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Creighton Manor

Page 25

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  "Shouldn't we at least try and find her?"

  "No. I say let nature take its course. One less mouth to feed around here is all the better. "


  Violet stumbled through the darkness, the will of survival on her side. She knew she couldn't go back to that place. She wasn’t crazy. She did what any other woman would do to protect the person she loved. She had to go home... to Zachary. He’d be waiting for her.


  Zachary and Tyler had made a trip into town. Zachary needed supplies and made a visit to the mercantile. Bought and paid for, he started to load the supplies onto the wagon. He spotted Josephine Locke walking toward them and cursed under his breath.

  It was hot and muggy with the threat of rain on its way. Josephine was breathing heavily from her short walk and waived a fan repeatedly in front of her flushed face. "It's a dreadful day. Is it not, Mr. Creighton?"

  He glanced her way and nodded. He was not interested in having a conversation with Josephine. He just wanted to load his supplies and be on his way.

  "I haven't seen your wife since you've arrived back in town. I hope she is not ill."

  He continued to ignore her. He wasn't ready to tell people that Gillian wasn’t going to be coming back.

  Josephine persisted as if she was worried about Gillian. She hadn’t been worried when she and her husband forced them to marry.

  "Zachary, I said, I hope Mrs. Creighton isn’t ill."

  He took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his brow. "I heard you the first time. She's not here."

  "Not here? Where is she?" Josephine’s brow furrowed.

  "She's gone." Zachary jumped into the wagon. He had almost gotten away before anything else was said, but Tyler piped up.

  "She's in a far better place—”

  Zachary clicked his tongue and set the horses into motion. They were on their way before Josephine could inquire what Tyler had meant by his odd statement.


  "It was the queerest thing," Josephine said to her husband as they readied for bed. She brushed her hair. "Tyler claimed that she was in a far better place. What do you suppose he meant by that?"

  "I don't know," Cyrus answered, not really paying attention to what his wife was saying. He’d had a long day and wanted to go to sleep. He pulled back the covers on the bed.

  "You don't think something has happened to her, do you?" Josephine stopped brushing her hair to look at Cyrus.

  "Happen to her?" Cyrus was snuggled into bed. He tried to recall what his wife had just asked him.

  "Cyrus! Haven't you been listening to me at all? I'm talking about Gillian Creighton. I think something’s happened to her and I think Zachary had something to do with it. Why else would he try to ignore me when I asked about her? Where do you suppose she is? I might not have thought too much about it, but Tyler's statement has me troubled."

  "Troubled about what?" Cyrus was getting impatient now. He didn't want to talk about the Creightons. He wanted to go to sleep.

  "That maybe, Zachary did something to Gillian."

  "What? You think he murdered her?" Cyrus chuckled. "What are you babbling about? Zachary Creighton is a nuisance, but not a murderer. Now go put out the light and come to bed." Thinking that he had settled things, he rolled over and closed his eyes.

  “I don’t know how you can sleep when the poor woman could have been murdered.”

  “Well if she’s dead, she won’t be needing our help, now will she? Now come to bed Josephine and stop with this nonsense.”

  “I’m going to make a surprise visit to the Creighton house and see what’s what.”

  “You do that.”


  "You have to go with us to the Thomason’s party," Samantha insisted. "We'll have so much fun. Jerry and I promise you, we will have you home early if that's what you want."

  "Really, you two, I'm perfectly fine.” She liked both Dalia and James Thomason, but she wasn’t in a festive mood. “I just want to relax tonight. I rented two movies.”

  Jerry had already investigated what movies she had rented. “Somersby and Titanic. Could you pick more depressing movies?”

  “I happen to like those movies.”

  Samantha rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you do, but you can’t hide away in your apartment and stop living. It’s not healthy.”

  I promise you both, I'll be back to my old self soon. It's just going to take some time."


  Gillian held up her hand to halt Samantha’s next flow of words. "I’m not going.”

  Samantha shook her head. “You’re sure?”

  “Positive.” She walked them to the door. A sea breeze had cooled the night and the sky had turned the bluish gray of twilight. “Besides . . ." She looked at Samantha and then to Jerry. "I think you two should spend some time together—alone. You don’t need me tagging along."

  "What?" they said in unison.

  "Don't act so surprised." She’d seen how the two looked at each other, desire evident in their gazes and yet they had done nothing about it. She feared it was because of her. She wanted them to know it was okay. She loved them both and wanted them to be happy. Gillian took Jerry’s hand and one of Samantha's putting them together. "Don't make the same mistakes I’ve made." She smiled. “Good night.” She shut the door politely in their faces.

  “Okay, that was uncomfortable,” Jerry said, still facing the closed door.

  Samantha quickly pulled her hand away.

  Jerry looked at her and cleared his throat. He shoved his hands in his pockets for lack of knowing what else to do.

  “Yes, well…” Samantha couldn’t meet his gaze and she knew her face had turned a few shades of red. “Do you mind if I skip the party, too? I have to work tomorrow.” She knew it was a lame excuse, but how could she spend the evening with him now?

  He didn’t say anything for a long moment then nodded. "Sure, I'll take you home."

  Samantha couldn't believe Gillian put them in this situation. She liked Jerry, but she didn’t want to screw up their friendship. She enjoyed their talks over dinner. Heck, Jerry had been planning to marry Gillian only a few months ago. As far as she knew, he still harbored feelings for her. She wasn’t desperate for a boyfriend and she in no way would settle for being the rebound girl.

  As soon as Jerry parked his car in front of her apartment, he turned to look at her. Samantha had to fix this. She didn’t want their relationship to be awkward. "You know what Gillian said back there... you know... about us spending more time together? Don't pay any attention to her. She's—"

  "Right," Jerry finished.

  "What?" Samantha wasn't sure she had heard him correctly.

  He undid his seatbelt and turned in his seat. "I said that she was right. I would really like to take you out."

  Their gazes locked, held.

  "You mean on a date?" Samantha could barely contain her excitement. Could it be possible that Jerry Avery was asking her out?

  He chuckled. "Well, yes a date. Would you consider going out with me?”

  She stared at him and folded her arms across her chest. “I won’t be your consolation prize.” She lifted her chin in defiance.

  "If you think I am asking you out to get over Gillian, you’re wrong. I've come to terms with that part of my life. Gillian and I felt a connection and now we know why. I don’t pretend to understand this time travel thing, but there it is. Gillian and I confused the bond for something more than it was ever meant to be. I will always care for Gillian, but I most definitely am not in love with her."

  He had her full attention now.

  "I'm asking you, Samantha Meilak out on a date. You’re sweet, smart and may I add an extremely beautiful woman. I enjoy our talks. I love being with you and I would be honored if you would go out with me?"

  She chewed on her lower lip. A powerful rush of emotions assailed her—happiness that he finally noticed her as woman and not just Gillian�
��s friend, but she feared he would regret taking the next step. She’d been careful to keep men a safe distance away. She’d been hurt too many times, but this felt different. She never dated a man who could carry on a conversation. She glanced at Jerry who looked at her with longing. He appeared as nervous as she felt. Then it dawned on her, he was afraid she’d say no. A smile slid across her face. He did like her. She nodded her head. “Yes, I'll go out with you."

  Jerry let out the breath he’d been holding. He leaned over on impulse and kissed her, surprising both of them.

  “God, my heart’s racing.” Jerry took her hand and placed it on his chest. “Do you feel it?” he asked.

  Samantha nodded, a smile touching her lips. “Kiss me again.”

  Jerry pressed his lips to hers. Her eyelids fluttered closed and she gave into the pleasure he offered.


  Jerry was sitting at his desk fiddling with the key to a safety deposit box. He knew he had to give it to Gillian, but feared he would upset her all over again. It had been three weeks since Zachary and Tyler went back to their time and she finally seemed to be coming out of her depression. He had already caused her enough grief and he didn’t want to be the cause of anymore.

  "Dr. Avery?" Jerry looked up as one of his receptionist came in his office. "I've reached Gillian for you. She's on line three."

  "Thank you, Kendra." She left the room and Jerry picked up the phone. "Hi Gillian. How are you doing?"

  "Not bad. I've been trying to organize what I need when school starts. I can't believe the school year will begin in a few weeks. Hey, I talked to Samantha yesterday. I guess you two are becoming an item."

  Jerry smiled. "Yes, we are. Thanks to you."

  "To me? What did I have to do with it?" she said all too innocently.

  "If you hadn't put it so bluntly for us to go out, I may have never had the courage to ask her.”

  "Well then . . . you’re welcome." They fell silent. “Jerry, did you call for a reason other than to say hi?” she coaxed.

  She could always read him. “Can we meet for lunch?"

  "Sure,” she said slowly. She obviously picked up on the ominous tone. “Where?"

  “Doug’s Downtown Grill at one-thirty, if that’s okay."

  "Are you sure you don’t want me to meet you closer to your office?”

  “No. I have… some business to attend down there after lunch.”

  “I'll be there then. See you in a bit."

  "Bye." They both hung up the phone.

  Jerry twirled the key in his hand, again. Sighing, he put it in his pocket.


  Doug’s Downtown Grill was located on Main Street in the historic section of Garden Grove. The restaurant was family owned and the food was wonderful from the baby back ribs that melted off the bones to the homemade desserts. It was crowded, but they didn’t have to wait too long for a table for two.

  Gillian was puzzled over why Jerry had asked her to meet him. He talked about the hospital and about the office, nothing that indicated his urgency to speak to her, and yet, she still felt he was dancing around what he truly wanted to say. Finally, after the waitress brought the check, Jerry pulled out a key and slid it across the table to her.

  "What's this?" She lifted her eyebrows.

  "A key to a safety deposit box."

  "Safety deposit box?” She still didn’t understand.

  "Zachary left something in it for you."

  "What . . . when?"

  "Right before he left. He had me promise not to say anything to you until the time seemed right. You were so upset when he left. Well, I just didn't want to add to it."

  Gillian stared at the key. Zachary had left something for her. She looked at Jerry now. "Do you know what he put in the box? Were you there?"

  Jerry nodded. "Yes, I was there."

  "Well, are you going to tell me or not?"

  "Not." Jerry took out his wallet to pay the bill. "Come on. I'll go with you. You can see what's in there for yourself."

  Gillian’s hands were trembling when she signed the form to go into the vault. She let Jerry put the key into the box because she couldn't keep her hands steady. Once the teller had left them alone in the room, all she had to do was open it and the mystery would be solved. She couldn't seem to make her hands lift the lid.

  "What are you waiting for?" Jerry finally asked.

  "I can't. You do it.”

  He did as she asked and pulled out the container so she could look inside. There was an envelope and next to it, she saw her wedding ring. She thought Zachary had taken it back with him. With trembling hands, she slipped the cool metal onto her finger, where it belonged. Next, she took the envelope out and opened it. There was a note with Zachary's neat penmanship covering the page.

  Dearest Gillian,

  I regret that we could not be together, but I want you to know how much I love you. That is why I had to let you go. I want you to find your dream.

  Jerry helped me take care of Tyler's hospital bill and there is an account for you. Jerry has it under his name for now. He assures me that he will help you transfer it over to your name as soon as you are ready. I couldn't very well open an account under my name without that number you need. I think it is called a social security number.

  Please, accept this gift.

  I also left you your wedding ring, for it could never belong to another. If you do not want it... well it is yours to do with as you wish.

  I will never forget you. Never . . .

  Yours truly and always,

  Zachary Creighton

  Gillian crushed the letter to her chest, her heart breaking all over again. She let the tears slide down her cheeks.

  "I knew it. I shouldn’t have told you about the box."

  "No.” She reached for his hand. "No, I'm glad you did. I have something of his and something so much more." She sniffled and smiled at the same time. "He left me his heart,” she whispered.

  Jerry’s brow furrowed. “If you’re happy why are you crying?”

  “Haven’t you ever heard of tears of joy?”

  He still didn’t look convinced. "About the account, you need to sign the papers to have it transferred in your name.”

  "Where did he get the money?"

  "He sold his pocket watch."

  Guilt rolled through her at the sacrifice he had made. He had wanted to take care of her. "That was his grandfather’s watch.”

  “He told me. He wanted to do this, Gillian. He told me you’d feel guilty.”

  She chuckled and wiped a tear away. “Did he now?”

  “Yeah. He knew you well, didn’t he?”

  Gillian’s chin angled up when she looked at him. “Yes, he did.”

  “He left you a large sum of money. That watch was worth a mint. About the papers —"

  Gillian held up her hand. "Not today. I just can't do it today. I want to go home."

  "Sure. We can do it later."


  Dora showed Josephine Locke into the library. “Mr. Creighton is out back. Please, do make yourself comfortable while I go fetch him.”

  Josephine waited until she could no longer hear Dora’s footsteps. She dashed out of the library and up the stairs. She opened the first door she came to and went inside to investigate. She wanted to see if there was any indication that Gillian met an unsavory end. She swung open the oak armoire. Luck was on her side. She found what she was looking for: Gillian's clothes were still there. "I knew it!" Josephine shut the door with a frown. She spun around the room filled with only Gillian’s belongings. “Zachary didn’t sleep in here. How curious.” She didn’t have time to think about what this meant. She couldn’t let Zachary find her up here snooping around. She hurried back down stairs. She was still out of breath when Zachary walked in with a scowl on his face.

  “Oh it is ever so hot.” She waved her hand in front of her face and hoped he didn’t notice how her nerves were on edge.

at may I do for you, Madame Locke?”

  She dabbed her moist brow and Zachary’s eyes narrowed. Did he suspect she’d been nosing around? No, he couldn’t possibly know. "Just making a call. May I have something to drink?" she said fanning herself again.

  "I'll be right back with some tea." Dora disappeared, leaving Zachary alone with his unwanted guest.

  Josephine didn’t wait for Zachary to offer her a seat. She plopped right down on the sofa as though she was ready for a nice long chat. He removed his hat and ran his fingers through his dark hair while he waited for her to make her point. If anything, Zachary could portray a gentleman with ease.

  "I have started a quilting project with the women in town." She paused to take a breath.

  "What does this have to do with me?"

  She’d better make her point and leave before Zachary lost his temper. "Nothing. I wanted to ask Gillian to join our little group. When will she be back? You really didn’t answer me when I asked you the other day." She watched him closely, looking for a sign. It was slight, but she was sure for a split second he had lost his composure.

  "I don't believe that's any of your concern when my wife will return. But if you want me to, I'll have her call on you the minute she does. Now good-day, Madame Locke."

  Josephine was taken aback for a moment; she hadn't expected Zachary to be so abrupt. He was hiding something. Now, she was sure of it. "Where is she?" she demanded to know.

  Zachary's eyes narrowed until his blue eyes were barely seen through the slits.

  "Where do you think she is?"

  "Don't play games with me, Zachary Creighton. I know how you treated her that first day. I should never have allowed you to marry her. This is something I shall forever regret. What did you do to her? Why won't you tell me where she is?"

  “I’ve had enough of your prying accusations. Do you really want to know?” He approached her, his face a mask of anger. "I got rid of her. Is that what you wanted to hear? You see I cannot stand meddling females and well . . . " He shrugged.


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