Claiming Addison: 69 Bottles #1

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Claiming Addison: 69 Bottles #1 Page 20

by Zoey Derrick

  Fuck me fucking sideways.

  I turn for the bedroom, swing the doors open wide and stop dead in my tracks. “That’s one way to keep him busy.” I smirk and Talon’s eyes land on mine with a wide smile spreading across his lips while Kyle’s head bobs up and down. I clear my throat and Kyle jumps.

  He laughs. “You said keep him in here.” I bust out laughing and Kyle and Talon join in.

  “So fucking hot,” I mumble. “I really hate to break up the party but we have a bigger problem.”

  “What?” Talon asks and I’m looking at Kyle.

  “Does this sound familiar.” I repeat the number Beck rattled off to me and Kyle cocks his head. “Not really, no. Should I know it?”

  “I think it’s time for you both to get dressed and take a seat. It’s gonna be a long day.”

  Within ten minutes Talon and Kyle come out of the bedroom, both in jeans and t-shirts, no shoes, no socks and fuck, they’re hot. It takes everything I have to not jump them but we need to deal with the problem at hand. “Kyle, grab your phone. Let’s cross check and make sure this number isn’t in your address book.”

  “Uh, okay?” he says hesitantly and goes to the coffee table, grabbing his phone as I recite the number. “Six, five,” he says before I can call out the last two digits.

  “So my theory is correct, it’s her. Isn’t it?”

  Talon perks up, “Who?”

  Kyle and I say in unison, “Kate.”

  So much for a day off. “When this day is over, I want a hot bath and a massage and a very, very large bottle of wine.”

  “You got it, angel,” Talon says. “Come here.”

  I go to Talon and sit down on his lap. I notice just now that in a public type situation, I am Talon’s and Kyle doesn’t hesitate to back away, or to stay someplace other than near me and I wonder why that is. Not that it’s a big deal, but I wonder idly if it is Talon and Kyle separating our relationship for the masses. But I don’t dwell on it, for now.

  Talon begins stroking his hand along my hair and down my back. I look at Kyle but ask neither for an answer to my thoughts. “Of all the things to do, why do that? Why to Dex? Why not Talon?”

  “Talon is off limits,” Kyle says automatically.

  “Meaning?” I notice that Talon sits up a little straighter when I ask for more.

  Kyle takes a deep breath. “Meaning, Talon doesn’t generally bring chicks back to his room, at least not alone. In the past, he’s usually taken them in the club or backstage. Never in his room. Case in point, our first night in Vegas. When Talon came back to the room, he had Dex with him. I was there already. I told Talon right away that you were missing and he stopped what he was doing, rallied the troops, leaving Dex alone. Then when things went south with his ‘dates’ he called for bodyguard reinforcements to throw them out.”

  “I later realized that after you’d come back I was just looking for a reason to throw them out. I didn’t want to be with them at all, let alone after that debacle and they provided the excuse. You see, angel, a lot of times, while I take pleasure from the bimbos, it’s never meant anything to me. It was a place to get off.” Yeah, this conversation is making me feel better. “They were women of convenience and well, I am a guy so it’s an inevitable fact. Most girls throw themselves at me because they want the fantasy of a rock god between their legs and that certainly strokes a man’s ego. You, on the other hand, didn’t want a rock god between her legs, so you posed a challenge, which is why Dex is the way he is with you. No one says no to Dex, no one except you. You said no to me, and that was when I realized that you were something more than a disposable Barbie doll who wants a rock god between her legs.”

  I don’t know whether to laugh, cry or scream at him. “You certainly have a way with words,” I mutter.

  He shrugs.

  “So the bottom line is, Talon is off limits to random chippies because he doesn’t let them get to him that way and it drives the chicks nuts.” Kyle smiles as he sits next to Talon. “Soak it up because you are the first who’s ever crawled under his skin like you have.”

  Talon nudges his shoulder against Kyle’s. “She’s not the only one,” Talon says and then there is a moment of shock that passes between the two of them but dwelling on it is something I don’t get to do because the suite door slams shut once again and Mills, Beck, Rusty and Leroy are all surrounding one absolutely petrified production assistant.

  “Did Blondie get paid?” I asked Beck.

  “She did. Then she slapped Kate. It was great,” Beck laughs but Kate fumes.

  “I’d tell you to go get Dex, but I imagine he’s sleeping off his god awful night.” The door shuts again.

  “Nope, I’m wide fucking awake,” Dex says as he comes storming into the room oblivious to the circle of bodyguards and what in the middle of them. “Look Addison, I’m really fucking sorry about what I did last night. I promise it won’t happen again.”



  “Breathe. You were set up last night.”

  “Fuck me! How so?”

  “Well, one of your little blonde bimbos was approached and offered five hundred dollars to seduce you, drug you and then finally fuck you.”

  “Five hundred? That’s the going rate for rock star sex these days?” He laughs.

  I can’t help but laugh too. “Well, see, the person doing the paying said that she needed proof or Blondie wasn’t going to get paid. So I’m guessing sometime after you passed out, Blondie did her job and sent out the pictures to her point of contact and that person then turned around and sold the story to news outlets across the country, or maybe it was just one, we’re not sure yet. But anyway, they pocket the cash, scamming not only you, but the Blondie as well. I’m guessing those pictures grossed, maybe fifty grand.” I look at Kate who mouths fifty grand and looks ridiculously disappointed. Oh, talk about a backfire. “If the contact was smart that is. Now here’s the real kicker, the point of contact could have and probably should have used an anonymous email so that we couldn’t trace the pictures. But the middle man wasn’t that smart.”

  “Well, what the fuck?” Dex says. “I’ve never in my life…well, fuck. I don’t even know…shit.” A speechless Dex is rather interesting and he turns around running his hand through his hair. “What’s she doin’ here?”

  I smirk. “Dex, meet the point of contact. Who I’m guessing is pretty pissed because she didn’t get fifty g’s for the pictures.”

  “Fucking hell.”

  “So Kate, how much did you get for the pictures? You know, for curiosity’s sake.”

  She doesn’t answer and Dex takes a few steps in her direction. “I know you. Why do I know you? Why did I never see it before?”

  “Because you’re too busy sticking your dick into some bitches cunt,” Kate snarls and even I take a step back. Awkward Kate is pretty pissed the fuck off about something and I can’t even begin to imagine what it is.

  “Well now, aren’t we feisty? So tell me, darlin’, what exactly have I done to you to make you want to pull a stunt like this?” Dex asks her and I just sit back wondering idly what the hell could have possessed her to do something like this. The only things that come to mind are…

  “No way, Dex, you didn’t fuck her, did you?”

  “Hell if I know,” Dex says with such nonchalance that I almost want to laugh.

  Kate starts to openly sob and the entire room goes still. “What on earth would make you want to do something like this, Kate?” Kyle stands up from the couch walking toward her. He doesn’t go all the way to her because I don’t want to go near her either.

  “He…” She weeps, “He’s responsible for my sister. He’s the reason she tried to commit suicide. He’s the reason she’s gone crazy.”

  “What?” Dex says with genuine shock.

  “Stacy, do you remember her, asshole? Do you remember what you did to her? She was my sister and you fucking dumped her so that you could go off whoring around with wh
oever you wanted. It’s all your fault,” she sobs.

  Dex stops dead in his tracks. Frozen in place. “She understood, she said she fucking understood. Now you show up here, trying to blackmail me, she said she fucking understood.” Dex is nearly shouting.

  “She wasn’t enough for you. She was never enough, you always wanted more than her, and yet she stood by you, was there for you every night then you just dumped her like yesterday’s garbage.”

  “How much, Kate? How much did you get for the pictures?” Dex asks her.

  “I needed money. I need money to pay for her hospital. I fucking need to save her,” she sobs more.

  “How much, Kate?” he asks her again.

  “Ten grand,” Kate blurts.

  I almost want to be pissed off at this chick for what she’s done, but now I admire her for her spirit. Protecting her sister.

  “I didn’t know, Kate. Honest to god, I didn’t know.” Dex’s voice is soft, unlike anything I’ve ever heard from him before.

  “If you cared about her at all, you would have never left her like you did, you would have never put her in the position she’s in.”

  “So you decide to use me to get money for her? Did it ever occur to you that I just might actually help her?” Dex says and Kate looks at him with eyes as wide as saucers.

  “She doesn’t need your fucking money, Dex. She needed you.”

  I step in between the two of them and look at Dex. “This is no longer my concern, or anyone else’s for that matter. If you want to continue talking to Kate, that’s your choice, and I highly recommend it. But at this point, I think you need to take it to a private location. Without the audience.” I look to Kate who still looks petrified and turn back to Dex. I lean in and whisper to him. “Keep one of the guys with you, for safety, they won’t judge you. But you really should talk to her. Talk to her before this turns into something bigger than it needs to be. This is personal and private, try and keep it that way.”

  Dex nods and looks at Kate. “Will you come with me? Talk to me some more?”

  “I have nothing left to say,” she says snottily.

  I walk over to her. “You wanted his attention, you got it.”

  “She was supposed to leave before sending me the pictures so this wouldn’t have come out,” Kate says to me.

  “Well it did, and I’m sure I speak for Kyle and the label when I tell you that you’re fired. This might be your last chance to talk to him. Give him details on your sister and her condition. Believe it or not, I really do believe he had no idea and that he wants to help. Let him talk to you.”

  “Fuck you,” she says to me.

  “Listen here, Kate, I am not your enemy. I feel sorry for your sister, honestly I do, but this is no way to help her. You got ten grand now, but what about when you need more money, what next? Talk to him, work it out with him. Pinning this on him isn’t fair.”

  She finally nods and Dex takes that as his cue. He and Beck escort her from the room. I turn to Mills. “Make sure she gets her stuff off the bus and out of her hotel room. Get her on a plane to wherever she needs to go and get her away from the band. We don’t need another incident like this popping up, at least not like this.”

  “Agreed,” he says with a half-smile. “Peacock and Mouse want to get ink. Are they okay to leave?” Oh new ink, now that sounds like an amazing idea.

  “They are, just remind them to keep their mouths shut. What happened in here, stays in here, unless Dex decides to tell them. All they know is that Dex got drunk, got high and had pictures taken. Leave it at that. I’ll handle it publicly with a press release.”

  “Sounds good,” Mills says.

  “Oh, and if their ink shop checks out, let me know.” I wink and he smiles. Mills, Rusty and Leroy leave the suite, leaving me to Talon and Kyle.

  “Well, I certainly didn’t see that one coming,” Talon says as he leans forward, putting his elbows on his knees. Then he runs his hand over his chin.

  “You can say that again,” Kyle retorts as he sits back down next to Talon.

  “You guys knew this Stacy, right?” They both nod. “So what happened between them?” I ask, honestly curious.

  “Dex didn’t want to grow up,” Talon says.

  “That doesn’t sound like a good enough reason to dump someone,” I counter.

  “No, it’s certainly not. Dex didn’t think that Stacy was road material. Thought that she’d make a better mom and a housewife than a rocker’s wife. She was insanely jealous but a good person. I liked her a lot and was pretty pissed when Dex dumped her. I think it only took Dex a couple of weeks to realize the mistake he made. What he did with that realization is beyond me. Other than the fact that he turned into what he is today.” Talon’s eyes are sad as he talks about Dex and Stacy. “She was good for him, but like I said about rock gods, he wanted to be one of them.”

  “Well, I feel sorry for Kate. But it is obvious to me that Dex feels pretty bad about it. So maybe now they can make it right. Handle it in the right way,” I say and sit down in front of my computer.

  “Hopefully,” Talon says.

  “I don’t know how to handle this, publicly. The story is already buried,” I say looking at my screen and my email.

  “With what?” Talon asks.


  “Why you?” Kyle asks and I pull up the video I found from last night on YouTube and press play, turning up the volume.

  “Oh shit.” I look at Talon who is grinning from ear to ear as the video from last night’s concert plays. The sound quality is awful but it is a very close shot.

  “Oh, it gets better.” I look at them. “Come see for yourself.”

  They both look at each other and then stand up in unison. Their bulky bodies stalking towards me is a rather amazing sight to see. But I stand up and move out of their way. They look at the computer, so that they can see what I’m talking about.

  “Holy SHIT!” Talon shouts. “Four fucking million views.” He snaps his head around to look at me.

  “Refresh the page, that’s over a million more since the last time I looked at it. And that is only one video, there are at least fifty of them on YouTube by different users.” I take a seat on the couch behind me and just watch as my boys watch the video. When it’s over I can see one of them hit refresh and the number jumps by over six hundred thousand views. “So my conversation with Cami backstage last night?” The both look at me. “The one you were trying to coax out of me with kissing and orgasms and fucking me.”

  “Yeeahhh,” Talon says in a ‘get on with it’ kinda way.

  “She wants to sign me to Bold.”

  “No fucking way,” they both say in unison.

  “What did you tell her?” Talon asks me.

  “Nothing, she really didn’t give me a chance to say yes or no. She told me to think about it and that we would talk after the tour was over. But I am pretty sure that’s going to change now.” I lean back into the couch. “It’s never been anything I’ve thought about before.”

  Talon laughs. “It’s usually something that happens when you least expect it. Trust me, I know and now I see why it takes those who want it so bad as long as it does.” He chuckles. “You have to not want it to get what you want.”

  “Your logic baffles me,” Kyle says to Talon and they both laugh. “So baby girl, what do you want to do?”

  I snort. “Right now, get through my emails so that the two of you can take my mind off of everything.”

  “We can do that, but I was talking about Cami’s offer.”

  “Hell if I know. I have never, in my entire life, sung in front of an audience bigger than a small Kansas City congregation. Let alone what I did last night. Fuck, I didn’t even plan that and to be honest, I didn’t even realize I was singing out loud. It was all, fuck, I don’t know, it was a damn adrenaline rush.” I smile.

  “Welcome to my world, panda,” Talon says and he sits on the coffee table in front of me, putting his legs on either side of min
e. Kyle comes around the back of the sofa and puts his hands on my shoulders. He begins rubbing them softly and I get goosebumps all over my skin and my nipples turn to pebbles beneath my tank top. Talon is quick to notice and he smirks. “So, since you have until the end of the tour to make up your mind, I’d like you to sing with me at every concert.”

  “No way,” I say shaking my head. Kyle’s hands dip lower, working their way into my tank top. “Not fair, Kyle,” I grumble. These two can get me to agree to just about anything when they’re touching me.

  Kyle’s fingers slide past the top band of my tank top and I shiver in anticipation of his fingers brushing my nipples. He continues pushing his hands further south, he’s almost there.

  “Yes way, angel. You’re amazing and obviously the crowd loves you.”

  “No.” Kyle’s fingers reach my nipples. “Ahh!” I moan and he slides them back.

  “Let’s try that again, shall we, angel? Are you going to sing with me?”

  I can’t answer because Kyle’s hands slide down right across my nipples at the same time Talon’s hand begins tracing circles between my legs, right over my clit. “Ahh.”

  “Come on, angel, what do you say? You and me, singing your favorite song.”

  “Not fair,” I groan as they continue their assault. Kyle’s hands push my tank top down, exposing my breasts to the cool air and Talon’s waiting tongue.

  “What. Do. You. Say?” Each word is punctuated by the flick of his tongue on my nipple. Before I can respond, he sucks it into his mouth and sucks like his life depends on it.

  “Yes!” I moan as my body convulses with need, a hot desperate need to come.

  And just like that, all hands and mouths are gone. I am left panting on the couch. “That’s my angel.”

  “What? Oh seriously. No fucking way, get your tongue back here.”

  “Maybe later, you have work to do.” He stands and side steps me toward the computer where he plops down and starts to play the video again.


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