Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set)

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Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set) Page 65

by Michelle Love

  “What position is that, a top player in Halo? Cause hook me up, I love a challenge,” I say as that can be all he means. I do little else since I won the money.

  “No,” he says with a laugh. “He’s rich too. Filthy, stinkin’ just like you. He lives in Houston. I could set up a meeting so he could help you figure out your finances and how to keep most of your money.”

  “Really!” My heart speeds up with the first good news I’ve heard in a while. “That would be awesome, dude!”

  He turns to go back to his house. “I’ll call him and ask when would be a good time for him. You’re pretty much wide open aren’t you?”

  “I’m completely wide open. Thanks so much.” I wave and go inside.

  I break into a dance as I finally may have someone to help me not only take action to keep my money, but maybe they can help me figure out something worthwhile to do with it as well.

  Looks like I got another lucky day!


  “For the love of all which is holy!” I jump to avoid tripping over the Barbie dream car hiding at the bottom of the staircase. “Zoey, what did I tell you about leaving your toys lying around? Especially on the stairs!” I round the corner to see my four-year-old daughter diving behind her mother as she sits on the sofa in the sitting room we use for the kids to play in.

  “Max!” Lexi shouts at me. “No need to yell! She’s just a little girl. She forgets things. It’s not her fault.”

  “Then who’s is it, Lex? You baby these kids. The twins are in pre-k for God’s….”

  “Stop!” she interrupts. “Remember there are little parrots in this home and they repeat every word we say.”

  “For goodness sakes. Okay? Happy?” I ask as I look around for my car keys. “Do you happen to know where the keys to my Jag are?”

  She points to our one and a half-year-old son, Zakk. He has them in his mouth and is slobbering all over them. I look around for something to trade him and find a candy cane that may have been around since last Christmas, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

  I pick up the slightly chewed on candy and make my way to the smiling baby boy. “Look what Daddy’s got.” I wiggle the candy at him and his blue eyes shine up at me. He has my eyes and his mother’s silky, blonde hair.

  Lexi clears her throat, drawing my attention. “No way. Keep looking for something else to trade him with.”

  With a growl I take the candy cane to the kitchen and dispose of it like it should’ve been done long ago. I find him one of his little cookies and take that back to the sitting room my not so little family is in.

  Lexi meets me just outside the door, my keys in her hand. “Now I have them. What are you going to trade me for them, huh?”

  Wrapping my arms around her, I whisper behind her ear and press my body to hers, “I’ll trade you one kiss and a hell of a lot more tonight when I get you into our bed.”

  “Deal,” she says as she places the keys in my hand and turns her lips up to mine.

  Though we’ve been together for a good few years now, her kiss still takes me to another place and time. Heat fills me as her sweet lips press against mine. Her lips part and I swirl my tongue around hers.

  I grind into her soft body and wish like hell we could run upstairs for a little alone time. Her hand runs over my ass and my insides turn to jelly.

  Then she tugs on my shirt. “Daddy, hey, Daddy!” my four-year-old son, Zane, shouts. “Hey, can I go too?”

  It was his hand on my ass apparently. I pull my mouth from my wife’s and place my forehead to hers. “How many more of these things did I say I wanted to have?”

  “You said several more, but I’m getting the distinct impression three is enough for you.” Her hand runs over my cheek and I grab it and kiss her palm.

  “Yeah, for now and maybe forever, three is more than plenty.” I turn and rub Zane’s little, blonde head. “Hey, buddy, not this time, okay? Daddy’s picking up a man at the airport and it can be a little taxing to try to keep up with you when there’s so many people. I’ll be back home soon.”

  “Well, can you at least bring me something back, like a puppy or a kitty cat?” he asks as his bottom lips juts out in a pout.

  “Oh! A kitty!” Zoey shouts as she runs out of the room.

  “No! Lord have mercy! Lexi, these kids!” I walk away as Zoey grabs one leg and Zane grabs the other. They giggle like crazy people as they try to slow me down.

  Lexi grabs the baby and follows behind me. Once I reach the door she gets the kids to leave me alone, using just one word, “Stop.”

  They let go as if she magically made them somehow. I look at her. “You have to teach me your ways, you’re a Jedi master.”

  “I am,” she says as she scoots the kids back. A little kiss she leaves on my cheek. “Hurry back to me. And thanks again for meeting with this guy for my brother, Josh. It’s a really sweet and nice thing for you to do, Max.”

  I smack my head and turn back as I remember we have guests coming. “What time are Kip and Peyton getting here?”

  “Around four Peyton said. They’re coming in on his new chopper, since you helped him get his license.”

  “Cool, I’ll try to have this guy squared away by then so we can chill out by the pool with you guys,” I say and make my way to the car.

  Looks like it’s going to be a full day!


  “I know I put his toy in the diaper bag, Peyton. Keep looking,” I say as our one-year-old son, Pax, screams his head off.

  Rachelle, my wife, Peyton’s, best friend tries to distract the child by making silly faces at him. We’re in my new helicopter, flying to Houston to spend the weekend with our friends, the Lanes.

  I didn’t know Pax was going to freak out when he realized his little stuffed bear wasn’t by his side once he woke up. Peyton pulls the bear out of the bag with an expression of triumph on her pretty face.

  “Here it is! I have it,” she shouts over his wails. “Here, baby, look Mommy found it.”

  His mouth shuts, and he sniffles and holds his hand out for his toy. I roll my eyes at my wife. “You really need to work with him more. He’s a very demanding child.”

  “He’s your son. All the way around, Kip, he’s you. From his dark blond hair to his deep blue eyes, the boy is you all over again, bad temper and all.” She pats the back of my hand.

  “I don’t even have a temper, Peyton,” I say as I adjust our speed as we come into a little cloud bank.

  “No, sure you don’t,” she says with a laugh. She turns to look at Rachelle in the back seat. “This man has no temper, but let me tell you what. If you use the last egg without getting more and its early on a Sunday morning, watch out! This man will read you the riot act and let you know that can never happen, not ever.”

  I do recall that particular little scene, but I was dog tired from a night of agony as our son was cutting his first tooth, and there was no coffee either.

  The mansion comes into view and I see the pad has been cleared for me. Max and I have been mates for a couple of years, but it seems like forever. He and his wife are as close as siblings to me and mine.

  It doesn’t take long once we land to find their twins running towards us. Zoey shouts, “Hunky Kip, Auntie Peyton!”

  I hold out my arms and she rushes into them, little kisses she pecks all over my face as she holds my cheeks between her small hands. “How’s my girl?”

  “I’m fine. How’s my pony?” she asks. I bought her and her brother ponies last Christmas and kept them at our place in Los Angeles.

  Her brother, Zane, tugs at my pants leg. “Is my pony being good, Uncle Kip?”

  “He is,” I say and put Zoey down and tussle the little, blonde boy’s hair.

  Lexi walks out with their baby, Zakk on her hip. Her long legs clad in a pair of pink shorts and a little, white T-shirt hugs her toned body. She’s a true beauty all the way through. Max tells a story about how she was when they first met and I have a devil of a time believing th
e man.

  He said she was a nerdy girl hidden behind owlish glasses and hid her spectacular figure beneath clothes too big for her. I just can’t believe that. She takes long strides towards us and gives me a hug. “I’m so happy you all are here.”

  Peyton pulls the baby out of his car seat and gives Lexi a hug. “Thanks for inviting us.” She holds our son out to Lexi. “Wanna trade? I have to give my Zakkie Poo a kiss and hug. I missed the little monkey butt.”

  Lexi takes Pax in her arms and coos at him, “Who’s the pretty baby boy?”

  He giggles and grabs a handful of her long, blonde hair. Lexi smiles at Rachelle who’s made it out of the chopper. “Good! You were able to make it. I’m so glad. Our house manager and chef, Hilda, is dying to get to cook with you this weekend. It’s all she can talk about, getting to cook with someone who’s training at the culinary arts program at UCLA.”

  “It’ll be an honor to get some of her training. She’s a fantastic cook from what Kip and Peyton have told me about her.” Rachelle says as she runs her hand over Zane’s head. He reaches up to take her hand.

  “You’re really pretty,” he tells her. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  She giggles. “Thank you and no. You interested, Zane?”

  He laughs and blushes. “Maybe.”

  We all laugh as we go inside.

  Looks like Rachelle’s finally found a man!


  A boisterous bunch of people walk into Max’s mansion, led by his wife, Lexi. The man and woman who follow behind her look vaguely familiar. The man especially. Into the doors Max’s little son, Zane, pulls someone along behind him. “Come on, Rachelle!”

  My heart skips a beat and I forget to breathe. She has long, black, silky hair that goes to her waist. She’s a tiny thing, maybe five foot two, her eyes are the most beautiful blue I’ve ever seen. Thick, black lashes surround them. Her skin is like porcelain and the slightest tinge of pink stains her cheeks. Her lips are red and have a natural little pout to them.

  I’m moving across the floor as if she’s pulling me with some invisible cord to her. “Hi, I’m Blake Chandler.”

  She smiles and blushes as everyone laughs at me. “Hi there, Blake Chandler.”

  Max claps me on the shoulder as he comes up behind me. He gestures to the man with dark blonde, straight hair that goes to his shoulders and he has dark blue eyes. “This is Kip Dixon. Yes, the recording artist, Kip Dixon. He’s just not wearing the make-up. He ditched it last year.”

  “Yeah, I know, I saw him on a talk show a few months ago.” I extend my hand. “Nice to meet you, Kip.” He shakes my hand and I turn my attention to the lady next to him who has long, blonde curls which fall to her waist. Her eyes are a mix of green and brown and she’s very pretty. “You must be his wife.”

  She takes up my hand and gives it a shake. “Hi, Blake, I’m Peyton. This young lady here is my best friend, Rachelle Stone. She goes to UCLA. Where is it you’re from?”

  “Lubbock,” I say then turn my attention back to the raven haired beauty. “What is it you're studying at UCLA?”

  “Culinary arts. And what is it you do, Blake?” she asks.

  I don’t have a damn answer for that. I do as little as humanly possible, but I don’t want her to know that. “I’m kinda rich, so I’m looking for something to do.”

  “Kinda rich?” she asks as she narrows her eyes.

  Max saves me. “He’s looking into becoming an investor. He inherited a little sum of money from his parents when they passed on and played the lottery in states across America. He won several of them and ended up with quite a tidy sum. He’s here so I can teach him a thing or two about investing his money to make more of it and keep as much as he can out of the government’s hands.”

  Peyton wags her finger at me with a look in her eyes. “You! I think I know you. Well, not know you, know you, but did you go to L.A. and drop your mom in the ocean?”

  “Her ashes, yeah!” I look harder at her and slap my leg. “Yeah, it’s you two. I knew, I knew you guys from somewhere. Small freakin’ world!”

  Rachelle nudges Peyton’s shoulder. “So, you know this guy?”

  “Kip and I were strolling along on the beach before the baby was born and saw him tossing the ashes into the water. We stopped and talked to him and he told us this heartwarming story about his parents passing on together. It was really sweet, in a sad kind of way.”

  Rachelle’s eyes go soft as she looks at me and touches my hand. “I’m sorry to hear that. How are you doing with that?”

  “I’m fine. They died happy. No reason to be sorry for me.” I smile at her and want to take her hand in mine so damn bad.

  Max saves me from making a fool out of myself. Another clap on my shoulder and he says, “Why don’t we let them get settled in and we can all meet out by the swimming pool.”

  They agree and Lexi leads them to their rooms. She looks over her shoulder at me. “I hope you don’t mind sharing a bathroom with Rachelle. I have her in the room that’s by yours.”

  I shake my head. “I’m sure we can stay out of each other’s way.”

  Not that I want that. I want to get all up in her way!


  “Can you tie me up?” I walk into Peyton’s bedroom and ask.

  Kip’s already taken the baby and went out to the pool. Peyton and I are changing into our bikinis and mine is being difficult. She ties it tight.

  “I don’t need these babies breaking free,” I say with a laugh.

  “So, the stud, Blake, what do you think?” she asks me.

  I haven’t thought of him at all, at least in the last few seconds. He’s tall, I’d say about six feet, three inches. His blonde curls just touch his broad shoulders and he’s got amazing blue, brown eyes. His bone structure is probably the most symmetrical I’ve ever seen. He’s handsome, not boyishly cute, not adorable, completely handsome.

  “He’s okay,” I say.

  Peyton huffs. “Sure, he’s okay. That man has classic good looks. And I know you got a look at those monster biceps he has. Damn it girl, can you imagine getting swept up in his strong arms?”

  We giggle and I pull a thin, white cover-up that’s see-through over my red bikini as we walk out of the room. “Don’t go there, Peyton! You and Kip are always trying to play match-maker.”

  Her arm goes around my shoulders and she squeezes me in her embrace. “The joys of a good relationship are all we wish for you, Shelly.”

  I can see the men all sitting around the edge of the swimming pool as we get to the glass patio doors. With no shirt to hide him, I see Blake is covered in muscles. Sharply I pull in a breath and tighten my hands into little fists.

  “Holy crap!” Peyton hisses. “Would you look at that?”

  “He’s gorgeous,” I mutter. “So many muscles.”

  Peyton has to tug me along as my feet have stopped working for some damn reason. “Come on, let’s go play with the kids.”

  I wanna play with something, but it’s not any kid!


  Kip let’s out a long whistle as he looks back over his shoulder. I turn to see what he’s looking at and my eyes nearly pop out of my head. “Oh my God!” I whisper.

  Rachelle’s legs aren’t as long as Peyton’s or Lexi’s but they are perfectly formed for her body. She looks like a little doll, perfectly proportioned. Her breasts fill the little, red bikini top and the bottoms mold around her curvy ass.

  “Breathe, Blake,” Max whispers as he jabs me in the ribs.

  Peyton and Rachelle walk straight into the water, joining Lexi as she pulls little Zakk and Pax in a little inflatable boat. The twins swim around with floaties on.

  Me, Max, and Kip sit on the side of the pool with our legs dangling in the cool water. I watch Max’s son, Zane, swim right up to Rachelle. He wraps his body around hers and I’m suddenly real jealous of the kid.

  “Hi,” he says. She smiles sweetly at him and runs her hand over his little head.
br />   “Hey there, sweetie.”

  Kip nudges me with his elbow. “She’s great with kids.”

  “Huh? Kids?” I stammer as I watch her interaction with the little boy.

  Max pulls his shades off and hands them to me. “Here, put these on so she doesn’t freak out that you’re staring at her. Then you can stare, but she won’t know.”

  I put on the dark sunglasses and try to move my head so she’s unaware of how much I’m checking her out. Her little, hot body has me feeling heat in places it’s been a while I felt heat in.

  “What’s she really like, Kip?” I ask. “Is she sweet or a complete bitch? Please tell me she has some terrible flaw I could never deal with. Because she’s stealing my heart way too quickly.”

  “I wish I could help you out, bro,” Kip says. “The fact is she’s pretty selfless and quite nice. She’s funny and the best cook. I’ve asked her to become our personal chef, but she refused. She wants her own restaurant once she graduates though she knows it’s a pipe dream for her. Her family doesn’t have that kind of money.”

  Her head turns to look at Zoey as the little girl shrieks for someone to watch her swim like a fish. Her dark, silky strands flow over her shoulder in slow motion and her chest rises with her intake of breath and it’s all in slow motion for some damn reason.

  “Is anyone else seeing things in slow motion?” I ask.

  They both laugh at me. Max sighs. “You remember the first time you ever laid eyes on Peyton, Kip?”

  He nods and picks up the beer sitting on the patio next to him. “Like it was yesterday. I know you remember the first time you saw Lexi.”

  Max leans back on his palms and looks up at the clear blue sky. “That was so fantastic. Well not the first time I saw her. The poor girl didn’t have a clue and was hidden behind clothes that were too big and a nerdy look. Once I got her out of those clothes and the damn bun pulled out of her hair that was when I knew she was the one for me.”

  “Damn it,” I murmur. “I’m done for.”


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