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Love Under Construction (425 Madison Avenue Book 6)

Page 5

by Aubree Valentine

  “What?” Trey sputters.

  “I’d like you to take over The Mason Center project for a few weeks.”

  “Well, I can’t say I wasn’t expecting it. You sure?”

  “I’ve already talked with the developer and the rest of the guys. They’re on board. I want to be back here by the end of the week at the latest. I know it’s last minute, but if you can get to New York by the middle of the week, I think I can get you up to speed. It’s just until things here settle down.”

  Trey cracks a smile, “You like her, don’t you.”

  I must be transparent. “It’s not just Liv though. You know Pops has been like a second father to me.”

  “I know man. And I know you wouldn’t be asking if this wasn’t important. I already figured this was what you wanted, so I warned Vicki. As long as I make it back before my daughter’s born, we’re good.”

  “I’ll have you back here before then; you have my word,” I tell Trey as we shake hands. “I appreciate this.”

  “All you’ve done for my family and me? I owe you this.”

  I strongly disagree, but I’m not about to argue with Trey. I did what any decent human would do for a friend. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  “I’ll be there Tuesday. I’ve got a few things I need to tie up here tomorrow. One more question though, Boss.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Do you want me to put someone else in charge here or are you taking over while your back?”

  “I’ll handle the homefront. I think Peter can handle the few days between. Let them know I’ll check in once I’m back in town.”

  “It’s settled then,” Trey assures me. “You got a few minutes to come in for a drink before you go? It’s a wonder Vicki hasn’t already come out here to yell at us.”

  I chuckle. “I wish I could. I’ve got to get the truck back to my dad and get my ass back to the airport.”

  “Next time then. I’ll call you tomorrow night to work out more details about my time in New York.”

  “Perfect. Thanks again,” I give Trey a bro hug and hop back in the truck.

  Mr. Hawthorne’s words are still playing on a loop in my head Monday afternoon.

  Mr. H’s words do not convince me. Not with how hot and cold Liv was all weekend. One minute I think she’s letting me in, leaning on me. The next she’s pushing me away and wishing I’d get out of her hair.

  One thing is for sure; Liv’s going to need me or someone, in the coming days. No matter how strong she is, she’ll need to know she’s not alone and judging by the little interaction I had with her mom over the weekend; I don’t think Liv is going to get the nurturing she’ll need from Mrs. H.

  Shaking thoughts of Liv from my head, I try hard to focus on the job at hand. We’re running half a day behind because of the goof up with the doorways. After a long lecture from me, I think I’ve finally got these guys back on track. While Elijah and some of the guys fix the messed up doorways, the other half of the team has closed off one room already on the East side of the building. Soon these rooms will start to look like adaptive classrooms, much like Liv envisioned.

  At the end of the workday, I find myself wishing that Liv’s could be here to see how much progress we’ve made.

  Pulling out my phone, I snap a picture of the one closed in rooms and send it to her.

  Me: Soon...they’ll be children floating through this room. Learning, growing. Because of you. Can you envision it?

  She doesn’t answer right away, and I desperately hope that it's not because something’s wrong.

  I’m relieved when she finally responds after I’ve gotten home and showered all the day’s dirt off.

  Liv: I’m not sure I thanked you for your part in bringing The Mason Center to life. You’re moving full steam ahead it seems.

  I want her to know how invested I am into seeing this through.

  Me: If I had known about this project, I would have been the first bid and done all I could to have gotten it off the ground sooner. How’s Pops?

  Liv: He’s...okay? I don’t know how to describe it. We spent some time talking today, reminiscing. I read a book to him while he rested.

  Me: Wish I could be in two places at once. If you need anything, will you let me know?

  Liv: I still don’t get why you’re doing all of this.

  Me: I don’t know why either :p … Joking. It’s hard not to like you Liv. Even with all your sass.

  Liv: Snort. I’m not sure how likable I am right now. Ask my mom; she’s still disappointed that I don’t roll out of bed dressed to the nines for the day.

  Me: I think your mom is grasping for control of anything that she can at the moment because so much is spiraling out of her control. Ya know? I’m sure it’s still very annoying. But you two are in this together. Remember that.

  Even though I wish I could shake some sense into her mother, and I question her ability to nurture Liv, I hope they can pull together.

  Liv: I guess you’re right oh wise one. Thanks for checking in. I’m going to eat something and try to rest for a little bit while Dad sleeps.

  Me: I’m here. I mean that. Rest well, Liv.

  Heading into the kitchen to make myself some food, I take a detour and flip on the tv in the living room for background noise. I’m busy listening to Sports Center while cooking up some chicken when there’s a knock at my door. I flip my chicken over and turn the heat down just a little, so it doesn’t burn and head to check to see who could be outside my place.

  Looking through the peephole, I sigh. Sara.

  I open the door, only slightly and block her from coming inside.

  “Hey, Sara. What’s up?”

  “Jameson! You’re home! I was hoping you would be. Can I come in?” She holds up a six-pack of beer. “I brought goodies. Thought maybe we could have a few drinks and a little fun.”

  She can’t be for real right now. I have been avoiding her since the first and only night we spent together. I even let her down gently at breakfast that morning and let her know that we wouldn’t be happening again.

  “Ah, ya know, I think I’m good. Thanks for stopping by. It’s been a long day, so I’m actually about to go to bed. And sleep. I’ve got an early morning.”

  Sara’s face falls, and I don’t feel an ounce of remorse. “Oh, well. Maybe another time?”

  “Probably not. I’m sure you’re a nice girl. I’m not looking for anything though.” I try to tell her.

  “I get it. It’s not me; it's you. I’ve heard it before. Well, I’ll see you around. And if you ever change your mind…”

  “Goodnight, Sara,” I nod and close the door as she walks away.

  It’s clear to me now; there’s only one woman I want. Olivia.

  I’m so fucked.

  Chapter 9


  Dad’s hospice nurse is sitting at the kitchen table with Mom, going over his ‘progress’ if you can even call it that.

  I’ve been home for a week and every day Dad grows a little weaker, his pain seems to get a bit more intense, and he slips away from a little more. My heart breaks with each passing moment, and I’m living in fear of what will happen and when it will happen.

  Thankfully, my boss is incredibly understanding and they were able to find someone to substitute teach for me until I can come back. If not, I probably would have quit my job over the phone on Monday and burned a bridge - all for the sake of being here.

  A small piece of me wishes that Jameson was here, too. That I had one constant in my life. Sure, he may have always annoyed the hell out of me but, he’s always been around. Maybe there’s a piece of me that even hates him for not being present right now. Something beyond his control, really. I’ve wondered more than once if he would come back if I called.

  Instead of begging him to join me, I live for his evening text messages where he checks in, updates me on The Mason Center progress, and we talk about how my day with dad has been. It’s a welcome distraction from everythi
ng going on, or not going on, here.

  Every day that I spend here is a reminder of how much I have outgrown this town and the people in it. I miss New York and the anonymity that went with it. Living in such a big city, most people are too wrapped up in their own world to give two thoughts about the person next to them on the subway. Even at 425 Madison - I’ve made a few friends, but a lot of us move on around each other.

  Here, a simple trip to the grocery store has everyone stopping to ask me about my dad while they look at me with pity. I hate it. There’s no escaping what’s happening. Nowhere to go to forget, even for a little while.

  “Olivia,” Dad’s weak voice calls out, and he reaches for my hand.

  “I’m here, Dad.” In my usual spot, where I’ve been most of the time I’ve been here.

  “Sweetheart, it’s time we talk about Jameson.” Dad coughs, and I hand him his glass of water. His hands shake as he takes a small drink.

  “We don’t need to talk about Jameson.”

  “We do dear. We do. There is a whole lot you don’t know.”

  I snort, “Dad, I can promise you, I know all I need to know about Jameson Phoenix.”

  “Ah, dear daughter. I’m afraid that’s not true. You see, it’s my fault you hate the boy.”

  His fault? Hardly. Part of me wonders if Jameson put Dad up to this. Telling him some story about how he’s a hero and a good guy, blah blah.

  “Daddy, you’re tired. It’s okay. We can talk about this another time,” I gently pat his hand and hope that he’ll drop it.

  No such luck.

  “Olivia, it’s my fault he showed up in New York. I set the whole thing up.”

  I listen in shock as my dad, slowly, tells me everything about how he and my mother, as well as Jameson’s parents, constantly put him up to protecting me. Breeding into him that it was his job to look over me. That’s when even more truth comes out.

  “Liv, I want you to know - your mother and I love you very much. That’s why we didn’t tell you.”

  “Tell me what? About Jameson. It explains a lot, but Daddy, it’s not a big deal.” Except it is. There was a tiny piece of me that believed maybe Jameson liked me. Not out of some obligation to the people he loved as his family.

  “No. Sweetheart. We always knew this day would come. When I’m gone, you’re going to need someone to look after you. Someone who knows you and cares about you for who you are. When you’re ready, it’s okay to let Jameson in. I asked Jameson to look after you because I always dreamed the two of you would end up together. I knew he was a good kid and that he’d make sure you were okay, long after I was gone.”

  A tear rolls down my face. My dad must really be slipping away, losing his mind. Let Jameson in? What in the world is that supposed to mean?

  “I always hoped I’d make it long enough to meet my first grandchild. To see you get married. It’s why I’ve fought this for so long — so many years. I’m tired now. And I know I won’t get to here on earth, but one day, I want you to do all of those things. And quit letting your mother and I hold you back.”

  Marriage? Babies?

  “Daddy, I’m only twenty-six, I have plenty of time for that. I have career goals I want to check off first. No one is holding us back.”

  Before my father can say more, my mom steps in and clears her throat. “Olivia, there’s someone at the door to see you. Marvin, I think it’s time you rest.”

  It’s clear with both want to protest, to continue this conversation but it doesn’t look like that will be happening right now. Not with the warning glare my mother is giving us both.

  I gently kiss my father’s forehead and smile at him. “We’ll talk later. You rest,” I give him a wink.

  He gives me a weak smile back, and I excuse myself to see who’s waiting at the door.

  When I open the door that my mother so rudely closed on our guest, I come face to face with him, and Peaches. In an instant, I fall to my knees and wrap my arms around my girl, sobbing into her fur as she excitedly wags her tail and tries to lick me. Even though my heart is breaking, it’s so very full with my furbaby here now.

  Gathering my composure, I stand and pull the front door shut before taking Peaches’ leash from Jameson. I fight back more tears as we walk into the grass with my dog who excited rolls around as if she’s happy to be back too.

  I almost forget that I’m mad at him for the truth my father just revealed.

  “What are you doing back here?”

  He gives me a casual shrug. “I rearranged some things and thought you could use a friend or two. Plus, I think she was starting to miss you.”

  “Or did my dad call and tell you to bring her?” I snap before my filter kicks in.

  “Why is it so hard for you to believe that I want to do nice things for you? Why do you always assume I have some ulterior motive or something?” He replies calmly, though I can see the frustration brewing in his eyes.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because my dad just told me how he’s basically put you up to be my protector and we need to get married and have babies.”

  Jameson coughs and laughs at the same time, making me want to punch him. “Listen, yes, a long time ago our parents drilled it into my head that I was supposed to look out for you. And I did. That’s not why I’m here now though. That’s not why I came to New York either.”

  “Really? You’re telling me that the man lying inside on his death bed is a liar? The way he tells it, he set up the whole thing in New York.”

  He shakes his head in disbelief. “I’m not calling him a liar. I had no idea that he was behind the whole thing, either. There’s no way he was totally in control. I mean, how would he have worked out living arrangements with your neighbor? You think he’s that good that he knew I had an old college buddy in New York, who just happened to be looking for a roommate - and lived in your building. Even that’s far fetched.”

  “He got you the job there. He said he put it all together. It was ‘his fault,’” I quote. “That you ended up in New York.”

  “Liv, I’m telling you, if he did set anything up, I had absolutely no idea. None at all. I was making my plans to get to you.”

  I want to question him. To ask why he felt like he needed to get to me but I’m interrupted by my panic-stricken mother yelling at the front door. Jameson and I both rush in the house with Peaches eagerly trailing behind, in spite of my mother’s protests. My dad is laying on the floor beside his hospital bed, struggling to get up.

  “Whoa, hey Mr. H. Hang on there one second, let me help.” Jameson quickly kneels beside my dad. “Are you okay? Does anything hurt?”

  “Mom you need to call 911 or hospice back here, one of the two. How did this happen?” I eye up my mom who seems to is frozen in place. “Mom,” I snap my fingers. “Call someone.”

  She glances at me then runs for the phone. “Right.”

  Somehow Jameson is able to lift my dad and get him back in bed, but it’s clear Dad’s in pain.

  “It’s hell getting old,” My dad coughs out struggling to catch his breath. “Just trying to take a leak and fell flat on my ass.”

  “Dad, you know you’re supposed to wait for one of us to help you.” I scold. I can’t believe he didn’t ask his nurse before she left while we were talking.

  “And lose the last shred of dignity I’ve got left,” he grunts. “I’ll pass. Tell your mother not to call anyone. I’m fine.”

  Chapter 10


  Banging on the front door of my parents' house at one am, wakes me from my fitful sleep. If my parents heard, they’re ignoring it. On the chance they didn’t hear the noise, I jump up off the couch and toss the blankets aside. I’m surprised when I open the door and find Liv standing in front of me looking battle-worn.

  “Liv, everything okay?” I ask as she barrels past me.

  “He’s gone.” Liv’s voice cracks and the tears stream down her face.

  “I’m so fucking sorry.” My voice breaks as wrap h
er in my arms, and she buries her head against my chest.

  “I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.”

  “I don’t think we ever are.” I can’t imagine a world without Mr. H in it. None of that matters right now, because she’s in my arms, leaning on me for comfort and support. She is the only thing that matters.

  “Olivia…” My mom’s voice trails off as she comes down the steps, tying her robe around her waist. “Oh sweetheart,” instinctively she pulls both of us into her arms. “I heard the door, but then your mom called. I’m so sorry sweetheart.”

  “I can’t go back there right now,” Liv sniffles.

  “You don’t have to,” I tell her.

  “You can stay here as long as you need to,” My mom assures us both. “Your mom said she'd call once they’ve got him.”

  “I can’t believe he’s gone,” Liv sobs harder. “I thought we’d have more time.”

  “Your father and I are going to go over and be with Dehlia,” Mom tells me as Dad comes down the steps completely dressed. “I need to change first, but Olivia - our home is yours too, if you want a hot bath or to relax, you’re welcome to Jameson’s room and the ensuite. You know that.”

  “Th-thank you.”

  Mom hugs her one more time then disappears up the stairs to change.

  “It’s a little early for coffee, but I get the feeling we’re all going to need it today. Can I make either of you a cup?” My dad offers with his hand on Liv’s shoulder.

  “No coffee,” I let out a sad laugh. “But I think mom’s got some fancy herbal tea that might be good right about now,” I lace my fingers with Liv’s and guide her to our kitchen.

  Dad makes quick work of getting the tea kettle on and readying travel cups of coffee for himself, and my mom as well as an extra, that I’m assuming is for Mrs. H.

  “Your dad was a good man,” steps around the kitchen island and wraps Liv in a hug. “One of my closest friends. I’m sorry he’s gone.”

  “Me, too.” Liv squeaks out, fighting back another wave of tears.

  Dad holds Liv at arm's length and looks her in the eyes. “He loved you and your mom, fiercely. Hold on to that, and to all the memories you have of him, in the coming days.”


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