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The Body Hunters

Page 25

by Newcastle, Raven

"Where am I?' Danny asked painfully through bruised lips.

  "Danielle, darling you are in the hospital."

  Danny's eyes darted around the unfamiliar room. "Am I in New York?"

  "No no, the hospital call me. I came on the red eye right away. Shh now you rest." Stephania said in her broken English as she re-arranged the bedding, tucking her in and fluffing her pillow. "You should drink, take a sip."

  She raised Danny's bed and brought the Styrofoam cup and straw to her lips, Danny struggled to open her mouth. Gerard's punches had taken a punishing toll on her body, and even breathing was a laborious chore.

  Stephania, who was now in protective mama grizzly mode, took the cup away after Danny took a sip. She tried to speak some more, but Stephania stopped her. "No, no! You rest, no talking. I'll talk Danielle. Mio Dio! I can't believe this thing happened to you! Never again will I let you my girl out of my sight! You understand, never! This beast Gerard! He is IL Diavolo! I can't believe it. He loved you! But we will not talk about it now."

  "Stone?"Danny asked softly.

  "Yes he had heart like a stone! Shh. No more talk now. I'll stay with you. Go back to sleep."

  Danny's body obeyed as the pain pump of morphine took effect making her fall asleep quickly.

  Agent Stone entered the 5th floor hallway and rounded the corner of the nurses' station. Looking at the assignment board he found Danny's name and room number. She had been in emergency half the night before they made him leave. Room 545, of course, he thought, all the way to the end of the hall! He walked past two rather large gentlemen standing at a doorway on either side. Both men were in tailored suits and fedoras. Aiden wondered what mafia boss was on the same floor as Danny to warrant body guards like these. He kept walking checking the room numbers as he passed. Damn he thought where the heck was it? It had to be here! A light went off in his head. The two gentlemen at the door were blocking the room number. They couldn’t be there for Danny. They didn't look like FBI agents that Lucius may have put in place. Walking slowly back to the entrance he asked one of the gentlemen.

  “Uh, excuse me, what room number is this?"

  The large man stared at him, blocking the doorway and said. "Non parlo inglese."

  The other large gentleman moved to stand directly in front of Aiden. He was not used to other men standing toe to toe with him and realized these guys meant business. He could see the outline of their guns through the suit jackets.

  "Look I don't know who you boys are but you'd better get out of my way! I am an FBI agent!" The men refused to budge. The larger of the two went nose to nose with him. Stephania appeared in the doorway, yelling in Italian for everybody to shut up that she just got Danielle back to sleep. She laid eyes on Aiden for the first time as he held up his badge to her.

  "Ma'am I have to believe you are Stephania? I'm Stone FBI. I'm here to see Danny."

  "You Mr. Stone, I don't know you! Luigi, Alphonso, verificare la sua!" She motioned for them to pat him down. Aiden complied turning over his gun for Stephania to hold.

  "Be careful with this ma'am, it's loaded." He would have been amused if it weren't keeping him from seeing his Danny.

  "You get it back after cousins make sure you don't have anything else on you bad. I Medici say she drugged and stabbed with needles. I believe you FBI Mr. Stone, but we are going to be careful!" Stephania was taking no chances when it came to Danielle's safety.

  "E 'pulito." Luigi said to her in Italian indicating he was clean. She pulled Aiden into the room and handed back his gun.

  "You excuse my cousins they are from old country and are here on business. They protect my Danielle now! No more scary men are going to hurt her! If I find you are a scary man, Mr. Stone, my cousins they will show you what business they are in, OK?"

  Aiden nodded his head. Looking back at the hulking men he realized Stephania meant it. "OK Ms. Stephania if I ever hurt her you have my permission to let Luigi and Alphonso loose on me."

  She led him to Danny's bedside where she was still sleeping. He grabbed a hard hospital chair opposite Stephania's recliner and held Danny's hand.

  "How long has she been asleep?" He asked the watchful Stephania.

  "She's on the pump for the pain, she goes in and out. Oh I get it now. She must have been calling you name."

  "She called my name?" Aiden’s eyes opened wide.

  "Oh, yes, she says "stone?" I thought she was talking about something else. But you don't disturb her or make her upset or you deal with me!"

  "Yes, ma'am!" He said, actually glad that Stephania was there. "How did you find out?"

  "The hospital call me tell me I was in cell phone as an ice. I don't know what they mean, but they say she's hurt pretty bad and could I come. I took first flight. I come here quickly and I call Luigi and Alphonso. They fly in from California. Policia tell me her fiancé did this to her. I tell cousins no one comes into this room."

  "Danny told me you were a flight attendant from Sicily, right?" He asked and Stephania nodded.

  He further explained. "Ice means in case of emergency. It helps hospitals and the police to know who to call in case someone's in trouble. She must not have ever changed it once she moved here."

  Aiden did his best to make small talk. He could tell she was not going to leave Danny's side. Danny started stirring. Opening her eyes she focused in on him and mumbling, trying to get her words out. He held her hand and brushed her hair back whispering to her.

  "It's ok, you're gonna be fine, Nani. Relax. You're safe now." Turning her attention to Stephania she motioned to her that she wanted to sit up. Stephania raised the bed and asked Aiden to help her move Danny up a bit. Both of them took one of her arms and on three they raised her a few inches. Danny felt searing pain in her ribcage and gasped out loud.

  Aiden's large hand moved the hair that was obscuring her face. "I'm sorry, Baby. I'm sorry. We didn't mean to hurt you! You have some bruised ribs. Just relax and breathe."

  Once she laid back Stephania gave her more water. The icy coolness sliding down her throat was welcome relief.

  Outside the door the cousins had another visitor standing before them. The man with the pale complexion and steel gray eyes flashed his badge and spoke fluent Italian to them. Neither man made a fuss. They had soon moved away from the door. Lucius Johnson entered the room with a permanent scowl etched on his face.

  Laying eyes on Agent Stone, Lucius noticed him holding her hand. He walked over to Stephania and speaking her language told her he was glad she could make it so quickly and then kissed her hand. Aiden stared in disbelief that the two goons outside the door didn't even dare to give Lucius any grief as they had him.

  "Agent Stone, how are you?" Lucius asked in his usual cold fashion.

  "I'm doing well. Thanks for asking, Agent Johnson." Aiden returned equally as cold.

  Lucius now turned his eyes to Danny. On seeing her bruised and battered body he let out an audible sigh.

  "Can you please leave us for a moment?" Danny asked Aiden and Stephania.

  "Of course Danielle. Mr. Stone, please let us go now." She motioned to Aiden to follow her.

  "Please, call me Aiden, Stephania." He said as he followed her out into the hallway glancing back at Danny wondering what she had to say to Lucius in private.

  "Luc please sit." Danny said in a hoarse voice. Lucius obeyed. Taking her hand in his he sat on the bed facing her.

  "Danielle, I--" He began before she cut him off.

  "Just tell me you got him, Please!" Tears formed in her eyes. Seeing this, his whole demeanor softened. He grabbed a tissue out of the box by the night stand next to the bed and gingerly dabbed her bruised, swollen eyes.

  "Hush, don't you worry, he will never be able to hurt you again." Lucius leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry Danny. You know what you mean to me. I will never be able to forgive myself for not protecting you. When I found out you were engaged I should have investigated him right away."

  "Luc, you can't protect me fo
rever. You lost the right to do so. I had to move forward. There was no way either of us could have known this would happen. He had everyone fooled." She refused to even utter Gerard's name. "I didn't want your constant interference, but I am glad you are here now."

  Danny couldn't help herself. Tears streamed down her face in torrents. Lucius leaned closer and gently held her. Aiden stood outside the door and on hearing Danny cry, he took a step back into her room. Seeing Lucius holding her, he felt almost betrayed. Admonishing himself for feeling that way, he reasoned that she was crying on Lucius' shoulder and not just because of the previous history between the two. Lucius was after all her father's old partner. Stephania grabbed Aiden's arm and gently pulled him back.

  "Not now Aiden. Give them time." He stepped back out in the hall disappointed.

  Danny regained composure, hating the idea of letting her emotions get the better of her. Lucius reminded her that she was not an inanimate object but flesh and blood. It was okay to cry after what she had been through. He wiped away the last of her tears as he brushed her hair back from her forehead.

  Danny suddenly spoke up. "Cassie, what happened to Cassie?"

  "She's in the next room. I'm going to go see her now. We will get a statement from her about everything that happened. When you are well enough we need to get one from you too. Do you feel up to it?"

  "Yes, maybe Aiden can take it?" Danny asked.

  "He's a little too close to this case and to you. It's best to have someone impartial so we have to have an uncensored statement. We want to nail all these guys, the doctors and anyone else even remotely involved. This mess will take years to sort out." Lucius rose from her bed and kissed her lightly on her lips. "I'll always be here for you, you know that, right?"

  "I do Luc and I appreciate it." Danny said as she watched him walk out the door. He no sooner hit the doorway before Aiden blew past him to get to her side again.

  Lucius walked over to Cassie's room directly next to Danny's. She was all alone. It was a far different scene from next door. Cassie seemed apprehensive of the agent entering her room. Cowering a little at the sight of him he reassured her she was okay and that he was one of the good guys. Bringing out his badge to show her, he sat down in the chair next to her bed.

  "My name is Lucius Johnson. I am an FBI agent and a friend of Danielle's. Don't be afraid. I'm here to help you, okay?"

  Cassie, who had a few minor injuries and bruises, was admitted mostly for observation. "OK" she said weakly. She shied away for a moment but couldn't help looking into his steel gray eyes. They seemed calming to her.

  "We need to get a statement from you when you are ready, OK?" Lucius asked gently.

  "I understand. Are you going to take it?"

  "If you want me to then I will Mrs. Hopkins."

  "Just Cassie, okay? What about my husband, Dominick? He's innocent, I swear. He knew nothing of any of this." Cassie started crying and for the second time in his day he found himself wiping tears away from a woman's eyes.

  "Cassie, I know. I'll be there to help him out, okay? Don't worry we’re holding him so there are no repercussions against him. If he looks guilty the others will think he's one of them and not feel that he may have flipped on them. It's for his ownprotection."

  "He's an alcoholic. He will have a hard time." She told him.

  "OK, good to know. If he wants to start rehab we'll get him into a facility, OK? Do you have family you want me to call?"

  "No, there's no one. It's been me and Dom. My family disowned me for marrying a black man, and Dom's family is all deceased. He was an only child." Cassie looked away from Lucius. He took her hand and she turned back towards him mesmerized by his eyes again.

  "It's OK. I'll watch out for you. I'll get any message you want to Dominick. I'm not going to leave you alone. You may need some protection. There are still a lot of people involved in this scheme that we weren't able to round up. Here's my card. You keep my number and call me any time you need me, OK?"

  "Oh, OK. Is Danny alright?"

  "She'll be fine. She's right next door. Do you feel up to a statement now while details are fresh? I understand it's going to be painful for you, and we can stop at any time."

  "Yes, let's do it and get it over with." Cassie related the story as she knew it, and Lucius recorded it. She disclosed how Dominick came to know Gerard and how he helped set up Dominick's career path. She explained Dominick's increasing alcoholism and how it seemed, because of it, Gerard never included him in the closed door meeting with the other doctors. She relayed with tears how her husband's hands were getting shaky from drinking and that he was being assigned less and less surgeries. He had been spending a lot of time at home lately. She reluctantly recounted meeting Danielle and how she started dating Gerard. They seemed like the perfect couple. He was loving and attentive. He bought her anything she wanted and then some, moving to Phoenix to start the Beautiful Image Spa and head up the new headquarters for Angel Faces. She cried through her explanation of her original hatred of Danny and her vow to make it up to her. She described in detail to Lucius her witnessing of Agent Ramirez's death and her kidnapping. The one thing she left out was her promise to Danny not to mention Gerard's brutal rape of her. After a half hour she had talked herself out. Lucius stopped the recorder. Cassie looked away.

  "I can't imagine what you think of me, Agent Johnson."

  "Call me Lucius, and Cassie we all do things we regret. This was not your fault. You are a victim. Please remember that." He patted her hand lightly.

  "I still feel guilty about the agent. I'm sorry, but my actions directly caused his death."

  Lucius took her chin in his hand. "Listen to me. Alejandro was an agent and when he joined he knew full well that there were risks that went along with the job. It's by God's grace the two of you girls are even still alive. Agent Ramirez died a hero in service to his country. I will make sure he gets the highest honor we can afford to give, OK? No more blaming yourself." He stroked her cheek. "I'm going to go. You have my number now. Keep it and call me if you should need anything and I'll look in on Dominick. I'm told they will release you in the next day or two. You have somewhere to go so you're not alone?"

  "No." she answered sadly.

  "Leave it to me, OK? I'll be in touch before you are released. Don't worry. I'll take care of everything for you."

  Leaving her room, Lucius called Stephania out into the hall with her cousins.

  "Ms. Stephania, as you can see Danielle is well protected with Agent Stone here." From the door's entryway, he stared at Aiden and Danny holding hands. Aiden was now sitting on her bed, his back to a glaring Lucius. Returning his attention to Stephania he made a request.

  "I'm glad you called your cousins to help in this unfortunate situation, but I am going to ask if you can have them also watch Cassie Hopkins in the next room. She was with Danny in the basement. She is a friend of Danielle's, and her husband was a doctor with the spa. We don't believe he is involved, but we are holding him for his protection and questioning. She's all alone and instead of taking more agents and police away from this case I would be grateful if they would be her body guards. If you vouch for them then I would like to hire them for a couple of weeks, legit of course, and I will pay them well for it. I'll make sure the Bureau looks the other way on their immigration status. I will even pull strings and get them legitimate work visas if you and they agree. I can even help you on your own status. I know the airline just fired you for your expired visa."

  "How did you know?" Stephania looked surprised. "I tell no one, not even Danielle! And you don't tell her either! She has enough to worry over."

  "Don't worry your secret is safe with me. If you can convince them then I can help all three of you. Maybe these guys would like to change careers and work for me! I'm sure I can get the both of them lots of work." Lucius let out what sufficed as a small chuckle.

  Stephania walked over to Luigi and Alphonso and huddled with them. Rapid Italian and several hand ges
tures later she returned to Lucius.

  "They will be very happy to help keep Cassie safe and will take you up on the visa issue. I tell them time to go legal we are in America now!” She whispered in Lucius’ ear. "They are not such bad guys, you know. We thank you so much for your help!"

  Lucius knew what she meant. A smile crept over his face, and he addressed both gentlemen in Italian thanking them for agreeing with his proposition. Alphonso left Danny's doorway and took up his new position a few feet away outside of Cassie's door leaving Luigi at Danny's door. Stephania said she would check in on the girl and explain everything. Pleased with the arrangements for both women Lucius left the hospital. He had a long night ahead of him and was very anxious to do some of his own brand of interrogation of several of the suspects himself.

  Aiden who was sitting on Danny’s bed was oblivious to Agent Johnson's leaving. All that mattered was being by Danny's side. She was distant to him. She kept staring out the hospital window watching the minimal night time traffic as he was talking to her. "I'm so happy you are safe. I should have never let you leave Dallas alone. I knew something was wrong."

  Danny turned and looked deep into his blue eyes. "How?Tell me how did you know? Did you know he was dangerous? Did you know he killed those girls? That he killed Sherry?" Danny asked letting go of Aiden's hand.

  Guilt tormented him all over again. If he could go back and do things differently, he would have shown her the video of Wolfe assaulting Sherry, consequences be damned. Because of his stupid ego, he had put Danny's life at risk and had been only a few seconds away from losing her forever.

  "I--, No Nani, no! It was just a feeling, intuition maybe." He lied, trying to spare her additional heartache.

  "But you had Alejandro send me back to Dallas under some flimsy excuse! You knew didn't you? You at least suspected it! You said you loved me just to keep me there!" She was riding the highs and lows of an emotional rollercoaster. A few tears sprang to her eyes again.

  Aiden's heart started breaking at the idea that he was causing even more pain for her. He felt he had no choice but to spare her.


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