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Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)

Page 18

by Henderson, Grace

  I want to be in his arms. Not having our usual connection has been frustrating, it feels like my body’s just begging to feel his against it.

  The frustration comes out in the form of a sassy mouth.

  “You gonna talk or you just gonna perv on me?” No way I’m making the first move.

  The corner of his mouth spikes upwards. “I happen to like pervin’. Could do it all day.” He straightens on the desk, and arrogantly brings his hands up behind his head. His muscles move under his t-shirt, and each of the carefully constructed abs pushes against the soft cotton giving me a view worthy of perving on too. I wet my lips.

  “Well sorry, but this body has got a whole load of other things it could be doing right now, so if you’ve finished, I’m going.” I move to walk out the door, but his hands catch me round my waist and I’m being spun into his hard chest before I can take a full step away from him.

  He lowers his mouth to my ear. His breath sends a revitalising shiver through every warm, tired aching part of me; each single nerve ending coming alive all at once.

  “There’s only one thing this body should be doing now.”

  I struggle to breathe as I try and control my body from just melting into his. It’s hard when he’s so…hard. But, I won’t make this easy.

  “Mmhm.” I agree with him. “Walking away from you.” I push against him in a futile attempt at giving myself time to recover but it only takes a split second for my back to hit the wall and my arms to be held up above my head with one of his.

  “Don’t fight this, Laurel.”

  I inwardly groan at the sound of my name seductively teased across his lips. He plays dirty, the ass.

  “I can say I’m sorry.” He lowers his voice, his right hand venturing underneath my sweater, caressing the skin at my hip. I feel each stroke emit a throbbing sensation downwards and I can’t even relieve the pressure because his thigh’s stopping me from clenching my legs together.

  “But I’ve already said it. I don’t want more words. And I don’t think you do either. Words are too easily said and too quickly forgotten. Let me show you.” His lips brush my outer ear.

  “How much I regret how I made you feel.” He places a tender kiss to my neck.

  “How much you mean to me.” His hand traces leisurely up my spine to the clasp of my bra and he unsnaps it along with the last of my restraint.

  I’m his, whatever he chooses to do, my body’s ready. So fucking ready.

  He lets go of my hands to pull my sweater over my head, and as soon as I’m free of it, he yanks my bra away, watching the red lace hit the floor.

  “I’ve always loved the sight of your underwear on my floor.”

  I manage a slight quirk of my lips, but I feel far from playful when he brings that penetrating gaze back to me.

  “The matching set will look even better.” I breathe out heavily, my body writhing against the cool wall in a bid to quench the fire smouldering on the surface of my skin.

  “I wholeheartedly agree.” He sears my lips with a hot, burning kiss whilst pinning my hands above my head again. His tongue swipes against my upper lip, searching for entry. I don’t even have to think about it, I open up and let his tongue find mine.

  He leaves no part of my mouth untouched as he pushes his hips into me, into the aching, throbbing apex of my thigh, and holy shit, it causes goose bumps to break out all over my skin. I need to get closer. I need his skin against mine. I break my lips away from his, and gasp for breath until my mind can catch up.

  “Take your shirt off.” I say hoarsely. He smirks and let’s go of my hands momentarily to reach back and pull his shirt forward over his head. Now that’s exactly what I wanted. My eyes chase quickly over the smooth skin of his chest and the ridges that lead down to his jeans. He’s so fucking sexy I can hardly believe he’s all mine. His hands cover my breasts and my head falls back against the wall, my back arching to fill his hands.

  My heart is pounding so dangerously fast as he lowers his tongue to a nipple, flicking it gently over the hard bud, swirling it round and round until I feel like I can’t take much more.

  “Enough.” I breathe out quickly. He lifts his head then a surprised eyebrow. He thinks I’m stopping him but really I’m just changing pace. I’m shifting, climbing gears and accelerating us hard.

  I crash my lips and my body against his. I’m not averse to climbing him like a kid up a tree. In fact, I think that’s a bloody good idea. I wrap my legs around his waist and cling tightly, my stilettos curling behind his lower back, needing to get as close as physically possible. His strong hands cup my ass and I pull his head tighter to me while I suck on his top lip and pull it between my teeth.

  He ghosts kisses down my neck and into the hollow between my neck and shoulder. Fuck, I can’t even think. This is what I wanted. To be totally consumed by him that I don’t notice anything else but the path is hands are making around my body. But I need more.

  “Shit, babe. We should be going slow.”

  “I don’t want slow.” I gasp when the vibrations of his groan ripples into my mouth and he drives my back against the filing cabinet on the other side of the room. The cool metal sends shivers right through me.

  I match the movement of his hips with my own and he breaks away breathlessly to strip me of my jeans and before I know it I’m back wrapped around him, and he’s filling me as deep as he can go. The nip of his teeth on my neck, the way he’s stretching me, the buckle of his belt slapping against my skin with each of his thrusts only makes my need for him more intense and the stinging pain of my back pounding against hard metal is obliterated the higher he pushes me. My hands claw at his back desperately, needing something to grasp, something to try and control the unyielding surge of pleasure hammering through every part of my body.

  “Fuck, you feel so good.” His words get lost in my mouth when he lunges forward. His hands dig into my ass and suddenly I’m being released from in between him and the cabinet, and he’s moving me so my back’s now plastered against the desk. He lifts my legs to his shoulders and carries on pounding into me.

  “Do it harder.” I pant out harshly, relishing in the satisfying beating my body’s taking from his. All our frustrations are being exiled, and in their place, only an inexorable hunger to give each other release from the overwhelming emotions of the past few days.

  When he drops my legs and wraps one set of fingers tightly in the hair sitting at my neck, the other hand grasps wildly at my hip and a low moan strangles deep in my throat. I scream out in pure bliss, too lost in sensation for it to even cross my mind that someone else might be here.

  “I. Love. You.” His words are interposed with frantic thrusts and with one last hard plunge, he collapses onto me, my name spilling out his lips fervently against my neck.

  My breath mingles with his when he pulls back to look in my eyes. He reaches his hand out to brush the hair away from my face and rests his forehead against mine.

  I don’t think I could have apologised any better myself.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Who’s that?” James asks, evaluating all the faces sat round the dining room table in Blake and Cassie’s new house. We’re all here for drinks to celebrate it being finished. The house is amazing. James designed it, and Blake’s company refurbished it. I know the exact moment James guesses what I imagine is the right answer, if Jen’s awkward squirming is anything to go by. His chest goes rigid against my back, and the hand that’s wrapped round my waist, fists into my cardigan pulling it tight over my skin.

  I need to be more sensitive so I turn and face him, my back to everyone else. “Do you want to go?” I whisper, while I stroke the hair at the nape of his neck.

  “Shoot, did I do something wrong?” Jen asks innocently. “I didn’t know. I saw him earlier in town, and I thought with him being family soon and all, you’d be okay with it. I’m s-so sorry.” Jen looks like she’s about to cry. James’ face softens, it’s hard to get anno
yed with Jen. She’s just too damn sweet. Always thinking about other people.

  “No, babe. Don’t worry about it. Just some family drama.” He tries to smile to make her feel better, but I see through it. His fist doesn’t let up its tight hold on me.

  “I love you.” He says to me quietly, and the uncertainty in his tone gives me the feeling he needs some reassurance which is so completely not like him, that it takes me by surprise.

  Blake leaves to answer the door, and I put my arms round his neck and kiss his cheek.

  “I love you too. Always.”

  He smiles. It’s the charming, confident, sexy grin that keeps my heart fluttering and my body on high sexual alert.

  Now that’s a better smile.

  And when I shift in his lap in an effort to relieve even just a little bit of the tension that has wound my body tight, gone is the flicker of doubt that was still hiding in his eyes.

  “Bathroom?” His one question is all that’s needed to make me forget where we are. It doesn’t matter. Hell yeah I want him in the bathroom.

  “Hey guys.” Tyler’s voice barrels through my dirty thoughts until they’re obliterated and I see the same thing happen in James. Great timing. Not.

  “Hi.” I reply, and there are a few other mumbles of greetings. I glance around the table and see apprehension in everyone’s eyes. They all now know that things aren’t great between these two guys. Tyler may be an asshole sometimes but I don’t want him to feel awkward around everyone. That’s not fair on him. Or them. I turn to Cassie and give the most meaningful look I can manage without anyone realising, and with a slight nod of my head in Tyler’s direction she shoots out the chair and welcomes him, offering to get him a drink and telling him where to sit. Blake makes small talk with him while I hurry to the kitchen with Cassie. James is talking to Jen and Ryan anyway, purposely ignoring Tyler.

  “Oh, God. Is this going to be bad? Are we going to have adults turning into grunting, fist throwing cave men tonight? Or do you think they’ll be civil towards each other?”

  To be totally honest, I have no idea what the answer to Cassie’s question is. I’d like to think that James and Tyler will get over this animosity sooner rather than later but I’m not quite sure if it’s going to be that simple. Both are stubborn. Neither willing to make the first move to bridge the gap.

  I shrug, and grab a few bottles of wine and Jack to take out to the table. “Not a clue, chick. But at least we’ve got Blake and Ryan around to be mediators. I think they’ll be fine.” There’s much more conviction in my words than I feel, but this is Cassie and Blake’s night and the boys need to be on their best behaviour. For them.

  “Come on, let’s go back out. Make sure there’s been no blood shed since we’ve been gone.”

  As we enter the room, it’s exactly as we left it. At least Blake’s still making an effort with Tyler. They seem to be getting along well. Jen gives me a small apprehensive smile as I top up her wine glass, and I gently squeeze her shoulder to let her know it’s okay. Jess reaches across the table and goes straight to the vodka she’s been eyeing since she got here.

  “You guys have shot glasses?” She asks eagerly at Cassie and her eyes fill with excitement when she tells her where to find them.

  “Shit,” Ryan mumbles. “We’re doing vodka shots?”

  “You’re such an old man.” Jess laughs and slaps her hand against his chest playfully. I sit down next to him and pick up my wine glass, thinking of something we could do tonight to bring us all together.

  “Hey, we can’t all be young and beautiful.” He replies quickly.

  She grins and winks at him over her shoulder while she sashays out the door to the kitchen.

  I pinch his thigh underneath the table really hard and he shoots me a dirty look overshadowed by a frown. He has to know his words will hurt Jen. There’s always so much tension between them. Exactly like there was between James and I before we got together. Which just goes to show, they’re made for each other.

  “Watch it, Ryan. She’s a friend, but she’s also my employee, don’t forget.”

  “It’s harmless, Laurel. Don’t worry.” He shakes my comment off, but I don’t think he really gets it.

  “It’s not. Your words hurt.”

  “Hurt who?” He asks cluelessly.

  “Jen.” I whisper as quiet as possible so no-one else will hear. I learnt all of Jen’s signs as of her sixteenth birthday because I had to, otherwise I wouldn’t have known when she was hurting. Like the way she plays with the back of her earring to try and focus on something else, or looks anywhere but my eyes so I don’t notice the clear sheen, or bites the tip of her tongue to stop from crying.

  “Laurel, Jess and I flirt. She’s great. Fun. Beautiful. But you don’t have to worry about anything there. As for Jen?” He glances at her briefly and I see the flash of frustration in his features as he looks back at me. “Let’s just say, I tried and I failed spectacularly. That’s it. The end.” He takes a sip of his beer, and jumps out his chair in relief when Jess walks back in with a huge tray of shots, several already poured out.

  “Thank God.” He takes one off the tray and downs it, wincing at the taste.

  “I’ll never get how you girls can drink this shit.”

  “They’re awesome!” Jess says enthusiastically, and puts the tray down on the table. “Who’s next?” She looks around the table and all the guys sink down into their seats, quietly drinking their beers.

  “You’re all party poopers.” She pouts dramatically and slumps into her chair.

  “I’ll go chick.” I take a little glass of the tray and throw it back.

  “Why don’t we make it interesting?” Cassie says slyly.

  “Strip shots! That’s what I’m talking about!” Blake grins and slams his hand on the table then reaches for Cassie’s hand and pulls her over to him, nuzzling her neck.

  I roll my eyes. “Eww, get a room Rich-” Before I’ve even had the chance to finish my sentence James is grabbing my hand and pulling me over to him by my waist. And it feels so good when he tightens his arms around me and kisses across my shoulder, I stop talking and relax in his arms.

  “You were saying?” Blake raises an eyebrow, and the corner of his lips to match. Smug bastard. I do the only thing I can think of to do in this position, and stick my tongue out at him, which makes everyone chuckle.

  “I like Cassie’s idea. Let’s play a game.”

  “Strip Poker!” Ryan chips in, then sees my glare and makes an apologetic zipping motion across his mouth.

  “Flip, Sip or Strip!”

  Jen elbows James in the side for his little suggestion.

  “Nothing with strip in the title!” She says exasperatedly, sipping slowly on her drink.

  “Hey, I didn’t agree to that.” Jess smirks and looks around the room, eyes lingering on Ryan, then Tyler. “I’d quite like to see some of these guys in just their boxers. What do you say, Ty?” She winks at him and I try to remember how much she’s had to drink. I’ve been looking out for her ever since she started working for me when she was eighteen because she’s had no-one else to do it, and I feel protective. She has a habit of not looking out for herself.

  Tyler leans across the table and speaks quietly, but still so everyone else can hear, “I don’t think you could handle what I’ve got under these clothes, sweetheart.”

  She raises an eyebrow, then bites her lip suggestively. “I love a challenge. And I’m sure my hands would do the job just fine.”

  “Okay, how about we pick a game ‘cause I don’t want to hear this shit.” James’ voice cuts through the sexual tension and everyone takes a moment to think into their drinks.

  “Why don’t we go with Truth or Dare? It’ll be fun.” Jess suggests, and there’s a couple of groans but everyone seems to give in and mutter their confirmations.

  “Great!” Jess claps her hands together excitedly. “I’ll go first. Laurel, truth or dare?”

  Oh shit, she’s gonna pay
for that.


  How bad can it be?

  I’m not exactly scared of talking about my sex life, and let’s be honest, these things are always going to end up dirty.

  “How many people in this room have you made out with?” She smiles, like I’m sure she thinks she’s just opened a whole can of giant-sized worms. She has, but not for the reason she’s thinking. I hold up my hand but before I open my fingers, I say, “Please define ‘made out.’”

  “Kissed on the lips. With tongue.” She adds.

  I look around at everyone, then curve my lips slowly. I hold up my fingers and see everyone counting and thinking.

  James tightens his arm round me. “Three?”

  He looks at Tyler, but his eyes shift and narrow at Blake. Blake looks worried for a second then holds his hands up in surrender. “Dude, it isn’t me, I swear.”

  I can tell by James’ face, and Jen’s look of shock, they’re thinking it’s Tyler. But Tyler’s only been here since James and I got together, so that would make me a cheater. And everyone exchanges looks as though they’re thinking that exact thing.

  Jen gives me a sympathetic half smile. James just turns his head to look right at me. “So we all know me and Ryan. I think that’s gotta be common knowledge by now. Blake just said it wasn’t him. So it’s Tyler? You and Tyler?” His voice is bitter, harsh as though he can’t quite believe what he’s hearing. I look to Tyler and I’m shocked for a second he’s not even trying to deny it, he just has an amused grin on his face. I string it out as long as I can. There’s only one other person who’s staying as quiet as she possibly can. I take a sip of my drink, smiling coyly.

  “Nope, not Tyler.” I state matter-of-factly. The wheels are turning in the guys’ heads. James looks around the room, and coughs on his whisky so hard it shoots out over the table.


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