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Page 10

by Christy Pastore

  Checking her itinerary, she replied, “Dinner will be served in twenty minutes, followed by dessert and you have fifteen minutes after that before you have to speak again, Mr. Connolly.”

  Ronan stood. “Very good. Thank you, Donna.” Leaning into me he whispered, “Come with me, now.”

  Leaving the ballroom, Ronan pulled me into the bathroom.

  “Ronan,” I stepped back. “What are we doing in here?”

  “We didn’t finish what we started earlier,” he replied as he closed the gap between us.

  “Ronan, I don’t think we should do this in here.”

  A soft moan escaped my lips as Ronan smoothed his hand up my thigh and slipped between my legs finding me completely wet.

  “As it would seem my beauty, you are quite ready to do this, in here,” he said, taking my bottom lip into his mouth.

  Pushing me against the vanity I heard someone turn the doorknob. My eyes flew open in panic.

  “Don’t worry, the door is locked,” he said, picking me up and setting me on the sink.

  “Ronan…” My breath caught in my throat as his hand squeezed my breast.

  Trailing his tongue against my skin, he whispered, “Are you sure you don’t want to fuck me?” He moved my hand and placed it over his cock— rock hard. Kissing down my chin and gently sucking on my neck, I gripped him tighter.

  “Tell me what you want, Holliday,” he prompted, caressing my thighs shoving my dress up to my waist.

  I sucked in a breath as he pressed two fingers inside me teasingly moving in and out. He circled his thumb around my clit, both of us looking down where he was touching me. It felt so fucking good. Too good. I arched my back as he continued to stroke my clit.


  He suddenly pulled his fingers out of me. He dipped his thumb across my wetness. Then brought it up to my face— dragging it over my lips and sliding it against my tongue. I tasted my own slickness. Interesting.

  “Tell me you don’t want my cock buried deep inside you, right here… right now.”

  His fingers trailed down my throat and across my collarbone. I felt the flush bloom across my chest as Ronan lifted my leg around his waist. Whispering my name, he placed my hand over his belt buckle. I said nothing. I slipped my finger under the metal clasp, and he drew his hand to the back of my dress. My zipper came down. The next thing I felt was Ronan’s tongue swirling around my nipple.

  My eyes fluttered open. “Ronan… please…” My voice was barely a whisper.

  “Please what?” he asked, moving his fingers down to my pussy once more teasing me.

  “Please… yes…”

  Ronan smiled, probably relishing the torment he was causing my body. “Does your sweet cunt ache a bit?”


  “Do you know how wet you are right now?” His lips pressed against mine. “Are you thinking you might want to fuck me now?” More kisses crossed my lips.

  “Too much… talking… just…” My hands reached for his cock in desperation. Feeling the hard length of him Ronan let me push his trousers down a bit before moving back a step.

  “Just what, my beauty?”

  “Just… just fuck me already,” I hissed.

  He grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine replying, “Hang on to the sides of the vanity, because I intend to not be gentle.”

  Grabbing me underneath my knees he pulled me forward, sliding his cock inside me. My legs gripped his waist as he pounded into me.

  “Ahhhh,” I moaned. “Ronan…” Feeling like I was sliding off the vanity, my hands clawed at his neck to maintain my balance.

  “I know you love the way I fuck you, Holliday.” He looked into my eyes and plunged deeper into my pussy. “Tell me how much you love the way I fuck you.”

  Every word that poured from his lips made me slick and hot. He pressed his lips against mine, slipping his tongue into my mouth. Tremors buzzed up and down my spine, and my clit began to throb. My hands twisted and pulled his hair. I felt my body bow towards him, as if I was trying to draw him deeper into me.

  “My beauty, tell me you are mine.”

  My eyes opened, and I watched him fucking me in the mirror on the wall opposite the vanity, threading his hands through my hair and whispering in my ear. His hips flexed, wildly thrusting into me over and over— claiming my body.

  “Yes… Ronan, I am yours.”

  My eyes shifted back to Ronan, moaning his name a few times asking him to fuck me harder. He slammed into me one final time— hitting my g-spot perfectly. My body released around him, and he was right there with me.

  Moments later, after we managed to regain our normal breathing, Ronan reached for a washcloth and sweetly cleaned us both up. Pulling himself together, he smoothed his shirt and pants, leaving no trace that we just had incredible sex. Leaning against the vanity, he watched me fix my hair and touch up my lipstick. I pulled the perfume from my clutch and splashed some on my wrist and shoulder.

  “No amount of perfume will hide my scent on you, my beauty,” he smirked, zipping up the back of my dress.

  “You’re incorrigible, Ronan.”

  He pressed his index finger to my lips, “That I am. Now, shut up and kiss me.”

  After dinner, Ronan was welcomed warmly back to the podium, and he thanked everyone for coming and donating their time, money and resources. That earned him a loud ovation. He talked about the work they were doing in Africa with the clean water program. Reading some stats and facts, he mentioned how many families were receiving medical supplies. A few important people came to the podium to receive special recognition for their leadership and hard work.

  “I’d like to touch on another topic if you’ll indulge me for a few moments more. Recently I was inspired by a young woman to take a closer look at the laws in the state of California and New York, specifically, the stalking, rape and abuse laws. What I found was appalling. The punishments for the criminals who commit these acts of violence are not strict enough.”

  I felt my face and neck flush. I looked around the room, hoping no one was looking at me. I felt sick. Ronan was muttering on about protecting victims from their attackers, but I couldn’t hear a thing. My ears were ringing. I managed to bring my focus back to Ronan’s speech after the initial shock left my body.

  “The Connolly Campaign has partnered with The Hope and Faith Foundation to raise awareness of these heinous crimes against women. Our goal is to eventually get our elected officials to enforce stricter laws for these deplorable crimes. We need to stop the abuse now. In your packets and gift bags you will find more information. Again, thank you everyone and goodnight.”

  The room went wild. My throat tightened as I shakily stood there clapping for Ronan. My breathing increased with each clap, and my chest tightened.

  Fuck me! Not another one. Jesus Christ, I’ve got to get this under control.

  Overcome with waves of emotion, I wanted to die a thousand deaths. How could he do this without talking to me? As coolly as I could, I excused myself to ladies room. When I exited the ballroom, the hot tears stung my cheeks. Dean was following me. I could hear his shoes clacking behind me on the marble floor. My breaths were coming on sharp and strong. My blood was raging through my body, rapidly boiling and making my skin seem like it was on fire. Dean was talking to me, but I couldn’t understand anything.

  Focus Holliday.

  Sweat beads formed at the back of my neck, and I felt hot and cold all at once. Mustering all my strength, I backed against the wall. The ringing in my ears was almost painful.

  Ten. I need to count to ten.

  “Miss Prescott, are you all right?” Dean asked.

  I turned to him, trying to draw in normal breaths. “I need to… I need to get out of here Dean, please.”

  “You there.” Dean motioned to a young man with buttery blonde hair wearing a white server’s jacket. “Get me a glass of water for Miss Prescott, now!” Dean demanded.

  Several sharp shots of light fl
ashed before my eyes. I saw a shadowy figure, but my eyes were heavy. My legs went limp underneath me, and Dean caught me before I fell to the floor. I heard Dean on his cell phone.

  “Mr. Connolly, Miss Prescott has become ill,” Dean informed Ronan. His husky voice was a bit shaky. “I’m taking her back to the penthouse. Yes sir, right away, Mr. Connolly.”

  “Miss Prescott, sit here and drink this water,” Dean instructed as he eased my body into a comfy padded chair. I tried to focus. Shifting my attention, I studied Dean’s heart-shaped face framed by his strong jawline. I noticed his brown eyes had a hint of green to them around the irises, which only complimented his very nice teeth.

  I took a few sips of water and asked Dean to get me a Xanax out of my clutch. I swallowed the pill.

  “Do you think you can walk to the limo, Miss Prescott?” Dean asked me softly.

  “Yes, I think so,” I said quietly.

  Dean lifted me up. Walking slowly towards the doors, I saw the limo was already waiting for me. I stepped in and nearly tripped on my dress as I fell forward. My arm caught the seat and I was able to pull myself upright. Dean sat in the seat opposite of me and told the driver to head to The York. The car took off and I rolled down the window to breathe in the fresh winter air. I laid my head back and stared out the window, my heart twinging with ache. My spirit was dampened. My mind was reeling. Ronan Connolly had just broken me into a million pieces.

  “Holliday! Are you okay?” I heard Ronan’s panicked voice echoing in the foyer.

  When Ronan finally returned to the Penthouse I was lying on the couch, still in my evening gown. Dean had gotten me an icepack and a glass of water before taking his guard post in one of the armchairs next to me. He immediately stood as Ronan entered the living room.

  “Dean, how is she?” Ronan said with panic in his voice, running his hands through his hair.

  “Mr. Connolly, she’s…”

  “She’s okay, just a bit shaken,” I replied.

  Dean began walking towards the stairs.

  “Thank you Dean,” I called as he walked away.

  “It’s no trouble, Miss Prescott. I hope you feel better,” he said warmly.

  Ronan reached for my hand, rubbing the back of it gently. “My beauty, what happened?” he asked, kneeling beside me on the floor.

  “Was that your surprise for me tonight?”

  “Yes. I take it that it was not something you approved of?” he asked softly with sadness in his voice.

  His question made me laugh a little. I began to sit up, and Ronan helped me, clutching my arm firmly.

  “Ronan, how could you do that to me?”

  He shot me a puzzled look and then professed, “I didn’t mention your name. I just said I was inspired by a young woman.”

  “Ronan, they’re going to know it’s me. The media is going to put two and two together and figure it out. I don’t think you have enough money, favors or deals that you can cut with the tabloids to keep my name out of this do-gooder idea of yours.” I paused, gently stroking his face. He looked up at me as if completely heartbroken. I knew that feeling. “A noble idea, and a beautiful gesture, but you should have talked to me.”

  He hung his head and sighed. “Holliday, I’m sorry. I just wanted to help. Your story and what happened to you really opened my eyes to the cause and these insane laws.”

  “Ronan,” I began, shifting my body closer to him. “I don’t want to be your cause and I definitely don’t want to be the face of rape and violence against women. I do not want my personal story to get out. I won’t be able to handle it.”

  He stood up and walked to the bar, pouring a drink. He sipped it slowly and then turned back to me, yelling, “So, what? I’m just never allowed to try to fix this? I’m never allowed to even think about trying to repair the damage that it caused to your beautiful body and soul?”

  “Ronan, I don’t need you to try and fix me! I just need you to fuck me,” I snapped back.

  His posture stiffened, and his eyes went dark. “Dammit Holliday, don’t be crass! I’m being serious.” He paused, taking another sip of his drink. “I just wanted to do something, anything to fix this goddamn awful thing that happened to you. It infuriates me. The thought of someone hurting you and the fact I cannot do anything about it— it crushes me.”

  I stood up and walked towards him. “I don’t need you to save me. You cannot erase what happened. I know you’re frustrated, but Ronan you cannot just do these things without talking to me first.”

  Running his hand through his curly locks, he inhaled sharply. “I have two young daughters you know, and the very thought of someone ever hurting them, well that thought keeps me up at night.”

  I hadn’t even thought about his feelings as a dad. This must be gut-wrenching for him on that level. I wondered what my own father, Jay, would have done if he were alive. It nearly killed my step-father to see me lying broken and battered in that hospital bed. I think that was the second time in my life I’d ever seen the man cry.

  “I’m sorry Ronan. I didn’t even consider your feelings of concern as a father with Leah and Jade.”

  He put his arms around me and kissed me on the lips. “I can’t help this feeling I have and this deep need to protect you. I don’t ever want anyone to hurt you again.”

  I sighed. “You aren’t always going to be able to protect me from being hurt. What you can do is let me be me, and when a problem arises, we’ll handle it— together.” I pulled my head up, looking him in his beautiful eyes. “I’m serious though Ronan. I don’t want my name associated with the cause. I cannot share my story with the public. I’d love if I never had to tell another soul again – ever.”

  Ronan pulled back from the embrace he had me wrapped up in, cupping my chin with one hand while looking at me with his dark eyes dazzling. “You’re never going to have to tell that story to anyone or another man ever. I’m the last one. You’re mine, Holliday— my beauty.” Our mouths molded together in a tender kiss that seemed to never end.

  I woke up to find Ronan was not in the bed beside me. Hearing muffled sounds coming from the living room, I pulled on my silk robe and peeked through the half-open set of French doors that led to the living room from the master suite. Through the picture window I could see that it was snowing again. Standing near the piano, I spied Ronan on his phone. He was staring out the window at the glittering lights of the city. Hearing his low hushed voice, I smiled knowing he was talking to Leah or Jade. It was just after midnight in Manhattan which meant it was just after nine in Los Angeles. His grey cotton pajama bottoms hung low off his hips and his black cotton V-neck hugged his strong toned biceps tightly. Even from the side he looked totally edible.

  “And you wrapped all the Christmas presents all by yourself? You did a good job, my darling girl. Oh¸ I see, Jade helped you… and mommy too.” He let out a soft chuckle. I pushed the door open quietly and leaned against the doorjamb, eavesdropping. He is a great dad. It made my heart fill with warmth.

  “Very good Leah, I’ll see you soon. Daddy loves you. Big hugs and lots of kisses. I love you so much.”

  He slumped his shoulders and inhaled deeply as he ended the call. Turning around slowly, he met my stare, looking quite somber. I could tell he was in pain.

  “I’m sorry, Holliday. Did I wake you?”

  “No.” I peered at him with half-hooded eyes. “I just missed you.”

  Tossing his phone on the couch, he practically ran to scoop me up in his arms. Kissing me deeply, he growled in my mouth. The vibrations rippled through me straight to my core. I wanted this man badly.

  “Come to California with me Holliday.”

  “Ronan,” I wailed softly. “You know I can’t do that.” I looked away, resisting the urge to give in and go with him. I just wasn’t sure I could do it. I had to work with Dr. Goodwin on getting over my fear. California was my home; it’s where I grew up. One horrible thing shouldn’t keep me out of an entire state.

  “My beauty,�
�� Ronan muttered softly. “What will it take to get you to come with me? Extra security? Private jet? Whatever you want, it’s yours. Name it.”

  I knew if I kept protesting it would turn into a fight, and I would rather spend our last few precious hours together making love not war.

  “Okay, Ronan, I’ll consider it.” A warm smile was all it took for him to carry me off to his bed and seduce me with his body into the early morning hours. Our bodies twisted with each other as our lips met with deep lush kisses. His body covered mine, and our fingers entangled with every riveting thrust and heart-pounding climax. My body arched above his while I rode the length of him, our eyes breaking contact only for mere seconds as we savored the intense shockwaves coursing through our bodies.

  Overwhelming tingles shivered down my spine as Ronan snaked his way up my body with his tongue, licking, sucking and gently sweeping his mouth over my stomach. Ronan groaned and I gasped with loud cries of sex filling the room. The orgasms exploded through me like a volcanic eruption. Moments later, Ronan pulled out, causing me to moan at the loss. Panting, trying to regain normal breathing, Ronan kissed the top of my head.

  “Ronan,” I whispered.

  “Hmmm,” he murmured softly.

  “Don’t let go.”

  “Never, my beauty,” he breathed. “Not ever. You are mine.”

  Unable to move or speak, I drifted off to sleep.

  It was just after two in the morning. I was lying in bed unable to sleep as Ronan’s beautiful words rushed through my mind. “You’re never going to have to tell that story to anyone or another man ever. I’m the last one. You’re mine, my beauty.”

  I replayed his words over and over with memories of our passion-filled night flooding in, sending a powerful rush of heat over my skin. Ronan was sleeping peacefully, his arms still around me. He’d said he’d never let go, and he hadn’t. I was starting to realize that it was possible I could trust this man.


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