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Passion, Victoria 4: Beth's Saviors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Becca Van

  “I did what I had to without the whole neighborhood waking to a hysterical woman’s screams. What did you want me to do? Knock her out?”

  “Sorry, Tom. I know you did the right thing. It’s just…shit.” Noah swiped the palm of his hand over his face.

  “She’s got your balls so twisted you don’t know what to do, huh? I can see why, she’s gorgeous. I have never seen eyes that shade of amber before and her long brown hair is enough to tie a guy’s guts into knots. I’ll bet she’s one fine piece of arse.” Tom grinned.

  “That’s enough,” Noah snapped, not liking the way Tom was talking about Beth, even though he knew Tom didn’t mean to be derogatory.

  Tom had always had an edgy sense of humor and most of the time it didn’t bother Noah, but when it came to Beth, he didn’t want to hear those sorts of words coming out of his friend’s mouth. But then he really looked at Tom and felt a knot form in his chest. Even though Tom could be an arse at times, Noah knew him just as well as he knew Zach. Tom only ever used humor around him and Zach when he wanted to hide his true feelings. Did that mean he was attracted to Beth as well?

  Well, shit.

  Noah should have known this would happen. He, Zach, and Tom had often competed to get the attention of a woman they were interested in over the years and it had become a sort of fun rivalry between them. But Beth was different. Zach and Noah had both been attracted to her from the start and decided to pursue her together. Now that Tom was here and obviously attracted to Beth, too, he wondered what they were going to do.

  “Oh no, not you, too,” Zach said with a groan.

  “Would I be stepping on someone’s toes?” Tom looked from Noah to Zach and back again. “Oh shit, you both want her, too? Well, as far as I’m concerned, first in, best dressed.”

  “Haven’t you ever heard of sharing, little brother?” Zach asked quietly.

  Noah sat up straighter in his chair with excitement and from the look on Zach’s face, he was just as enthusiastic. The three of them had shared women before and that had blown his mind. He loved Tom just as much as he loved Zach. They were the brothers he’d never had. Could they share Beth and make it work? It looked like there wasn’t going to be another choice. He couldn’t see his two friends backing off and he knew damn well he wasn’t going to. But how was Beth going to react to having another man trying to court her. She hadn’t reacted favorably to him and Zach so far.

  Even though he was cautious about how Beth would react, he could imagine the three of them giving her pleasure and wondered what she would sound like in the throes of climax. He became instantly hard and knew that if Beth was agreeable, he and his buddies would give her unimaginable ecstasy. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted it.

  “I think it could work.” Zach looked as eager as Noah felt. “Those women before Beth meant nothing.”

  “You’re right on that score,” Noah muttered.

  “Well, since we all used to share a lot of the time, I guess you know I have no qualms about doing so again. She’s different from the other women we’ve had though. This one is a keeper. Do you think she’d go for sharing between the three of us?” Tom asked.

  “I don’t know. All I do know right now is that she is scared out of her ever-loving mind, especially of cops. We’ll just have to take things nice and slow,” Noah sighed.

  “Well now, it seems I have an added advantage over you two. I’m not a cop, yet!” Tom said. “Maybe I can work on her for all of us and get her to relax a little.”

  “Might work, but you’ll still have to take things slow and easy. Are you thinking about joining the police force, Tom?” Zach asked.

  “Yep, but I might just wait a bit.” Tom grinned.

  “I don’t know about you two, but I’m headed back to bed to get another couple of hours of sleep before my shift starts.” Noah rose to his feet and left the room.

  * * * *

  “Where the hell am I gonna sleep now you have no spare beds?” Tom asked.

  “Well, you could bunk down on the floor in Beth’s room, so you can keep an eye on her,” Zach suggested.

  “Nah.” Tom scrubbed a hand over his face. “The last thing I want to do is scare the shit out of her again. I’ll sleep on the couch in the living room. She’s a beautiful woman and you can see how caring she is just by looking into her eyes. I just hope she isn’t opposed to having a relationship with all of us.”

  “I hear you, bro.” Zach sighed. “We want her, too. She looks so scared and vulnerable I just want to wrap her up in my arms, hold her tight, and never let her go.”

  “We all do,” Noah rubbed his chin. “Shit, look at the time. I should get back to bed.”

  “Yeah, me too. I left my bag out back, I’ll just go get it and I’ll lock up when I come back in.

  “It’s good to have you here, Tom. I’ve missed you,” Zach said.

  “It’s good to see you too, bro, it’s been way too damn long.”

  “Yeah it has, but now you’ve done your time in the Air Force, we can spend more time with each other. I’m going to bed. See you in the morning. ’Night.” Zach slapped his brother on the back again and left.

  Tom needed to check on Beth. He hated that he had scared her enough to faint. That was the last thing he had wanted, but the only other way he could have prevented her from screaming was to knock her out and that was something he hadn’t been willing to do. He’d never once hurt a woman and had no intention of doing that ever. Women were to be protected and cherished, not hurt or verbally abused. Tom loved all women. It didn’t matter how old they were, what their shape or size was. The female race were nurturers and should be treated with love and respect. He’d never expected to be attracted to Beth straight away but he should have known by the tone of Zach’s voice when he’d called that something was up.

  Zach had sounded worried and a little desperate, but Tom hadn’t taken much notice at the time. His mind had been going around in circles about what he wanted to do now that he was retired from the military. He liked being able to keep people safe and had been thinking of joining the police force. Zach’s call had come at just the right time. He would help his brother and friend protect Beth, and then he would sign up to be a police officer.

  Tom shucked his clothes but left his boxers on. He usually slept in the nude but he didn’t want to scare or embarrass Beth if she came out to the living room. He settled on the couch and pulled the quilt over him. It was damn hard trying to get comfortable on a piece of furniture that was too short for his big frame but he’d slept in worse places. Punching the pillow didn’t help either. He was worried about Beth and knew he wouldn’t be able to settle unless he saw her again. Tom needed to see that she was safe.

  He crept into the bedroom and watched the rise and fall of the petite woman’s chest as she breathed deeply. She looked so vulnerable in sleep and the possessive feelings that wrapped around his heart as he watched her sleeping surprised him. They shouldn’t have though, not after experiencing an instant attraction to her.

  He’d become so jaded and cynical after serving his country. Women never really looked beneath the surface of his uniform. They only ever wanted to be with him for a good time. As much as he’d enjoyed playing the field he wanted so much more than that. Tom wanted to come home to the same woman every day. He wanted to be able to be himself and not hide behind his humor. He knew without a doubt that Beth was the woman for all three of them and he was going to do everything he could to have her.

  Tom closed his eyes and imagined spending the rest of his life with Beth and felt the rightness of his thoughts and emotions. He wanted to see her belly grow big with their child. He wanted to be able to take care of and love her and any child he, his brother, and friend created. With a groan, he adjusted his aching cock in his boxers and pushed his thoughts aside. He knew he shouldn’t be standing over her bed watching her but he just couldn’t seem to help himself. He frowned when she moaned in her sleep and then she began to get restle
ss. Is she dreaming?

  * * * *

  Beth struggled to get free. She was being held down by the cop she had just witnessed murder another human being and now he was going to kill her. She was sobbing in terror, tears streaming down her face as she pleaded for her life. All she could see was his evil brown eyes and the dark hole down the barrel of a gun. She didn’t want to die. She was too young and had way too many things she wanted to do. She let out a piercing scream as she watched the finger on the trigger slowly squeeze.

  “Beth! Wake up. Come on, baby, wake up, you’re safe now.”

  Beth slowly became aware of her surroundings as the horror of the familiar nightmare began to recede. God, why did she have to have the same dream every night? She became aware of large male arms holding her against a big, muscular, naked frame. She gasped and tried to push her way out of the arms around her and opened her eyes to look at the man speaking to her.

  “It’s all right, baby, no one can hurt you here. Take nice deep breaths. You’re safe, Beth.”

  “Zach? No, you’re not Zach. What the hell are you doing in my bed, Tom? Are you naked? Get out.” Beth pushed against the warm, hard chest her face was practically pinned to.

  “Calm down, Beth. You were crying out in your sleep. I was just trying to help you. I was trying to sleep on the sofa but I needed to check on you.”


  “Well, because I’m attracted to you and I was worried about you. I felt really bad for scaring you enough to faint and wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “I’m fine,” Beth mumbled and felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment. She couldn’t believe she had fainted either. She’d never done that before.

  “I only got into bed when you started yelling. I was trying to calm you down.

  “Why don’t you have any clothes on?” Beth moved back slightly to see his face and glanced away quickly when she saw that he was really concerned about her and not just feeding her a line.

  “I’m not totally naked, I still have my underwear on. Do you want to talk about the nightmare you just had?” Tom asked in a deep, gravelly voice and pulled her back against his big body.

  “No,” Beth answered, trying to get her breathing back to a deep and even rhythm, but it took a lot of concentration to keep her body’s responses to the close proximity of a nearly naked male under wraps. She knew she wouldn’t react this way to just any man. It was only when Zach and Noah were close that her body perked up and now it seemed that Tom wasn’t the exception.

  Why did she have to be attracted to three dominant men?

  Tom’s scent surrounded her, he smelled so damn good. She could still smell the faint scent of aftershave or deodorant he used, but his natural clean, warm male scent was stronger, tantalizing her to breathe in as much of him as she could. She felt him move one of his arms then he began to stroke the bare skin of her naked back.

  “Oh my God. I’m naked,” she whispered in a quiet, horrified voice. “Who took my clothes off? Did you? Oh wait, don’t answer that. I remember now. I woke up and did it myself after getting back into bed. I still have my underwear on.”

  “Yes. You still have your panties and bra on.” Tom’s voice rumbled against her ear. “I’m really sorry I scared you enough to cause you to faint Beth.”

  “I did not faint. I’ve never fainted in my life,” Beth said with a belligerence she was far from feeling. She was trying to hide the fact that she was attracted to Tom, too, with an attitude and hoped that it worked.

  If she wasn’t careful and didn’t get out of the bed soon and away from Tom, she was going to disgrace herself by jumping his bones.

  He was so handsome and sexy and her body liked being up close and personal with him. How the hell she was going to survive in a house full of gorgeous, hot men she had no clue. She felt so safe and protected in his arms and she didn’t want him to leave. Beth couldn’t believe she was attracted to Tom, too. She’d been immune to men for so long it was a shock to find herself drawn to three men.

  “You did a very good impression of someone fainting, baby.” Tom smiled down at her.

  Beth sighed. “It’s okay.”

  “No it’s not.” Tom gave her a light squeeze. “I’m sorry I scared you, sweetheart. It wasn’t my intention. I only wanted to make sure you were kept safe and I didn’t want the whole damn neighborhood aware that you staying at the police station. Let me hold you in my arms and keep you safe, baby. I promise to keep my hands to myself.

  “You’re safe here with me and no one will get to you. Go back to sleep, Beth, there isn’t much of the night left and by the looks of you, you could do with all the sleep you can get.”

  He had sounded really concerned about her yelling and sincerely contrite when he’d apologized for scaring her. She couldn’t believe she’d fainted. She’d never done that before.

  “Thank you so much,” Beth snapped, although she knew she looked like hell.

  She had dark smudges beneath her eyes and she looked anxious even to herself. With a sigh she turned over, presenting her back to Tom, and snuggled into his arms. She didn’t want to question why he made her feel safe, just like Zach and Noah. His arms felt good around her. She didn’t know what to do or think about the way these three men made her feel.

  Beth had spent so much time alone, and using her tongue to keep Zach and Noah away hadn’t worked. Even though she loved her own company, she yearned to be able to have a relationship just like any other woman. Maybe she should just accept that the three men wanted to help her. It didn’t mean that she had to have a relationship with them, but she’d be lying to herself if she didn’t acknowledge her attraction. It had been hard enough trying to keep Noah and Zach away but now she had to contend with Tom, too.

  She was just drifting back to sleep when she felt him move up closer to her. He slung an arm around her waist and pulled her up against him even tighter. Beth didn’t think she would be able to sleep anymore. Not with Tom’s big body curled around her back, with her breasts feeling swollen, her nipples aching, and her pussy and clit throbbing. But there was no way she was going to ask him to leave. It felt good to be held. She hadn’t had someone hold her in so long and she was so tired of being alone. Beth was tired of running, tired of keeping everyone but Tasha at an arm’s length. She craved human contact just like anybody else and was going to savor being in Tom’s arms, if only for a few hours.

  The heat from his body was seeping into hers and already her eyelids were beginning to droop again. Maybe after a few hours of uninterrupted sleep she would be able to shore up her defenses again.

  Shit! Why do they have to be so good looking and caring?

  * * * *

  Tom looked up when Beth came out to the kitchen. It took everything in him not to get up and wrap her in his arms, but he wasn’t sure she would accept him holding her now that it was daylight.

  He’d loved holding her against him last night but he hated that she was having nightmares. Would she be as receptive to him today as she had been after her dream? God, he hoped so. She was so damn gorgeous with her light brown hair looking sleep tousled and her amber eyes hazy with sleep.

  “Morning, baby. Do you want some coffee?” Tom got a mug down from the cupboard and picked up the coffee pot.

  “Please.” Beth sat down at the table and, when Tom brought her coffee over, wrapped her hands around the mug. “Where are Zach and Noah?”

  “They’re already at work. You’re looking a little better this morning.”

  She met Tom’s gaze and looked away again.

  So you’re still a little skittish. Let’s see if we can change that, baby.

  “You know that Noah, Zach, and I would never do anything to hurt you don’t you, Beth?”

  She sighed and took a sip of coffee before meeting his eyes again. “Yeah, I know.”

  “Good. Do you want to talk about your nightmare?”

  “No.” She looked down at the table again.

  Okay, so you do
n’t trust me yet. How do I change that?

  “Do you think I’d have a chance of getting into the police force?” Tom asked. Maybe if she knew what his plans were and told her a little about himself she would begin to trust him and open up a little more.

  Beth looked him up and down and he had to bite his cheek to stop from smiling. Her nostrils flared and her pupils dilated as her eyes wandered over his shoulders, chest, and abs. She must have realized what she was doing because her eyes snapped up and met his again.

  She made a delicate snorting sound. “Why wouldn’t you?”

  “I dunno. I was just trying to make conversation.”

  Beth sighed. “What did you do before?”

  “I was in the Air Force. I’ve been retired for two weeks and have been at loose ends ever since.”

  “Weren’t Zach and Noah in the Air Force, too?”


  “Well I’m sure they could put in a good word for you, not that you’d need it.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Well anybody can see how fit and healthy you are.” Beth glanced away before meeting his eyes again. “I’m sure, after all your military training and having spent years serving our country, you won’t have any problems.”

  Tom felt a little uncomfortable with the praise so he decided to change the subject.

  “Noah said you’ve been on the run for nearly three years. How old are you, baby?”


  “Shit. That must have been so hard, uprooting your life when you were so young.”

  “It hasn’t been easy, but I did what I had to.”

  “You are a very brave and strong woman. A lot of other people wouldn’t have been able to handle what you’ve been through.” Tom leaned over and covered her hand. “You should be proud of yourself, Beth. Even some men I know wouldn’t have been able to cope with what you have.”

  Beth’s face tinged a slight pink hue but she sat up a little straighter in her chair. She removed her hand from beneath his and held her mug again. “I did what I had to.”


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