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Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)

Page 8

by Henderson, Grace

  “You designed this restaurant?” I ask James. I can hear the surprise in my voice but I can’t stop it from coming out.

  “Yeah babe. Well Tommy had the ideas, I just got them down on paper.”

  “And brought them to life. Had no idea you were so fucking modest. Look at this place! I still get chills when I walk in here.” Tommy looks back to the rest of the room with pride, and I give the same look to James. He’s a freakin’ amazing designer!

  “Right, I’ll bring another bottle of wine over, on the house, and you can buy me a beer when you’re next up. I’ve gotta get back to work. These damn dishes don’t cook themselves. Have a fun night, guys. It was great meeting you Laurel.”

  “Same to you Tommy.” He kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear, “I’m so glad you two finally got your shit together.”

  I break out into a grin and whisper back, “So am I.”

  As he walks away he motions to a waitress who skitters across the room to him and looks up into his eyes. She’s cute. And if I had to guess, she’s into Tommy big time. But then, who could blame her? Minutes later, she’s at our table with a bottle of wine. Much more expensive than the one we ordered earlier. Thanks, Tommy.

  “I like him.” I state matter-of-factly as I sip on my fresh glass of wine and practically melt at the taste. So good.

  “He’s a good guy.”

  I place the glass back on the table and lean forward, forearms resting on the edge of the table.

  “So, he sounded like he knew my name. But I’ve only just met him.” I look into James’ eyes and see him shift uncomfortably in the seat. I like to see him squirm under pressure, and I am definitely not letting him off the hook with this one. The waitress comes over with our next course and James visibly relaxes while she’s setting down the plates. I let him have his brief moment of calm before I ask him again as she walks away.

  “So, do I get an answer?” I pick up my fork and pop a shrimp into my mouth.

  “Did you ask a question?” He counters with a satisfied smirk. I think back to what I said and roll my eyes. Smartass.

  “You, are being deliberately obtuse. Spill it, Dawson.”

  He sighs. “Stubborn woman. I may have mentioned you once in conversation.”

  “Once?” I raise a disbelieving eyebrow, and he mumbles under his breath, “Fuck sake. Fine, fine. I may have talked about you a few times when I was up here working. I stayed here for two weeks just after that day at the beach for Cassie’s birthday. You remember it?”

  That is a stupid ass question. That day is burned in my memory. Not just because my body was in a perpetual state of horniness from seeing him shirtless right next to me for six solid hours, but it was the first time he actually touched me intimately since our one night of passion that I still can’t remember.

  “I remember.” I nod, and go silent, concentrating hard on the trout I’m pushing around my plate. That day I also had an hour of his flirting pushed right in my face with some little slutbags hanging on to his every word, and giggling profusely. They even kissed him. Both of them.

  “You’re all I saw that day, Laurel.”

  I snort into my glass of wine and shake my head.



  “I’m serious. That white bikini was so damn tiny, my dick was hard all day.”

  I chew my mouthful of green beans slowly as I look up into his eyes. He really hurt me that day. I know that’s stupid, considering we were never together but if he did his flirting thing while we were out I’d always be able to walk away. That day there was nowhere for me to go.

  “Yeah well, I’m sure those girls relieved a little bit of your tension. Knowing you, you probably met up with them when you went to the bathroom or something. I bet they sucked the sexual frustration right out of you.”

  I’m ruining this evening with my bitchy tone. He doesn’t deserve to have that thrown in his face. What he did when we weren’t together, is not really any of my business, but this nonsensical, unfounded streak of jealousy just comes barrelling out.

  I’m being such a girl.

  Maybe my period’s coming soon.

  “Laurel.” He frowns, then catches my hand in his before it can reach my wine glass. “You got me so worked up I couldn’t think straight. I didn’t do anything with them. I was too hung up on you. Yeah I was trying to make you jealous, but I just wanted to crack that ice queen front you put up. To know that you felt what was happening between us too. Then you made those sexy little noises while I was putting sun cream on your back and I was gone. I knew you were mine. You’ll always be mine.”

  There’s a fire in his eyes and I’m unable to look away. Even when the waitress comes back to bring another course, my eyes don’t stray from his.

  “So, for two weeks after that day, while I was up here, Tommy had to listen to me babbling on about this hot blonde I was lusting after. That’s how I know he and I will always be friends. I lost my man-card and he’s still talking to me.”

  I can feel myself softening again. My body relaxing and the frustration calming slightly. It’s all in the past and I have him now, but I just need a minute to sort myself out. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, ignoring his worried look, and stand in front of the mirror. What’s wrong with me? My emotions are all over the place. I’m not the jealous type. Never have been before.

  It’s just him.

  He does this to me.

  It’s irrational, and stupid and crazy.

  But it’s love.

  I smile back at myself through the mirror and reapply my cherry lip gloss, because I know it’ll drive him crazy.

  The door opens and I don’t bother looking at who it is whilst I’m busy touching up my make-up. Then the lock clicks and I swing round to see why whoever’s here has locked it. Other diners may want to use it.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  James is leaning back with his arms folded over his chest, and his knee bent, shoe flat on the wall behind him.

  “You’re here.” He shrugs, like it’s the most obvious answer in the world. My heart beat speeds up as he walks towards me slowly. I lean my hip against the sink and watch the way his shirt moves over his muscles. Every inch of him is toned and strong. And those arms? I need them wrapped around me.

  When he gets within touching distance, his hand covers my stomach and he gently pushes me back against the wall. My breathing stutters; it always does when he’s so close. The smell of him and his aftershave wraps round me, making me feel light-headed.

  “For the past year and a half, it’s been you.” He drops his head down to the crook of my neck and ghosts tender kisses across my skin, the type that send shivers all over my body, then shoot straight down to my core. “Doesn’t matter where I am or who I’m with, you’re all I ever think about.” I bite my lip to prevent the moan falling out, but when his hands move up the side of my body and graze against my breasts, I whimper quietly. His fingers tighten their grip on me and he pulls me closer to him.

  “You have such sweet skin.” He murmurs against my neck, then sucks it into his mouth. Marking me no doubt, the ass. But those words don’t come out as he continues to trail hot kisses down my chest, lingering on the swell of my breasts. I thread my fingers through his hair, playing with the strands, and tilt my head back against the wall, enjoying the way his stubble is tickling me.

  His hands travel up the back of my thighs, going underneath my dress, and my pussy throbs the closer he gets to it. He squeezes my ass before moving his hands round to the front and pulling my thong to the side. He looks down at his hands and swipes one long finger straight through my centre.

  “Fuck, you’re soaked.” He says on a whisper.

  I draw in a sharp, shuddering breath, hands clinging to his arms in case my legs decide to give out.

  “Let’s go. I need to feel you inside me.” I whisper back and his eyes flash with lust, with need, but more than that, love.

  “By the time I’m thro
ugh with you tonight, you’ll have no doubt.” He scrapes his teeth over my earlobe then sucks gently on it. “No doubt that you’re everything.”

  Chapter Six


  “Here, you look like you need it more than me.” Jess waltzes in the office and sets the coffee down on the desk. It’s Monday and I’m still mourning the weekend. I don’t think I’ve ever had a better one, but instead of feeling refreshed, I feel drained.

  “Oh, that’s so good.” I say as I sip slowly, and revel in the caffeine waking up my body.

  “No offense, but you look like shit. I’m guessing you didn’t get much sleep, you’re packing some pretty heavy bags, babe.”

  I roll my eyes and give her a look.

  Sure, no offense.

  I get my compact out my bag and staring back at me through the mirror are the heavy dark circles under my eyes. But that, along with the ache in my limbs only adds to my satisfied smile.

  “I don’t even have to guess what you’ve been up to. That grin says it all.”

  “It was pretty amazing. We went to a log cabin in Yorkshire, we did so much walking but it was fun. He’s actually bought the cabin too so we have to all take a trip up there soon. There’s only two bedrooms but we have sofa beds and plenty of floor space. And a hot tub.” I add excitedly. Jess rolls her eyes, then grins into her magazine.

  “Well isn’t he just a smitten kitten? I didn’t picture J as Mr. Romance.” I think back to the restaurant on Saturday night. After our little time in the bathroom, he yanked my arm and led me out into the dining room, snapped at the waitress for the bill, helped me into my coat and pushed me outside. After a hushed phone call that only lasted about a minute, we drove back to the cabin in an eager, expectant silence. Before he even turned the lights on inside, I was backed against the wall and he explored my body, leaving no part untouched by his expert hands.

  I nearly cried when he turned the lamp on in the bedroom and there were pink rose petals scattered across the bedcovers. Before I could even pull myself together he picked me up, laid me down on the bed and pushed inside me, slowly, reverently, whispering sweet words and worshipping my body.

  Jess’ cough snaps me out of my daydream and she rolls her eyes again.

  “Let me guess. You went back to the cabin. Sheesh, you’ve got it bad. He better damn well put a ring on it soon.”

  I grin so hard my cheeks hurt. I could definitely see that happening.

  Oh God, that’s way too soon, isn’t it?

  I’m such a sap.

  I didn’t let myself love him because I was scared of getting hurt again after Darren, but now, I’ve just gone and let him take over my heart completely. Way to go, Laurel. I’ve given a man way too much power over me. Something I swore I’d never do again. But when he looks at me, I can’t help but turn to mush.

  The bell rings outside and it pulls me away from my inner thoughts again. Jess has left the room and it’s quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

  Pull yourself together, you idiot.

  I pick up the phone and dial Brian’s number.

  “Hi sweetheart.” He answers on the second ring. “I was going to call you today.”

  “Oh really, what’s up?”

  “We’ve come across a leak in some pipes out the back. I’ve taken pictures and a video so I can send to you and Blake if needed.”

  Ugh, building problems. It’s always so annoyingly unpredictable. Which means I’ll probably have to put more money into it.

  “Okay. Send us all the information over.” I should really go up and check on them again. I haven’t been up in a few weeks and I want to see the progress. Pictures aren’t quite the same.

  “Of course. You going to be around soon?”

  James’ birthday is tomorrow and I have the day off to spend time with him. But then I could go up Wednesday and be back in time for the weekend. I was thinking about organising a surprise party for him and inviting friends and family on Friday night. At least then it could still be a happy day.

  “Yep, I’ll be there Wednesday morning. We can talk then.”

  “Great, looking forward to it darlin’.” A shiver runs through me as I hang up. I really hope that man’s all talk because I don’t want to be fending off any advances, and if James found out, he’d kill him.

  I type out a quick text.

  Any luck with getting some time off?

  I busy myself with analysing some reports and looking over our quarterly sales, while Jess is in an appointment out front and don’t see the reply until I break for lunch.

  Yes. All sorted. Couldn’t do tomorrow but will be able to leave Friday. Flights all booked. Will call him to say Happy Birthday but keeping it quiet. Don’t tell. I’ll ring you tonight.

  I can’t keep the smile off my face for the rest of the day. James will be so happy to see his dad, and I’m excited to meet him.


  I check my phone for the fifteenth time tonight then throw it down on the wooden table. I’ve turned into such a woman.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Blake raises an eyebrow at me from across the table. It’s Wednesday night and we’re at Encore for a couple of drinks. I needed to take my mind off her, but it’s clearly not working like I’d hoped. She left early for Manchester and she’ll be gone for three days and I’m already missing that tight little body, all warm and inviting.

  She woke me up this morning with soft, sweet kisses to my chest but I didn’t even have enough time to sink inside her before she left.

  “Nope. Just me being a pussy. Laurel’s in Manchester. She’s coming back Friday night.” I take another glance at my phone and sigh. “So, how’s things with that beautiful wife of yours?”

  He grins, then leans back in the chair and rests his hands behind his head.

  “Great, actually. The house should be finished in a couple of weeks.” He started doing up a house as Cassie’s wedding present but there were a few setbacks with the floor and the roof, so it’s taken longer than expected.

  “I’ll let you know when it’s ready, and we can christen it.” I pull a face and he chuckles. “With alcohol, dude. A party. Fuckin’ hell, I like you, but not that much.”

  The chair scrapes next to us and I stop laughing immediately when I see who it is.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I grumble at Shannon, whose flirty smile makes me want to stick my fingers down my throat.

  Why the hell did I ever go there?

  “Hey, baby. I haven’t seen you in a while,” she purrs, placing her hand on my arm. Her nails are sharp, I can feel them scraping against my skin. She’s wearing a short skirt and little top that’s showing way more of her tits than any self-respecting female would.

  “I’ve been busy.” I say tightly. “With my girlfriend.” I add so she gets the hint. I see her flinch but that damn smile comes back quickly. I shoot an expectant look at Blake and he just shakes his head and sinks down in his chair.

  So much for the help, bastard.

  “What can I do for you, Shannon?” I’m pissed off she’s still got her hand on me so I shrug it off while I reach out to pick up my glass. Hopefully she’ll get that hint. I don’t want to be a dick but sooner or later she’s got to realise there’s no point in trying. There’ll never be anything between us again.

  She looks a little hurt but then moves her hand to play seductively with her necklace. I know she’s trying to get me to look, because then I’ll see her chest as she leans forward, but I don’t. I keep my eyes on my beer.

  “I thought you might like to come back to mine? I’ve got something for you.” She bites her lip and pushes her tits together. Very subtle.

  She’s persistent though, I’ll give her that.

  Before Laurel I probably would have gone home with her. Now, I just want her to leave.

  “Not going to happen, babe. Why don’t you go find some other guy to spread your legs for?” Her mouth drops wide open but her surprise turns to anger when she shoots out the chai

  “You don’t have to be such an asshole about it!”

  “I do. Because you don’t seem to understand. Not. Going. To. Happen.” I say it slowly and stare in her eyes, hoping she gets it this time.

  My phone rings on the table startling us both, and when her lips curve viciously, I know exactly what she’s going to do. Like it’s happening in slow motion, we both reach across the table for my phone but she beats me to it.

  “James’ phone.” I try to grab it from her but she turns away from me quickly. “He’s too busy in between my legs to get to the phone right now. Leave a message and as soon as I come, he’ll get back to you.”

  She flings the phone at my chest, raising an eyebrow, then walks away with an exaggerated sway in her hips.

  “Laurel? Babe?” Nothing comes back through the speaker but a worrying silence.

  Shit, fuck, damn. I growl and slump back in the chair. “Thanks for the help, dickwad. That was Laurel.”

  “What could I have done? Shannon wouldn’t listen to me.” He shrugs, and takes another drink.

  I try her number again but it just rings out. Another try and it goes straight to voicemail. She’s turned her fucking phone off. I get that for another five minutes until I stop trying, and throw my phone back down on the table. I’m in so much trouble.

  “She’s probably annoyed, but she won’t believe her. She knows how much you love her.” Blake tries to make me feel better but until I can explain, I’m not even going to be able to concentrate on anything. I’m gonna fucking kill Shannon when I next see her, the bitch. Why does it have to happen when Laurel’s over a hundred miles away? I can’t go three days with her being upset. Or pissed. Whichever it is. But how can I get her to talk to me if she’s not answering the phone? I scrub my hands over my face in frustration, and frown into my drink.

  “I’ll tell Cass what happened, don’t worry. She’ll explain it to Laurel.” I exhale deeply, and nod with relief. That’ll help.


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