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Tangles and Temptation

Page 27

by India-Jean Louwe

  Kyra drew away slightly. “You have told him this.”

  “Yes, he has.” The deep voice had Kyra spinning to the open door.

  She planted her hands on her hips and faced the king, unabashed at her naked state. “Be you king of this land or nay, I will not accept trespasses upon my privacy.”

  The king bellowed in laughter. “Brava. Spoken like a true princess. Eris has filled me in on your heritage. But I wish to hear much from you.” He bowed slightly. “Accept my most humble apologies for the intrusion.”

  Kyra tossed her hair over her shoulder and moved to her dresser. As she slipped the gown over her shoulders, the king addressed Eris. “She possesses the freshness of a bubbling spring. But her equally fiery temper of a prickly cactus would quickly lap it up.”

  Kyra bristled as she returned. “She is also in possession of ears.”

  Eris grabbed Kyra in a fierce hug. His laugh ruffled the hair on the top of her head. “Desist, my little viper. The king simply needles you. Come, let us discuss quickly and return to a more pleasurable pastime.”

  Vasilis Amyntas interjected quickly, “I sport with you, Kyra. You have the eternal gratitude of me and my people for your brave hand in this affair. Were it not for your foresight and decisive actions, we may have lost the battle.”

  Kyra inclined her head and followed Eris to the high kline. After they had been seated, with Vasilis Amyntas pacing before them, she spoke. “My memories came flooding back the moment I spied Eris in his complete snake form. I recalled the reason for my urgent trip here. He was revealed to me within a vision. I had to reach him before the battle. I saw beforehand the enemy’s possession of the scorpion sting, and Eris’s consequent lack thereof.” She stared directly at Eris. “I saw you so clearly in my dreams, a man and a beast, molded splendidly in one. That first strike of the demon, with the sting, set my resolve. At first light, I set out. I had to seek you out and alert you.

  Eris exhaled loudly. “So it was indeed me you had come seeking.”

  “It was. Unfortunately I was ambushed by Thyone. He accosted me like he did at my home. He struck my head and rendered me unconscious. But the attack differed the first time. I believe he used some form of black magic to remove my memories, and I failed to deliver my warning in time.”

  Kyra latched onto the comforting hand Eris placed on hers. “You have not failed, Kyra. It was your call to me that made me react. Before that I was paralyzed by my own misinterpreted visions.”

  The king interrupted. “Yes, it is the end result that matters. The beast was felled despite Eris’s handicap, and the battle was won. We have attained victory in our first combat against Cronus.”

  Kyra shook her head. “The end result is indeed what matters, and while Eris has miraculously managed to fell the beast, we have not won the battle.”

  “What?” The men’s voices chorused as one.

  “I have mentioned that my tongue was silenced when I arrived, by having my memories erased. But eliminating the warning to Eris was not Cronus’s ultimate goal. The location where I was found shows his plot effectively.” As the men remained silent, she continued. “Surely, at some point, you had to have questioned why I had been abducted only to be set free at my very destination.”

  Eris nodded. “Yes, that question has plagued my mind.”

  “But it was not my destination. I was to come to you. Instead I was set in the mountains, the terrain of your brother. When I was supposed to have met you initially, Sappho was forced to find me first. Cronus had predicted and plotted the entire turn of events. Tell me, Eris, would Sappho ever have interfered had you met and declared your claim on me before him?”

  Eris’s voice left him in a deflated hiss. “No.”

  “Precisely. This has all been a clever ruse, and we were all but actors. Unfortunately, we played our roles right on cue and into the hands of the enemy. This feud you now face with your brother was the ultimate goal. Cronus wished discord amongst the gladiators. He instigated it. And he has succeeded.”

  Silence filled the room. Kyra hated to be the harbinger of bad news, but she saw the plot clearly. Her memories had returned, and she had set about dissecting it. She had gone over and over the course of events as she had made her way down the hill and to Eris’s side as he battled the beast. There was no doubt in her mind. “Cronus plays a game many moves ahead. He concentrates not on the battles but on the winning of the war.”

  Vasilis Amyntas stated in a confident voice, “Then we shall undo the damage immediately. Sappho must come to accept your union, or he shall also face a beast when his time comes, without his twin’s addition. Surely his beast will come fitted with a deadly serpent’s tail. Eris, you must see this breach fixed.”

  Kyra watched Eris’s face closely. His face darkened stubbornly. She answered for him. “Eris has tried repairing the severed ties at every juncture. Sappho’s blatant refusal to accept our relationship not only aids his own demise, it fuels Eris’s insecurity. As long as Sappho continues to hold his incessant hope within his breast that I shall one day go to him, Eris shall never trust him.”

  In a lowered voice, Eris agreed. “I find myself on constant guard against my own brother. His hunger for my mate shows clearly in his eyes. I will not share what is mine.”

  Kyra’s heart soared. Eris spoke for himself and not on behalf of his beast. He claimed her as his mate, as a man. “And you shall never have to share me, Eris. But be warned, I likewise do not tolerate the poaching of my property.”

  The king grunted. “Stall your declarations until after we have found a solution to this dilemma. Cronus must be bested. I will not accept defeat. There has to be a way.”

  Kyra considered carefully before voicing her opinion. She had not been blinded at her home. Her sister’s attraction to Eris had been rather obvious no matter how aggressively Aleka had striven to hide it. Maybe, just maybe, Sappho was forced toward the wrong sister. The men were, after all, identical twins. She sighed. It was worth a try. “There may be. I must send word to my family of my marriage to Eris, depending, of course, on Eris’s consent to such.”

  Eris sprang up and grabbed her in a fierce hug. “You would do me great honor in becoming my wife. I will accept no less.” He kissed her happily, noisily. “I had already stated my intentions to your family before leaving your homelands. Aikaterina will, of course, come live with us.”

  The king cleared his throat. “My felicitations. I shall send a messenger to the land of Pandora. But I fail to see the connection with Sappho.”

  Kyra grinned mischievously. “Sappho shall be that messenger.”

  “Sappho? He is a great gladiator, no mere errand messenger.” The king looked at her with a scowl.

  Eris squeezed Kyra’s hand. He had obviously comprehended her devious ploy. “Mayhap it would be good for him to have a time away from here, away from constantly looking upon Kyra and me. Besides, perhaps he will return with a mate of his own on his arm.”

  The king’s scowl deepened. “There’s something you two hide. Bear in mind, all things are revealed given time.” He tucked his thumbs in his belt and declared in a booming, stately voice, “Very well. Sappho will leave immediately for your home.” He reached out and took Kyra’s hand. “You have proven to be a valuable asset, and I welcome you to our family. You shall fit in quite comfortably, I am sure.” With a wink, he released her hand and strode to the door. “Be sure to visit with the queen. My wife has wondrous news that needs bearing.”

  Kyra smiled after the king. He had a delightful spring to his step, a lightness that had not been there on her previous encounters with him. A bubble of happiness formed in her belly. There was only one thing the queen would consider good news. She had finally fallen pregnant. Kyra called out loudly, “I look forward to seeing her as well.”

  Eris grabbed her around her waist and twirled her in a dizzying circle. As Kyra’s laughter filled the room, he set her down slowly. “You are a devious creature. I must always be on guard to neve
r raise your ire. Although, I must admit, you are utterly ravishing when riled.”

  “Feed my lusty appetites and you shall have nothing to fear.” She shivered as he leaned close and nibbled on her ear. “Eris?”

  “Mmm…” His voice in her ear sent a delicious shudder through her.

  “Did you mean what you said earlier? Do you claim me as your mate?”

  Eris reared slightly and looked deeply into her eyes. “My snake saw what I foolishly tried to deny. You were, from the very beginning, my true love. While my beast needed no compulsion to admit it, I did. I see now how futile my refusal was. No matter where I go, it will always be you I wish at my side. No matter who I encounter, it will always be you that I crave. Your body ignites a raging flame within me. I want to possess you, fill you, because you complete me.” He cupped her face lovingly in his hands. “What about you, Kyra? I have seen evidence of your acceptance of my beast, but I long for the words. Do you still fear the creature that resides within me?”

  * * * *

  Moisture had gathered in her eyes at his revealing words. Her heart had swelled until full and overflowing. “The beast does not simply reside within you. It is a part of you. I failed to see this at first. Had our paths not been deviated by the cruelty of Cronus, I would have entered your arms willingly from the start. I had already left my home searching for you, knowing you would have my heart. But no matter which paths we were forced to take, the end result would have been the same. I love every part of you.” She looped her arms around his neck and pulled his face down for a searing kiss. On his lips, she whispered, “And now I long to be a part of you.”

  As Kyra surrendered to the passionate kiss and turbulent storm brewing in her, she knew she was finally home. She no longer had to strive for and demand things she thought were beyond her reach. Everything she would ever want she now held in her arms. But she could not stop the soft command. “Make me a part of you.”

  Eris did just that. He was Erpo, the snake. He did not do half measures.



  I am a freelance sign writer who has always had a passion for reading. The escape into the imaginary world became such a vital part of my altogether too businesslike reality that I traded in my paints and brushes for writing. Putting my stories to paper and having readers enjoy them is my ultimate goal. Romance plays a huge part in my story simply because I firmly believe “love” is the seed from which true happiness grows.

  I have two lively sons who make each day an adventure, a loving husband, a cat named Sherbet and a wide range of tropical fish. When not in front of my computer or tucked away with a scorching book, I can be found exploring gourmet cuisine in my kitchen or fending of the weeds in my garden. Outback camping, cycling and horse back riding are always pleasures I find time for.

  I hope you will join me again in exploring more niches and speed bumps caused by love. The magic carpet ride begins with you, a good book and a healthy imagination.

  Love to all,

  India-Jean Louwe

  Also by India-Jean Louwe

  BookStrand Mainstream: Claiming the Siren

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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