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Daughter of Lions

Page 6

by Banks, Catherine

  I watched as he walked away and wished I could disappear. “Victoria, are you sure you’re alright?” Mark asked.

  I punched him in the chest as hard as I could and glared at him. “Of course I am! He didn’t even do anything wrong!”

  “He’s from Minters,” Mark whispered. “How can you forget so quickly that they just tried to kill you?”

  “One of them tried to kill me. Not him,” I said as I looked from my Dad to him. “Here, smell my hand. Was he the wolf?”

  Mark smelled my hand and then sighed. “No.”

  My anger and embarrassment boiled over and I knew I would cry soon if I did not leave. I started through the crowds when I saw Brandon dancing with Mary, one of the females in Dad’s pride who hated me. She bared her teeth at me and started grinding against him, dancing as seductively as possible. Brandon turned to see what she was looking at and stopped dancing when he saw me. His eyes roamed from my head to my toes and back again. Mary reached up and grabbed his face, kissing him passionately and forcing him to stop looking at me. I blushed and continued past them. I got it. He wanted a lioness and I was not one.

  I darted by Sheila and Paul and out into the cool night before anyone could see the tears in my eyes. One of them would come after me soon to guard me, but right now I needed to be free of them to get some air. I ran out into the field, vaulting over the barbed wire fences as fast as I could. My dress snagged on one and tore as I fell forward. I ripped the dress free and continued running, tears blinding me.

  I ran another hundred yards, hopped another fence and then tripped in a gopher hole, spraining my ankle. I sat down and buried my face in my knees as I pulled them up against my body. I wanted to go to my mom’s home. I did not want to be here anymore. Why was everything falling apart? My usual escape from my mother was turning into just one big reminder that I wasn’t ever going to fit in here. No matter how long I had known them all, no matter how hard I tried to understand their lion-like actions, I was not one of them.

  Someone’s hand touched my shoulder and I screamed as I scrambled away from them.

  “It’s just me,” Brandon said with his hands raised in the air.

  I wiped at my face and nose and turned away from him to try to hide the fact that I was crying. “What do you want?”

  “To see if you’re okay,” he said as he squatted down next to me, looking at my ankle.

  “I’m just great, thanks.” I whispered as I stood up and limped away from him to lean against one of the fence posts and fingered my torn dress.

  “You shouldn’t leave without someone with you,” he said as he watched me.

  “I knew they would send someone after me. I did not expect it to be you though,” I admitted.

  “No one sent me,” he said.

  I looked up in shock. “Then why are you here?”

  He looked at my dress. “I’m sorry your dress is torn. It looked beautiful on you.”

  I blushed and turned away. “Thanks, but I’m sure you want to get back to Mary, so why don’t you just ask Tony to come find me.”

  “Mary? I don’t like her. She asked me to dance and then assaulted me with her tongue.” I laughed at the disgusted tone of his voice and he moved closer to me. “Why are you sad?”

  I looked down at the fence post and fingered the split wood. “I’m tired of being alone. When I am away from the pride I am incredibly lonely, but when I am here I feel pain so intense I cannot stand it.”

  Why was I so honest with him? I had not intended to tell him that.

  “Your Dad and Mark and all of your friends in the pride would be really sad if you died. You know that right?”

  “They would be just as sad as a human is when their pet dies. I am not one of you.” I laughed bitterly. “You told me that too, remember?” Fresh tears stung my eyes and I sniffed as I tried to hold them in.

  “Beautiful girls should not cry,” Brandon whispered as he turned me around and wiped my eyes. I stared into his eyes as he whispered, “No one looks as beautiful as you tonight.”

  I could see his emotions warring within himself and showing on his face as he looked down at me. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “Because I’m not lion enough for you.” I stepped away from him and hopped over the fence behind me, using it to separate us. “I will never be enough.”

  “Victoria, don’t talk like that,” he said as he prepared to hop the fence.

  “Tell my Dad that I am sorry I could not stay, but I need to go.” I turned and ran as fast as I could through the field away from him before he could talk me into staying. Brandon called my name and raced after me, but I was faster in human form than him and I had much better endurance. I ran all the way to Dad’s house, grabbed my phone and wallet and then headed towards Summerset, the closest town with a train station.

  Tears splashed against my arms as I ran, but I did not stop. My cell phone rang just as I reached the station and slowed to a walk. “Hello?” I said, trying my best to sound normal.

  “Where are you?” Dad asked softly, using the voice he would to a frightened lion.

  “Safe and on my way to mom’s.”

  “Baby, let me pick you up. I don’t know what happened, but it can be worked out. We can fix it.”

  I sighed as I walked up to the ticket booth. “You can’t fix my bloodlines, Dad. I’m sorry, but I need some time to think. I will come back for summer break, but I need to be away from the pride for a while.” I paused as I dug out my wallet. “If you are going to send someone to guard me from the Minters pack, please have them say hi so I know who it is. I love you, Dad. I’ll see you in two months.”

  I hung up the phone before he could give me an order or delay me any longer. I was sure he had heard the announcements on the intercom for the trains and would have figured out where I was by now anyways. I just had to hope I made it out of the station before one of the pride made it here. I purchased my ticket and sat outside on one of the benches facing the tracks.

  I could have a normal boyfriend at my mom’s place at least for a year, but after that they would probably want to go with me over the summer and meet my Dad and I knew that once they met the pride they would run screaming. Maybe I just needed to date boys until that point and then break it off. Then I would never have to deal with the rejection. I laughed inside knowing that I did not act like a normal human and I would probably end up scaring off the guy before he even thought to ask to go with me to my dad’s. Maybe I needed to just stay away from the pride completely.

  The train whistle blew and I stood up, wrapping my arms around my shoulders against the cold. I should have grabbed a sweater from the house. I boarded the train and found a seat in the back corner, away from all of the humans. I curled up and tried to sleep, but after the healing sleep for over a day I wasn’t tired yet. I watched the scenery go by and shivered. What if Mark was right? What if Bob would have hurt me if I had truly been alone?

  And why was Brandon flirting with me in the field? It was probably just the human side of him coming out for a minute, but it was strange. The train passed through town after town and soon I was lost in a daze of passing colors and murmuring humans.


  “Miss? Miss, this is your stop,” the train attendant whispered.

  I sat up and smiled. “Thank you.” I had meant to call Sandy for her to meet me at the station, but it was too late for that.

  I was headed towards the line of parked taxis when someone yelled my name. I turned and found Sam walking towards me from the movie theater next to the station. “Hey, Victoria,” he said with a smile. He looked at my torn dress and dirty legs and the smile died. “Are you okay?”

  I shivered and smiled. “Yeah, I just tripped and my dress tore.” He took his jacket off and wrapped it around my shoulders. It was fur lined and so warm that I sighed in relief. “Thank you.”

  He put his arm around my shoulders and rubbed. “Come on, I’ll give you
a ride home.”

  I let him take me to his car and climbed inside as he held the door open. Part of me was thrilled that I was here with him, but the other part was still caught up with the pride and Brandon.

  Sam climbed inside and headed towards my house. “I thought you weren’t coming back until next week?” he asked softly.

  I hugged myself tighter, enjoying the musky scent of his cologne. “I sort of ran away.”

  Sam pulled over in to my favorite coffee shop’s parking lot. “You ran away? Why?”

  He looked at me with such concern that I almost told him the truth, but that would get me a one way trip to the nut house. “My Dad and I got in a fight. Don’t worry, I called and told him where I was and we aren’t mad at each other anymore.” Not that Sam would have cared if we were mad at each other, but I said it anyways.

  “You want to talk about it?” Sam asked as he watched me.

  I smiled. “Maybe some other day.”

  He nodded his head then looked at the coffee shop. “Do you want something?” He looked at my torn dress. “I could get it for you if you don’t want anyone to see you.”

  “I would love a hot chocolate.”

  He smiled and turned the heater up. “I’ll be right back.”

  I watched him walk into the store and relaxed in the seat, absorbing the warmth from the jacket and the heater. A minute later my door opened and I turned, expecting Sam, and found Brandon panting and half bent over. “Victoria. Whose car is this? Please tell me you did not just get into some random guy’s car.”

  I stepped out of the car and frowned at him. “Did you run all the way here?”

  He nodded his head and leaned against the car as he continued to try to catch his breath. “Had to. Make sure. You were. Safe.”

  Of all the stupid and nice things a lion had ever done for me, this was the top of the list. “You didn’t have to do that. I called Dad and told him where I was.”

  He leaned closer and sniffed my jacket. “Is this the guy’s whose car you are in? How do you know him?”

  “Do not get all protective. Sam wouldn’t hurt me,” I said as my anger returned.

  “Sam? That guy who could only tell you that you are beautiful through text message?” he asked disbelievingly. Sure Brandon had said it to me in person, but Sam just had not had the chance yet.

  I glared at him. “Look, I do not want to talk about it with you, alright? Just go back to the pride.”

  Brandon moved closer to me, shielding me from the wind with his body when I shivered. “I am not leaving you alone. Come on, I will walk you home.”

  “Victoria? You okay?” asked Sam as he walked towards us with two coffee cups in his hands.

  I watched him stand to his full height and square his shoulders to look bigger at the sight of Brandon. Brandon saw it too because he did the same thing behind me. “It’s okay, Sam. He is a friend of the family and he was just leaving.” I took a step towards Sam, but Brandon grabbed my arm.


  “Let go of her,” Sam said menacingly as he set the cups down on the hood of his car.

  Brandon glared at him. “This does not involve you. Just stay out of it.”

  If I did not do something now, this was going to escalate and I really did not want to see Sam get tossed across the parking lot. “Brandon,” I said softly, “I am not in danger. Sam is taking me home and I will be safe. Please, do not start a fight.”

  Brandon stared into my eyes a moment, exhaled and then looked at Sam. “I’m sorry. I was just worried since I don’t know you and she ran off. I am only trying to protect her.”

  Sam smiled. “Understandable. No harm done. I swear I’ll get her home safe.”

  Brandon clenched his jaw and looked down at me. “You sure?”

  I nodded my head and whispered, “Besides, you really think he could beat me?”

  Brandon smiled and exhaled. “You know I’m going to follow you, right?”

  I groaned. “I figured as much. Dad is going to send someone to protect me anyways so you can stay at the house until they arrive, alright?”

  Brandon nodded his head and backed away so I could get in the car. “Bye, Sam,” Brandon said with some underlying meaning which I did not understand. Sam waved at Brandon and he who walked to the pay phones, no doubt to call Dad.

  I climbed into the car and took the hot chocolate Sam held out to me. “Sorry about that,” I whispered.

  Sam smiled. “It’s okay.” We drove to my house listening to the radio in comfortable silence. Or it would have been if I hadn’t known that Brandon was following us.

  “Thank you for the hot chocolate,” I said as I unbuckled my seat belt.

  He leaned across the center console and kissed my cheek. “You’re welcome.” I blushed and he asked, “Now that you’re back, would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow instead of next Sunday?”

  I nodded my head. “Yeah, I would love to.”

  I got out of the car and he rolled down the window. “By the way, you look great in that dress.” I watched him drive away and stared at his fading taillights. This had to be the craziest night of my life.

  “Your Dad said he called your mom already and she said I could use the spare bedroom,” Brandon said from beside me.

  I jumped and squeaked. “Dammit!” He smiled and I smacked his arm. “You scared me on purpose that time.”

  He shrugged. “It’s not my fault you did not notice me run up because you were drooling over that dork.”

  “He is not a dork. He is the quarterback of the football team.”

  Brandon rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

  “And I was not drooling!” I fought the urge to wipe my mouth and stared at Brandon instead.

  “What do you see in that guy?” Brandon asked.

  I sighed. “Not that it’s any of your business, but he is the only guy who has ever asked me out on a date and possibly my only chance at happiness. At least he will be until he asks to meet Dad and then I will have to move on to the next guy.”

  “Victoria!” mom yelled from the doorstep. “Come inside. Bring that…boy, with you too.”

  I noticed her pause and felt fury engulf my body. I walked up to her and said, “His name is Brandon.”

  She frowned down at my ruined dress. “Look at you, you are all dirty and your dress is torn, you’re like a wild…” she stopped talking and glanced at Brandon. “Well, you know. Get inside, clean yourself up and start looking like a human.”

  I heard Brandon growl behind me, but he held his tongue. “Yes, mom,” I whispered as I walked past her.

  “And show him where he’s sleeping. I’m going out,” she said and then slammed the front door closed behind her.

  I walked up the stairs and stopped by the first door. “This is your room for the night. The sheets are clean and there are extra pillows in the closet.” I pointed to the next door. “That’s my room. Third door is the bathroom.” I turned to walk away so he wouldn’t see the tears my mom had caused. I hadn’t even stepped inside the house and she had already insulted me for not being human and insulted Brandon.

  “Victoria,” he whispered.

  I stopped and turned to him, wiping at my eyes. “Yeah?”

  “Don’t listen to your mom. You look great.”

  I smiled bitterly. “Of course you think so. I’m not a human right now.”

  He clenched his jaw and I walked away and hurried into the bathroom as the flood of tears came. In two point five seconds she had already ruined my time home. How could someone who supposedly loved me treat me so poorly?

  After showering and changing in my room into pajamas I walked to Brandon’s room. I had my hand lifted to knock when he opened the door with only a pair of pants on. I had expected him to be muscular, but I had never seen so many abs on a guy my age before. “Um, I was thinking you might be hungry so I was going to order food. You like Chinese?”

  He squatted down in front of me so my eyes were level wit
h his. “You can look in my eyes, you know? I’m a dominant lion, but you are not in danger from me.”

  I was not about to tell him that I had been staring at his muscles, but I also did not know what to say to him. The rest of the pride I had known my entire life so I knew my limitations. With him I had no clue what our limitations were.

  I met his eyes a moment and then turned away. “Yes or no?”

  “Yes,” he said softly, but with a hint of his lion in his voice. I did not know what question he was answering and I was not sure I wanted to find out.

  I walked downstairs and picked up the takeout menu for the Chinese food restaurant and dialed the number. Brandon followed me down and began inspecting the cupboards, most of which were empty. I doubled my usual order and then looked up into his angry face. “What’s wrong?” I asked as I hung up the phone.

  “Why isn’t there food here?” he asked, opening the fridge to display its empty shelves.

  “She’s never home so she does not shop. I just order food or go out to eat with friends.”

  He shook his head. “Your Dad doesn’t know does he?”

  I shook my head. “No. Please don’t tell him.”

  He opened his mouth and then closed it. “How long until the food is here?”

  “Forty minutes. We could go out back if you need to get outside?”

  He blinked at me. “How did you…”

  “I have been around that pride my entire life, Brandon. I can tell when a lion is feeling edgy or caged. Come on, I’ll take you to my secret spot.” I grabbed his hand and tugged him behind me out the back door. Mom had paid a fortune for a landscaper to turn the back yard into a beautiful garden. I had slipped him a couple extra hundreds to turn one corner into my own personal mini-forest.

  I hopped over the fish pond and then ducked under the mini-palm trees. Brandon followed with his hand still in mine, which felt nice and yet I knew it meant nothing. I pushed the willow tree’s branches out of the way and pulled Brandon forward.

  He looked around at the cherry trees and baby oaks that formed a little circle where the stars and moon could shine through and whistled. “Wow.”


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