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Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)

Page 14

by Henderson, Grace

  “No way. No fucking way.” Tyler backs away from the cell bars, shaking his head furiously.

  “I’m staying.” He says flatly to Jason and sits down on the bed. “You’ve got to keep me here overnight. I know that.”

  Jason smiles, clearly enjoying this reaction from Tyler, and rests his arm on the side of the door.

  “Nah. Small town station, small town rules. She’s vouchin’ for ya. She’s responsible so we’re releasing you to her. She owns your ass now.” He chuckles at Tyler’s gaping mouth.

  “C’mon then, sweetie. Grandma’s here. It’s home time. Think you can manage to walk by yourself?” Tyler shoots me a glare and stands up off the bed.

  “Fuck off, Laurel.”

  “Now now, honeybun. I’ve just saved you from spending the night in a skanky prison. You need to be a little bit more grateful.” I bite my lip to stop from laughing as Tyler tosses his black hoodie over his shoulder and pushes past me to walk out the door.

  “Hey, less of the skanky. We take good care of these cells.” Jason chirps up, and we both share a sneaky smile as Tyler flips us both off.

  “What the fuck ever. You comin’?”

  I exchange another look with Jason and he pulls the door to the cell closed firmly and follows us both down the corridor.

  “I just need a signature from you Laurel. Then you’re good to go.”

  “What the hell does she need to sign for?” Tyler asks suspiciously, and I bite my lip at how frustrated he is.

  “She bailed your ass out. I’m releasing you to her. She’s signing to say that she’s collected you.” I walk over to the desk while Tyler’s pacing up and down, running his hand through his hair and Jason leans in.

  “I’m just messing with him. I won’t be processing any paperwork or issuing him a fine. I think this is punishment enough.” I laugh, and mimic signing on the paper in front of me.

  “Thanks, Jason. I owe you one.” I lean in to kiss his cheek and he then turns to Tyler.

  “Do it again, and I won’t be ringing Laurel to bail you out.”

  Tyler mumbles under his breath and narrows his eyes at Jason as we leave. I don’t think there’s anything that can shift my mood at the moment.

  “What were you laughing at? And you know he’s just trying to get in your pants, right? I wonder what the step-tosser would think about that.”

  I smile again. Paranoid much? And I’ll ignore his little comment about Jason.

  “We were laughing at you obviously. About me now owning you and how you were going to be repaying me.”

  He shakes his head as we get in the car and slumps back against the seat with his arms crossed in front.

  “You wish. I didn’t ask you to come.” He smirks like he’s somehow getting out of this because he didn’t ask me.

  “That’s not what Jason said. He said you practically begged them to ring me when they were cuffing you.” I raise an eyebrow as the smile drops from his face and he lowers himself in his seat. I seem to have shut him up. It’s peaceful but my mind wanders. Why was he being disorderly? He must have been at Encore. I could ring Ryan and see if he knows anything but I’d rather hear it from Tyler.

  “So why’d you get pissed tonight? What were you getting rowdy for?”

  He looks at me, for what feels like an age, and it’s too dark for me to try and read his face, so I let him have his fill until I feel his eyes look away from me. I turn my head briefly and he’s staring out the window. He doesn’t answer me. Oh-kay then.

  I don’t bother asking again or trying to make any more small talk. I let him and his pride have a breather from my taunting. Inside the house, I flip the light on and start to walk through the hall to the kitchen. I hear him kick off his shoes then expect him to go upstairs but he stands just in the doorway of the kitchen, watching me.

  “You’re not going to bed? It’s two am.”

  Oh so he’s talking now.

  I fill the kettle and switch it on. Then get out a mug from the cupboard. I don’t look at him. I just shrug a shoulder.

  “Not tired now. When I get woken up I always find it hard to get back to sleep.”

  He sighs heavily and walks further into the room, but his voice softens and he shifts awkwardly between his feet.

  “You didn’t have to come and get me. You could have just said no.” Is that an apology? Well it’s probably the best I’m going to get out of him.

  I nod, and take out another mug. I have a feeling we might be getting somewhere now.

  “I’m making hot chocolate. Want one?”

  He grins, and sits on a stool at the island. “Isn’t that just for ten year olds?”

  I gasp and clutch my hand at my chest. “Such ignorance.” I let out the breath and turn to make the drinks. “You are never too old for hot chocolate. Plus, I have marshmallows.”

  His eyes flash with amusement and he chuckles as he gets up, searching through a cupboard.

  “And I have these.” He lifts out the biscuits and grins shyly as he passes them to me.

  “Cookies? Wow, now who’s a ten year old?”

  “Cookies aren’t for kids. Especially not double choc chip. They couldn’t handle it.”

  I smile and chuck the teaspoon in the sink, picking up both mugs and placing one in front of him. There’s so much I want to talk to him about. So much I want to know. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted a brother or sister, and now I could actually have one. But I know if I press him too much, he’s just going to shut down.

  “What?” He asks as he looks up and I realise I’ve been staring at him whilst thinking how best to approach him.

  I clear my throat and take a sip from the mug. “Nothing.”

  He takes a cookie from the packet and shoves it all in his mouth. “You’re a crap liar. What is it?” He mumbles round a mouth full of biscuit. Pig.

  “I was just thinking if I start asking questions, how much you’re actually going to answer. Or whether you’ll just shoot me down again.”

  He watches me as he finishes off his cookie then rubs the back of his neck uneasily.

  “No point in just thinking about it. There’s only one way you’re gonna find out.”

  He’s giving me the go ahead to ask him questions. Eeek. Okay, I need to find some common ground. Then hopefully we’ll be able to talk for a while without sniping.

  “So what does Tyler Reid do for a living?” Happy I’ve started with a fairly easy question, I sit back and smile, curling my hands round my mug to warm them. It’s only when his eyes narrow and turn dark, that I realise that’s not a good start. Oh God, just great, he’s going to switch off again.

  “New topic.” He growls out.

  Shit, um, what else can I ask? What’s he not going to reject answering? My mind struggles to come up with something so before I can control my mouth it just blurts out, “What’s your favourite colour?”

  I hear the words, then shake my head at such a pathetic question. But it’s out there now, and I can’t take it back.

  His silent frown turns into full blown laughter and he throws his head back. It’s a warm, rich sound. He should do that more often.

  “Why the fuck do you care about my favourite colour?”

  “Just answer the bloody question.” I mutter into the mug then fold my arms across my chest.

  His amused grin transforms into a sexy, dirty curve of his lips. “Pink.”

  Pink? Now he’s just playing with me, that can’t be his favourite. But I play along, even with the sarcasm in my voice.


  His eyebrow arch gets higher as he leans forward, staring at me with his big brown eyes that have that mischievous glimmer.

  “Definitely. All kinds of pink. Some of the best things are pink.” He licks his lips and I realise that we’re talking about Tyler. There’s an innuendo in there, for sure. I glance at the cookie in my hand and chuck it at his chest.

  “You’re gross.” I say flatly and he laughs again, picking up th
e cookie from his lap and shoving it in his mouth.

  “What else you got for me?” He sits back and his shoulders drop. He looks way more relaxed than before.

  I lean my arms on the counter and hit him with something I’ve been wondering ever since he got here. “Why are you here? I mean I get why you came. To see your mum. But why are you still here?” It seems like he’s in Spain quite a lot, judging by what I’ve heard from Hayley, so I just don’t get why he’s staying here. I know he said he’s got stuff to do around here but he doesn’t even like James, yet he’s staying in his house.

  His body stiffens again and he crosses his arms in front of his chest.

  “Trying to get rid of me already?” He smiles wryly.

  This time I’m going to go for honesty. They say it’s the best policy, don’t they?

  “No, I’m not Tyler. I think underneath the scowl, there’s a nice guy. I just don’t understand why you don’t let people in. My guess is, you’ve been hurt somewhere along the line and you’re scared of it happening again. Don’t let people close, don’t let yourself get hurt. That used to be my way of thinking too. But what I have now is so much better. Life’s too short. Whatever you’ve been through, you just have to let it go. You may not ever forget it, but you can’t let it win. You can’t let them win.

  He looks at me, confusion bringing his brows together. “Who?”

  “The people that try to bring you down.” I shrug and finish off my hot chocolate. I’m not going to give him the chance to storm away this time or shoot me down again. I get up and put my mug in the sink. Then turn back to him.

  “I’m not giving up.” I say as I walk past his seat. I watch his back, his shoulders slumped over. If I tried to comfort him, he’d only push me away. Or make some smartass comment that hides his real feelings so I just carry on walking.

  “I wouldn’t expect you to.” I hear him say quietly.

  I pause, looking back with my hand on the doorframe. He sighs and my heart does a little skip over the next beat. My next mission is to bring Tyler out of himself. He needs to give up the moody, brooding act and I think he could be really happy here with us. And tonight has brought us one step closer to that.

  I wake up to pressure against my neck. What the hell? I swat away the thing that’s on me, and try to roll over. The deep chuckle and pressure against my cheek this time makes my eyes snap open.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask as my eyes find James’ baby blues and I fling my arms around his neck. “Shit I didn’t sleep through my alarm did I?” I scramble for my phone on the bedside table and sigh with relief when I see the glow on the screen says it’s only seven.

  “I missed you.” He shrugs.

  I grin.

  “I missed you too.”

  “Good. Let’s go out for breakfast before you go to work.”

  I throw the covers off, forgetting I’m really not a morning person and quickly get ready for work. I take a speedy shower after spending way too long arguing with James about wanting to go in alone; I’d never get out on time if he came in too. I dry my hair down in waves, then throw on a beige pencil skirt with a white blouse tucked in and nude heels on my feet. As soon as I leave the bathroom James’ hands come round my thighs and I’m thrown over his shoulder.

  “What are you doing?” I laugh and smack his butt as hard as I can. The blood rushes to my head and I feel light-headed. I think I could turn into a morning person if they’re this fun.

  “I’m sweeping you off your feet.”

  I chuckle and stick two fingers in my mouth, making a gagging noise.

  “Wow, that’s what I get for trying to be romantic. I won’t bother next time.” I hear his grin while he talks so I know he’s not annoyed. He slaps me on the ass and my hands go straight to his waist, holding on for dear life, as he walks down the stairs. I don’t know how he manages to make it look like I weigh nothing. But I never feel I’m going to fall. I feel completely safe in his arms.

  He straightens me up in the kitchen and I blow the hair out of my face.


  I reach out and push her hair back behind her ear, kissing the tip of her nose gently.

  “We better get going. It’s nearly eight.”

  “Okay, I just need to grab my bag.” She looks around the kitchen and reaches across the table to lift it from the chair.

  Tyler saunters in the room and I scowl at him when he fucking wolf whistles. His eyes are all over her skirt and ass and I swear one of these days I’m really gonna knock him out. What the fuck is he still doing here anyway? I thought she said they left. He stayed here with her last night? My whole body tightens in irritation. That’s what Tyler is to me, one giant irritation.

  “Morning, Tyler.” Laurel’s voice is all sweet and innocent even though she’s anything but.

  “Mornin’, sweetheart.”

  “I’m off to work. Just help yourself to anything you need from the cupboards. They’re looking a bit bare at the moment, I need to do a grocery shop, but whatever we have is yours.”

  “Yes, please eat my food.” I mumble childishly as I pull on my jacket. Laurel gives me a stern look and elbows me in the ribs.

  “So the Prodigal son has returned.” Tyler leans back against the counter and crosses his arms over his chest. What does he even want from me anyway? He’s staying in my house, flirting with my girlfriend, using my dad as his. I don’t have anything left to give him, except attitude.

  “Yeah, I’m back. And fucking over it. How long you planning on staying for?”

  He grins and looks between Laurel and I. “I think some people have been real welcoming and I might just stay here a little longer.”

  I roll my eyes but Laurel smiles. She actually looks happy. She needs to stop being so fucking nice all the time, then maybe he’ll get lost. She’s too friendly, and it’s serving no purpose here.

  “Come on. We’ve gotta go. Try not to burn down my fucking house while we’re not here.” I wait for Laurel to leave the room then lean in closer to him.

  “Nobody wants you around. It’d be better for everyone if you left.” I say between a clenched jaw.

  I don’t think he was expecting an actual confrontation because it seems to catch him off guard. Then a slow sadistic smile forms on his lips.

  “I beg to differ. Your girlfriend was just telling me last night over hot chocolate and marshmallows how much she’s enjoying having me here. What a nice guy I am. So, seems to me the lady should get what she wants. Don’t you agree?”

  Laurel actually said that? No, she wouldn’t. She doesn’t like him either. She said the night he got here that he took the piss out of her. Then the vision of them laughing on the sofa yesterday fills my mind, and now they’ve been sharing hot chocolate and fuzzy life stories. That shit has got to stop. She’s either on my side, or his.

  I don’t know what to say to him because I can’t tell whether it’s the truth or he’s just trying to wind me up again so I just end on a warning before I find Laurel. “Just stay the fuck away from her.”

  I slam the front door shut, and walk down the steps. Laurel’s leant back against my car looking like a goddamn angel. I can’t make eye contact. She uses those deep blue eyes to get what she wants. All she’s got to do is bat her eyelashes in my direction and I’d give her anything. Hell, I’d give her anything anyway.

  “What’s happened now? You look pissed.”

  “Nothing.” I mutter as I get in the car and start the engine.

  “Bloody hell, just spill it would you? You know, you’re both more alike than you think. Talking to you is like getting blood out of a stone sometimes.”

  “Maybe I should be more like you, and just run my mouth to anyone and everyone then?” I snap back and immediately regret speaking.

  “What does that mean? You’re angry because of me. What have I done?” She looks shocked, and just a little hurt. And now I feel like a douche.

  “Nothing, babe. I just think it might be best if you
keep away from Tyler. Then maybe he’ll get the message.”

  “Excuse me?”

  I glance over at her and I know immediately she’s not impressed with what I just said. Her lips make a perfect straight line and her eyes have darkened.

  “I didn’t think you were the type of boyfriend who told me who I could and couldn’t speak to. Tyler is a guest in my house. I’m not going to make someone feel uncomfortable who’s staying with me. And he’s a decent guy.”

  I snort and shake my head. He has managed to worm his way in then. And he must have been telling the truth. I leave for a night and they become buddies. What’s it going to be like in a few days when I have to go to London? I slam my hands against the steering wheel as I bring the car to a stop just round the corner from the high street.

  “He needs to go Laurel. I don’t want him here while I try and fix stuff with my dad. I can’t even look at him.”

  “If he wants to go, I’m not going to stop him, but I’m not staying away. I don’t do that to people. Especially people that have done nothing wrong.” She opens her door and looks back. “In case you’d forgotten, everyone’s going to Encore tonight. I can’t just go and not even invite him. Graham and Hayley aren’t due back for another few days, so he’s on his own. Make the decision, and let me know. I’ll grab my own breakfast.”

  I groan and rest my head back against the seat. I don’t feel like I’m being unreasonable. But maybe I am? All I need is for some time with my dad alone. I’m not going to get that with Tyler here. I put the car into gear and pull away from the kerb. Laurel clearly doesn’t understand how much this is getting to me. Or maybe she does, and just doesn’t care. And now she’s going to invite him to go out with my friends tonight. I need some part of my life that he hasn’t managed to piss on. And I had hoped that would be my friends. I know Blake will stay away from Tyler if I ask him too, but Cassie’s been Laurel’s best friend since they were kids. She’ll be conflicted. I can’t ask them to do that can I? I just don’t want to have to talk to him and how can I just stand there while he flirts with Laurel? I know he does it to wind my up, and the more I react, the more he’s going to get his kicks. I just have to pretend that I don’t care. Act aloof and distant and not give a fuck. I trust her, so really it shouldn’t matter.


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