Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)

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Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) Page 5

by Henderson, Grace

When I find the strength to bring my head forward to look at him I see his hand reaching out towards the phone.

  No, don’t.

  I want to say it out loud but I can’t focus as his other hand dips under my skirt, rubbing its way along my thigh.

  Shit, he’s going to put it on speaker.

  He pulls my skirt down to my feet as he hits the big black button and I freeze. My brain’s screaming at me to speak but when he lifts my leg and drapes it over his shoulder, then lowers his mouth to lick my inner thigh, I can’t think straight. I can’t even hold myself up. My leg gives out and he lifts me onto the desk. He nods his head to the phone with that smug grin and I immediately wish I could wipe it off his face.

  “Laurel?” The distant voice sounds into the room, making me jump. Fucking hell, it’s my mother.

  My throat’s dry and scratchy and I cough to try and clear it.

  “Yep, it’s me. Sorry I dropped the phone.” Shit, I can’t have a conversation right now. He moves my underwear to the side and pins his baby blues to mine as he slips a finger deep inside me. I slap my hand across my mouth to keep from moaning, and to stop the laughter bubbling over. This whole situation is ridiculous.

  “Oh, that’s fine. So you’re still working? Are you coming home tonight?”

  I try to push James away but he grabs hold of my hand tightly, interlacing our fingers and won’t let it move from the edge of the desk.

  “Yep, I’m coming.” James snorts quietly and when my eyes narrow and drop to him, he moves his mouth to my clit and sucks on it until I’m squirming against him, trying to move my hips away.

  “I’m just waiting on James to pick me up, I’m sure he’ll be soon. Then he’s going to drive us both to yours.” He slips another finger in, and pushes them both as deep as they’ll go. My eyes roll back and I’m grateful my butt’s on the desk because there’s no way I could stand with my whole body shaking.

  “Okay honey. Oh, did I tell you he brought me flowers round the other day? For no reason at all.”

  James snorts again but doesn’t break his tongue away from me.

  What the hell do I say to that?

  My mind gets so distracted watching his tongue rolling over my clit I forget to answer.


  Oh, God. I can’t keep doing this.

  “Oh, that was sweet. He sure knows how to please.” I breathe out through a smile that has everything to do with the sexy man on his knees in front of me. He wiggles his eyebrows and I shove my fingers in my mouth and bite down hard to keep from laughing. Or moaning. Both are real possibilities right now.

  He continues to lick circles over my clit that get faster and faster and the movement of his fingers in and out builds the pressure inside me relentlessly, until I know for sure that I’m going to come in the next few seconds.

  “He’s here, gotta go mum. See you soon. Bye.” I squeak out quickly not pausing to take a breath, and reach over to hit the end call button. My head falls back as I arch off the desk and he thrusts his fingers deep and hooks them to hit the spot that has me screaming out.

  “Oh God!” I explode harder than I’ve ever come before; toes curling, legs shaking, hands glued to James’ head, holding him to me.

  “Shit, shit, shit.” I pant through the waves of pure bliss making their way through my whole body. Several shudders later and he pulls his fingers out slowly, kissing his way up my stomach and to my neck.

  “What the hell was that?” I choke out, mind and body still reeling from the sheer force of the orgasm.

  “Foreplay.” He says simply, grinning into the kisses he places on my mouth. He pulls me up from the desk and helps me straighten my clothes before running his hands through my hair, and kissing my forehead.

  God, I wish we could just go back home now.


  His house.

  Our home.

  Chapter Four


  I lean back against the counter in Judy’s kitchen, absently rubbing my thumbs up and down the back of Laurel’s neck as she stands in front of me talking to her mum. She rests her back against me, soft curves fitting each part of my body perfectly.

  Judy’s smiling a lot lately. She deserves it after the last six months, her nightmare is finally ending and I couldn’t be happier for her. I only hope that this doesn’t come as too much of a shock for her. It’s been her and Laurel against the world for over four years and now I feel like I’m stealing her away.

  “Mum, we’ve got something we need to tell you.”

  Judy looks between us with her eyebrows up in her forehead. I see her eyes drop to Laurel’s stomach. Really? She thinks we’re going to tell her that? I can’t help but chuckle and both sets of confused eyes fly to mine.

  Sorry but it was kinda funny.

  “Nervous laughter. Sorry.” I say sheepishly then swipe over my mouth and toss the key.

  Laurel rolls her eyes and turns back round to her mother who is looking at us both once again with an anxious expression.

  “Well don’t keep me in suspense here.” She says as she pours herself a big ol’ glass of wine. She’s got one of those huge glasses that can fit a whole bottle inside.

  I feel Laurel’s shoulders tense, but as Judy turns back to the fridge, I take the opportunity to whisper in her ear.

  “Everything’s going to be fine. Don’t worry.” I offer her a smile and when she smiles back, shoulders dropping under my fingers, I know it worked.

  “James and I are thinking about moving in together.”

  I don’t like the uncertainty in her voice but I know not to make a big deal out of it. I just hold my breath until Judy decides to speak.

  She frowns, and just like that my heart’s in my stomach. I thought she’d be happy for us. I know six months isn’t really that long, but we’ve known each other a lot longer than that, and we’ve both been adults for a while now.

  “Are you thinking about it, or actually doing it?” She says, with her hand on her hip and a stare that holds my eyes looking straight at hers. Oh shit, she’s going to blame me for this. For taking her daughter away from her. I knew their bond was special, but now I feel a huge bout of disappointment in my gut.

  I seem to have lost my words, so Laurel pipes up nervously. “Would it make a difference?”

  Her mum leans against the counter, eyes still focused on mine and I feel like I’m being held in prison for interrogation. Or in the principal’s office at school.

  “Of course.” She shrugs.

  Well shit, she doesn’t mince her words. Okay, I now have to try and let her know I won’t make anything difficult for their relationship. She can still see her whenever she wants to.

  “Mother-” Laurel starts but gets cut off immediately.

  “Don’t mother me. Laurel Elizabeth, if you are the reason why you are only thinking about moving in together, and not actually doing it, then you better hurry up and decide because this one won’t wait around forever. Will you?” She looks at me again with teasing in her eyes, and now I want to sigh dramatically and clutch my chest in relief.

  Instead I opt for calm and collected. “No.” I say, with a serious tone.

  Laurel flings her hands against her sides. “Oh great, gang up on me why don’t you? Tell her I said yes!”

  I feel like I need to stay out of it so I just smirk and cross my arms over my chest.

  “So, you are moving in together?” Judy asks, and I nod my head and I can’t keep the grin off my face.

  “Oh darlings, that’s wonderful! I was wondering when you were going to get out of my hair.” She says jokingly.

  “I thought you might not want me to go.” Laurel says quietly.

  Judy crooks her finger, gesturing for Laurel to go to her, which she does, and wraps her in a tight hug. I feel like I should leave them to it, but I can’t just walk out the room.

  “I don’t think many mothers love the thought of their children leaving home but the thing they all want is for th
em to have an amazing life. I wouldn’t want you to be stuck here with me Laurel. You’re an adult now. To be honest I’m surprised it’s taken this long, the amount of time you spend together anyway.”

  Laurel nods and pulls back, “I know. I just wanted to make sure you were going to be okay.”

  Judy waves her comment off, but I see it’s made her teary. She flings her body round to get her glass and subtly wipes her eyes. “I’m going to be fine. I actually had something I wanted to tell you as well.” She fiddles with her cropped hair. She lost it all from chemo but it’s growing back and she looks kinda foxy with it short, like Sharon Stone in Catwoman.

  “Do you remember me talking about Johnathan from work?” Laurel nods and I vaguely remember hearing the name before. He’s in hedge funds or something. Judy’s job is in finance, but I couldn’t tell you what, it goes straight over my head.

  “He asked me to go to dinner with him.” She fiddles nervously with the stem of the glass. “I politely declined but I’m thinking about a coffee. Maybe. Or lunch. I don’t know.”

  Laurel smiles and nods her head frantically, “Do it. Get yourself out there. You can just be friends to begin with, and see how it goes if you’re unsure. Dad would want that.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “Of course not. Mum, you can’t be a hermit for the rest of your life. Have some fun.”

  We talk about a whole load of nothing in particular for a while. It’s kind of bittersweet seeing Laurel laughing and chatting with her mum. Makes me miss mine. But I won’t be telling Laurel that any time soon. I’ve just got to get over it. I wouldn’t want anything to make her feel awkward about me being here too.

  We eventually say our goodbyes and make our way across town to Emma’s flat. She’s leaving bright and early tomorrow, so we all said we’d go round to help her load the van she’s hired and say goodbye.

  Cassie answers the door with a huge grin on her face.

  “You got here just in time.”

  There’s a shout from inside that drowns Cassie out.

  “Tell him to hurry the fuck up.”

  “Ryan had an emergency at work. So Blake’s been moving nearly all the boxes himself.” Cassie explains. “I think he’s tired now.”

  “Hey I’m not tired. I could go all night, sweetheart. This asshole just needs to do his fair share, that’s all.” Blake appears next to Cassie and gestures for me to walk through. “Princess, I’ve saved all the light ones for you.”

  That earns him a punch in the arm as I walk through with Laurel following behind chatting to Cassie.

  “Hey Em.” I ruffle her hair and she smiles broadly.

  “Thanks for helping out. You want a drink?”

  “Coke, thanks.”

  The girls make their way into the kitchen all giggling together, and I bend my knees to pick up a small box in the corner. I’m not prepared for how heavy the little sucker is, and I nearly stumble into the wall. I glance over at Blake when I hear a deep laugh and he’s holding his stomach and slapping his thigh.

  “That was fucking hilarious.” So, he did save me some boxes. All the heavy ones.

  “Asshole.” I mumble as I spread my feet slightly to brace myself and lift the box, muscles in my arms straining so I don’t drop it.

  “What the fuck is in this thing.” I make my way down the flight of stairs and out to the van where Blake is putting his box in the back, and moving them like Tetris to make sure there’s enough room.

  After another five trips up and down, I’m breaking out into a real sweat and the girls are still laughing together in the kitchen. I can see them out of the corner of my eye each time I walk into the corridor.

  “They’re doing fuck all. Was it like this all evening?”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “Believe it or not, they were actually helping before you guys arrived. Laurel’s the ringleader. She’s telling them to stay in there so they can ogle.”

  Oh, yeah? My girl wants to ogle. Like she doesn’t get enough of that anyway.

  “Hey dude, if they wanna look, let’s give ‘em something worth looking at.” He glances up at Cassie as he passes the half-open door again and she’s biting her cute little lip and smiling at him.

  “Shit, it’s hot in here.” I pull my t-shirt over my head and wipe it over my chest before poking my head round the door to the kitchen. I see the look on Laurel’s face as she takes in my bare torso and I smile smugly as I throw the t-shirt at her.

  “Look after this for me, babe?”

  She catches it in her hand and looks down at it in shock. “Sure.” She squeaks out quietly. I look around at the other girls and give them my sexiest grin.

  “Thanks.” I wink at all of them as I step back into the corridor and rub my hands together.

  “Let’s do this.”

  Blake does exactly the same, and when he comes back out, hands minus his t-shirt, the giggling gets louder.

  “Dirty girls.” He shakes his head and I nod mine in agreement. “Filthy.”

  We both laugh and carry on with the rest of the boxes. After a couple more trips to the van, I’m not surprised at all to find the girls have made their way into the living room to get a better a view. It makes me want to puff my chest out and beat on it a few times.

  Once the van’s full, and there are no boxes left, I fall down onto the sofa next to Laurel and launch myself onto her.

  She squeals and scrunches up her nose. “Ew, you’re all wet.”

  “I’ll make you all wet.” I whisper in her ear and kiss the sensitive spot just underneath.

  She giggles and turns to whisper back to me. “I already am.” If she wasn’t biting on that soft plump lip I might be able to control myself, but she is and now I need to get her home.

  “We’ve got to go. Up early and all that.”

  I grab her hand and pull her up so she’s standing next to me. I kiss Emma’s cheek telling her I’ll forgo the hug so I don’t get her sweaty.

  “Good idea.” She nods, smiling. “Thanks so much for helping me tonight guys. Come and see me in London?”

  “Of course we will Em. You’re not getting rid of us.” Laurel states firmly and tightly wraps her in a hug. “Text me when you’re all settled in.”

  I step outside, and go to put my t-shirt on but Laurel grabs my arm.


  I throw my arm round her shoulder and cuddle her into my side.

  “And why’s that, angel?”

  She moves in front of me and wraps her arms round my neck. “Because I’d just have to pull it off again when we get home.”

  She’s on her tiptoes and her lips are pressed firmly against mine in seconds. The chill from the cool air outside is appeased by the warmth of her body covering mine. She tastes so damn good I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this. Enough of her.

  How did I go so long without this?

  I never knew how good it was.

  That’s not true, actually. I knew. I just kept lying to myself.

  Her tits press against my chest, her hands move to my hair, and her lips devour mine. I edge both my hands down her back, to her ass, and palm both cheeks over the denim of her tight jeans. She has a great ass. I lift her up against me, my hands gripping her thighs round me, and push her back against the side of my car. I roll my hips into her, feeling myself harden inch by inch as it meets her core.

  “Shit, keep rubbing against me like that and I’m going to come. I’ve been worked up for the past hour watching your muscles dripping with sweat.” She pants out, and when I place soft kisses on her neck, she groans in my ear and pushes back harder against my cock.

  “Get a room, you two. There are kids around here.”

  Blake’s smug, annoying as hell voice snaps us out of our daze and I don’t even look at him, just flip the bird in his general direction. She just fits so snugly against me, nothing’s going to stop me.

  “Let’s go home.”

  Nothing except those words right


  “Babe, pack a bag. We’re leaving.” James shouts as he comes barrelling through the front door after work. He walks into the kitchen, then the living room.

  “Where the heck are you?” I hear him mutter loudly just before he climbs the stairs.

  “In the dining room.” I shout so he’ll hear me and come back down.

  “What you doing in here?” He asks just as he walks round the corner. I got back from work early today as it was quiet and have a few items of clothes spread out on the table. My mum taught me how to sew when I was younger, just basics at first, then once I’d got the hang of that, she helped me make dresses for parties and any clothing I decided I wanted. It was part of our mother-daughter bonding sessions and gave dad some chill-out time with beer and footie.

  I tried clearing out the wardrobe when I got back, as I still haven’t brought all my clothes over from mum’s, and spotted some of our creations. I got out the sewing machine and played around with a few items I know I’ll never wear again anyway. It’s been fun, and I got straight back into it, just like riding a bike.

  I shrug, while he bends down to kiss my cheek. “Just playing around with a few ideas.”

  “I didn’t know you could sew.” He picks up a silk dress and opens it out, looking it over. “This is cool. You made it?”

  “Yeah it’s a top and a skirt I put together to make a gown. I used to make a few things with my mum.”

  “Wow, you should definitely do more, they’re great. Not that my opinion counts for much though.” I get a warm and tingly feeling when he compliments me, even if he is probably just indulging me.

  “Your opinion is the only one that matters.” I reach across and kiss him firmly on the lips.

  “Well, I actually have a designer friend I could introduce you to. If you wanted to do more of this? Maybe she could show you a few things. She’s got a really successful company. You heard of Breakfast at Tiffany’s?”

  “What, the film?” I must look confused because he laughs and shakes his head.

  “No, babe. The clothing brand. It’s based in London.”

  “Oh. Oh.” Now I feel stupid. “Yeah I’ve heard of it. Kiera Knightly was just pictured at a movie premiere wearing one of their dresses. It was gorgeous. You know the designer?”


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