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Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)

Page 2

by Henderson, Grace

“I’ve been approached by an inner city school in London, that’s failing miserably to provide the support the kids need. They’ve offered me a job.” She takes in a breath and smiles shyly. “And I’ve accepted it.” She watches us as we take that in. She’ll have to leave Stamford to work Monday to Friday in London.

  “Before you all say anything I only found out a couple of days ago.”

  Jen puts her arm round her shoulder and hugs her to her side. “That’s amazing news.” She kisses her cheek. “And we would never judge you for keeping it quiet until you’re sure. It’s a big step. But you’ll be able to do some real good for the kids there. They’re gonna love you. Hot teacher.”

  “Congratulations, Em. When do you leave?”

  “They want to get me settled in as soon as possible. So I’ll see out this term, which ends next week. Then move over the holidays and start fresh next term. It’s happening pretty quick.”

  I pout my lip and feel the tears pricking the backs of my eyes, but she doesn’t need to feel sad, it should be a happy time for her, so I blink the feeling away.

  “Well tonight will be a double celebration then. Your leaving party!” I fill everyone’s glasses up again and a Beyoncé song comes bursting though the speakers.

  “Come on ladies, it’s our jam. We have to go.” I scramble out of James’ lap and kiss his cheek. “Meet me on the dance floor, next song.”

  We rush off and start shaking our hips to the music. I raise my hands in the air then wiggle my butt to the beat, throwing my arm around Jen who looks a little stiff. She’s the most self-conscious out of all of us. But I don’t get why. She’s beautiful. She relaxes against my side and starts to twist and gyrate more fluidly. We sing along to the music forgetting everyone else around us on the dance floor and after a few more seconds I look around to find three guys have appeared, moving behind us and watching our asses; so annoying.

  I shoot them a look to say back off but that doesn’t faze them. The one that’s looking directly at me lets his eyes wander way too low for my liking and smirks, the creep.

  Where’s my man when I need him?

  I look over to our table and see Ryan sitting with James and Blake. They’re chatting and laughing, then all raise their heads in our direction. When James’ eyes find mine, I forget about the guy near me and do my best to throw him a seductive smile and move my hips, dangerously slow, but he doesn’t smile back. A hand clamps onto my waist but before I’ve even had time to throw it off, it gets ripped off me.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” James’ cold voice cuts through the music to my ears. His intimidating eyes are burning into the guy who now has his arms folded in front of his chest. He adjust his cap to the side, so his face can be seen properly. He’s got blond hair peeking out the edges and that arrogance hasn’t left his face. The guys that were with him are still towering over us girls, obviously not wanting to walk away from their friend in case James starts something.

  “No ring on her finger.” He shrugs.

  “She’s taken. Get the fuck out of here.” He snaps out, and pulls me back behind him while he steps forward. There are people still dancing but they’ve widened their circle around us and have not so subtly shifted their attention to us. In a flash, Blake appears at James’ side and stands up tall, puffing his chest out.

  “Have we got a problem here?” He directs at the guy in front of him.

  “Actually yeah, we’ve got a problem. We’re trying to dance with these hotties and he’s cock-blocking us. Need to keep him in check, dude.”

  Stupid dick.

  Movement to the side jerks my eyes to Cassie. The asshole behind her has moved in closer, and his hands lay on her shoulders.

  “Hey, get off.” She tries to knock his hands away but they squeeze harder. Blake stiffens, and when the other guy smiles slowly, Blake lunges towards him and I reach over to drag Cassie away before she gets hurt.

  He knocks him to the ground, and his fist connects with his jaw with a hard, punishing crack. I wince, then shake my head.

  Don’t feel sorry for him, you big baby. He put his hands on your friend without her permission.

  Blood pours from the guy’s lip and his hands claw at Blake to try and chuck him off but it doesn’t work. Blake lands another hit before the guys’ friends try to break it up. Ryan comes jogging over and with James’ help, they pull him off. His friends help him up and drag him still lashing out towards the exit.

  “Stay the fuck away from them, assholes.” Blake shouts over the music.

  Ryan glares at James. “Could you not have stopped him yourself?”

  “Could have. But that was more fun.” James grins, and Ryan shakes his head, then uses his walkie talkie to let security know to watch out for them at the front door and keep them out.

  Cassie rushes to Blake’s side and fusses over the little cut on his forehead. He wraps his arm round her and kisses her fiercely on the mouth. I smirk and mouth caveman to him as he pulls away.

  “Damn right.” He chuckles. “Excuse us, guys. I’ve got to take my wife home and spank her ass for wearing such a short skirt tonight.” He rests his hand on the small of her back and edges her forward and I watch them until they’re swallowed up by the crowd of people.

  “It all started because one of them put his hands on you. Maybe I should spank your ass too.” James looks down at me with a wiggle of his eyebrows and I have to clench my thighs together tightly to relieve the ache his words have created.

  Ryan clear his throat. “Okay, my cue to leave. No more fights please. Later, guys.” I’m glad he didn’t wait for a response because words get stuck when James’ eyes pin me with that look of pure hunger. It heats me down to my core. But tonight, I’m staying at home. Mum wanted us to spend the day together tomorrow. She’s got a check-up to make sure she’s stayed in remission and talk about any worries she still has.

  “Come on, let’s go before I actually let you spank my ass in front of everyone. Em, I’m so happy for you. We’ll come and wave you off, just let us know what day you’re leaving.” I hug her, squeezing tight and pull away with a tear rolling down my cheek.

  “Thanks Laurel.”

  James kisses her cheek and we say goodbye to Jen before leaving the bar, hitting the cold air as we walk outside. I plaster myself right up against James’ side as we head to the car, to try and share some of his warmth, but he peels his jacket off and lays it around my shoulders. I smile up at him gratefully, and he plants a sweet kiss on my lips. It’s always so easy between us. He opens the passenger door, and bows playfully before I climb in and blast the heat up high. I’m so sleepy by the time he pulls up to my house, I get out wishing my mum will be asleep so I don’t have to think about making conversation.

  I just want my bed.

  The bed that will be extra cold tonight without James.

  Ugh, surely I can survive one night without him?

  He moves a lock of hair away from my face and I sway, my cheek moving to follow his hand and rub itself against it.

  Since when did I purr like a cat, too?

  “Tell me why I have to sleep without a beautiful woman in my bed, again?”

  I put my arms around his neck and stand on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

  “My mother needs some bonding time. She’s gone from seeing me every day to seeing me a couple of times a week, and that’s only in passing. I feel like I’m just using her house, my home, like a hotel these days.”

  “Yeah I get it.” He sighs, “Pick you up tomorrow night?”

  “You bet. We’ll be back by six, so give me an hour to get ready.”

  “Nope.” He grins. “You get half an hour. I’ll be here at half six.”

  I roll my eyes and pout out a fine before kissing him again and walking inside; there’s no use arguing.

  The house is dark, and when I shut the door, I hear him pull away. I’ve still got his jacket so I get ready for bed then pull it into the bed with me, resting my hand on it. I duck my nose an
d sniff and let his scent wrap round me in a warm and comforting embrace.

  Just as I’m drifting off, my phone beeps. The light from the screen directs me to it in the dark.

  My beds cold without u. Don’t like this arrangement. U need to move in wit me. x

  I grin and burrow into the pillow as I type out my reply. He’s mentioned moving in together a few times before. I keep saying no, but it’s more to do with my mum than not wanting to. I guess I’ll find out how she’s getting on tomorrow.

  No. Again! But my bed’s cold too. I have your jacket wrapped round me. x

  Was that just a bit too creepy to mention? Oops. The reply comes quickly.

  Never been more jealous of a damn coat! And I’m not giving up. You’ll succumb to my charm eventually ;-)

  We’ll see. Night baby. X

  Sweet dreams, beautiful x

  Chapter Two


  Waking up to an empty house for the third day in a row gets my morning off to an irritatingly crappy start and knowing my girl isn’t even in the same county now makes it even worse. She’s gone up to Manchester to meet with the shop-fitters again. But today I’ve got a meeting with a well-known architect, Seb Burrows. I’ve worked with him plenty of times before and consider him a good friend, so hopefully that will pull me out of the stupid funk I’m in.

  I’ve driven halfway between Stamford and London to discuss our pitch for what could be the biggest project I’ve worked on so far, if it all goes to plan. A five star hotel chain from the U.S are looking for a British company to design their first hotel here in the UK.

  “Well, if it isn’t Breakthrough Talent of the Year! Please Sir, can I have your autograph?”

  Seb raises his voice, looking at me with excited eyes and holding out a pen and napkin. I’ve just walked through the lobby bar of the posh hotel he’s staying at and I cringe inside as people turn their heads to try and work out if I’m really someone worth having an autograph from. I cringe even more when they turn back round, deciding I’m not that interesting.

  “Ha. Ha. Very funny, you fucker. Sit down.”

  He chuckles and slumps back into the club chair. I loosen my tie, and then pull it off and open the top button on my shirt so I can breathe easier. I’ve just come from a meeting with the owner of a restaurant I’m refurbishing. I feel like my life has been one long meeting lately. Hopefully if we get this deal, I can be much more hands on. I’ll have to be. Because I wouldn’t let anything get in the way of making it a success; it could skyrocket my company.

  I set up my laptop on the table and the young waiter comes over in a hurry, looking out of breath and flustered. I look around and notice that the bar is actually quite busy considering it’s the middle of the day.

  “Welcome sir, what can I get for you?”

  “I’ll just have a Coke thanks.”

  He nods and turns to Seb, “Another, sir?” I glance down to his glass and see the remnants of the amber coloured liquid. The sly motherfucker is on the whisky already. At three in the afternoon. Some life. But he’s on holiday, so I can’t blame him. He’s brought his wife Tiffany here too. My guess is, she’s in the hotel spa right about now.

  Seb nods and the waiter disappears to the table next to us who have been huffing and snapping their fingers rudely trying to get his attention.

  “Busy here.”

  “Yep.” He grins smugly.

  “What the fuck are you not saying?” I open up PowerPoint and get out a pad and pen.

  “It’s busy because a U.S hotel chain are holding their management recruitment day here. They’re a big chain. Five star.” His grin only gets wider as I realise what he’s saying.

  “You’re shitting me.” I stare at him in shock.

  “I shit you not. You really think I’d bring Tiff to a poncey place like this, if there wasn’t some reason for it? You don’t know me very well then, Dawson. Frankly, I’m a little hurt. I thought we had something special.” He sniffs, and clutches at his chest just as the waiter comes back over and, having heard Seb, starts to splutter an apology for interrupting.

  “Don’t worry. I need a drink. Maybe it will get me over this heartbreak.” He sips his drink, and I see the curl of his lips as his mouth meets the glass.

  “That’s better. I feel like I’m getting over you already.” He lowers the glass as the waiter looks between us both, awkwardly still standing at our table.

  “This is great, thanks.” He winks at the waiter, who widens his eyes and half-smiles clumsily as he backs away.

  “You’re a dick.”

  Seb unzips his leather bag and reaches in for his laptop.

  “A clever dick, if you must.”

  I can’t argue with that. He’s turned a getaway with his wife into a business opportunity. If that isn’t massacring two birds with one stone, I don’t know what is.

  “So what’s the plan?” I tilt my head and watch the cogs turning in his. He sucks on the end of his Bic and narrows his eyes.

  “Well, I met the CEO Riker Garrison last month at an event in New York. I played the game, charmed the pants off him. Not literally, before you even start.”

  I smile. He knows me too well.

  “I’m confident he’ll remember me. So we just need to schmooze him today. The pitch is next week so we have time. But we need him to bond with us. It’ll give us one up on Sarah Cooper. Seeing as we can’t compete with her long legs, and ample cleavage, we need something.”

  I glance at his chest and smirk. “Don’t know about that, Burrows. Looks like you’re sporting some serious moob action there.”

  “Fuck off, prick.” He straightens and looks down at his chest. “It’s called muscle. You should try working out sometime. Might help you get rid of those love handles.”

  I chuckle loudly. Seb’s older than me, in his early thirties, but you wouldn’t guess it. He works out most days and keeps in shape, just like I do.

  “Whatever. How do you know Garrison is here?”

  “Oh he’ll be here. For fuck’s sake, the vain tosser is naming his hotel here after himself. You think he wouldn’t come and make sure people know who he is? Plus, if he’s already in the UK for our pitch anyway, why wouldn’t he?”

  The brief we’ve been given by his team, was just that. Brief. He’s looking for something unique for The Garrison, his first hotel in London. Something no-one’s done before. If you ask me, the name alone screams done several million times: The Ritz, The Langham, The Dorchester, The Bloomsbury, the list goes on, but what someone like him wants, he gets.

  “I guess. How are we going to get our chance? What’s going to draw him out of whatever meeting he’s in now?”

  Another grin transforms his face. He’s like the Cheshire cat today.

  “Let’s just say, I have back up with me. Nothing better than a hot, sexy, well-educated, elegant wife who’s every man’s fucking fantasy.”

  I nearly spit out my Coke, and look over at him. Did he really just say that?

  “Yes I really did just say that. Tiff is stroking his ego as we speak.”

  “You’re whoring out your wife to a billionaire?”

  He looks at me like I just said something really stupid.

  “Oh, please.” He scoffs. “He’s not a billionaire. That’s for oil tycoons and Sheikhs. Multi-millionaire, maybe.”

  Ha, and he’s not even denying whoring out his wife.

  “Tiffany Burrows, my amazing wife, may be extremely successful in her own right, but she knows who brings home the serious dough.” He leans forward, “That’s me. So what’s good for me is, by default, good for her. Us winning this contract is good for her.”

  He shrugs and leans back in the chair. “She’s only doing a little light flirting anyway. I’m not whoring her out, as you so elegantly put it. You know Tiff doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do.”

  “I’m glad you know that, honey.” Tiff’s smiling voice fills the silence and I look over as she gets closer to the table. Sh
e’s wearing a stunning pale pink dress to her knees, and her dark hair is pulled back, curls spinning down her back. She oozes confidence and glamour. Definitely someone a famous hotel chain owner, not to mention total player, like Garrison would want to be seen with.

  “James, you just get better looking every time I see you.” Seb’s eyes narrow, and he picks up his glass, sipping slowly on his whisky.

  “I’ve always liked you.” I say kissing her cheek and slinging my arm over her shoulders. When she hugs my waist and puts her hand on my chest I grin smugly at him and raise both my eyebrows.

  “So what have you been doing gorgeous, and where’s Garrison?” I let go of my friend’s wife and sit back down when she perches on the arm of the chair next to us.

  “Oh I’ve just been laughing at his crappy jokes and chatting about the U.S stock market. Nothing exciting.”

  I choke on my drink again and look at her to see if she’s serious. She is.

  “What do you know about the U.S stock market?”

  She smiles and points her finger at me. “Now, I know you’re not a misogynist, so what’s with the attitude?”

  I hold my hands up defensively in front of me and shake my head, trying to come up with words that will make me sound less like an ass. “Hey, it’s not a woman thing. It’s a Tiffany Burrows, fashionista extraordinaire thing. Weren’t you the one, correct me if I’m wrong, that asked the chairman of Nasdaq when the next car race was?”

  She howls with laughter nearly falling back in the chair. “I was drunk, and they sound similar! Okay. I agree, I’m no stocks and shares expert but I can handle my own. Especially with one of these…” She leans forward, piercing green eyes gazing into mine, placing her hand on my arm, fluttering her eyelashes, and giggles softly. It’s not an annoying, loud, obvious giggle. It’s a beautiful, soft, girly, mesmerising sound that takes Seb slamming his glass on the table for me to snap out of my gaping.

  “Wow.” I say in admiration. “That fucking works like a charm.”


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