Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)

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Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) Page 6

by Henderson, Grace

  “Yep.” He grins. “You’ve heard me talking about Seb, the architect?” I acknowledge him with a nod. I’ve not met him, but I’ve heard good things about him and his wife Tiffany. My eyes light up, oh, she’s the designer! He knows so many cool people it’s hard to get my head around sometimes. He sees the light switch on in my head and carries on.

  “Tiffany Burrows, is the owner and Creative Director, and honestly you’d love her. She’s one of the sweetest women I’ve ever met. But just like you, if you cross her she’ll rip you a new one.”

  I laugh. “She sounds like my kind of female. I’d love to meet her.” I start to gather all the material up from the table but James takes my hand to stop me.

  “Cool, I’ll set it up. Leave that now though and go pack a bag.” Oh yeah, I forgot that was what he was shouting when he first came home. I wonder what we’re doing.

  “What do I need to pack?”

  “I don’t know. Whatever girly shit you want. You’ve got five minutes.” I stand there with my mouth open. I can’t pack in five minutes. I need to know what clothes and how long we’re going for. Wait, I can’t just leave, I’m working tomorrow and Jess is busy. She told me so the other day when I asked her to go to another trade show for me. It wasn’t really needed, but it’s good for her to get the experience and try something new. So I can’t go. I pout, and slump back in the chair.

  “I can’t go. I have to work.” I’m so disappointed because a little break away would have been really fun.

  He grins, and it makes my stomach flip.

  “No you don’t. It’s taken care of.”

  I frown. “But Jess is busy. She told me so, a couple of days ago.”

  “Yeah. She is. She’s busy working at the store.” He pulls me over to him and kisses my forehead.

  “Don’t worry. Jess has it under control. So go pack.” He glances at his watch. “Now you’ve only got four minutes.”


  “But what clothes will I need?”

  Are we doing something indoors or outdoors? Posh or casual? Will I need wellies or heels? For God’s sake, men! They shove jeans, a t-shirt and a collared shirt in their bags, and they’re set for any eventuality. I can’t work like that.

  He takes my face in both hands and lowers his lips to mine. It sends tingles straight down my body when he licks my bottom lip and pushes his tongue gently inside. Slowly, but firmly he strokes it against mine, and I have to grab hold of his forearms to keep myself standing up straight. When he pulls back, the distance draws a little whimper from my mouth and his eyes fill with promise for our trip away.

  “No clothes needed.” He whispers in my ear, and slaps me on the butt as he walks away.

  So that’s what we’re going to be doing.


  I run upstairs as quickly as possible, take my weekend bag from the wardrobe, and practically empty my entire underwear drawer into it. I grab a couple of t-shirts and jeans, a dress and heels, and pack my cosmetic and wash bags from the en-suite. That should do it. Running downstairs, I collect my mobile from the kitchen, keys from the hallway table and handbag from the coffee table in the lounge and nearly skid into the porch.

  “How’d I do?” I grin at James who is already leaning against the door, watching me run around like a madwoman.

  “You have a minute to spare. I’m impressed, babe.”

  The drive feels like it passes quickly, even though we’ve been going a while. We drive through all the narrow and twisting back roads, until it’s darkening outside and I wonder how much further it’s going to be. I love the idea of surprises but I’m not known for my patience.

  “Where are you taking me?” I ask, as I pull out a packet of Haribo from the bag of junk food we got when we stopped to fill up the tank.

  “I can’t believe it’s taken two hours for you to ask that question again.” He chuckles. “And I’m not telling. We’re nearly there anyway.”

  I look out the window whilst sucking on a gummy ring and realise we’re not on proper roads anymore, we’re driving through what looks like a forest. I can’t see much in the dark apart from huge trees overhanging above us on either side of the dirt track.

  The car turns right and the trees eventually disperse, unveiling a gorgeous log cabin nestled amongst more trees on the other side. My breathing falters as I take in the view before the car comes to a stop by the front door, and my face breaks into a massive grin.

  “It’s amazing.” I say, completely in awe. “Hurry up, let’s go inside.” I bounce in the seat and he laughs as he turns the engine off and climbs out, jogging round the front of the car to open my door.

  The path is lit with LED posts all the way to the front steps and decking that make a wraparound porch. James unlocks the front door, and I’m about to ask whose cabin this is and how he got the keys but when the door opens it knocks me speechless. The interior is beautiful. It opens up straight into the open plan living and dining room with a wood burner at one end, surrounded by comfy chocolate coloured sofas, and a six-seater oak dining table at the other. It’s warm and cosy; the fire is lit, with a huge natural coloured stone surround that reaches all the way to the ceiling. The ceiling is high up which makes the room look so spacious, and as I look across to the stairs I see it goes to a mezzanine floor. Must be the bedrooms.

  James puts his bag down on the floor and chucks the keys on the side-table, holding out his hand for me. “This is definitely not the best part.” He nods towards the far wall which I now realise is full glass with a sliding door in the middle.

  I take his hand and he leads me over, urging me in front of him while he reaches across me and opens the door. He switches the lights on outside, illuminating the deck with a soft yellowish glow and my excited eyes go straight to the hot-tub to the right and then across the grass to the moonlight reflecting off the river.

  He gets the Best Boyfriend award every damn time. This is so far from what I thought I might be doing this weekend. It’s beautiful. His arms wrap around my waist and his chin rests on top of my head. The silence settles between us and my thoughts wander to the future. He’s everything I thought I would never have, and I feel lucky to have found a man who is not only hot and fucking amazing in bed, but kind, caring, passionate, protective, and knows me better than I know myself. And given that I’ve known myself for going on twenty-five years, and James for just under two, that’s saying something.

  I never want this to end.

  But it might.

  I’ve always been a realist. I didn’t believe in fairy-tales. Still don’t. But something happens when James looks at me like I’m the only one he could ever want. Or when he treats me like I’m the most precious thing in his life. All my preconceived notions of love and relationships fly out the window and what’s left is the unwavering belief that he was made for me.

  We’re so perfect together, how could he not be?

  He squeezes me close, then kisses my cheek and pulls me back in the cabin.

  “Do you want a drink?” He asks as he crosses the room to another door. The kitchen is large and softly lit with spotlights from the ceiling. The white cabinets, dark granite worktops and kitchen island are modern, but the timbered walls carry through from the lounge and make the whole cabin feel homely. There’s a huge American style fridge and when he opens it I realise it’s already stocked with drink. Beers and rows of my favourite wine.

  “How much do you think I’m going to drink in a weekend?” I laugh as he pours us both a glass. He shrugs, and says, “It’ll keep.”

  It’ll keep? We’re coming here again? Or does he just mean we’ll take it home with us? Before I get the chance to ask there’s a loud knock at the door which makes me frown. We’re in the middle of nowhere. Actually come to think of it, where the hell are we? He didn’t even answer me in the car.

  James has disappeared back in the lounge and I follow when I hear a woman’s voice.

  “Thanks, Mrs West.” James takes a cardboard bo
x off the little, old lady with greying hair and a round, kind face at the door. She smiles up at him and pats his arm.

  “I told you dear, it’s Evelyn.” The wooden floor creaks as I walk further in the room alerting them to my presence. “Oh, this must be your lovely lady. James, she’s a stunner.”

  I answer her smile back with my own and walk to stand next to James. “Hi. I’m Laurel.”

  “Nice to meet you honey. I’m Evelyn.” She reaches out to shake my hand. “My husband and I own these cabins.” She glances at James and smiles, then turns her head back quickly as if catching herself. “If there’s anything we can do for you, just let us know. Hopefully there’s enough in that box to last you the weekend, and I’ve filled the fridge. I’ll let you get on with your trip. James, I’ll pass your number on to Liam. I bet he’d love to get back in contact with you.” He nods and kisses her on the cheek.

  “Hopefully see you soon, Ev.” He winks and she chuckles as she walks away.

  “Who’s Liam?” I ask as I peer into the box. There’s everything we’re going to need in it. Toiletries, cleaning products and lots of cans, packets and bottles of food and soft drink.

  “Liam West. I went to uni with him. Haven’t seen him in years though.” He answers casually and I nearly choke on my own breath.

  “Liam West.” My jaw drops wide open. “As in the multi-millionaire CEO Liam West, who dates movie stars and actresses and models and is on the Times Rich List and has, like, three Bentleys, a Porsche and a helicopter?”

  James frowns, then doubles over with laughter.

  “I have no fucking idea how many modes of transportation he has. But you’re hilarious. Did you read all that in a magazine?”

  I frown. “Yes. Actually I did.”

  He shakes his head and walks back through to the kitchen with the box, packing all the items away in cupboards.

  “We sort of lost contact when his company took off. It was just after we graduated. Evelyn’s his grandma. They’re good people.”

  Wow. Liam West. Again with the contacts. He knows so many cool people. I sip on my wine and walk back out the kitchen with him following behind. It’s a nice evening so I wander onto the deck again.

  “Where are we anyway? I can’t believe I don’t even know.”

  He grins. “Yorkshire Moors.”

  “Really? How Wuthering Heights of you.” I haven’t eaten much today and I feel the wine going to my head. I sway and open out my arms. I suddenly feel like singing so I do in a dramatic voice. “Heathcliff. It’s me, Cathy. Come home. I’m so cold. Let me in-a-your window.” I twirl round and move my hands up to my face, miming a window, and sway my body to each side emulating Kate Bush.

  “You’re an idiot.” He says playfully.

  I stop and flutter my eyelashes at him. “But you love me, right?”

  “More than anything.” He kisses me and I relax into his arms, enjoying the cool breeze on my skin and the warmth of his body wrapped around mine.

  “I’d really like to get you in a bikini now.” He says quietly. Shit, I didn’t bring one. Damn, damn, damn. Ugh, if he’d just have told me what we were doing I would have been prepared.

  Then a smile curves my lips.

  “I didn’t bring one.” Before his grin drops completely I step back. “We can do one better than that though.”

  I place my glass on the patio table and watch James’ face as I slowly peel off my top. I love seeing how he reacts to me. I unbutton my jeans, and edge them down over my body and his eyes follow my hands all the way down and back up again. I reach out for the hem of his t-shirt and pull it over his head. He trails his fingers lightly over my arms and back, leaving goose-bumps on my skin when he unclasps my bra and throws it down on the deck floor. My eyes burn into his exposed torso, and I run my hands over the defined muscles on his chest and abs. I lick my lips and feel myself flushing at the thought of riding him in the hot-tub. But we still have too many clothes on.

  As if reading my mind he hooks his thumbs into the sides of my pink lace underwear, and lowers his mouth to my nipple, licking then sucking the tightened bud. My hands move straight to his hair and I thread my fingers through the thick strands. He lets my nipple go without a loud pop and drops his gaze to the underwear he starts to slip down my thighs. He kisses down my stomach as he pulls my thong over each foot and flings it onto the discarded pile of clothes.

  “You’re beautiful, Laurel.” He says with absolute conviction and it makes me want to melt inside. His hands grip my hips hauling them forward, and his mouth meets the apex of my thighs with insistence. I cry out when his tongue jets out to lap at my clit, and his fingers dig into my ass.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet already, babe.” The tender swipes of his warm tongue make my legs shake and I have to use my hands on his shoulders to steady myself.

  “You turn me on so much.” I choke out, and the vibrations of his low growl against my flesh have me moaning his name loudly. I’m so thankful we’re in the middle of a forest with no-one around for miles.

  He hooks my leg over his shoulder, and spreads me wide open with his thumbs. I don’t have anything to lean back against so I grip his head tightly to me and when he spears his tongue inside me and relentlessly rubs my clit with his finger, I feel the familiar heat of the orgasm building quickly.

  “God, you taste amazing. I want you to come on my tongue, babe.”

  He pulls his tongue out, strokes at my clit over and over again then pushes it back inside and licking thoroughly at the walls of my pussy.

  My legs begin to shake and I come hard, shuddering violently, hands still clinging to his messy hair like it’s my only lifeline.

  Death by orgasm.

  Hell of a way to go.

  “Mmm, delicious.” He places a gentle kiss against my clit, then moves to my inner thighs and I lower my trembling leg again to let him up. He kisses all the way back up my body and my hands feel their way over the hard muscles of his biceps and round his shoulders. Before I recover fully and my mind is able to articulate something worth saying, he picks me up against him and places me in the hot-tub. The water’s warm and the bubbles feel so good against my sensitive skin that I can’t help but moan quietly in contentment.

  “Stay here, beautiful. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Chapter Five


  I lick my lips and fuck, I can still taste that sweet pussy that’s got my dick hard as a rock. She needs to climb on top of me in that hot-tub and ride my cock until we both erupt. I undo the top button of my jeans as I walk inside the cabin, and that doesn’t give me enough room so I unzip them too. I open the fridge in the kitchen and pull out a beer, and a bottle of champagne. I search the cupboards for a flute. Ev said she put some in here. When I find one, I clink everything together in my right hand and move through to the lounge. The cabin has an awesome media and sound system.

  I should know, I designed the thing.

  And that’s why I’ve decided to buy it off the Wests. Ev was happy to let go of one, and this one is the most secluded from the rest of the park. I use the remote and Sam Smith’s soulful voice comes humming through the hidden speakers on the deck outside.

  I stop and smile when I see Laurel relaxing back with her elbows up on the edge of the sunken tub and her head tilted back, eyes closed. I rest the bottle of beer and glass on the timber floor, hastily strip out of my jeans, and sit with my legs in the water. When I unwrap the foil of the champagne bottle and pop the cork she opens her eyes and watches me.

  “You spoil me.” She grins and takes the glass out my hand.

  “You’re worth it.” I throw her a wink before picking up my beer and sinking down into the warm bubbles.

  “Careful though, I could get used to this.”

  “Actually, I was hoping you’d say that.”

  She studies my face then takes another sip from her glass. “Why?”

  “Because it’s ours.”

  “W-what?” She frowns and he
r eyes dart across my face which I purposely leave neutral.

  “You heard.” I say, enjoying the way she puts the glass down, and shifts forward, all her attention on me.

  “I did but I don’t think I heard right.”

  “You did.” I say simply, trying desperately not to grin from ear-to-ear like I really want to do. This is going to be our getaway cabin, our home from home when all I can think of doing is losing myself in her for an entire weekend. And I can hardly wait.

  “Evelyn sold it to me.” I correct myself, “To us.” I bought it off her with the money I made on my last project, an apartment complex in London. They paid me a bucket load, and usually I’d just save it. I’ve never been a huge spender, my house was the biggest purchase I made, but that was sensible. Now, I want to spend my money on Laurel. I put her name on the deed too.

  “So, wait. You bought it. With your own money. But it’s mine too. Why would you do that?”

  Did she seriously just ask me that?

  Her head’s tilted to one side. She’s breathing heavily, her lips slightly parted. Her eyebrows meet in the middle creating two frustrated little lines that I want to just kiss away.

  How can she not know?

  She watches me closely as I stand up slightly and reach for her hand. As soon as it meets mine I pull her to me, creating a huge splash in the water as I slump back against the side and arrange her legs either side of mine, my hands skimming over her back.

  “Laurel. You’re my girl. Everything I have is yours. It may not be a Bentley, or a helicopter…” she smirks at me and starts playing with the hair at the nape of my neck. If I didn’t have something important I want her to know, I could easily fall asleep from the soothing strokes against my skin.

  “…But it’s yours. I have enough money that I live comfortably and I’ve never been bothered about buying flashy things. But when I do splash out, it’s something important. Like this cabin. It’s not just for me. Holidays, time together, trips with friends. It’s for us.”


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