Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set)

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Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set) Page 64

by Michelle Love

  ‘Which reminds me…my office needs a good rebirth.’

  ‘Later, babe, if we’ve got to be social tomorrow, I need some sleep. Well, some, at least.’

  ‘That, young lady,’ said Josh to her the following day as she sprawled out on his and Max’s couch, groaning and holding her belly, ‘is a food baby.’ He tapped her stomach lightly and she giggled. Max and Theo were washing the dishes from the magnificent Thanksgiving dinner Josh and prepared and now he and Jess had decamped to the couch to gossip. They had gotten along as soon as Max had proudly introduced his husband and now Jess studied the handsome Mexican.

  ‘I keep thinking we should have met before but then I remember, it’s only been a couple of months since I met Theo.’ Her eyes popped in wonder. ‘Wow.’

  Josh smiled. ‘He’s a changed man.’


  ‘Really. He’s crazy about you. Never seen him like this.’

  Jess glanced over to the kitchen door. ‘Not even with Kelly?’ She lowered her voice when she asked the question and saw understanding in Josh’s eyes. He leaned in and whispered back.

  ‘Not even then. Does he know you know?’

  She shook her head – a mistake, she realised. She’d had a couple of glasses of wine which had gone to her head. She felt giddy with food and love and laughter.

  ‘No. I want him to tell me in his own time. So, please don’t’…’

  ‘Of course not. But yeah, he’s all in, I can promise you that.’ He studied her for a second. ‘I get the impression that it’s a new feeling for you, being loved the right way.’

  Jess blinked at him in confusion but Max and Theo came back into the room then and she didn’t have the chance to ask Josh what he meant.

  Later Jess and Theo took a cab home, her head resting on his shoulder, His arm tight around her waist. She wanted to ask Theo about what Josh had said but now, in a sleepy haze of love, she didn’t want to break the mood.

  In the bedroom, they slowly undressed each other, lingering over the feel of skin on skin as they held each other. The outside world was silent as a blanket of snow fell across the city and in their own little haven, Theo and Jess made love gently until they were both sated. Jess fell asleep in Theo’s arms but Theo found himself exhausted but unable to find sleep.

  While they were doing the dishes, Max had told him about the second confrontation with Jules and now Theo couldn’t stop worrying that his friend had overstepped the mark; angered Gachet to a point where he could hurt someone, hurt Jess. After Camilla’s murder, Theo was taking nothing on chance. Carefully, surreptitiously, he’d increased the security around Jess, around Max and Josh, around anyone who could be at risk from Gachet. Not wanting to scare any of them, he’d made sure the protection was discreet and maintained a certain distance but still…the thought of anything happening to Jess now…

  Theo sighed. The scar, the wound, the hurt of Kelly’s suicide had forever marked him and even though Jess had healed his broken heart, the terror of losing her was still palpable. Eventually, he fell into an uneasy sleep, racked with nightmares; knives, blood and a pale and lifeless Jess in his arms.

  Jess’ head pounded with a headache that had been bugging her all day. Theo had apologized but he’d be at work late so she went home alone, soaked in a bubble bath for an hour before ordering pizza. After a couple of slices, though, she felt sick and curling up on the sofa, closed her eyes. It took the reception two tries before she realised the entrance phone was buzzing.


  ‘Miss Wood, there’s a Julien Gachet here to see you.’

  Fuck. She sighed then an idea came to her. She would confront him about Camilla. She would know, for sure, that he had killed her, by his reaction. It was worth a shot.

  ‘Send him up.’

  Jules had obviously taken a lot of trouble with his appearance but she stared at him with hatred and impatience.

  ‘What now, Jules? Another murder attempt? More threats?’

  He smiled snakily and it made her stomach lurch queasily. He sat down on the couch – their couch, hers and Theo’s – without being asked. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. I just came by to see how you are – after Camilla and everything.’

  She stared at him in disbelief. ‘After you killed her, you mean?’

  Jules smirked. ‘As if. Camilla was an important member of our family, I’m as devastated as you are.’

  ‘Funny you missed her funeral then.’

  Jules raised an eyebrow at her. ‘Well if you’re not going to tell me when it is…’

  He got up, moved towards her and Jess edged away from him to the other side of Theo’s large desk. Her hand went to hover over the small red panic button he’d had installed under it. Jules watched her amused and mocking.

  ‘Something wrong, Jessica?’

  She met his gaze. ‘Nothing that won’t be solved by the two huge security guards I can call in an instant.’

  Jules laughed. ‘Paranoia doesn’t suit you, Jessica. Well, I just wanted to the ivory tower he’s got you in…oh, that reminds me. Congratulations on the new job. I have no doubts as to how you earned it.’

  He made a crude gesture with his fingers and Jess, her temper exploding, forgot the panic button, forgot about the threat and stalked over to him. Using all of her strength, she slapped him hard, watching his head snap to the side. ‘Get out of my home. Now.’

  He grabbed her, his eyes raging, and crushed his lips against hers. Jess struggled, desperately but she was no match for his strength. Jules pulled her tightly against him, grinding his groin against her.

  ‘Don’t let this fool you – you belong to me. Every minute you deny it, someone else could get very hurt. What will happen when you run out of people to protect you?’

  ‘Fuck you,’ she hissed, the red mist descending, and spat in his face.

  He pushed her away and wiped his face in disgust. ‘Stupid whore.’

  ‘Get out.’

  ‘I haven’t finished with you yet.’

  She walked to the front door and opened it. ‘Get. Out. Now.’

  He moved as if to leave but paused when he reached her. The simmering violence in the air was making her tremble but she held his gaze. He smirked coldly.

  ‘Your choice, Jess. Live with the consequences or should I say,’ he leaned into her and whispered, ‘for as long as I allow you to live.’ He mimicked stabbing her and she jerked back reflexively. Jules laughed and behind him, Jess saw Theo’s security man step into the hall, his eyes fixed on Jules. She held her hand up to him as Jules smirked, and as he left, the security guy, Alan, turned to her.

  ‘You okay, Miss Wood?’

  ‘Call me Jess, would you? And I’m fine, Alan. Do me a favor – don’t tell Theo about this. It really was nothing.’

  Alan looked unhappy but nodded.

  She closed the door, double locked it and leaned back against it. She recalled what she’d said to Alan – it was nothing. How fucked up was her relationship with Jules that a promise to kill her was nothing? That she took it for granted now? She really had had enough this particular day. In the bathroom, she opened the cabinet above the sink and took out the small bottle of Tylenol PM. She hesitated and then swallowed two with a handful of water from the faucet and fell into an uneasy sleep.

  Theo left the office just past midnight and had just stepped into his Mercedes to drive home when his cell phone buzzed. Max.

  ‘Hey, buddy.’

  There was silence on the end of the phone then he heard a sob. His heart leapt into his chest. Jesus. ‘Max, what is it? Are you okay?’

  Max sobbed louder now. ‘I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it…’

  Theo waited for his sobs to calm before telling him, ‘I’m coming over now, Max, right now.’

  When he got to Max’s apartment, there were cop cars parked outside. He gave his name to the uniform at Max’s door and then he was in. Max fell apart when he saw him and Theo looked around for Josh. He had a bad, bad f
eeling about this.

  He grabbed his friend by the shoulders and hugged him. ‘What is it, Max? What’s wrong?’

  He wasn’t sure he wanted the answer.

  She pointed the gun at Jules and he laughed. ‘Really, Jess, do you think you could kill me? Try, go on, baby girl, take your shot.’ She pulled the trigger and the bullet smashed into his forehead. He stopped.

  Then to her horror, the gaping hole sealed itself up and Jules sneered at her. ‘My turn.’ He grabbed the gun and although she struggled, he was too strong, unnaturally strong and turned it so the gun was pressed hard into her belly.

  ‘It’s a shame,’ he whispered, his voice intimate, ‘You really are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. If you’d only realised you belong to me…but it’s too late now.’

  He smiled, kissed her tenderly and pulled the trigger.

  It was almost dawn when Theo woke her from her nightmare. Groggily she looked up into his drawn face and quelled at the pain in his handsome face.

  ‘What is it? What’s wrong?’

  Theo gazed down at her, sorrow etched deep in his eyes. ‘It’s Josh…he’s been murdered.’

  The official story was that Josh had been hit by a car on his way back from work. It could have so easily been an accident except that the driver had backed up over Josh’s prone body – twice. It had all been caught on CCTV but the car, a plain black RV had blacked out windows and no plates. The police had no leads but Jess had an overwhelming sense of foreboding and when finally she, Theo and Max were alone, after Josh’s cremation, Max said what they had all been thinking.

  ‘Fucking Gachet did this.’

  Max looked terrible as if he’d been smoking six packs a day and drinking straight bourbon. Jess closed her eyes for a moment, trying to quell the nausea that threatened.

  ‘I don’t understand…why would Jules kill Josh? How would Jules even know Josh?’ Her voice was scratchy and low. Max wouldn’t look at her and she felt the heavy weight of guilt settle over her.

  Theo and Max exchanged a look then Theo nodded, once, brief, stiff. Max sat down opposite Jess and took her hands. ‘We were trying to make things better…for you….I…’

  ‘I asked Max to look into Jules’ background,’ Theo interrupted his friend, ‘he’d hurt you, had threatened your life. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but there you have it. It was for the best.’

  Jess pulled away from Max’s hands. ‘You were investigating me?’

  ‘Jules, not you. But obviously, there was some overlap. After Max talked to Camilla, we realised exactly what he’d been doing to you. We had to do something/?’

  Jess had gone very still. ‘You talked to Camilla? Did Jules know?’

  The room echoed with their silence. ‘Oh Jesus…’ Jess sank to the floor, curling her knees up to her chest. Theo bent to touch her but she shied away from him.

  For a long time no-one said anything then Theo looked at Max, who nodded and left the room. Jess got up and paced around the room while Theo watched in silence. Finally, she turned to him.

  ‘This is my fault. My fault. He told me he would hurt people I cared about and I dismissed it as…why? It’s my fault Camilla and Josh are dead. I should just have let him kill me.’

  ‘Stop it!’ Theo was furious as she had ever seen him. ‘None of this is your fault. It’s him, it’s Gachet.’

  ‘Who is my problem, Theo. I did this. I tried to escape from him and…’

  ‘You shouldn’t have had to ‘escape’ from anyone. What you went through…he’s a monster. How old were you when he first raped you?’

  The question, so simple, so straightforward, made her crumple. Theo gathered her to him as she sobbed. ‘You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,’ his voice was gentle,’ but please, put it out of your mind that it’s your fault. We need to go to the police, tell them everything.’

  Her sobs subsided but she sighed, defeated. ‘They won’t believe me. They didn’t then and I got punished.’

  Theo was silent for a long moment. ‘Then we need to break that cycle.’

  Jess was quiet for a long time before she pulled away from him. ‘I can stop this by…I can’t let anyone else get hurt because I fell in love with you. I need to take responsibility for that. I need to make this right. I need to go.’

  Dread was flooding through Theo’s body as he took in what she was saying.

  ‘Wait…Jess…you can’t be serious? Are you ending this? Us? No, no, we can’t let him win, please.’

  He reached for her but she ducked away.

  ‘No, Theo please, don’t, I can’t bear it. I love you, god, so, so much but we need to take so time to figure out everything. People have died, there’s so much damage.’ She was brushing her tears from her face and it broke his heart. ‘Please, just….let me go. Give me time to figure how I can make it stop, make him stop.’

  Theo nodded, trying to hide his heartbreak. He picked up her coat and draped it around her shoulders. Tipping up her face to his, he kissed her tenderly. ‘Okay….okay, Jess you can have all the time you need, all the time. But know this….I’ll wait forever. I love you.’

  Fresh tears poured her cheeks and he kissed them away. ‘I love you too,’ she whispered, ‘you are my heart.’

  His gut twisted as he kissed her mouth then, tasting her lips, lingering, not knowing when he would kiss them again – if he would kiss them again.

  Eventually, she broke away from him and picked up her bag. ‘I have to go.’

  Hand-in-hand, they walked to the door and he opened it for her, and – his heart shattering into a million pieces - watched the love of his life walk out of it.

  He called down to the limo driver. ‘Make sure she gets where she wants to go safely.’

  Then he hung up the phone and as Max came back into the room, he looked at his friend and knew he shared his pain.

  ‘She’s gone, Max. I had to let her go.’ And he began to sob.

  Jules, parked in the shadows away from the gaze of the security guards, sat up as he saw her walk out of Storm’s apartment building. He smiled when he saw she was crying.

  ‘Don’t worry, my Jessica,’ he whispered to himself, ‘you’ll be dead soon.

  So very, very soon.’

  End of Part 5

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  Books 1-10

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  By Michelle Love


  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Book 1


  Pinks and oranges fill the sky as the sun sets behind my parent’s home. The mailbox has become my enemy, but I check it anyway. The last letter from the IRS took millions from me. I close my eyes and hope there’s nothing else from them in the box shaped like a large mouth bass.

  My father was a novice fisherman, but you wouldn’t know that by the amount of fishing paraphernalia he accumulated in his lifetime. My mother was not a very good cook, but she had enough cookbooks to stock an aisle in Barnes and Nobles.

  They passed away last year, together, right in the house I still live in. I was away at college, thankfully, or I’d be where they are now. A gas leak in the house took them as they slept one night.

  I should sell the place and move, especially since I lucked out on the road trip they had me make. In their will they left me three thousand dollars, and I had to use every penny of that money to play the lotteries through every state I went through on my journey to spread their ashes.

  Dad was spread in the Atlantic Ocean and Mom in the Pacific. The crazy thing is I won seven of the lotteries and each jackpot was larger than the next. I ended that week a billionaire.

  Thanks, Mom and Dad!

  Every time I tell that story I have to thank them. Between them and God is the only way I got that money. I don’t think I’ve ever been this lucky.

  Well, the luck is
running out as the IRS is finding way after way to get the money.

  “Hey, what ya doin’ out here at the ol’ fish box?” my neighbor, Josh asks me as he strides out of his house next door.

  He moved here a couple of years ago and we hang out now and then, he’s a bit older than I am. I’m a kid to most at twenty-one, so I get left out of a lot of the block parties the older people have. Josh is a pretty good guy though and a great neighbor.

  “Just checking to see if there are any more letters from the evil government, trying to take my money,” I gripe as I close the fishes mouth and am happy to see there are no letters from my arch nemesis.

  “About your money,” he says. “It’s none of my business and I love having you as a neighbor, but why the hell are you still here in the two-bedroom house you grew up in? Get a mansion like all the other billionaires, dude!”

  With a shrug of my shoulders, I say, “It’s not the right time yet. I know it sounds crazy, but I don’t want to leave the old house behind just yet. I’ll get out of it someday, but not just yet. My parents’ things are all in it and I’d have to pack them up if I move. Frankly, I kind of act like they’re on vacation and will be home anytime. It makes me keep the house cleaned up.”

  He chuckles and pats me on the back. “You should come over and eat dinner with us tonight. The wife made spaghetti.”

  “Thanks, but I have a frozen dinner cooking in the oven and I’d hate to let it go to waste. Maybe another night.” I stroll back up the walkway to the old home my parents bought when they had me. It’s looking a little worse for wear and I make a mental note to at least get new siding on it. I’m a freaking billionaire after all.

  “Hey,” Josh calls out, stopping my retreat. “Did you say the IRS took a lot of your money?”

  I nod and whine, “Yeah, I have no idea what to do about it.”

  He jogs up to me. “My brother-in-law happens to be a man in your position.”


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