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Creighton Manor

Page 17

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  Gillian was exhausted beyond reason. She tried staying awake by sitting up straight. However, as they continued their trot home, her eyes kept drooping. She would have fallen off the horse, but he pulled her against him. She tried to struggle to sit up again, but he insisted. Finally she gave up and gave into the exhaustion.

  Zachary had his arms securely around her as he held onto the reins. Gillian had snuggled close to him in her sleep. God knew, he didn't want to argue with her, but it seemed that was all they were capable of doing. A relationship with her seemed utterly impossible since she wanted to fight him at every turn. Yet he knew he didn’t want to give up on them. He felt a connection with her that he couldn’t explain. If he lost her, he didn’t know what he would do, and because of that idiotic bet he made with her, it might be exactly what was going to happen. He lost no matter what he did. He couldn’t end the wager, but if he won Creighton Manor, he was going to lose Gillian. He was sure she would demand her release from him. Even though, he didn’t want to let her go, he was a man of his word. He wouldn’t force her to stay with him.


  Gillian awoke to the sound of Tyler running down the hall and Dora yelling after him to stop. She sat up in bed and tried to recall if last night had really happened. The slight headache told her it hadn’t been a dream. Those weren’t the only aches she was experiencing. However, those aches were welcomed. Zachary’s kisses and the way he made her body crave his touch. He said he wasn’t sorry it happened. If she would admit the truth, she wasn’t entirely sorry about it either.

  She managed to slide out of bed and splash some cold water on her face before she dressed and headed downstairs. Lotti and Zachary were seated in the formal dining room, each nursing a cup of tea.

  Lotti noticed her first. “You poor, poor dear. Zachary was just telling me about your adventure last night. How are you feeling this morning?"

  "I'm fine." Gillian assured her. Her gaze found Zachary’s. He had risen from his seat. The swelling on the side of his head had gone down and the bruise didn’t look half as bad as it did last night.

  "Come, dear." Lotti took her arm and led her to the table.

  Zachary quickly went to her side and pulled out a chair for her to sit down. He then poured her a cup of tea. The special attention took Gillian by surprise. What was he up to?

  Zachary sat down again. "How are you feeling this morning?"

  "I’m fine. I was thinking the same thing about you. How’s your head."

  He lightly touched his bruised temple. "It's a little tender, but I think I will live."

  "Not at the rate you’re going." Lotti snorted, unhappily. "You need to put an end to this Zachary for your sake as well as for everyone else’s."

  "What are you suggesting?"

  "Call off the bet. Give up your obsession with Creighton Manor and make a home with Gillian and Tyler."

  "I can't let it go, not when I'm this close. I have my reasons,” Zachary said as he came to his feet. He looked at Gillian as if he wanted to say more, but couldn’t find the right words. He inhaled deeply and his eyelids lowered in a deliberate blink of frustration. “I have to go.” He spun on his heels and stalked out of the room.

  "He's a stubborn fool." Lotti shook her head sadly.

  “Don’t I know it.” Gillian reached for the silver creamer and added a splash of milk to her tea. “I believe I’ll take my tea out front if you don’t mind.”

  “No dear, I don’t mind at all. Some fresh air will do you wonders.”

  “Thank you, Lottie. Would you like to join me?”

  “I would love to, but I need to tend to some business.” She patted her hand. “Enjoy your morning.”

  Gillian went outside to the porch. She spotted Zachary and Tyler taking turns throwing a stick to Molly. She placed her teacup on the table and walked to the edge of the porch to watch them play. Molly barked and ran in and out of the Gazebo before she returned with her prize.

  Tyler finally spotted her. “Aunt Gillian!” He waved and ran over to greet her. He threw his arms around her waist, giving her a big bear hug.

  "I'm so glad you’re okay." He looked up with his deep brown eyes and smiled.

  "I guess you heard about our little adventure?”

  Tyler nodded as he released her.

  Zachary had walked over to them. "I knew that he would hear about it sooner or later. I decided it was best that it came from me."

  Gillian nodded in agreement.

  There was an awkward silence before Zachary added. "Are you ready to head home?"

  Home, but it should be his home. It shouldn’t be hers. Zachary had welcomed her into his world and she had gladly accepted. She hadn’t wanted to, but she cared for all the Creightons... all the Creightons. Her gaze locked onto Zachary’s and like always her body tingled with awareness. He’s not for you, Gillian. He can’t be.

  “Gillian, are you all right?”

  She blinked and looked away. No, I’m not all right. However, she didn’t voice the words. She cleared her throat. "I’m ready to go whenever you are.”


  Cyrus sat at one of the tables in the back of the saloon, giving him the view of the entire room. The place was near to empty this early in the morning. A quiet game of cards was being played at a table near the bar. Cheap cigar smoke wafted in the air, tickling his nose.

  Mitzi, one of the better-looking saloon girls sat at another table with one of the Hendricks boys. The lad couldn’t be more than seventeen. He wondered if his mother knew he spent time here. He cringed when Mitzi let out a squeal and laughed, making him wish she’d take the boy upstairs. Her cackling pried on his nerves.

  He twirled his glass, watching the amber liquid swirl around. He wanted Zachary out of his life and he could almost taste the victory, but he wanted reassurance. He hired Edward T. Willis to check into the matter. He was to report his findings to him today.

  Finally, Edward entered the Saloon. He removed his brown Derby and scanned the room. Cyrus lifted his hand and Edward nodded as he headed toward him.

  "Well?" Cyrus was impatient for the information and skipped the pleasantries.

  Edward slid a chair out and sat down. "I spoke to Leathers as you asked. Nice gent by the way.”

  “I didn’t pay you to befriend the man.” Sarcasm laced his words.

  Edward cleared his throat. “Leathers is sure he will have no trouble beating Cannon and his Robert E. Lee."

  Cyrus relaxed and sat back in his seat. A slow smile spread across his face. He had a sure bet. Zachary would lose and he would be forced to stay clear of the gambling tables. "Now that is what I wanted to hear." He sat forward again. “Did he say when this race was actually going to take place?" He hoped soon. He couldn’t wait to see Creighton’s face when he lost.

  "Tomorrow. He asked me to keep this under my hat though. Remember they put disclaimers in the paper stating, they wouldn’t stage a race."

  "Don't worry; I have no intentions of uttering a word." He grinned. “Join me in a drink, Edward.”

  “Don’t mind if I do, sir.”

  “Good, good.” He waved to Vincent, who was manning the bar. “We need a bottle of your finest here and two clean glasses if you please. We have reason to celebrate.”

  “Coming right up, Mr. Locke,” the bartender yelled back.



  Samantha made the call to Jerry's office and waited for the receptionist to connect her. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she heard his deep baritone voice.

  "What's wrong, Samantha? Stephanie told me it was an emergency."

  Stephanie, Jerry’s receptionist had wanted her to leave a message, but Samantha insisted she needed to speak to Jerry. "I'm sorry, I didn’t want to disturb you at work, but I didn’t know who else to call. No one will listen to me.”

  “Has something happened?”

  “Yes, something has happened. I can’t find Gillian anywhere
. She’s gone.”

  "She's probably out, shopping or something and lost track of time. I'm sure she'll be back soon.”

  Jerry remained polite, but Samantha didn’t miss the patronizing tone in his voice. "You don't understand,” Samantha hurried to explain. “We were staying aboard the Queen Mary. Gillian went back to the room to change her clothes. When she never returned, I went to find out what was taking her so long. She wasn’t there. She wasn’t anywhere. She’s not on the friggin’ ship!”

  “You’re on the Queen Mary?”

  “Isn’t that what I’ve been saying?” Her voice rose hysterically.

  “Okay, okay. Let’s think rationally. Did you drive there?”

  “We took her car and yes, it’s still in the parking lot. This isn’t like Gillian. She wouldn’t have left without saying anything.”

  “Normally I would agree, but Gillian hasn’t exactly been acting like herself lately.”

  Samantha understood why Jerry felt that way. Gillian and Jerry had been together for three years. Then Gillian up and ended their relationship as if it had meant nothing.

  "As much as I would like to not think about this,” Jerry said, “could it be possible Gillian is with her boyfriend?”

  What was he talking about? Gillian didn’t have a boyfriend. Then she remembered. Gillian had told Jerry she was seeing someone else. She didn't want to contribute to the lie, but to explain everything now would take too long. "She can't be with him," she said. "He's out of town on business. He won't be back until next week." She cringed at the lie.

  "Oh,” he managed to say. “I had wondered if she told you she was seeing someone else.”

  “Jerry, I can’t wrap my head around what you’re feeling right now. I know Gillian hurt you, but if you cared about her at all, please help me here.”

  He sighed heavily. “I do care about her, but I’m not sure what I can do except maybe lend some moral support.”

  "Thanks Jerry." Samantha gave him the room number before she hung up the phone.

  It was the longest hour that she had ever waited, but finally, Jerry knocked on the cabin door. She swung the door open. He stood tall, tanned and completely gorgeous. He was a knight in shining armor ready to save the damsel in distress even though the damsel had spurned him. Either he was a glutton for punishment or he was one nice guy. She moved aside for him to enter the cabin.

  "You were both staying here?" Jerry asked looking over the stateroom for signs of some kind of struggle.


  “Was anything missing?” He turned to look at her.

  “No.” She shook her head then stopped. “Wait, her purse. Her purse isn’t here. I'm worried, Jerry. I’m aware she's been acting weird, but I know she wouldn’t just leave and not tell me where she was going."

  He shrugged. "I don't have any suggestions, Samantha. I haven't spoken with Gillian since...”

  Samantha felt bad for him. He couldn't even bring himself to say, since they broke up.

  Heck, she couldn’t believe Gillian broke up with him either. They never fought. They shared similar tastes. They were one couple she thought would spend the rest of their lives together.

  Jerry had dark circles under his eyes and his gaze showed his exhaustion. He wanted answers to what went wrong with the relationship, but Gillian had failed to tell the truth. She put her hand on his arm. "I'm sorry. I should have realized how difficult this would be for you."

  "No, it's all right," Jerry assured her. "Gillian and I may not be together as a couple anymore, but I can't just pretend I don’t care about her. I would have been upset if you hadn't called me."

  She stared at him for a moment before she nodded. He meant every word. "What should we do? No one here will talk to me. Matter of fact it’s almost like they are afraid to say anything."

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s weird. The whole thing has been creepy.” She hugged herself as she nervously glanced around the room. “This room is haunted.”

  Jerry lifted his eyebrows.

  “No, it’s true. They said so at the front desk, and I can sense that something is wrong with this room.”

  “You’ve let your imagination go wild. This is the Queen Mary. They offer haunted tours. This room is no more haunted than my house is. It’s just a marketing tool to draw people in.”

  “No, it isn’t a marketing tool. When Gillian never showed up last night, I found the receptionist that checked us in, hoping she would help me. Do you want to know what she had the audacity to say to me?”

  “Oh this I have to hear.”

  “I shouldn’t worry because they always show up sooner or later.”

  “What is that suppose to mean?”

  “I have no idea, but before I could ask, she was whisked away by another employee.”

  Jerry headed for the door turning to look at Samantha as he opened it. “Let’s go find this receptionist and question her a little further, shall we?”


  June 30th 1870

  Gillian’s insides twisted as dread filled her, June 30 had arrived. The day of the big race which would change her life forever. Zachary would win back Creighton Manor in three days, eighteen hours and fourteen minutes. She wouldn’t be with Zachary anymore. She would be granted her release and he could make his life with Violet. The thought of him being with that awful woman turned her stomach. She shouldn’t care what he did with his life, but for some reason her heart ached anyway.

  Zachary must have realized their relationship was hopeless. He kept his distance, making it painfully obvious he was fine with the arrangement of separate rooms. She knew she told him: Hands off. However, when did that ever stop him?

  “What’s wrong with me?” she mumbled to herself. “You can’t have it both ways. Either you want him or you don’t.” She didn’t know anymore. She cancelled her wedding with Jerry because of her dreams and they had dated for three years. She knew Jerry. Knew what he liked to have for breakfast and knew how he liked his coffee. In retrospect, she didn’t know Zachary at all and yet she contemplated forgetting about the dreams.

  She liked how Zachary’s mouth curved into a lazy smile, his sense of humor and the way he looked at her as if she were the only person in the room. If she went back to her time, she’d even miss their bantering… among other things. She couldn’t deny the chemistry they shared like they were meant to be together. She shook her head. Impossible, since she technically hadn’t been born yet. She didn’t want to think about it anymore. She wanted to go home. Hopefully, the twist of fate that brought her here was to help Zachary win Creighton Manor. If this were the case, then it would soon be over.

  Gillian went downstairs and into the library in search of a new book to read. She picked one off the shelf. She heard the knock at the front door and Dora answering it. She was surprised to hear Ellery’s voice. Since the misunderstanding that occurred at Lotti's, they hadn’t heard from him. Dora led him to the library then went to find Zachary.

  "It's good to see you again, Gillian." Ellery removed his hat and stood a safe distance away. He no doubt didn’t want to enrage Zachary again by standing too close to her.

  "It's good to see you, too.” Gillian truly meant it. She had actually missed his teasing good nature.

  "I'm hoping Zachary will feel the same way as you do."

  A pang of remorse shot through her. Zachary and Ellery had been good friends. Now look at them. "I'm sorry about what happened. I feel responsible. Is there anything I can do to help patch things up?”

  "Don't worry about us. We have been friends for a long time. We'll be fine," he said with a shrug. “Zachary is acting irrational because he doesn’t understand his feelings for you.”

  She stared at him and moistened her lips. “What do you mean?”

  “He’s never wanted anything except Creighton Manor. It’s no wonder he doesn’t recognize he’s in love with you.”

  She chuckled nervously and shook her head. “I don�
�t think—”

  “He is. You can accept it or not, but the truth is there. You’re in love with him, too, if you’d care to admit it. I’ve never seen two more stubborn fools, but hey, who am I to judge?” He chuckled. “Listen to me babble when I came here baring good news. The race is on, but I suppose you already knew that."

  Gillian sighed. "Yes, I did."

  "Why such the long face?” He had to ask. "I thought that you would be ecstatic to prove your story to Zachary."

  "Yes, but in three days, it will all be over. My life will never be the same again."

  “What do you mean it won’t be the same? Is something going to happen?”

  She gave him a brave smile. “It’ll be all right, Ellery.”

  His brows furrowed. He looked like he wanted to question her further, but Zachary walked into the room.

  Zachary was glad to see his old friend, as well as embarrassed about how he had last treated him at Lotti’s. He had mulled things over and had concluded he had misinterpreted Ellery and Gillian’s embrace. Gillian had told him Ellery was only comforting her; he believed her. Ellery had the reputation of being a lady's man, but he was a true friend and he should have known better. Ellery would never show anything but honorable attentions toward his wife.

  Their eyes met, neither knowing exactly how to approach the other. Zachary felt he should make the first move, since Ellery had been man enough to come to his home to face him. Without a word, he took the steps that separated them. He embraced Ellery, slapping him affectionately on the back. Ellery was happy to return the gesture of friendship.

  "I’m truly sorry, Ellery. I was rash and should have listened to what you had to say."

  "There's no need to apologize. The incident is long forgotten."

  Zachary smiled. “Stay and have a drink with me."

  “I’ll take my book upstairs.” Gillian decided to make her exit. “Goodnight, Ellery.”


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