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The Body Hunters

Page 15

by Newcastle, Raven

  "You have my word Mr. Smith." Danny promised.

  Liam opened the lid and left the room. Danny walked over to the casket and noted the white lining of the casket was embroidered inside the lid with Sherry's name surrounded by an array of embroidered yellow roses. She felt herself well up for a moment but determined she would not let Aiden see her cry. The stark contrast of Sherry's remains lying in this bright fabric lining seemed almost too surreal to her. She hadn't noticed the agent was standing right next to her also looking on.

  "Are you getting anything yet?" He asked

  "Actually, I think I would like to tap into your abilities. Remember our session on the plane? I want to see what type of reading you get by holding a part of her."

  He backed up like she had said there was an explosive device in the room. "No, um, I'm not sure I'm ready for that, a necklace is one thing...." His voice trailed off.

  "Hadn't you already seen her remains?" Danny asked

  "Yeah, but I didn't hold them!"

  "It's OK. I'll be here." Danny pulled up a steel folding chair for him to sit on. She placed an encouraging hand on his shoulder and gently steered him toward the chair. "Here, just sit and relax. Put the gloves on and close your eyes. Try to take deep breaths."

  Numbly, he did as he was told. The gloves were too small for his hands but he was able to stretch them a bit, though some of the fingers broke through the latex. Danny pulled on her gloves as well. He sat quietly with his eyes closed, his hands waiting for whatever part of the skeletal remains Danny chose. She walked over to the casket again, and gazed upon Sherry.

  “I'm sorry Sherry." She muttered under her breath, and picked up her femur, carrying it like she was getting it blessed at an altar. Standing in front of him she asked, "Are you ready?"

  He gave a sharp intake of breath. "As ready as I'll ever be!"

  Placing the femur into his hands she pulled up another chair and sat right in front of the agent so that if he dropped the bone she would be right there to catch it.

  “Just relax.” She said softly. He held the bone and put his arms and hands down holding it on his lap. "Just let it come. Focus on her, but don't force It." she advised.

  He sat for a moment holding this precious relic. He thought of Sherry's smiling graduation picture and time started to float away. He started getting snapshot photos of her at school, at cheerleading in her uniform, her on the debate team. The next images started to move quickly like a film starting in a projector frame by frame faster and faster till they moved effortlessly and clearly.

  The putrid dank smell of the street, back alleys that reeked of urine and body odor from the homeless men who called it home. He could hear the clacking of high heels on the pavement. He was getting the sensation of driving. Looking down Aiden saw his hands covered in the surgical gloves except they fit. His head and face started to itch a bit. Something was covering them. He looked out the passenger side of the vehicle as it pulled up to the curb, a once pretty girl sidled up to the window, her face scabbed over and pocked by long time use of crystal meth.

  "Hey, beautiful!" he heard a voice that seemed to be coming out of his mouth but was not deep enough to be his own say.

  "So do you like to party? You ain't a cop are you?" Sherry addressed the man as she got inside the vehicle.

  "Nah I ain't a cop and you and I are going to party alright, get to know each other real well." The voice said coming from Stone's lips.

  From his perspective he saw the young woman staring at him. Time seemed to shift forward and suddenly he was dragging the young lady to an open field. He was holding her by the hair, his sweat making his chin and hair itch more. He realized he was wearing a disguise. Breathing hard he could make out some of what Sherry was saying, but it sounded muffled in his ears. His body felt every move she made as she struggled for the precious few moments of her life. He dragged her to the open grave and pulled a blade out of his pocket. The knife cut deeply and smoothly into her delicate neck like butter. He felt the warm oozing of blood over his gloved fingers. Watching her body fall into the grave he wiped the knife on the grass. A thunderbolt of recognition hit him. The weapon in his hand was a surgical blade. He found himself jumping into the grave after she was pushed in. He grabbed the young lady's fragile hand, now all bloody, and pulled something off her finger. It looked like the ring in the article Mrs. Cavender gave him. He tried to focus on it but the bright light emitting off of it was overpowering and blinding him.

  Aiden jolted out of his trance nearly toppling over on Danny. By now she had grabbed the femur out of his hands and backed away as he stood straight up knocking over his chair. She replaced the femur back into the casket exactly where she had picked it up. She ran back to Aiden who was pacing like a crazed lion behind iron bars.

  "What? What did you see? What did she show you?" Danny said excitedly.

  "I was him! I was the killer, but I don't know who I was!" He stammered quickly, talking with his hands, his heart pounding.

  "Slow down, slow down." She said calmly. She picked up the overturned chair and eased him back into it.

  "We'll take it from the top." She pulled her small notebook from her purse and started writing. "Tell me what you first saw."

  He ran a hand over his head. "I was getting those post card pictures you talked about. Then everything started moving faster and faster, her graduation, cheerleading and so on, and then I was him. He was wearing a disguise."

  "OK good, how do you know this?"

  As if it were itching the big man scratched his own goatee. "My face and head itched, like wearing a wig and glued on beard. I was driving an older model four-door Ford, navy blue or black, hard to tell it was night time. She came to the door and got in. Next thing I know I'm dragging her into the woods."

  "Good, now slow down and let's look at the details. Did you notice hands or rings or the type of clothes you were wearing? Were there any tattoos, or noticeable scars?" She continued writing as he spoke.

  "Um, no rings, my hands were in gloves like these," He held up his hands. "Except they fit. I was wearing dark blue Dockers-like pants, couldn't see the shoes. The knife felt like it was going through warm butter cutting through her neck. It didn't feel ragged or anything not like I was sawing. I'm losing the memory now; the only other thing I felt was that I had been to that corner many times. I think it's where the clinic is located or not far from it. It was extremely familiar to me." He had purposely not mentioned the ring. That little nugget of vision he felt he needed to keep from Danny. No sense in worrying her until he confirmed one way or another if the two rings were connected.

  The door opened and Liam walked back in inspecting the room. "Is everything alright? I thought I heard a crash."

  "Yes, everything is just fine. Thank you Mr. Smith, as you can see Sherry is right where you left her." She pointed to the casket. Liam walked over as if not believing her and seemed to be counting the bones.

  Satisfied everything was in order he turned to them. "If that is all then, I'd like to close the casket now."

  "Yes, thank you so much for your cooperation." Agent Stone stood up and met Danny and Liam at the casket.

  "What a waste, poor young thing." Liam tsked as he closed the casket lid for the final time.

  Aiden looked up and gasped. Sherry was behind the lid in her ethereal state, smiling, her long blonde hair flowing around her glowing as if to crown her. Her sweet smile put him at ease; Danny followed his gaze but saw nothing.

  "Uh hum!" Liam cleared his throat. "If that is all, I will see you both out now". He escorted them out of the room as if they were vagrants.

  "Thank you for your time, Mr. Smith. We can't thank you enough" Aiden said as he shook hands with him.

  They were back in the air conditioned SUV and Aiden hadn’t uttered a word. It was clear that his experience was an intense one. Danny gave him a few minutes to collect himself before asking him questions.

  "What did you see when he closed the lid?" She had to a

  "Sherry." He said grimly. They sat in silence for a few moments. Danny finally broke the mood.

  "You know what we need? Line dancing! I haven't been line dancing since I was in college. This has been a depressing day and I want to get away from it all. Somewhere in Dallas I'm sure a bar is holding line dancing tonight."

  He glared at her as if she had lost her mind. "What the f..."

  She cut him off. "Don't say it because I don't wanna hear it!"

  Knowing there was no use in fighting her once she had made up her mind he shrugged his big shoulders. "I don't know how to do it, but hey if you want to show me close and personal like, I'm game!"

  "And he's back, ladies and gentlemen! I'll teach you how to line dance, but you have to promise to be a good boy and behave!" She wagged her index finger at him as he pretended to bite it.

  "Nani, when have you ever known me to behave?" He laughed.

  After some driving around in the Suburban, they finally decided on a hole in the wall bar and grill. Aiden was ready to head right back out the door after walking through and noting the redneck chic, but she insisted on staying. She said that some of the best food came from the most unexpected dives.

  The couple got a few curious glances since they were not exactly the cowboy and cowgirl types and were a bit overdressed for the bar. He didn't detect any hostility, just nosiness. They chose a booth in a secluded corner where he could clearly see the door. It was a habit from his days as a Marine.

  A pudgy, buxom waitress with a too short miniskirt and too tight top took their orders. She returned a few minutes later with their beverages. He took a swig of his Budweiser longneck while Danny delicately sipped her own lite beer, her eyes off in the distance.

  "What's the deal with you and Agent Johnson?" He asked.

  "What? Luc?He was my dad's partner at the New Orleans local office. I've known him for years."

  "Your dad was FBI?" He asked a little surprised.

  She nodded. "Yup, it's the primary reason I became a cop and later worked with the Bureau. Lucius recruited me right into the P.A.T.H project."

  "What happened with the project or is it classified information?" He queried.

  Danny paused for a few seconds chewing over her answer. "The thing with Luc is that he likes to play the Puppet master, pulling all the strings. Sometimes that doesn't work out so well." He took notice of her using a very informal shortened nickname for his superior.

  "Didn't he also start the Body Hunters project?"

  "That is true. I still have at least one string attached to him, but I don't mind because I get to use my abilities to help other people so I'll deal with it. Besides, Luc and I have an understanding."

  Whispering like he had a secret to disclose, he leaned over the table. "So, is it true he's a vampire?"

  She laughed. "I'm pretty sure Luc is not a vampire, though I have heard that rumor."

  Over their Texas longhorn steak dinners, they traded conversation ranging from her parents to the hot red Camaro she had inherited to some of her funny cop stories. He found himself enjoying her company and enjoying looking into those golden eyes even more. There was more to her than just a pretty face, and she didn't dumb herself down like most women did in his presence. She was mature for her age, like she had lived an entire lifetime before this one. He also felt that she was scarred, not just on the outside but on her soul. Though he had the feeling she was a survivor and she didn't let tragedy stop her from living, she didn't want anybody's pity either.

  He once again found his gaze drifting along her scar.

  Her voice breaking the spell she cast over him she asked, "Why do you keep doing that?"

  "What?" he returned.

  "Keep staring at my scar? I hate when people do that."

  "Danny, I'm not staring at your scar." He countered. His husky voice deep and seductive to her ears.

  Rouge tinted her cheeks before she lightly kicked him under the table.

  "Damn." He reached under the table and massaged his shin. "You are so abusive."

  "There's more where that camefrom." she warned with a sweet smile. "So stop it."

  The fast paced country music gave way to a slow burner by the country crooner Josh Turner. The couples on the shellacked dance floor started coming together in close pairs.

  "God, I love this song." Danny started swaying to the music, closing her eyes.

  Aiden offered his hand across the table. "You wanna dance? You promised you'd teach me real nice and close." His face had that bad boy smirk plastered on it again.

  Danny took a millisecond to consider before taking his hand. As he claimed he was single and she was practically free from Gerard herself, there was no harm in taking him up on his offer. "I'd be delighted sir. But behave!"

  They joined the other couples on the dance floor.

  "OK, just hold my hand like this and put your other hand on the small of my back." She instructed, interlacing her fingers in his right hand and putting his left hand on her back. In her heels, the top of her head came right up to his nose. "Now, just follow the beat for now and follow my motions. Where my legs go you follow with the same leg, and we'll turn a couple of times. Once you get it, you start leading."

  He was happy to oblige since he now had the license to put his hands on her tempting little body. How a woman who was so iron willed and tough yet so delicate and feminine was beyond his understanding.

  With the tutorial over for the moment the couple soon found themselves in time with the rhythm and beat of the music. He watched the other Stetson-wearing men with their partners who seemed to move fluidly across the floor. One older couple in a matching western ensemble danced over to them and the older man, noticing Aiden stumbling a bit, had a word of advice for him.

  "Hey young feller, it's like making love, son! Go nice and slow and hold her tight!" The cowboy and his wife chuckled and danced away.

  "You heard the man. I gotta hold you tight!" He pulled her closer to his muscled frame. His large fingers played along her spine like piano keys before daring to move a little lower.

  "Just make sure you watch those hands Stone!" She put his hand back where it belonged.

  "Can't blame me for trying, Nani!" He smirked puckishly.

  "Ugh! You are really hopeless sometimes!" Danny laughed, burying her head in his chest.

  The songs started getting faster, and the older couple called them over to participate in the line dance. The couple out danced everyone, and it was obvious they had been doing it a very long time. Ralph and Darlene showed them the proper steps. Aiden was looking very clumsy in his size 13 shoes and tried not to trip over himself. Danny, on the other hand, was a natural. She picked up the steps quickly and had now partnered with Ralph while Darlene was still tutoring the clumsy Aiden in the basic steps. His blue eyes pleaded with Danny for a rescue, but she happily reminded him he wanted to learn and who better than the experienced Darlene. Danny hadn't had such a marvelous time in years. After three songs she excused herself to the little cowgirl’s room, as the sign advertised, and Darlene joined her.

  "Darlin', that boyfriend of yours is one tall drink of water. You better watch it I might steal him tonight!" Darlene laughed as she checked her makeup in the lighted vanity mirror.

  "Um, well the thing is we are just working partners. There’s nothing going on between us." she corrected the older woman.

  "Does he know that, Darlin'? He's sweet on you if I ever saw it! And by the looks of it you got a sparkle in your eye for him too. Now c'mon, tell old' Darlene the truth!" Danny sat down next to her at the mirror.

  "The truth is a bit complicated. Oh, God, I don't know why I'm telling you this, but you remind me of my grand mere. Darlene, I'm about to break it off with my fiancé. Stone and I really are working partners, but woman to woman I can't deny there is some slight, and I mean very slight, attraction. Good Lord he climbs under my skin and not always in a good way!" She stared into the mirror at Darlene's reflection.

bsp; "Sugar, that feeling you got is there for a reason. The more you try to deny your feelings, the more he's bound to get to you. You get it? Honey you gotta go with the flow. Let me ask you, you said you are breaking up with your fiancé. Did he ever make you feel the way you feel about that man out there?"

  "No, ma'am, not once.I thought it was love. It probably was at first, but he's so different, calculating. He doesn't joke around much. It's all about his work and his high society friends." She looked down at her nails as if she was ashamed of what she admitted.

  Darlene lifted up Danny's chin. "Sweetheart, you know what you gotta do, but while you're doing it just don't let fate take away another chance that's right in front of you. Do you know Ralph and I have been married for 30 years? He hounded me for 2 years to marry him. I told him not if he was the last man on earth, He irritated me so much! But then he was going away to war and I couldn't bear the thought of him being gone and the possibility of him never coming back. I married that man the night he shipped out! I asked him! Can you imagine?" Darlene laughed heartily and stood up. "You ready there sugar? We got us some hot men waiting on us and I don't know about you, but I plan to get me some tonight!"

  Danny and Darlene walked out laughing and met the men at the bar. It looked like Ralph was dispensing some fatherly advice of his own to. Another slow song started up and the couples hit the dance floor again. This time Aiden lead the dance. "What did you girls talk about?" he asked.

  "Oh just the girly stuff, you know makeup, recipes and boys of course. What about you? Looks like you and Ralph was talking kinda serious?"

  "Oh, you know sports, our time in the marines and boobies!" He couldn't stifle his laugh.

  "Yup all the important stuff, huh!" She purposely stepped on his toes. She looked up into his eyes gazing for what seemed an eternity. The older couple approached breaking their eye embrace. Ralph stuck out his hand for Aiden to shake.

  "Young man it was great meeting you and you too pretty Darlin! We're gonna make cowpokes of you guys yet. Well we gotta roll. Give me a kiss goodbye little gal." Ralph pulled Danny close and planted one on her lips for about three seconds.


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