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Creighton Manor

Page 19

by Karen Michelle Nutt

"Sure, I see no reason not to tell you. I'm not in a rush to be anywhere." With her left hand, Violet patted her reddish curls as if one would dare be out of place. Her blouse was pure white with an intricate lace collar; her skirt pressed, and her shoes polished to look brand new. She looked the picture of innocence; making it seem unbelievable she’d have a gun with the intent to use it. For a split second, Gillian thought about taking a chance and throwing herself at Violet, but the gleam in the woman’s eyes spoke of insanity. She had no doubt if Violet were provoked she’d blow her away without a qualm.

  Violet shook her head. "You see my little vixen you have messed up the scheme of things. I've wanted Zachary for so long. I have been very patient, too. For years, I had to hear him talk about this precious house, but I thought in time, he’d give up his silly dream of stealing it from Cyrus. Until then, I could wait. Then you showed up. Where did you come from, anyway? I've never seen you before. I would have known if Zachary were seeing anyone in town. Everyone knows to stay clear of what I want."

  "Listen..." Gillian tried to coax. "If you want Zachary—"

  "Shut up!" Violet screamed at her. Her eyes blazed wide with anger. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say. You ruined everything. Zachary was supposed to marry me, not you. He was supposed to love me." She nearly choked out the words.

  Gillian almost felt sorry for her. In the woman's own demented way, she felt she’d been wronged and maybe she had been. "Were you responsible for the attack at the dock, too?"

  "Of course," she replied with smugness.

  "But if you wanted Zachary for yourself, why would you try to kill him?”

  "Because I was angry with him." She shrugged, as if this explained everything. "I wanted him dead because he betrayed me. You don’t know how furious I was with you, when I heard you had saved him. I had Zachary followed and the second attempt to kill him was foiled, too. The stupid kid was supposed to shoot him, but got scared when Zachary shot back. Later, when I could think clearly, I was glad. I thought to myself, why should I be without what I want? I should simply take back what was mine. I tried to convince Zachary at your wedding reception that he had made a terrible mistake, but he wouldn’t listen to reason. Luckily, I had a backup plan just in case. I hired those men ahead of time to kidnap, Zachary. I was going to hold him until he realized all his mistakes, but again you interfered. You weren't supposed to be taken. You ruined another plan.” She stomped her foot. “Then I realized my folly." Violet tapped her head. “I was going about this the wrong way. I needed to eliminate you. If you were gone, things would be simple. I could cradle the grieving Zachary, and in time, he would turn to me. I knew I couldn’t kidnap you by myself, but the man who attacked Zachary on the dock could, and once he did, I sent the ransom note to Zachary.”

  Hearing this Gillian could have cried with joy, at least there was a chance for a rescue, but Violet’s next onslaught of words quickly extinguished all hope.

  "Truly your optimism is amusing. I asked for a lot of money. So much that Zachary would have to put this very house up for sale." She waved the gun around the room just to emphasize what she was implying. "We both know he would never do that. He loves this house more than anything. He would never give it up, and I bargained on it. Therefore, you see no ransom money, no rescue, and of course that means the kidnappers would have to kill you. That was their threat by the way." She shook her head. "Poor Dane, he didn’t know of my full plan. While he was to meet with Zachary for the ransom money, which we both know Zachary will not show, I would come here and take care of business. Of course, Dane would be blamed for the murder and if not, Cyrus would be under suspicion, being that your body would be found in this attic. I'd really hate to be the one to find you after days in this sweltering heat. You won't be so pretty then, will you?” She moved closer and Gillian took a step back.

  "Stop moving!" Violet bellowed then fell silent when she heard the low growl behind her.

  “Rrrufff…rrrufff.” Molly’s growl deepened. She had entered through the open door. She crouched low, ready to spring.

  Violet whipped around, intending to shoot Molly.

  This would be the only chance Gillian would have. She grabbed the chair, but Violet heard her movements and swiveled back to face the threat. Gillian didn’t hesitate as she brought the chair down upon Violet's head, just as the woman pulled the trigger.


  Zachary tied up the kidnapper, whose name was Dane Patterson. He threw him in the barn, while Ellery went into town to find the sheriff. Zachary rode his mount fast and hard. His only thought was to reach Creighton Manor and Gillian.

  Luckily, with a little convincing on Ellery and Zachary’s part, it didn't take much for Dane to spill his guts. They were shocked to learn Cyrus hadn’t been the one behind any of the attacks. It had been Violet the entire time. Sure they had known the woman possessed a temper, but kidnapping and murder? She had obviously lost her hold on reality. Zachary didn’t want to imagine what she had planned for Gillian.

  He rode his horse right up to the steps of Creighton Manor. He heard the gun go off, the sound splitting the night air. A cold knot in his stomach chilled him to the bone. He jumped from his mount and raced to the front door, kicking it open. He knew from what Dane had told him that Gillian had been tied up in the attic.

  Cold fear gripped him. He couldn’t be too late. He charged up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time. The house stood in darkness and he saw the long skirts and knew a woman bounded down them at a blinding speed. She collided into him and it took all his strength to hold onto her and not tumble down the stairs.

  “Let me go, you bastard!”

  “Gillian? Oh thank God. Gillian, it’s me, Zachary.” He took hold of her shoulders and shook her. It took a second before recognition registered. She let out a sob and threw her arms around his neck.

  “You came,” she said drawing in a ragged breath as another sob escaped her.

  He held her tight. His eyes had adjusted to the dim lighting and he could see Molly sitting at the top of the stairs, cocking her head and whining. “I heard a gun go off.”

  She pushed away from him. He waited for her to catch her breath so she could speak. “Violet tried to kill me.”

  He swallowed hard as he wiped a tear from her cheek. “Where is she?”

  “In the attic . . . I hit her with the chair.”

  “Stay here.” He took out his gun and cautiously moved toward the attic door. Slowly peeking in, he spotted Violet sprawled on the ground, broken pieces of wood scattered everywhere. Only the rise and fall of her chest told him she still lived.

  He hadn’t realized that Gillian had come up behind him until he heard her voice. “Is she…”

  “No.” Zachary pulled her into his arms, rubbing her back and trying to comfort her as she wept.

  It wasn't too much longer before Ellery, the sheriff and two deputies arrived. As soon as they could, they took the unconscious Violet away. Ellery walked over to Zachary. "I’ll stop by tomorrow.” He put a hand on Gillian’s shoulder. She nodded and gave him a shadow of a smile.

  Zachary led his mount toward home with Gillian leaning against him in silence. He had almost lost her. The realization of it nearly choked him. He tightened his hold around her as if he could keep her safe forever in his embrace.


  After he explained to Lotti what had happened, he checked on Tyler, who was sleeping soundly. Then he headed to Gillian’s room. She sat up in bed, her legs tucked against her body and she rested her chin on her knees. She looked up when he entered, her gaze warily seeking his.

  "I thought you’d be sleeping. I didn’t mean to disturb you. I just wanted to make sure you were all right.”

  "Will you sit with me awhile?” He placed the lamp on the nightstand before he sat down on the edge of the bed. He thought she just wanted the company, but then she spoke. Her words tore at his heart. "Violet told me you wouldn't come. She said she asked
for so much money that you’d have to sell Creighton Manor.”

  He knew what lay behind her words. She doubted he would protect her. "You didn't believe her, did you? You knew I would come for you.”


  He’d been so scared he’d lost her, but it forced him to face his true feelings. He loved her and he wanted her to be with him for always. To hell with the bet he made with her. He didn’t want her to leave. She belonged with him whether she believed it or not. He planned on proving it to her.

  As much as he wanted to proclaim his love, he thought it best to wait. Too much had happened for one night and he knew his stubborn wife would fight him on this.

  He caressed her cheek, rubbing his thumb gently over her chin. “Gillian.” She met his gaze. “Please believe me; I would never let anything happen to you. You’re my responsibility and I will always take care of you."

  "Oh. You’re responsible for me.”

  “Well…yes.” He didn’t know what she hinted at, but somehow he had said something to upset her. "Gillian, your safety is all that matters to me." He pulled her toward him, kissing the top on her head. "If something would have happened to you today, I would have wanted to die myself.”

  She met his gaze as if she looked for the truth of his words.


  "Would you hold me, like you did when we spent the night at the Bowyer Hotel?"

  "Sure." He put out the light and she moved over so he could slide beneath the covers. He held her against him, as he gently caressed her brow. He heard her sniffle and his hand paused. "Are you crying?"

  "Yes, but I don't know why.”

  "Shush now. It will be all right. You had a bad scare that’s all, but you’re safe now."

  "I can’t take anymore.”

  “You’re a fighter, Gillian. You’ll be all right. I promise.”

  “Even a fighter gets tired. I’m so tired, Zachary. I want to go home." Her voice broke with a ragged breath. "I just want to go home," she repeated as he gently rocked her.

  He’d never met a woman like Gillian before, time travel aside. She had a spirited mind, fighting him when she thought him wrong. To see her so down, frightened him. He should have kept her safe. He failed and now she wanted to go back to her time. He sighed. “Your century must be wonderful with no crime.”

  She sniffled and chuckled at the same time. “Unfortunately, crime still exists, but I try to stay clear of questionable areas. I live a simple life, Zachary. I teach fourth grade. I may break up a few fights on the playground, but that’s all. This century doesn’t seem to want me here. I’ve had knives thrown at me.”


  She squeezed his hand, but continued. “I’ve been shot at and kidnapped.”

  “Don’t forget forced to marry me,” he added.

  She sighed. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”


  She looked at him. “I haven’t had a family for so long, Zachary. Thank you for sharing yours with me.”

  He kissed the top of head. “You’re welcome.”

  She snuggled close again. He couldn’t change what happened to her and he couldn’t send her home since time travel was beyond his capabilities. However, he could hold her and comfort her and hopefully in time, she’d forget about her life before she married him.


  Gillian chose the light blue dress with the pink sash. She debated about putting on her Nikes, but at the last moment, decided she’d wear the matching shoes. She tied her long hair behind her with a blue satin ribbon to match.

  Now ready to face the day, she went downstairs to the kitchen. Tyler and Zachary were already sitting at the table for breakfast.

  Zachary rose from his seat as she entered and pulled out a chair for her. "You look better."

  She smiled back reassuring him. "I do feel better. Thank you." She sat down and Zachary pushed in her chair. He then dished her out some eggs and poured her a cup of coffee before he sat down again.

  She took a sip of the dark liquid and closed her eyes, savoring the flavor. This was exactly what she needed this morning. When she opened her eyes, she noticed both Zachary and Tyler were staring at her.


  "Nothing," they both answered at the same time and looked away.

  Gillian put down her cup. "Listen." When she had their attention, she continued in a stern voice, "I'm fine, so you don't have to watch every move I make. Okay?"

  Tyler nodded. “Okay. Then may I be excused, Aunt Gillian, Uncle Zachary?”

  Gillian noticed he hadn’t finished his breakfast. The boy ate all day long. Him missing a meal concerned her. "Tyler, are you feeling all right?"

  He nodded, but he wouldn’t meet her gaze.

  She wasn’t convinced. "Your stomach's not bothering you again, is it?" She couldn’t help but notice he looked peaked and he had dark shadows under his eyes.

  "Oh no. Uh, uh, not this morning. I feel much better. Thank you.” Tyler looked to Zachary now. "Uncle Zachary, may I go outside and see if Molly is around? I didn't see her yesterday."

  "Yes, as long as you truly feel all right."

  “I feel fine.”

  “Then you may.”

  Tyler jumped out of his seat. "Thanks, Uncle Zachary." He pushed in his chair and ran out of the room, nearly knocking Ellery down in the process.

  "Whoa!" Ellery moved out of the way just in time.

  "Sorry, Mr. Livingston." Tyler barely managed to say before he was out of the house.

  Ellery removed his hat. "If I may say so, you do look much better this morning, Gillian.”

  "I feel much better, thank you."

  Ellery cleared his throat. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the sheriff does require you to make a statement of what happened at Creighton Manor.”

  “Absolutely not,” Zachary took the liberty of answering for Gillian. “She's been through enough. What more needs to be said? She was kidnapped, held at Creighton Manor and—" Gillian reached for his hand, causing him to stop the onslaught of words and look at her.

  "I’ll go into town and make a statement. Really, I'm all right with this. I would rather have it all over with so I can put it behind me."


  One of the sheriff’s deputies took the statement. His name was George Decon, a burly man with thick dark hair. He listened patiently and didn’t push when he asked for the information.

  “What will happen with Violet?” Gillian wondered.

  "That won’t be up to me mind you, but I do believe she will need special care. She regained consciousness, but…" He paused with a sigh. “The woman hasn’t said a word. She just stares and rocks back and forth. The Doc don’t rightly know if she will ever recover. He thought this might be the way she is dealing with the horror she's caused."

  "How awful," Gillian replied, actually feeling sorry for the woman.

  When they were finished with the paperwork, they headed out of the office. Zachary put on his hat as they started down the walkway. Gillian glanced at him. "In her own way, Violet really did love you. Her whole life was about you."

  "I didn’t encourage her. I swear Gillian, I never promised her anything."

  "I'm not trying to blame you. I was . . . you know, I don't know what I'm trying to say. What a shame that Violet didn’t have anything else to occupy her mind other than the obsession of having you."

  Zachary cleared his throat and she looked at him. She realized he thought she spoke of his obsession of Creighton Manor. Perhaps unconsciously she had.

  “Trust me Gillian, I know how an obsession can blind a person.”

  “Zachary, I didn’t—”

  “No, you should and know this: I won’t make the same mistake again. Come on, let's go home."


  When they arrived back at the house, Dora waited for them at the door, wringing her hands. "Something is terribly wrong with Tyler. I've tried everything. He's been
complaining about his stomach hurting so bad he can't stand it. In the last hour, he’s thrown up twice."

  “I thought he looked like he didn’t feel well this morning,” Gillian said as she followed Zachary and Dora up to Tyler’s room.

  The little boy lay on his bed curled up in a fetal position, moaning and clutching his side.

  When Zachary sat down on the edge of the bed, Tyler opened his eyes. "Uncle Zachary, I hurt something awful."

  “So I've heard. Let me take a look." Zachary rolled him over onto his back. "I'm going to push on a few spots. It might be a little uncomfortable, but I need to know where the pain is coming from.”

  Tyler nodded.

  Zachary put pressure on the right lower part of the abdomen and Tyler shuddered as he drew in a sharp breath.

  “That hurts," he sobbed, his eyes darkening with pain. “That hurts so bad.”

  "I'm sorry Tyler. I won't do that again." Zachary rolled him back onto his left side and walked out of the room.

  Gillian turned to follow, but stopped when she heard Molly barking outside. She went over to the window and parted the curtains. She couldn't imagine what aggravated her. She couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. She would have to go downstairs in a moment and call her inside.

  She stepped out into the hall to find Zachary, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and his hands clenched into a fist. Fear raced through her. Something was dreadfully wrong. "What do you think Tyler has?"

  Zachary’s broad shoulders heaved as he took a deep breath and stood straight to face her. "I've seen this before, during the war. This kid in my unit … he had fought four battles without a scratch, and then he ended up with this infection.”

  “What infection? What are you talking about?”

  His eyes alone betrayed the severity of the problem. “He has an infection of the vermiform process. It's in the lower part of the abdomen,” he explained. “He has all the symptoms. The pain on the right side when I apply pressure and the vomiting, it all adds up. It will eventually rupture and spread its poison."


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