy and making my butt clench painfully. He parted my lips with a hot index finger and I yelped in shock as he suddenly plunged a scorching hot tongue without warning into me and wriggled it sensually around. I felt every flick, poke and stroke of it inside of me, and my pulse began to thunder. I gasped when it slipped out, and burned a trail along the nub of me, up and down, pointed, merciless, insane friction and intensity that left an electrifying shower of sparkling arousal. I melted to pieces around this hot thing. My legs shaking, trying to slam closed to protect myself from the hot, relentless assault of his mouth between them.

  He withdrew, nipping and kissing the join of my thigh. “Tell me what you felt.”

  “You left me senseless. There were no words to tell,” I puffed. Oh wow! Embarrassing. He had me puffing after a few teasing strokes of that burning talented tongue.

  He laid his mouth over my pussy and kissed her softly, sucking, caressing, searing me with the hot silk of his lips brushing softly against mine. He began to rub them up and down, his attention, laser sharp, did not miss anything. All of her was attended to and duly kissed by his magnificent mouth.

  The tingling between my legs, deepened to throbbing, and escalated to an urgent pumping. This was ridiculous I could already feel my pussy soaked with arousal. “I respond with extreme wetness,” I sighed happily. “I am pumping so much I must be so …

  “Swollen, red and a little angry with me,” Brett ran his finger along one of my outer lips, and then the other. “Very puffy now, getting puffier. Oooooohh this is interesting. I have never seen her so worked up before. You are exquisite El.”

  Then the teasing tone fell from his voice and concern replaced it, he drew a cry of outrage from me as he stopped the erotic stroking of my hopelessly engorged bits between my legs. “I’m not hurting you am I?”

  “Fuck no!” I bit my lip frustrated. “Please continue to test my responsiveness.”

  “With pleasure,” stroking resumed once again along my wet, puffy lips, parting them and increasing the pleasure as he ran his finger along the inside of me, slowly, up and down, I found myself grinding a little against the rub of that finger for extra friction. He was avoiding my raging clit for now and it was all I could do to not scream at the injustice of that avoidance. The pressure within was almost too much, delivered by that molten mouth, it had to go somewhere, I was going to burst.

  “I think,” I heard myself slur thickly as his hot lips closed over my right nipple, sucked hard and rhythmically, then grazed it lightly with his teeth, “you are going to make my pussy explode.”

  “I am counting on that, but not yet Elena … please do control yourself,” he reproached me playfully.

  I swatted his hot ass.

  Wow! Ouch! It was burning. The cheeks flexing, straining as he crouched over me.

  He moaned as my fingers slid down to stroke over his balls. Sizzling heat blasted my skin. I was having a wonderful idea.

  I gently pushed his hot shining flushed chest, forcing him to rock back on his heels.

  He frowned, his eyes questioning.

  “Wait here, lay down, there’s one part of my body your hot bits haven’t been yet,” I answered, feeling a slow, sensuous smile twist my lips, and then because he still looked hopelessly confused, I sucked my finger with intense deliberation, and then ran from the room.

  A moment later a tub of ice cream in hand; I found my artist soldier patiently and obediently lying on his back. His arms were casually folded behind his neck, and he was thrusting at the air slightly and looking somewhat amused by his erection bobbing there between his legs.

  I mounted him swiftly, trapping his legs between my thighs.

  Brett’s eyes widened as I scooped some ice cream from the tub. “What are you doing?” he asked “You - He was silenced for a moment as I spooned some of the treat into his mouth.

  I was going to have some fun with this hot body.

  I dropped some ice cream onto the center of his chest, and he sighed, running a tongue over his lips as it dissolved instantly into a creamy sugary puddle of awesome that fled in either direction toward his nipples. I took some of the treat into my mouth and licked it over Brett’s nipple that hardened beneath my tongue and the initial blast of cold of that ice cream.

  His back arched deliciously, and then bowed, and arched again. “That felt … do that again,” he rasped. “The coldness that is … fucking intense El.”

  I attended to his other nipple and was gifted by his breathing turning ragged, and more flicks of his hips, and moans. I pinched over his nipple with ice cream slicked fingers as a final teasing finish. He begged for more.

  I had never heard him like this before. Brett was a passionate lover yes, but still a control freak like me first and foremost, it took a lot to unravel this man.

  “Elena,” he said breathily. “I love you so much.”

  I grabbed the base of his erection with my ice cream slicked fingers and gave it a light squeeze. “And I love you,” I declared to his dick.

  He laughed.

  Then I spread the cream along his thick pulsing cock, making sure it was generously coated because it was soon a dripping mess. I moved down his body a little, getting in a better position, and then spooned ice cream onto the head of him, feeling him jolt and shudder beneath me as my tongue f
licked the tip with exacting strokes of torment.

  “Fuck!” he roared. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  “You all right?” His reaction blasted my pussy with heat, and desire roared hungrily in my belly.

  “I just thought you might, start slow,” he whimpered.

  Ice cream in my mouth I wrapped my lips around the tip of him and sucked hard, then released. “Is that slow enough for you?”

  He was panting, face aflame, brown eyes glittering. His head fell back.

  The groans falling over my man’s lips as I continued to tease and attack the tip of his cock were quickly making me a mess, I felt waves of arousal begin to tingle from the ache at the center of me, and descend to my toes. I licked harder. I took him all the way.

  “Fuck, oh El, so fucking good woman.”

  I took as much as I could, cleaning him of the dripping sticky treat. The taste of his pre-cum with the ice cream only sweetened it for me. The man was going to blow his load soon.

  I peeked at him through my lashes as I suckled him.

  His hands sped first in agitation into his own short virtually non-existent hair, and then my own.

  “Fuck my mouth baby,” I encouraged him.

  He grunted and thrust deep threatening my gag reflex. I gasped, relaxing, swallowing around the fullness of him and pulled back before taking him again, all the way.

  Brett gave a choked gasp. “I want to be inside of you, I’m going to come baby, please!”

  Music to my ears, I gave his cock a playful squeeze and stroke, and then slid him inside of me.

  He moved up into a seated position and incinerated my mouth. His hands moved to roam all over my ass, grip and he began to pump into me, a man frenzied, and desperate. I had never seen him so unhinged. I liked it.

  My skin ached in the torment of his searing it. All that crackling warm tension.

  He fucked me with rapid forceful strokes that tore scream after scream from my throat.

  I may have been on top of him but Brett was back in control. He controlled the rhythm, and had me locked firmly in a sensual grip of ecstasy. His thrusts intensified and the warm rippling waves of pleasure took me out. “So good,” I moaned. “Oh, I love your hot dick.”

  I felt him twitch violently, and come hard.

  I decided I liked that more and told him so.

  I was on fire inside and out.

  I loved this man.

  After our release, we lay for the longest time, him still inside of me, a hot poker of awesome, me on top. Foreheads touching, enjoying each other’s breathing, and the simple heart breaking sweet intimacy of being in each others arms.

  My heart was full of Brett Argosy.

  All he had suffered for me.

  Then I felt a strange prickling cold sensation on my skin, and had found myself looking up to the floor to ceiling windows at the front of the hobbit den.

  I refused to spoil this special moment by reacting to the sight of him staring in at us.

  Thorn, dressed in full Cellrager get up.

  My eyes met his raging slit ones burning from beneath the mask. He was gone.

  I sighed.

  It was not a happy sigh, but came out that way.

  Relief, I guessed.

  But for how long?

  Twenty Four

  Brett threatened to cancel the wedding if I showed wearing the raven necklace.

  I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I couldn’t remove it because I still wanted Thornton Darko. Yeah that would not go down so well.

  Instead, on the day of my Hen’s party, I dropped a light affectionate kiss on his hot cheek and said. “Clarissa is coming and she has some ideas.”

  She had none, but I still wanted magical back up.

  I wished I knew how to protect myself better. Perhaps, Clarissa could help.

  My Hen’s Party was a small gathering.

  Unlike Brett’s buck’s night, that had almost everyone there.

  Did I mention I am a bit of a bitch?

  I have few female friends because of it. I am too hard ass sometimes. Seen to lack empathy and not indulge people feeling sorry for themselves. I give love, but it is as tough as nails.

  I was tough on some of Thornton Darko’s fans. The one’s the man was most sympathetic too, I openly despised. The needy leeches, leeching off his awesome and thinking it perfectly fine to assault him with their toxic energy of threats to harm or end themselves.

  “Let them end it,” I had encouraged him so many times.

  Thorn had just looked at me in horror. “I will not abandon those who suffer Elena, where is your heart woman?”

  He was a complicated beast, my rock star.

  But then again, wasn’t that was the problem? I needed to let him go. He shouldn’t be ‘my’ anything. It was repulsive and offensive to the man I loved and was about to marry. If I continued to want Thornton Darko like this.

  Like what?

  My belly flared and my pussy stirred.

  Fuck off body.

  In our ride to the Hen’s Party, Aaron after showing me the latest book sales figures, the insane funds that had come through from Hollywood for the rights to make a movie out of TEASE ME, held up his phone and waved it in some kind of demented triumph. A smug smile cracked his lips. “Check this out,” he invited slyly.

  Of course, Aaron was my lead bridesmaid in the wedding. He was my best friend. It made sense. I was so grateful he was going to be at this party that I was already feeling intensely awkward about. To help numbers attending along, I had invited some of my staff, my publicist, marketing folk, and also family, well those I could stand anyway. My Mother was travelling, but she would be back in time for the wedding. Some random cousins and my Aunty Helena were invited. I actually really liked Aunty Helena. She was the ‘cool’ Aunty. Everyone had one. Helena was it. She also, like me, was a bit of a hard ass, didn’t deal with emotionally manipulative people well, and loved love almost as much as I did. I couldn’t wait to see that bitch again, I always had a great time with her.

  “Did you even just hear what I just said?”

  Aaron shrieked at me.

  I rolled my eyes. “No, guilty, stuck up inside my head again. What do you have to show me that has made you so happy?”

  “Thornton Darko’s recent performance and appearance at a music festival. Check it, he mentions you, which is good for book sales, but I must say, he is looking pretty fuckered up in life without your ass in it.”

  I scowled and pressed play on the video.

  Thorn was roaring deliciously in the spine splintering end of one of his chart topping hits. At first, I didn’t understand what Aaron meant. Thorn’s arms were extended wide, black gloved hands facing outward. He was wearing that mask of course, dressed in a form fitting black coat, powerful legs parted. Prior to the song’s end he fell to his knees, tore the mask from his face, and threw it as if in disgust. It from the blonde dredlocks that Sammy had caught it. He shook his head despairingly over a keyboard.

  Thorn was now was raking his fingers through his black sweaty hair. He shrugged out of his jacket and threw it. He came awkwardly to his feet, held his hand out, beckoning.

  Someone rushed left of stage toward him with a wine bottle.

  Red wine.


  He guzzled down the entire thing, red glistening rivulets trailing over, dripping down his strong chin. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, breathing hard. “More,” he sighed. “Have you seen the size of me? One bottle is not enough to numb her out.”

  Not this again. References to numbing ‘me’ out usually led to very, very bad shit going down.

  Sammy was shaking his head at someone else who offered another bottle of red.

  Thorn drank this as well.

  The audience was cheering.

  I wasn’t exactly sure why.

  This was highly irresponsible consumption of alcohol.

  This was not my rock star.

  This was not Tho
rnton Darko.

  His lips were shining with red droplets. The bottle fell from his listless finger tips, and rolled, empty across the stage.

  “There’s nothing there,” he slurred thickly. Stumbling blindly towards the edge of the stage, he stopped short of pitching into his adoring bewildered fans. He swayed unsteadily on his big booted feet. “She kills so slow and silent. I am fucked. So I search for her. But there is nothing there. My boner has no home.” He gripped his tight black trousers and whoops were drawn from the crowd as he thrust into his huge palm. His his hand fell away. “And she never goes away. Because she won’t let me go. There is no end in sight. She is home when I am deep inside. Elena ….,” he roared, and the heart smashing video ended on that senseless roar.


  I was angry Aaron had showed me this incredibly talented man laid to waste like this. Clearly fucking insane. Lost it. Gone. Bob had said as much. Now I has seen it for myself.

  I had broken this man’s mind.

  What was he thinking doing this?

  Thorn was the ultimate professional about his music.

  Yet there he was in this video, blind drunk, and getting drunker. He had acted like a such a broken person.

  I felt ill.

  “I couldn’t think of a better person this could happen to,” Aaron smirked.

  “Why even show me that?” I fumed. “I don’t want to see that”

  “I thought it would please you Elena. To know how he suffers as he has been responsible for so much of yours and Brett’s suffering. Hopefully, we see more unhinged performances from Mr. Cellrager in the future.”

  “I don’t want to talk about him,” I snapped. “And don’t be so fucking cruel Aaron. His dad, the only man who loved him, is dying. No matter what you think of him, have a heart, he is feeling helpless to stop it. I don’t think Thornton does helpless well. Just .. give him a break will you?”

  My friends slate grey eyes had widened at my words.

  The sun struggled through some dark clouds hitting Aaron’s bald head making it appear that it had burst into flames.

  “Oh no,” he was shaking his head. “Hell no.”


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