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Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3)

Page 19

by Sandra Bischoff

  Drake stared at the ceiling, trying to remember. He couldn’t. “I’m not sure.”

  She leaned up on her elbow to look at him. “Then why don’t you feed from me?”

  “Serenity . . . .” His fangs throbbed.

  “Don’t you dare say no. Drakkar. You have to stay strong, especially now. If you don’t feed, how can I be sure you’ll be strong enough to protect your sister from Absinthe?” Her eyes pleaded with him.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, and I will.”

  “It’s okay. I know it’s not going to tickle.” She smirked and flipped over her wrist.

  He pushed himself up to lean against the headboard and took her arm in his hands. His thumb rubbed little slow circles over the veins in her wrist. He heard her heartbeat speed up. “I’m not going to take too much.” She nodded and swallowed. His fangs dropped when he opened his mouth. Drakkar glanced up, meeting her gaze as he sunk his teeth into her wrist.

  Serenity gasped. He wanted to pull back, but she wouldn’t let him. She held her arm firm against his mouth. Drakkar closed his eyes and drank. When he felt her arm loosen, he licked the puncture marks to close the wounds. He slid down the headboard and pulled her into a protective embrace, kissing the top of her head.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She looked up at him, her eyes reflecting her drowsy smile.

  Drakkar wrapped a tendril of her black and red streaked hair around his finger. The color changed back to her natural strawberry blonde color.

  He held the lock of hair up between them. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Why did you change your hair color?” He twisted the hair around his finger.

  Serenity shrugged. “I don’t know. I just wanted to be different. That and to make my mom crazy.”

  “How did that work out for you?”

  “She didn’t even blink.” She sighed.

  “Then why do you keep it this way?”

  “Habit, I guess.”

  “Well, I like it this way.” Her whole head of hair became her natural color. “Will you keep it,” he asked.

  Serenity thought about it for a moment. He was almost sure she would tell him to change it back when she nodded. “Yeah, I will. I was thinking about changing it anyway, but it was so much work. But now that you did it for me, I’ll leave it.”

  His fingers traced the line of her jaw, tilting her face up to his. Their eyes locked and she licked her lips. His heart jumped in his chest. Drakkar leaned closer, kissing her lightly. Serenity reached up, wrapping her hand around the back of his neck. She sighed into his mouth, deepening the kiss. Drakkar rolled her onto her back, breaking the kiss. He cupped her cheek, caressing her bottom lip with his thumb.

  “You know we can’t-” he began.

  Serenity pouted. “I know.”

  He kissed her lightly. “Get some sleep, Nettie. We’ll be alright for a while.”

  Yawning, she nodded and rolled onto her side. Drakkar molded to her back, wrapping an arm around her. He kissed the curve of her ear.

  “I love you, Serenity,” he whispered.

  She never answered him, but he did hear her slow even breathing letting him know she finally fell asleep. Drakkar closed his eyes, listening to her heartbeat as it lulled him off to dream land as well.

  A whimper from across the room made Drakkar’s eyes open. Completely disoriented, he tried to sit up, but his arm was trapped. The source mumbled something in her sleep and cuddled closer to him, smothering him in the scent of strawberries.


  The events from the previous night flooded back -kidnapping the baby, running from the wolf, getting help from the very guys who bullied him at school, and Serenity saving him. All of it happened in such a short amount of tim,e he almost couldn’t believe it was real. Serenity lying in his arms fast asleep proved it was.

  A gurgle and whine echoed in the room again.

  Drakkar eased out from under Nettie. She moaned in protest, snuggling further into the warmth of his pillow. He shook out the quilt at the bottom of the bed, spreading it over her before going to the crib.

  “Hey, there.” Annabelle happily gurgled and flailed her arms. “Let’s get you cleaned up and fed, then maybe a little walk while Serenity gets some sleep. What do you think?” He grinned.

  Annabelle squealed with glee when he lifted her from the crib. She patted his face with her tiny palm, giving him a toothless smile. The two of them slipped out of the small bedroom into the main living area. He grabbed the duffel back with supplies and set about changing her diaper, even sitting back to admire his first ever attempt.

  “Not too bad, huh?” She blew bubbles at him before doing the goldfish impersonation with her mouth. “Yeah, I know you’re hungry. So am I.”

  Drake fished around for a bottle and can of formula in the bag. Breaking the seal, he emptied the contents into the baby bottle, closed it up with a nipple and ring, and collected Anna in his arms again.

  “Not sure how much you get, so when you’re done you let me know, okay?” She giggled in response.

  Taking a page from Britt’s book, he sat in the rocker and offered up the bottle to her. Annabelle trapped it immediately in her mouth, holding it steady with her own hands just in case he tried to pull it away.

  The two of them watched each other in silence for a while as she sucked on the bottle. Drakkar glanced at the clock. It was well after sundown, which explained her highness being awake. He sure could have used a few more Z’s. Well, at least Serenity would be rested. Maybe he could catch some more sleep when she got up.

  Annabelle let the nipple go making “Ba ba ba ba” noises. Drakkar laughed. Man that felt good, to finally laugh again. This little bundle, aside from Serenity, was the only one to make him feel half normal again.

  “So, you’re telling me you’re full, then?” She burped. “I guess so. Ok let’s get you bundled up and go for a little ride to pick up something for Serenity and I to eat.”

  Anna flailed her arms while he tried desperately to get her little coat on. After a few minutes of struggling, he finally managed to get her bundled up and strapped in the car seat. Drake carried her out to the car, buckled her in, and started the car. He left her side only long enough to lock the cabin up tight.

  If anything happened to Serenity, he’d never forgive himself.

  Climbing in the Impala he looked back over his shoulder at Anna, who was chewing on the ring toy he’d given her the night before. “Alright let’s go get Nettie something special.” Annbelle squealed when he put the car in reverse and headed out to find food.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Son of a Bitch!” Lance paced around Jared’s office. He’d been bested by teenagers, mere children. He picked up a paper weight from the mahogany desk and threw it at the hearth, shattering it. “The little shit fooled me into thinking he was you. I should have known he was in imposter. He smelled like a whore house. I should have stopped him before he got AnnaBear.”

  “Could you not destroy the stuff in this room?” Jared spoke through gritted teeth. “Absinthe has been weaving a web of deceit for a long time. There was no way you could have expected this.”

  Alex sobbed against Jared’s shoulder on the leather couch. She’d been inconsolable since the baby was kidnapped the night before. Lance did his best to search the grounds. At every turn he was veered on a wild goose chase. The kid’s scent was everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.

  This wasn’t a one man job. The kid had help, and Lance rounded them all up, locking them in Dragoni castle’s dungeon. They didn’t know what waited for them. He wondered if they felt what they would endure was worth it.

  The strange thing was, none of it seemed like Absinthe’s M.O. If she was the mastermind behind the abduction, she would have played a card by now. Jared’s sister loved the spotlight almost as much as making his life a living hell.

  Lance got down on one knee in front of Jared and Alex. “
I swear I’m going to find her.” He took her hand in his. “I won’t sleep until little Anna is back in your arms.”

  Jared wrapped his arms tighter around her, soothing her fears. His jaw ticked against the top of her head while his eyes blazed. “Lance, do whatever you have to do. I don’t care if you have to bring him back hanging onto the last shred of life in him. You bring them both back here. I want him to give up that bitch.”

  Lance gave his friend a curt nod and rose to his feet. He swiftly left them in the hands of Zephyr, stepping into the hallway. He closed the door quietly behind, him muffling Alex’s sobs from inside the study. He hung his head and leaned back against the door.

  Someone slid up next to him and laid their head on his shoulder. The fragrance of wild heather engulfed him, bringing a sad smile to his lips.

  Elizabeth, his wife and mate, kissed his cheek. “Christian, you have done your best to find her. Please stop torturing yourself.”

  He covered her hand with his and brought it to his lips. “It’s not enough, Beth. This never should have happened in the first place. I failed.”

  “Nay. You did not fail. I have faith in you.”

  Lance sighed. “You’re the only one right now who does. They blame me for letting this happen.”

  Elizabeth moved in front of him and took his face in both of her hands, forcing him to meet her fierce emerald gaze. “You. Will. Find. Them. We all believe you will. Now you must believe in yourself.”

  “She’s right, Christian. Alex and Jared do not blame you. They are hurting right now.” Semiramis joined them from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel.

  Lance wanted to believe them, but years of never being what they all wanted him to become still haunted him. Anabelle’s abduction made all of those feelings of inadequacy resurface. It was hard to lock them back up, even though he’d proven himself worthy of being Jared’s first in command on his journey back in time to Camelot last year.

  “I know, and it’s killing me to see them go through this. But I’m at a loss. Anna and Absinthe’s son seem to have vanished.” He looked between the two of them, choking on fear and anger. He tended to become a loose cannon. But to take his frustrations out on two of the most important people in his life was something he would never do.

  “Listen to me.” Elizabeth pulled his attention back to her. She caressed her distended belly lovingly. “They did not just vanish. Go to the castle and question the ones you have imprisoned there. Make them tell you where they are.”

  Lance placed his own hand on her belly. The baby kicked, making him smile. “I’ll do that now. I probably shouldn’t leave them alone with the King for too long. He may feed them to the dragons. How will we explain that to their parents?”

  She reflected his smile. “That will not be an easy one.” She turned, linking her arm with his and escorted him to the front door.

  He paused when they got there and looked back at Semeramis. “Have you gotten any kind of hint as to where they are hiding?”

  “No. And I do think it is strange. I even opened it up to looking for someone linked by blood to each one of us and still nothing. Either this boy has someone with very powerful magic shielding them or he alone has that power,” she replied.

  “Thanks. At least I have an idea of what might be waiting for me when I do locate them.” He tucked a lock of red hair behind her ear and kissed Elizabeth on the forehead before opening the door.

  “Christian?” Elizabeth stopped him.


  “I do not know if this will ease your mind, but I do not feel he will hurt her.” Elizabeth’s hand rested on his arm.

  “Why’s that?

  “I saw how he carefully wrapped her to keep her warm and how he shielded her with his own body when I shot at them. He was protecting her. From what you tell me of the Princess-”


  “Fine, ex-Princess, if she raised this boy to be evil, he wouldn’t have cared what happened to Anna. But he does care. Please keep that in mind.”

  Lance squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. “I will. But the Gods help him if she’s hurt in anyway.”

  Lance checked his gun one last time before entering the dilapidated courtyard of the castle on Pollepel Island. Two dragons, one black as night, the other an iridescent green, picked up their heads as he walked past.

  “You guys haven’t eaten any football players lately, have you?” He smirked.

  One of the dragons snorted a puff of hot steam. Lance jumped back to keep from being scalded.

  “Hey, I had to ask. Xavier isn’t known for being patient. I’m sure intimidation isn’t working well with these guys.”

  A growl rumbled from the other’s chest and it jerked its chin toward the hidden door to the underground compound. Nodding his thanks, Lance slipped his gun in the waistband of his jeans. He tried the lock on the door. It gave easily under his touch.

  The long stone staircase leading into the ground was lit by oil torches lining the walls. They gave off an amber glow that didn’t quite warm the space. Lance shivered in the dampness. He would forever be glad that Jared chose the blue Victorian over the castle. All this place did was bring up memories of Camelot and the cavern where he was tortured for weeks on end. Thankfully, that period of his life was now a distant memory to both he and Elizabeth.

  Lance reached the main foyer. When he stepped off the staircase, there were no servants to greet him. Ordinarily, the King would have kept his home busting at the seams, but, it was completely void of life.

  He paused to listen. His sensitive hearing picked up the screams of someone being tortured. Damn it. I told him to wait till I got here. I hope there’s no permanent damage. In a few long strides, Lance hit the next stone stair case. He descended at a jog, intent on stopping whatever Xavier started.

  When he reached the bottom, he froze.

  The wolf who identified as the pack leader hung from the center of the room by his wrists. His shirt was torn and soaked in blood in several places on his back. The kid’s head hung forward, sweat covering his brow and dripping onto the stone floor.

  The King stood rigid before the teen, a flogger held loosely in his right hand. “Tell me where my grand-daughter is and I will spare your life.”

  The young wolf spat at Xavier’s shoes. “I already told you. I don’t know where they went after they left us in the woods.”

  Xavier curled his lip at the gob of saliva, mucus, and blood that landed near his foot. He raised the flogger again to strike. Lance’s hand shot out, trapping Xavier’s arm mid-strike.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing? His just a kid!” Lance tore the flogger out of the King’s hand and threw it across the dungeon. He was near hyperventilating as memories from his own brush with a flogger flooded his mind. “You can’t just torture him.”

  “Why not? I am his King. I am afforded the right to pull information I need out of him any way possible. I will pull out all the stops to find little Annabelle.” Xavier inclined his chin. “How dare you interfere.”

  Lance fought to remain calm, but the King was pressing buttons that should be left alone. “They are my prisoners. I will deal with them myself. I do not need you to butt your Royal nose in my business. Let me handle this.”

  They were deadlocked. Neither one wanted to concede. Lance probably overstepped, but given his relationship with Jared, the King’s son, he wasn’t likely to have Lance punished for the insult.

  Xavier inclined his chin. “Fine. Apparently your kidnapper obtained the help of a witch. You might be interested to know her name.”

  “Oh yeah? Who is she?” Lance gave the king a bored look.

  “Serenity Avery.”

  Lance’s jaw dropped. “You better not be kidding me on this.”

  “Never where the livelihood of my family is concerned. He most definitely said that is her name and that she cast the cloaking spell to keep them off the radar. His knowledge was very limited, so I don’t think he and hi
s cohorts will be of any more service.” Xavier turned on his heel and walked over to the steps.

  “Then why did you continue to torture him?”


  “He bit me, too,” the young wolf said.

  Lance was disgusted. “You bit him? Was that really necessary? Why?”

  Xavier shrugged. “Flogging takes a lot out of a person. I needed nourishment.”

  “But you don’t eat those who are incarcerated in your dungeon!” Lance ran a hand through his hair.

  “Why not? We always did in the past. Why should now be any different?”

  Lance’s eyes blazed. “Because these are different times. There are laws you need to follow in this century. You can’t just bite someone you have in your lock up. Geez!”

  “I am the King. I am above these laws of yours.”

  “You seriously did not just say that to me.” Lance stared at the King.

  “I did.”

  “Your disregard for life is what got us into this mess in the first place. You’re the reason we can’t have nice things now, like peace,” Lance snarled.

  “I am not! Peace is over-rated anyway.”

  He couldn’t find the words. Xavier honestly believed he did nothing wrong. “Majesty, I am only going to say this one more time. You cannot and will not sample anymore of my prisoners, ever. And there will be no more torture, either. You will be held accountable to our laws as well as everyone else.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement. Now would you mind” -he waved his hand absently at the mess he created- “cleaning all of this up?”

  “Yes.” Lance snarled. “As long as you leave me and don’t come back down here till I’m gone.”

  “But this is my home!” The King’s feathers were clearly ruffled. “I will not be banned just because you say so.”

  “Majesty, I am quickly losing my patience and this-” Lance pointed his fingers between him and Xavier. “This is not helping me find AnnaBear any faster. Please leave.”

  Without another word, the King left the room and ascended the stone stair case. Lance let out the aggravated breath. The king was an extremely smart man, but he didn’t know when to let the Conservatorship step in and handle a situation.


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