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Worth The Fight (Worth It Series Book 1)

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by Breanna Mansfield

  I knew it was an empty threat, he was a marine. I tried to pull my arm back, but he just tightened his vice-like grip. He had a menacing smile plastered on his face. To everyone else he most likely looked like he was just holding onto me gently, smiling into my eyes. If they only knew what he was cable of.

  Just when I was about to scream my head off and kick Leroy in the nuts a warm arm wrapped around my waist. As I turned my head to look and see who it was, my blue eyes collided with the dark ones of the Greek god from the hospital. A breath stuck in my throat and my eyes quickly searched his. His strong hand gripped my jaw firmly and lips collided with mine. I froze and in the same second my body, against its will, melted into the strong as granite body. A tongue teased the seam of my lips as they parted open on a sigh. The kiss was hungry; it made my knees buckle and the arm around my waist only tightened around me, as if he knew I’m not stable enough to stand on my own. A tiny little moan escapes my throat and I feel like I stepped into a different body. No one has ever made me feel this way with one simple kiss. But this feels like his lips are made for kissing mine.

  I feel the strong hand leave my jaw, and then I hear a whimpering and instantly remember we are not alone. I pull back from the best kiss I’ve ever had to look at the man behind the magic lips, and I almost fall over when he rubs his nose along my temple where my hair line is. I can feel his intake of breath, remembering my scent. I get it. I feel it too. I look up to his eyes and see a look of such anger it’s startling. I turn my head in the direction of his gaze, and see his firm grip on Leroy’s wrist. Leroy looks to me for help, but I just smile as sweetly as I can at him.

  “Hey, babe. Did you have a problem over here with this guy while I was in the pisser?” Mystery man asks with a slight edge to his voice.

  “I’m not sure, honey,” I play along and turn to look at Leroy. “Do we have a problem over here?” I ask him.

  “No we don’t, ma’am,” he replied angrily through clenched teeth. He had sweat rolling across his forehead, and he had become pale. Mystery didn’t look like he had a death grip on Leroy, but who was I to know. I was just glad that he was not grabbing me anymore.

  “Good, just making sure my lady isn’t being harassed. You understand, right?”

  “Totally get it. Have a nice evening.” He grates out angrily.

  Mystery man jerked his wrist loose and Leroy stumbled backward a bit. When he righted himself, he headed towards the door, but right before he walked out he looked back at me with so much hatred it stole my breath. What did I ever do to that man?

  I cleared my throat and stepped out of Mystery man’s embrace. The warmth I had was instantly gone and I shivered. I looked up into his eyes and gave a short nod.

  “Thank you.” My voice was a little breathy and I prayed that he didn’t notice. If the darkening of his eyes was anything to go by, I’d say he did.

  “Anytime. You okay?” he asked with a little gruff to his own voice that made my nipples pebble. Damn this damn man and his damn sexiness.

  “Yeah, I think I’ll be fine now. Can I buy you a drink for being a knight in shining armor?” I asked with a bit of humor to my voice.

  He raised a brow at my name of choice as he stepped into my space and lowered his mouth to my ear. “It’ll do you good to remember I’m anything but a Prince Charming. I will not be sweet and gentle with you, Bridget.” He licked along my ear as he audibly inhaled my scent again. “And no thank you, I do not drink,” he added after he stepped back.

  I gulped and nodded. “Is… Is there anything I can do to give my thanks for the huge favor you just did me?” I asked, still a little shaky. There was no doubt that he will star in my wild dreams for the rest of my life.

  “No need to thank me, Bridget. Wasn’t that big of a deal. Be careful out there. There are some real fucked up people in the world,” he replied with a darkening to his voice. He gave slight nod and started to turn around and leave.

  “Wait!” I said as I grabbed his elbow. I have no idea why I was doing it; I just knew I really didn’t want him to leave.

  He turned only his head with a questioning lift to his brow.

  “Um, well, I uh. . . Can I get your name at least to put to a face?” I asked, pissed at myself for acting like one of those stage five clingers.

  He dragged his gaze down my body from head to toe instantly warming me all over, and with a panty-dropping smile he replied, “Name’s Aaron.”

  And with that he walked off. I refused to stare after him. I already made a fool of myself, wasn’t gonna do it again. Nope. Nopitty nope. Right, turn around then. I willed my feet to turn. When I finally did turn around I saw Audrey standing a few feet away talking to a guy, but she was paying no attention to him. She was staring at me with the biggest grin on her face.

  My face heated to the color of my fire engine red scrubs. Her grin only grew. I rubbed my hands up and down my face. I reached for my Jack and Coke when the bartender came over. Please god, don’t say anything to me Abe.

  “Hey Not Quite Doctor, just wanted to let you know that your drinks are paid for tonight. So drink up, sweet thing!” he grinned while licking his lips.

  I only groaned. This is not the let loose I was thinking when I walked into the bar. I did not expect to come face to face with my ex-husband and have his hands on me again. I felt the fear trying to choke me and I had to push it back. I have accomplished way too much to let him consume me again. Not to mention that threat about my brother! Good thing he won’t be home for several more months. On top of all this crazy, I didn’t expect to have the single-handed best kiss of my life by the hottest man I had ever met. His smile alone was enough to make my thighs pinch together with a throbbing I have never felt from a man before.

  “WOOOOO WEEEEEEE!!!” Aubrey shouted to me as she slapped the bar.

  “Oh god, just shut up!” I said as I slid Abe my empty.

  “Oh no, girlfriend. I want to know. Was that kiss as panty-wetting as it was to witness it across the bar? And who was that guy giving you grief? Was that why Mr. Tall Dark & Handsome came over to you?” she asked in one breath. I think she may be more excited than I am over it all. No, no she’s not because I will be touching myself later to his kiss. Ugh, my life is such a disaster.

  “The kiss was no big deal. The guy was a nobody, and yes,” I replied trying to conceal my grin behind my drink.

  “Okay, so I got one correct answer out of that. Ohhh, come on. Give this single, no-action finding girl a bone!” she whined.

  “Fineeeee. The kiss was one to make you feel like you could stay lip locked forever. I would not mind not breathing for the rest of my life if I got to kiss that man again. The guy was my ex who is not happy he’s an ex. He followed me here from California, but it’s no big deal. We are here to let loose after our shift, and now that our drinks are free for the night, I say we get to it and let loose!” I ended on a yell.

  “Our drinks are free? Well, why didn’t you say so!” she raises her glass to mine for a toast and when our glasses clink we put them to our lips and down them.

  “You know, I can’t wait for your friend to get here. How much longer will it be until she moves?” Audrey asks.

  “Erica will be here by the end of next week and I cannot wait. You are going to love her. It’ll be us three against the world,” I reply with a wink and a giggle. Abe is making the drinks strong tonight and I love it. Just what I need after a day like this.

  Chapter Four

  I can’t take my eyes off of the little blue-eyed vixen. I’m sitting in the booth in the corner by the door with Tim, and my two brothers, Troy and Andrew. Thank god they hadn’t arrived before the little floor show the red-headed goddess and I put on or else they would be giving me shit for it right now. Her lips were the softest I’ve ever felt. I was only going in for a quick peck to show that controlling fucker who was the boss, but as soon as her lips melted to mine I just had to taste her. I had no idea she would respond to me like that, I have never wante
d to bend someone over the bar so bad... I need to quit thinking that shit. I have way too much on my plate to even begin thinking like so, because I know she wouldn’t be a one and done. No way. That body was made to possess and worship over and over.

  Speaking of such, Hudson walked in the door right at that moment. Her eyes lit up when she spotted our table and she hustled over. I wrapped her up in a big ol’ bear hug and gave her a kiss on the head. Tim, Troy, and Andrew all gave hugs to her as well. For being the baby of the family she could have us all doing her bidding if she would just snap her fingers. I already do some of her bidding without her knowledge. She doesn’t need to know that though.

  “Hey Huds, what’s up?” Tim asked.

  “Not much, just got back from the ranch. I’ll be in town for a couple of days before I head back. I’m glad y’all called me -- a night out is just what I need. That filly already has such a personality; she’s going to be awesome. I can’t wait until she gets old enough where Travis can break her. I think I may finally ride again with her.”

  She adds that last part for me. My heart squeezes with the hope my sister will ride again. She never told anyone the true reason why she wouldn’t ride anymore. She had a horse, and we found her on the back forty, dead. She had a broken neck. We called a vet in, and they said that she broke it fighting with another horse, and the unknown horse most likely kicked her head and snapped her neck. Even knowing Hudson wouldn’t tell me, I know it was that piece of shit ex of hers. I didn’t understand the reasoning behind it all, but I know he had something to do with not wanting her to ride. She told everyone she just never found another horse to bond with. What a crock of shit.

  “Good. She ain’t far behind for that you know. I’d say about another four months or so,” I told her.

  Her eyes just lit up. Hell, if that makes her happy I’ll buy a whole bunch of horses for her to look after.

  “Thanks, Aaron. Means a lot to me you keeping her after you were wanting to sell her,” she replied.

  I just nodded. While she looked away to talk with Tim and Troy, my gaze traveled over to where Bridget was with her friend. I can’t remember her friend’s name, not that its anything new, I was horrible with names. Well, unless you were a five foot six inch powerhouse female. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what kind of body she hid under those scrubs. Well, that was until her body melted against mine. Now all kind of ideas were running crazy in my mind.

  I groaned and rubbed my hand down my face. I wanted to go home, but I refused to leave now until I knew that the little nurse was safe. Seeing the way that fucking prick was looking at her, and the horror on her face when looking back at him made me jump into action before thinking. And now I’ll be battling a hard cock all night long, while sitting with my family. What a fucked up mess.

  “Who do you keep staring at?” Hudson asked me.

  “No one, just keeping an eye out for anything unusual. Like always,” I replied back to her.

  She turns her head in the direction of the fiery red-headed woman and her friend and then back to me with huge wide eyes.

  “Aaron Michael. Are you staring at a girl?” she excitedly whisper-screams.

  “No Huds. Just observing like I said, quit trying to pry,” I reply with an eye roll.

  “I just want you to be happy, Aaron. Will you ever tell me why you won’t date? Ma would love it if she got to add another dinner plate on Sunday,” she asks honestly.

  “I’ll tell you as soon as you tell me why you don’t ride anymore,” I said a little too bitterly.

  She sucked in a breath and gave me a look like she wanted to say something, but just sighed and shook her head. “I told you, just never bonded with another horse.”

  “I’m sorry Huds, I didn’t mean to be a dick head. I just have my secrets and you have yours. I’m trying to correct my errors and until I do so, I don’t want to burden a woman with it. That just wouldn’t be fair,” I told her with a slight shake to my head.

  If anything she would understand that sometimes you just needed to fight internal wars and couldn’t move onto anything until you got over whatever it was you were battling.

  “It’s okay Aaron, you’re right. I do understand that. But maybe, just maybe, you may be able to correct those errors if you had help. No matter what happens in my life I will always want you to be happy. You’ve been the biggest rock I’ve ever had, and you probably never even noticed it before,” she said with honest eyes, snuggling into my arm that’s around her.

  If she only knew everything I’ve done for her and the fuckery that came about because of it, she wouldn’t be saying that. I knew what she meant, but she had no idea what a burden I was carrying around. I was just waiting for the right moment to fix all of that bullshit.

  “Thanks, sis. I love you, too. One day you’ll get a sister,” I gave her a wink.

  She laughs, she holds up her drink and we toast. To a better life one day. To hoping our futures will be great. To us finding someone real. Hopefully.

  I tried to not let my gaze drift to Bridget again so my sister wouldn’t hold onto pointless hope, but as I turned my head I saw her waving to Abe with keys in her hand. I had expected her to make eye contact with me or at least acknowledge I was sitting here, but as she walked by her eyes had stayed clean on her exit.

  “Hey guys, I think I’m going to call it a night and hit the hay. Drew, don’t forget we have a meeting tomorrow with a possible new client. So don’t have too much fun,” I said with a laugh.

  “Too much fun, what’s that mean? It’s like too much money, no such thing!’ he sings out as I’m walking away and the whole table sings the rest of the verse along with him.

  I just wave right before I walk out of the door. I get in my truck, and turn into a stalker and follow Bridget to her place. I just want to make sure she makes it safe because she had been drinking, I tell myself. Anything to make me sleep at night I guess.

  As I’m tailing her, I think of all the bullshit I have to do tomorrow. I have that meeting in the morning with the new client, and then I need to go meet with my boys and see if they have figured anything out. I have a lot of money. So much that I make donations to certain charities. I also donate money to keeping our streets clean. And by clean, I mean from rival gangs. We may live in a smaller town, but we are right in the center of the big cities. So gangs were always trying to take over this area. I might have paid some powerful people to keep it cleaned up, but the part they failed at? While trying to keep known gangs out, they let an unknown piece of fucking shit move in. And I happen to know the dead man walking. I will also be one of the men who helps take him out, if not me, the man that does it. Chris knows I’m not fucking happy; his guy has fucked this up. And I’m really not happy that I also had a little helping hand in him moving in here. Chris is an old buddy of mine, who has risen to the top of The Fallen Angels. They are the local motorcycle club that is known for their good deeds, but also for their brutal ways with those who cross them.

  We turn the corner again and I thought I lost her until I saw her car lights flash in the hotel parking lot, when she locked the doors.

  A hotel? What the hell? Why is she staying here? I guess I don’t have to worry about her with all of the staff around. Wait, worry? Ah hell, I need to go to bed. I’m starting to imagine that her life is directly tied to mine. This will most likely be the last time I see her. As I pull a U-turn in my pickup and head home, I try not to think to myself how bad that little detail truly sucks. I floor my truck to hear the beautiful thunder of the engine. That’s what I need -- a little diesel therapy. Too bad I didn’t have a blue-eyed goddess riding shotgun.

  Chapter Five

  I reach my hand into the shower to make sure the temperature is just right. I have a slight headache from the Jack the night before, but nothing too bad. I only had two drinks, and decided that was enough. I had a meeting today and didn’t need to feel like crap for it either. I don’t even want to think about the night before. Leroy and A
aron. Aaron helped me out and got rid of Leroy for a while, and I thought that there was real chemistry between us. That was until I saw the beautiful short brunette walk in and fall right into his arms. They talked and laughed and hugged. Who was I kidding anyway? I don’t need a man right now, and apparently the only ones I have incredibly vivid dreams about are not on the table to take anyway. I’m still pissed that he kissed me when he has a woman. I may be a lot of things, but a home wrecker ain’t one of ’em.

  As I stepped out of the shower, I went over in my head how I hoped today’s meeting would go. I really hope they can give me what I imagine, but keep it within budget. As I pulled on my black slacks and red blouse, I debated on wearing the pantsuit jacket. It was going to be beyond warm enough that I wouldn’t need it, but it made me look professional. Aah to hell with it, they were the ones who needed to be on the top of their professional game -- after all I am the one who will be paying them. I did my makeup and brushed out my loose curls. I didn’t have time to straighten it, and the humidity here always killed whatever I did to it anyway. I slipped on my black Louboutins and walked out of the door. These shoes always give me confidence; they were my first impulse purchase after I got divorced, and I had no regrets! They were my supremacy shoes.

  The desk clerk nodded her head in greeting as I stepped out of the elevator. I gave a wave and a big smile. Despite my night last night, I was going to have a good day. Today was the day I start the process to get me a new home.

  I opened my car door and when I sat down in my seat there was a sticky note on my steering wheel.


  My blood ran cold and I frantically looked around the parking lot to see if anyone was watching me. I could feel eyes, but I couldn’t see them. I put the car in reverse and sped out of the parking space, then slammed it in drive and was out of the parking lot like the devil himself was on my tail. Only at this point I wished it was the devil and not the man who was truly behind my fear.


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