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Creighton Manor

Page 5

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  “Hmm.” Why did she act nervous all of a sudden and why wouldn’t she meet his gaze? What was she hiding? He realized he wanted to find out. He claimed he didn’t want to be saddled with a wife, but he had to admit she intrigued him. He never met anyone like her. Her mannerisms, her dress, her ability to stand up to him—not to mention her beauty warmed him, making him ache to touch her. He cleared his throat. “Then I guess I have something for you to do.”

  “There’s a schoolteacher position opening up?”

  “Well, in a way. My nephew, who is six years old, is in desperate need of a tutor. He has a difficult time in school. I had hired someone to help him with his studies, but his tutor left us a month ago, due to a family emergency. I just received word that he isn’t going to return. You could be my nephew’s tutor.”

  “Won’t you have to consult his parent’s first?”

  He shook his head. “I have full custody of Tyler. A few years ago, my sister and her husband were in an accident. They were both killed.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  Zachary just shrugged. “Yes, it was most unfortunate for all concerned.” He ignored the way she stared at him with her brows furrowed.

  “Where is Tyler?” Gillian inquired. “I thought we were alone.”

  “We are. Tyler is with my grandmother. I was supposed to collect him today, but things did not go as I planned. I’ll pick him up tomorrow.”

  Zachary looked down at her. His gaze traveled over her face and searched her eyes. He wished she weren’t so breathtakingly beautiful. How in the world was he to keep himself in check when she had struck such a vibrate chord in him? He shook his head regretfully. “Don’t lash out at me. I’m going to pick you up. I promise you as a gentleman, I will not ravish you. I have a meal prepared in the kitchen, and I don’t want you walking on your blistered feet.”

  “You want to carry me?” She acted surprised.

  “Didn’t I say as much?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “This is not up for negotiation.”

  “Fine. It’s your back.”

  He leaned down and scooped her up and she linked her arms around his neck. For a moment their gazes locked. Damn, why did he promise not to ravish her?

  “You know a girl could definitely get used to this.”

  He chuckled. He had to admit she felt good in his arms, too.

  Zachary had been good to his word. He remained the perfect gentleman all evening. When he didn’t annoy her, she actually found him good company. He told her about Tyler. She could tell Zachary loved his nephew by the way his eyes lit up when he told her stories about him. Maybe Josephine Locke had been right after all: He was nice. Not to mention the sexual undercurrent she felt around him. His piercing blue eyes did her in. The way he looked at her caused a quick beat of awareness in her blood. She didn’t understand the immediate attraction, but it was there. Not a bad thing to lust after one’s own husband, but complicated when she knew she didn’t belong with him. The one meant for her was still out there and probably in her century. She just had to find a way back.

  “You must be tired.”

  “What?” she shook her head and looked at him.

  “I’m droning on and you’re exhausted.”

  “No, I’m fine. I…” Against her will, she yawned into a chuckle. “Sorry.”

  He smiled. “I’m the one to apologize. I’ll show you to your room.”

  He prepared the room at the top of the stairs for her. Before Gillian shut her door, she saw him enter his own room located across the hall. She should have been pleased he respected her enough to honor her wishes, but instead she felt a stab of disappointment. He didn’t even try to make advances. Then she chastised herself. What did she expect since she hit him when he had tried to kiss her, and she told him she was in love with another man?

  She shut her door and leaned against it. “I need to go home and soon.”


  After a restless night, Gillian awoke to murmuring voices from downstairs. One voice she recognized as Zachary’s, and the other voice she heard definitely belonged to a woman. She immediately threw back the covers and slipped out of bed. She put on the dress she wore yesterday since she lacked a wardrobe full of clothes. She glanced at her wrapped feet. There was no way she was going to put on those horribly tight shoes. She’d go bare foot first. Then her eyes caught sight of her Nikes and socks by the door. She smiled. Obviously when they left the riverboat, Zachary took them with him. Bless the man for his consideration. She carefully put the socks over her wrapped feet and slipped on the comfortable tennis shoes.

  The sun shone through the window, casting rays on the hardwood floor. She looked around, inspecting her chambers. Sadly, she found it to be as cold and dreary as the library. She didn’t understand it. She knew Zachary to be a passionate man if she could judge him by the way he kissed her, but it was as if this house didn’t matter to him.

  The furniture, like the other rooms she had been in were beautifully carved, but the drapes and comforter were a cream color that blended into the walls. At a further glance, she noticed there was absolutely no color to brighten up the place. She shuddered inwardly. Spending too much time in this cheerless room would eventually send anyone into a deep depression. If she was to stay here any length of time, she vowed to make changes, but first, she needed to find a brush. Her gaze ventured to the dresser. She found more than she had hoped. There was a comb, brush and a water basin. She smiled again. Zachary may not know how to decorate a home, but he did know how to please a woman. She washed her face and brushed her long auburn strands free from tangles. She left it loose and flowing down her back. She then ventured downstairs to find out whom Zachary entertained.


  “I cannot believe my own ears, Zachary Creighton. Why don’t you want to make a grand display of your marriage? At least, let me enjoy that much, since you didn’t have the decency to invite me to the wedding.” Walking, cane in hand, the older woman made her way to the sofa. She took a seat, her eyes pinning Zachary with a glare that spoke of authority. He leaned against the fireplace mantle, his jaw muscles moving back and forth, as he clenched his teeth.

  Gillian took in the scene at the doorway of the library. Smiling her sweetest smile, she greeted the two in the room. “Good morning. Isn’t it a spectacular day?”

  Zachary’s gaze riveted to hers a frown penetrating his features. He obviously failed to see the wonder of the day. Discussing his sudden voyage into matrimony probably didn’t help his disposition. Gillian chose to ignore his glare of warning. Instead, she turned her full attention to the silver-haired woman seated on the sofa. She wore a mauve colored dress, long and full with a lace collar to cover her neck. Even though the day proved warm, she wore a V-shaped jacket to match. Fine smile lines etched her still attractive features. The woman stood. She gripped a cane with a gold top, but as far as Gillian could see, she really didn’t need the use of one. She walked toward her with authority, proving the cane was more of a showpiece.

  The woman circled around Gillian. She finally stopped in front of her. Neither one wavered from their gaze. Gillian then noticed the twinkle of amusement in the older woman’s eyes, blue eyes, exactly the same shade as Zachary’s. The woman had to be a relative. In the next moment, her suspicions were confirmed. The woman smiled warmly and stated rather than asked, “So you’re the woman my grandson has married. I do believe you’ve made a splendid choice, Zachary.” She said this without ever looking at him. “She’s breathtaking with all that ravishingly gorgeous auburn hair. Is there Irish blood running through your veins?”

  Gillian’s brows rose at the odd question, but before she could answer, Zachary explained, “Lotti,” she couldn’t help but notice he didn’t call this woman, grandma. “…insists the best people in the world have Irish blood running through their veins.”

  “It’s true.” Zachary’s grandmother defended her beliefs. “My husband, God rest his soul, was a wond
erful man, but he was English through and through. I am convinced the blue blood ruined Zachary’s father.”

  Seeing the look of bewilderment on Gillian’s face, Lotti nervously glanced at her grandson. “Didn’t you tell her anything about the family?”

  “I told you it was a fast courtship.”

  Gillian thought if his grandmother knew how hasty it really was, she’d have a coronary.

  Lotti turned her attention back to Gillian. “Well let me tell you, since it seems Zachary has failed to do so himself. Let’s take a seat, first.” They walked back to the sofa.

  “I see you found your shoes,” Zachary commented as he nodded toward her feet.

  “Yes.” Gillian looked at them before she met his gaze with a smile. “Thank you.”

  Lotti blinked and pursed her lips in distaste, but she remained the perfect lady and didn’t say anything. She sat next to Gillian on the sofa. “Now let me give you a brief history about the Creightons.”

  “Should I bar the exits? She might make a run for it.” Zachary’s sarcasm didn’t sit well with his grandmother.

  Lotti’s gray brows drew together. “Hush now.”

  “Sorry, Lotti, go ahead. Tell all the Creighton secrets. If anything it should prove entertaining.”

  Lotti waved a hand at her grandson to hush him. “Zachary’s father, my son, was a good for nothing, all though lovable, a loser.”

  She doesn’t mince words, does she? Gillian thought.

  “Everything he touched turned sour. He could not hold his liquor and he was an impossible gambler. He lost everything: his respect and his family. His wife died of a broken heart, and finally my son lost his own life in a fight. However, before he died, he forfeited the most prized possession: Creighton Manor that my husband built with his own sweat and money. The man who owns it now is Cyrus Locke, though I have no idea why the man keeps it. The house survived the Yankees, yet Cyrus has let it slowly decay, while he lives in his own grand home on the hill.”

  Gillian glanced at Zachary for confirmation. "Cyrus was on the Ida Belle, wasn’t he?"

  Zachary nodded. "Yes, he was there at our wedding,” he stressed and she realized he was also the man responsible for their predicament.

  Lotti continued the story, “As much as I was saddened by the loss of Creighton Manor, it was just a place. Home is where your heart is.”

  Zachary snorted with a wave of his hand, indicating he didn’t agree with his grandmother.

  She chose to ignore him. “Zachary has been obsessed with trying to win the manor back. He has followed Cyrus Locke for years, entering the same games with him, trying to win all his holdings. Therefore, you can imagine my surprise when I ran into Josephine Locke this morning, and she told me about the two of you getting married. I had given up hope that Zachary would ever find anyone. But, I do have to say, I am most pleased he did.”

  Obviously, Josephine Locke had decided not to reveal the true circumstances of their marriage.

  “So is there… any Irish in your family, that is?” Zachary’s grandmother asked the question once again.

  “I really don’t know. My father used to say we were about everything you could think of.”

  “Used to?”

  “Both my parents have passed away. My mom, when I was a few years old and my father two years ago.”

  “You poor dear,” Lotti said sympathetically. “You were orphaned like Zachary and…” She turned toward her grandson. “You have told her about Tyler haven’t you?”

  “I have. Matter of fact, Gillian has agreed to tutor him. She was a school teacher before she came here.”

  “How splendid, but I do say, I don’t know how much learning he will do once he sees how pretty his teacher is.”

  Gillian felt heat rise in her face.

  “Now…” Lotti continued, “… we must plan the wedding celebration so everyone can meet you.”

  Gillian’s eyes darted nervously to Zachary. They couldn’t have a reception with the marriage actually being a ruse. Then she realized what Zachary and his grandmother had been talking about before she came downstairs.

  “We don’t want to make a big fuss over this,” Zachary told his grandmother. “That is why we had a small ceremony on the Ida Belle.”

  “Nonsense, you must have a reception. You’ll insult all our friends if you do not.”

  Zachary was getting nowhere in this argument. “Mrs. Creighton?” Gillian drew her attention.

  “Please, call me Lotti. Everyone does. Mrs. Creighton is so stuffy and grandma makes me feel like a hundred.”

  “Lotti.” Gillian smiled. “I would love to meet all your friends, but I don’t have anything appropriate to wear.” She glanced down, indicating her oversized dress. “My arrival here was…well, let’s say somewhat unexpected.”

  “Not a problem. I have my garments made by a wonderful woman in town. She will be glad to make you an entire wardrobe. Zachary can afford it. I hate to admit it, but unlike his father, he is a successful gambler.”

  “Lotti, I will take care of Gillian’s wardrobe, but we don’t want a reception,” Zachary protested. “Please honor my—”

  A thunderous knock at the front door interrupted him. “If you’ll excuse me.” He reluctantly left the room to answer it.

  Gillian recognized who it was by his voice before he came sauntering into the room. He immediately went over to Lotti and took her hand, planting a kiss on it. “Lotti, it is so good to see you again.”

  “Ellery, you handsome devil.”

  “Now, now Lotti…” He turned toward Gillian. He was about to take her hand, but he caught Zachary’s scowl and thought better of it. He rubbed his jaw obviously remembering what happened yesterday when he kissed her. He feigned tipping an imaginary hat with a bow. “It is good to see you again, Gillian. I do hope your first night as a married woman went reasonably well?”

  “It did.” Zachary moved beside his friend and gave Gillian a warning look to not to say anything to the contrary.

  She smiled sweetly. “Zachary was very attentive, thank you.”

  “Too bad.” Ellery sounded wounded. “I was hoping you had tired of Zachary and would want to run away with me.”

  Lotti tapped Ellery lightly on the foot with her cane. “You have not changed a bit, Ellery Livingston, still chasing after another man’s wife. It is a good thing that you are a lawyer so you can defend yourself from your unsavory deeds.” She teased but Gillian would bet there was a bit of the truth there too.

  He put his hand over his heart pretending to be offended. “You hurt me to the core.”

  “Oh, get on with you.” She waived her hand at him. “But, since you are here, perhaps you can convince these two to have a reception. Both seem reluctant about announcing their marriage.”

  Ellery met Zachary’s gaze then hers. The man knew they wished to avoid the unwanted publicity, but his smile turned into a mischievous grin. Gillian knew they were doomed. “You must have a reception, or are you afraid of what Violet will do once she finds out she has been jilted?”

  “Peugh!” Lotti nearly snorted. “That girl is not worth mentioning.”

  Gillian’s gaze landed on Zachary. His nervous stance and furrowed brows told her Violet meant something to him, someone important in his life. His eyes narrowed, giving the impression he’d like to strangle Ellery for even mentioning her name. Oh, she couldn’t let this go.

  “Who is Violet, honey?” Gillian’s voice dripped sweet like honey, but she made sure she shot Zachary a withering glance.

  Ellery willingly volunteered Zachary’s involvement with Violet. “Oh Zach, you can’t have secrets from your wife,” he jibed.

  “How come you seem to know all about being married when you have never been married yourself?” Zachary snapped back.

  “Gillian, I’ll tell you.” Ellery refused to be put off. “Violet was Zachary’s fiancée… before you that is. Hmm.” He tapped his chin. “Interesting. It seems Zachary has a thing for redheads.”
  Lotti harrumphed. “Gillian’s hair is auburn. Violet’s hair looks like it’s about to burst into flames.”

  Ellery chuckled. “Matches that fiery temper of hers, I’d say.”

  Gillian only half listened now as she recognized the dilemma. If Violet had been Zachary’s fiancée before they were married, then she was still promised to him. “Violet was your fiancée?” Gillian asked. A million emotions swept down on her. One felt disturbingly like jealousy. Gillian didn’t like it. What right did she have to be envious? She didn’t have time to dwell on it, Lotti fussed, while making excuses for her grandson.

  “Now, now, don’t worry about Violet Ellsworth, dear. She will have to get over the fact that Zachary has found his soul mate.” Lotti patted Gillian’s hand. “Violet had grand ideas of being Mrs. Creighton. They were never officially promised, nor would they ever have been.”

  Ellery chuckled, a grin plastered to his face. “Violet will be spitting mad when she hears about the nuptials.”

  Gillian met Ellery’s gaze and shook her head. He knew Lotti was in the dark about how the loving couple truly met. Soul mates, indeed. He better keep his mouth shut. If anyone was going to tell her, they would.

  Zachary nudged Ellery to get his attention, giving him a warning look to be quiet. Ellery sighed and mouthed, “Don’t worry.” Good, he wouldn’t give them away, but he couldn’t seem to wipe the silly grin off his face.

  Zachary glanced Gillian’s way and saw the hurt look in her eyes as if he had betrayed her in some way. Surely, she should understand that he had a life before her, but still he felt like a complete heel. “Listen,” he began searching for just the right words to make light of this situation. “I never told Violet I would marry her.” He wondered why he felt the need to defend himself. It wasn’t as if he had been unfaithful to Gillian.

  “No? Well, tell that to Violet,” Ellery added. “Frankly though, I have to say you did so much better for yourself. Violet is beautiful, but that woman is extremely selfish and that temper of hers is downright scary.” He shuddered. “She’d have made your life miserable.”


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