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The Conquest

Page 19

by Julia Templeton

  * * *

  Rhiannon tried to keep up with de Cion’s long strides. Renaud de Wulf and his bride, Adelstan’s sister, had arrived at Almeron, which meant she was days from her wedding.

  She felt sick and had been for the past two days. The very sight of food made her stomach churn, and even when she was certain there was nothing left to purge, she continued to heave. Scents were the worst, particularly de Cion’s strange odor, which had been one reason she stayed in her chamber.

  This morning, when she had thrown up yet again, Elspeth had rung her hands nervously, pacing the chamber, until she finally turned and asked Rhiannon if she was with child.

  Rhiannon’s menses should have arrived by now, and they had always been timely, which meant she could very well be pregnant with Adelstan’s child. Fear and a mixture of excitement filled her at the thought.

  “The least you can do is look happy, my dear,” de Cion said with a forced smile.

  “Aye, my lord.” She forced a grin, and he nodded with satisfaction.

  Malgor had dressed in his finery, the yellow tunic stretching over his barrel chest. Rhiannon and Elspeth had been up on the ramparts earlier this morning, talking about which direction would be the safest to take upon fleeing. From their position, hidden behind the battlements, she had seen de Cion with his mistress, embracing and kissing before he left the armory. He had patted the woman’s behind, while she in turn tossed back her head and blew him a kiss.

  Rhiannon could not wait to escape the man, and the hell her life would be married to him.

  Hopefully by this time tomorrow she would be long gone from Castle Almeron. She had no intention of returning to Scotland or her father’s keep. Instead, she would flee to Wales, near the English border, to a small town her mother spoke about often. No one would ever think to look for her there.

  Glancing behind her, Rhiannon looked at Elspeth, who smiled encouragingly, before glancing at Malgor, who cast both of them an irritated look.

  It was obvious he didn’t like Elspeth, and for no other reason than Rhiannon was close to her. Perhaps he had wanted her to come to Almeron alone and make her own friends? Or perhaps he did not approve of such a friendship between a lady and her servant?

  Well, de Cion could go hang for all she cared.

  “Here they are,” de Cion said, smoothing his tunic as they passed under the gatehouse.

  Renaud de Wulf was a tall and imposing figure. He dismounted from a large horse, and reached up to help his wife down. The slender woman beamed up at her husband with true affection.

  She knew that Aleysia and Adelstan were twins, and therefore she would be pretty, but Rhiannon was unprepared for the woman’s stunning beauty. When she smiled, Rhiannon saw Adelstan and a lump formed in her throat.

  “Welcome to Castle Almeron, my lord,” Malgor said with a flamboyant bow. He looked to Aleysia and gave a curt nod. “My lady.”

  Renaud and Aleysia nodded. “Thank you, Lord Malgor. It is a beautiful keep. I did not realize the forest here was so dense. I imagine the hunting is exceptional?”

  “Aye, it is. If you wish, we can hunt in the morning.”

  “I would like that very much.”

  Renaud’s silver gaze settled on Rhiannon and she smiled, her heart accelerating as he grinned. What a gorgeous man, albeit a bit intimidating with the scar running along his right cheek, and other knicks on his powerful forearms and chest. This man was a warrior through and through, and had no doubt seen a lot of war in his time.

  “Lord Renaud, may I present Lady Rhiannon MacKay.”

  Renaud nodded. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Rhiannon. I trust your journey from your homeland was not too taxing.”

  She relaxed, finding his easy nature infectious. “Your men took excellent care of me, my lord, particularly Sir Adelstan.”

  Aleysia beamed.

  “This is my beautiful wife, Lady de Wulf of Braemere.”

  “And Adelstan’s sister,” Aleysia was quick to add, obviously proud of her brother.

  “Aye, I thought as much,” Rhiannon said, her grin matching the woman’s.

  “Speaking of Adelstan, where is my brother-in-law? Off hunting these woods, I imagine,” Renaud said, looking about anxiously.

  “Here he comes, my lord.” A tower guard said above them, pointed to the hill.

  A moment later Adelstan crested the hill, along with Jorden, both men holding bows. Renaud’s laughter rumbled in his chest seeing he had been right.

  The two men, who had been talking among themselves, looked up, obviously shocked to find they had an audience.

  “Adelstan,” Aleysia said under her breath, an enormous smile on her face.

  “Go and greet your brother, my dear,” Renaud said, love shining in his eyes. “One would think it had been years since she has last see him.”

  Aleysia rushed to greet Adelstan, who took her up in his arms and held her tight.

  Rhiannon swallowed past the lump in her throat, just as a warm hand squeezed hers. Elspeth.

  Two young men and two young girls lunged from the carriage and rushed toward Adelstan and their mother. Adelstan laughed as he hugged each of the boys, and then lifted the girls as though they were as light as feathers.

  Rhiannon’s heart swelled with love for him.

  “They love their uncle,” Renaud said unnecessarily. “I told Adelstan he must have children of his own one day, for he will be a fine father.”

  Reminded of the possibility that she might be carrying Adelstan’s child, Rhiannon nodded. “Indeed.”

  Renaud crossed his arms over his chest. “I hope that watching your wedding will only entice him to take a bride of his own.”

  Rhiannon’s stomach churned and Malgor nodded. “Perhaps.”

  Adelstan greeted his brother-in-law with a warm hug and finally looked at Rhiannon. He looked exhausted, his face paler than usual, dark circles beneath his light eyes. Lord help her but she loved him. Desperately.

  She could feel Aleysia watching the two of them, and Rhiannon dropped her gaze immediately and shifted on her feet. She wanted what his sister and Renaud de Wulf had. Nay—ached for what they had.

  But she would never know what could be, because she had to leave, for her own sanity.

  “Come, let me show you Almeron Castle,” Malgor said, leading the group over the bridge and into the bailey.

  While de Cion took on the role as lord and master with relish, Rhiannon fell back, hoping to have a moment with Adelstan while Malgor’s attention was elsewhere.

  Every once in a while she would see Aleysia, who was holding her husband’s hand, glance back at her and smile before looking to her brother.

  Was it possible she knew they were lovers?

  Rhiannon stayed back as de Cion climbed the stairs with Renaud and his family. Adelstan hung back, too, just to her left, so close they nearly touched. “I must speak to you,” he whispered.

  Her heart missed a beat. She met his gaze, and almost wished she hadn’t. The desperation in his eyes made her yearn to give him anything. “There is nothing to say, Adelstan.”

  “Oh, but there is.”

  She looked down at his hand and noticed the ring on his finger. The ring she had given him.

  “What wonderful craftsmanship. May I see it?” Aleysia asked, surprising them both.

  Rhiannon bit the inside of her cheek to keep from saying anything. She had thought Aleysia had gone with her family.

  Adelstan held out his hand, but his sister frowned. “Mother’s favorite pattern. It’s lovely. Was it made here?”

  “Nay, in Scotland.”

  “You were not there all that long.”

  “You know how melancholy I become while visiting the Highlands.”

  She smiled up at him. “What a lovely sentiment.”

  Adelstan frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Aleysia stopped in midstep, brows furrowed. “The inscription within, of course.”

  Rhiannon felt the blood leav
e her face when Malgor appeared, looking irritated she had not followed their guests. Elspeth looped her arm through hers, but she could not bring herself to look at her friend. The ring had been her secret.

  Not anymore.

  Adelstan snatched the ring from his sister’s hand. She could not see if he read the inscription before slipping it back on his finger, but she saw the nerve dancing in his jaw.

  * * *

  Aleysia walked outside Castle Almeron, watching her twin brother beneath lowered lids. He had been quiet since she had asked to see his ring.

  “The R stands for Rhiannon, doesn’t it?”

  Adelstan nodded, twisting the ring on his finger.

  “Brother, what have you done?”

  He ran both hands down his face. “I tried so hard to keep it from happening, but I could not help it. She is so beautiful.”

  “Aye, she is…but she is also promised to another.”

  “You were promised to another.”

  She lifted a brow, but refrained from saying anything.

  “Forgive me. I meant no disrespect, Aleysia.”

  “I know, Adelstan. I could tell when she looked at you that her feelings went beyond friendship. I just never guessed how far.”

  “Neither of us planned to fall in love.”

  “How could you? Love is love, Adelstan. Look at Renaud and I. My God, we were bitter enemies and still we fell desperately in love.”

  “Renaud sent me to Scotland in good faith, expecting me to bring Rhiannon back to Almeron untouched and chaste. What do I do, but fall in love with another man’s betrothed.”

  “You truly love her?”

  Adelstan looked at her for a long, hard moment. “Aye, I do.” He cursed beneath his breath. “I know what you must think.”

  She grabbed his hands. “Nay, you do not know what I am thinking. Adelstan, I do not judge you. I would never judge you, nor anyone else, but especially you.”

  “I never thought anything like this would ever happen to me. I never dreamed when I arrived in Scotland I would find a young woman who filled me with such exhilaration that I could barely sleep. She haunts my dreams, my every waking hour. I am in hell.”

  Her lips curved into a soft, knowing smile.

  “You think this funny?”

  “Nay, I think you are desperately in love and you cannot see a way out.”

  “I could leave and try to forget her, return to Braemere and go on with my life…and yet I cannot bring myself to do so.”

  “She is beautiful. Those eyes.”

  “They are incredible, aren’t they?”

  “Very. And from what I hear, she is quite spirited.”

  Adelstan laughed under his breath. “Aye, more than you can imagine.”

  The smile vanished, though, and she could see pain in his eyes. “What do I do, Aleysia? She is to marry de Cion in a few days’ time, and it will be too late.”

  “Let me speak to Renaud.”

  “He will be furious.”

  She frowned. “You would rather she marry another?”

  He shook his head. “Nay, but I will be ruined, as will she.”

  “Nay, you will not be ruined. We shall find another bride for Baron de Cion. These lands were given to Malgor by Renaud and have nothing to do with Rhiannon.”

  “But the dowry.”

  “Do not worry about the dowry, Adelstan. Let me speak to my husband. Renaud loves you, and he will help fix this. Plus, he likes Rhiannon. He says she reminds him of me.”

  Adelstan laughed. “And you never did like Malgor, did you?”

  “I find him coarse, and I do not care for a man who would parade his leman before his betrothed. Rhiannon deserves better. In fact, she deserves you.”

  “My men—”

  “Adore you, and will follow you back to Braemere, where you will continue to lead Renaud’s army until your fief is ready. That day is coming, brother.”

  She watched her twin, knew the inner battle playing within his head. “You have been a loyal and true vassal, Adelstan. Always you have lived by honor and duty. You declined promotions you rightly deserved, all because you didn’t want others to think you were given them out of preference, because you were family to Renaud. You should have received Almeron before de Cion and every man here knows that. You are a better soldier than he, and a better man, too.”

  Adelstan looked up, caught her gaze. “Thank you, Aleysia.”

  “You are worth so much more than you know.” She went up on her toes and cupped his face with her hands. “You have earned the right to have your own lands and titles, Adelstan. Indeed, it is long past due. Your men are so loyal to you, and they would come from every demesne to join your forces if need be. Indeed, Renaud would have to offer them much to stay at Braemere.”

  He shook his head. “It is just so difficult.”

  She lifted his hand with her fingers. “Love of my heart.” Rhiannon had those words carved in that ring because she meant them, Adelstan. She loves you, and sometimes love only comes around once in a lifetime. You must seize it or watch it pass by. Do you want to look back on your life one day, and wonder what would have happened if you would have just listened to your heart instead of your head?”

  He took off the ring, ran a finger over the inscription.

  “Sometimes love comes at a price, and sometimes you must choose between love and duty, Adelstan.”

  Chapter 22

  The feasting went well on into the night. By the time Rhiannon made her way to her room, she was exhausted and feeling sick yet again. She had not drank wine or ale, so that could not be the culprit.

  “Would ye like a hot bath?” Elspeth asked, concern knitting her brow.

  “Nay, I need to sleep. I do not feel at all well.”

  “Jorden has asked to meet me.”

  Rhiannon smiled. “And are ye going to meet him?”

  “I’d like to…unless ye have need of me.”

  “Go, I can handle Jocelyn.”

  “Jorden can wait awhile longer,” Elspeth said, chewing her lip. “I do not trust that woman very much.”

  Knowing they had to be certain that de Cion would sleep the night away when they did decide to flee Almeron, Elspeth had told Jocelyn to meet with them after dinner. Hopefully the woman would show soon.

  “Nay, I can handle her. Go, enjoy yourself.”

  “Are ye sure?”

  “Aye, now go.”

  Elspeth kissed her cheek and rushed across the bailey toward the armory.

  Rhiannon waited awhile longer, growing impatient by the minute. She was ready to retire when Malgor’s leman appeared from the shadows, nearly startling Rhiannon out of her skin.

  “My lady,” she said with a curt nod.

  “Good evening.”

  “Your maid said ye wished to speak to me.” The woman’s gaze shifted over Rhiannon in a way that made her uneasy.

  Rhiannon forced a smile. “Aye, I was hoping ye could be so kind as to bring Lord Malgor some warm wine this evening.”

  Jocelyn’s eyes narrowed.

  “Does the baron not drink wine?”

  The leman looked at Rhiannon as though she were daft. “Aye, he drinks wine.”

  Rhiannon lifted her chin a fraction and squared her shoulders. “His lordship looked extremely tired today, and I know how taxing having guests can be. Since I am not feeling well, I had hoped ye could take care of him this evening…tomorrow night as well. Just see that he has wine, mayhap prepare a bath. If ye could do this for me, I would forever be in your debt.”

  The woman’s lips quirked and she bowed her head. “I would be delighted to help in any way, Lady Rhiannon.”

  “Excellent. Ye are as loyal as they come.” Rhiannon kissed her cheek, and the scent of roses met her. She recognized the same scent on de Cion’s shirt earlier, mingled with his odd scent.

  “Is that all, Lady Rhiannon?” she asked, her gaze once again shifting over her.

  “Aye, that is all.”

With a nod, Jocelyn rushed off in the direction of the kitchen.

  Rhiannon smiled inwardly and started for her chamber. If all went well, then by this time tomorrow she and Elspeth would be well on their way to Wales.

  Walking up the tower stairs, Rhiannon thought back on the night. She had watched Adelstan and his sister talking. From time to time she would feel his gaze on her, but Rhiannon would always look away. She could not change her mind about leaving.

  Besides, it was obvious Adelstan had chosen duty and honor over her.

  She entered her chamber and locked the door, not wanting de Cion to let himself in as he had done on several other occasions.

  God willing, his leman would keep him busy all night.

  Loosening the laces at her back, she walked toward the hearth. She had been unable to eat much of anything tonight, her nerves stealing her appetite.

  Elspeth had mentioned that Rhiannon must eat if she were pregnant with Adelstan’s child.

  Her hands moved to her flat stomach as she remembered him playing with his nieces and nephews, the look of love and admiration on each of their young faces as he welcomed them.

  She had watched Renaud and Aleysia throughout the night, always holding hands, touching each other, their love and devotion obvious to everyone.

  Lucky woman.

  Lucky man.

  A knock sounded at the door and Rhiannon frowned. It was too early for Elspeth to return…unless he could not find Jorden. She doubted Jocelyn would come to her room for any reason.

  She walked to the door and lifted the latch.

  Her pulse skittered. “Adelstan, what—”

  He pulled her into his arms and kicked the door closed behind him. His hands framed her face as he kissed her hard, his lips demanding a response.

  Her heart pounded nearly out of her chest. She opened her mouth to ask him if he’d lost his mind, but his tongue swooped in, velvety soft, sliding over hers.

  His hands were everywhere at once, weaving through her hair one minute, another cupping a breast, sliding down her stomach, touching her damp folds.


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