Claiming Addison: 69 Bottles #1

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Claiming Addison: 69 Bottles #1 Page 21

by Zoey Derrick

  “So not fucking fair. You know there is always a thing called payback,” I mumble.

  “Oh that is payback for pulling Kyle off my dick earlier,” Talon says with a laugh and Kyle is smiling like a Cheshire cat.

  “Hmph!” I pick up my iPad and get to work on my emails.

  Two hours later and I have finally filtered through all of my emails, with no help from the boys, mind you. They’ve been watching that damn video on repeat since they saw it the first time. Which is okay, except for the fact that I blush like a teenager every time I hear my voice.

  It’s now just after six in the evening and while there were a lot of new outlets reporting the Dex issue, it wasn’t anything derogatory. Not to mention the fact that those same news outlets were covering my performance of the concert.

  I received an email from Cami that I put off sharing with the boys because I don’t want to distract myself from finishing my task at hand. I also email Trinity letting her know that the band is not going to return comments regarding the pictures of Dex for reasons that we now understand who was behind it and the reasons for it. Out of respect for all parties involved I’ve decided it’s best not to engage the animals. She replied quickly with a “good call” email and reminded me of her travel plans this evening, but that she would be available via email if necessary.

  I’m not a Facebook person, never really have been. I have an account, but rarely use it. I decide, given the fact that I now seem to be a major celebrity that I might want to visit the social media world.

  “Holy hell. How the hell did they figure it out so damn fast?” I mutter.

  “Figure out what, panda girl?”

  “Who I am. From the video.”

  “What makes you say that?” Talon turns to look at me. I flip my iPad around and show him my Facebook profile. He squints, stands and comes to sit next to me. I point to the upper right hand corner.

  “Three thousand, four hundred and forty-nine friend requests. Seventeen hundred notifications. And over seven hundred messages,” I say out loud so Kyle is in the loop and I groan. A message window pops up and I recognize the image. It’s Sam’s. “Where is my phone?” I ask no one in particular as I look around the room.

  “Right here,” Kyle says and brings it over, taking a seat on the other side of me from Talon.

  I press the button on the bottom. “I’m gonna fucking kill her,” I groan as I see over a hundred missed calls. The only ones that I truly care about are the one from Cami, with respective voicemail, the one from my mom, hers too has a voicemail and the rest are all from Sam with countless voicemails. “I can’t deal with her.” Just as I say that my phone starts ringing.

  “You know what, I’ll deal with this,” Talon says, taking my phone from me.

  “Talon, don’t…”

  “Where’s the fire, Sam?”

  I can’t hear the other end of the conversation. “It’s Talon.” He pulls the phone away from his ear and puts it on speaker.

  Sam is going on and on. “I need to talk to Addie, put her on the phone, Talon.”

  “I’m sorry, Sam, I can’t do that right now. She’s in the middle of working.”

  “Bullshit, she’s been ignoring my calls all afternoon, tell her to get over her shit and answer the fucking phone.”

  I gape at Talon and he’s turning bright red. “Why are you calling her like this? What’s so fucking important that you’re blowing up her phone?”

  “That’s none of your damn business. I know she’s there, give her the fucking phone.”

  I hold my hand out for the phone but Talon refuses. “I am not going to let you talk to her that way. I cannot imagine anything she could have done to warrant such an attitude from you. Now why don’t you tell me what your problem is and I’ll decide if it’s worth her time.”

  “What are you? Her fucking secretary?”

  “No, I’m her boss among other things.”

  “Bullshit, she doesn’t work for you.”

  I can tell Sam is losing steam and Talon is winning. I try to give him a smile and some encouragement.

  “Oh, on the contrary, Sam, she does and I pay her damn good money to do her job, which she is busy doing, so I suggest you tell me what is so fucking important that you’ve called her over a hundred times.”

  “I don’t want to discuss it with you,” she mutters through the phone.

  “Does this have anything to do with Dex?” Talon asks and I hear her huff on the other end of the phone. “Because I’m pretty sure Dex made it very clear to you what you were to him and more importantly, I am pretty sure she told you not to discuss it with her, ever. So if you’re trying to use your quote-un-quote friendship with her in order to try and get to Dex, I will have her number changed so fast you’ll never be able to talk to her.”

  “Sorry for you, I’m staying in her house,” she counters back to him and I roll my eyes.

  “Has her house burned down?” Talon asks her a little sarcastically “No,” she snaps back.

  He shrugs. “Then I can’t imagine a valid reason for you to be blowing up her phone. And believe me, I’m sure we could make it so that you never talk to her again. Since you’ve been blowing up her phone since the story started popping up all over the place, I’m pretty sure you’re pissed off because you think you mean something to Dex. Am I getting warmer?”

  There is no reply.

  “Then let us continue with the fact that Addison warned you that Dex would fuck you and leave you and without a doubt have another woman in his bed the next night. Did she not?”

  Again no response, but I can hear her on the other end of the phone.

  “I’ll take your silence as confirmation. With that in mind, Addison has had a very trying day compliments of Dex, among other things, and I am here to remind you that you willingly slept with a man who told you himself that it was a one night stand and now you’re all lovey dovey thinking he’s prince fucking charming and you’re pissed off because he stuck his dick into another chick. Seriously, Sam? Enough already. When you decide not to be a lunatic about this, call Addison again, leave her a voicemail telling her you’re sorry and then maybe she will talk to you again. For now, call this phone again and I’ll have you charged with harassment. Good night, Sam.”

  “Uh…” I hear her on the other end of the phone as Talon hangs up. I am completely shocked by what Talon just did and a little in awe too.

  “Thank you,” I scowl. “I think.”

  Kyle and Talon bust out laughing. “She was pissing me off. I can’t believe, no wait, I can believe it. It happens all the time.” Talon gives me a half smile. “Sorry, panda.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “For putting you in the middle of Dex’s not so secret love life. Putting you between your friend, making you put up with all of this.”

  I pout. “You want to know something?” I ask softly.

  “Always,” Talon and Kyle say together.

  “I don’t know if I really have friends. Not solid ones anyway. After Dan, I made acquaintances with people, including Sam and Jess. Yes, Sam and I are close, but sometimes I just keep her at arm’s length. She comes around when it suits her most. Which of course, annoys the crap out of me. Plus even when I don’t have mega rock stars requiring my services for twelve weeks, I always made up excuses to ditch the girl outings. I’m not that much of a girlie girl and spending that much time with people gives me the willies.”

  Talon cocks his head at me. “But you’re spending twelve weeks on a tour bus, with people no less.”

  I smile. “That’s different. This is different.”

  “How so?” Kyle asks me.

  “Because, when I climbed on board the bus, I was a business woman. Here to do business and nothing else.”

  Talon comes to sit on the coffee table in front of me like before. “Are you still just a businesswoman?” he asks softly, afraid of my answer.

  I put my iPad down, lean forward and take his hands in mine. “No,” I say seriously.
“A lot has changed since I boarded that bus on Thursday. I’ve changed a lot too.” I look over at Kyle. “I’ve come to understand that there is more to life than working all day.” I look back at my hands in Talon’s. “When it was taken from me, when Dan died, throwing myself into work was easy because I didn’t have anyone anymore. After the funeral, nobody cared, except for my mom, but she’s my mom. So not having anyone made it easier to survive. To make a name for myself. Everything has changed because I finally see how stupid I’ve been for secluding myself from people. But I also see how that seclusion has helped shape me.” I take a deep breath. “I see now that secluding myself brought me to that bus, and brought me here.”

  “Alright, enough of the heavy stuff,” I say after a couple of minutes of silence. “What are we doing tonight?” I ask just as my phone chimes with a text. “Oh, it’s Mills.” I read the text aloud.

  Mills: Shop is good, clean, guys are gonna get inked, will be here a while. Secluded and private. Said they will shut down shop if T, K, D, and you want to come for ink. Let me know.

  “I vote ink,” I say with a laugh.

  “Then let’s go,” Kyle says.

  “EEK!” I squeal and lean over and kiss Kyle on the cheek and I whisper in his ear. “You had your fun this morning. We will all be together tonight. Let me have him.”

  “Of course,” he says out loud, standing from the couch. “I’ll get in touch with Mills, go talk to D and figure out dinner.”

  Talon looks at both of us, confusion in his eyes. “I need a shower,” I say looking straight at Talon with a mischievous grin on my face.

  He looks at Kyle. “You sure?”

  Kyle smiles down at Talon then lifts his hand to Talon’s cheek, cupping it. Talon leans into it and kisses his palm. “Absolutely.” They both smile at each other. “Besides, we have tonight.” He winks and I stand, wrapping my arms around Kyle, kissing him once, twice and on the third, I slide my tongue inside, seeking his. He kisses me back. “So. Not. Fair,” he says between kisses and I laugh.

  “You had your fun earlier. It’s his turn.”

  “Wait, what fun?” Talon stands, nearly knocking me over until his arms come around me, holding me to him. I look at him.

  “Kyle woke up before you did and attacked me in the shower.”

  “Oh.” Talon smirks. “Okay then, buh bye.” He sticks his tongue out at Kyle and the three of us laugh.

  Kyle kisses me on the head and then Talon pulls Kyle in for his own kiss before he goes.

  “Fuck!” I breathe and watch as they both smile through their kiss.

  I manage to slide out from between them and start walking toward the bedroom. I pull off my tank top and slide down my pj bottoms as I go.

  “Fuck!” I hear both of them say and then I can hear one of them running up behind me, lifting me and spinning me around as he tosses me on the bed and just as fast as I was tossed, I am mounted by Talon, kissing me and thrusting his denim covered erection between my legs and then I hear the click of the door as it closes.

  “All mine,” he growls kissing me again.

  “All yours,” I reply to him with heat in my eyes. “I’ve had a very shitty day. Make me forget it.” And with that, he pins my hands above my head, rubbing his cock against my slit. Though still covered in denim the friction is almost too much. He starts kissing and biting down my jaw to my neck. “Faster, Talon.” I urge and he bites into my breast. I cry out from the pain and pleasure as it makes my entire body shake with need.

  Then just like that, his mouth is lapping at my nipple. Sucking and tugging. I am pinned by his hands and his hips and I need him naked. I need him inside of me.

  “Take me, Talon. Fuck me. God, I need you,” I sigh and he doesn’t hesitate. He readjusts so that my hands stay bound above my head and he pulls back so that he can unbutton his pants, freeing his erection from the confines of his jeans before sliding them down so that his balls have room to move.

  “Lift your legs, angel.”

  I comply with his soft command. As soon my knees are up and I’m fully exposed to him he slams into me. Skyrocketing my orgasm and I shatter. Coming unglued at the seams. He slows his pace, but continues pounding into me, building another orgasm faster than should be natural. He swirls his hips, forcing his cock to hit me in all the right places.

  I close my eyes and arch my back. His mouth is on my other nipple, licking and sucking it like a starved child.

  I need this. He needs this. He doesn’t relent, he only drives deeper and deeper building me to a fever that I can no longer control.

  “Fuck! Ahh! I’m, fuck, Talon…” I scream as my orgasm explodes. My screams are only matched by his cries as he pours himself into me. His entire body is trembling with his release as I fall into the clouds of bliss, forgetting anything and everything but him and me and where our bodies are connected. A small twinge of guilt fills me, just like this morning when I realize Kyle isn’t here to watch, or to help.

  “He would have said no if it wasn’t okay,” Talon says against my chest where he is resting his head. Our breathing finally slows to normal rates. “We talked about it earlier, talked about how we can’t always expect you to service both of us every time. How we are two people and you’re only one. Believe me, we both want you so bad, with or without the other, but with the other, it’s a million times better,” he says. “We will do anything for you, angel. Anything at all.”

  I can’t stop the overwhelming emotions and they boil over, tears seeping down my cheeks. Everything from today, opening up to these guys, the fact that I’ve never felt so comforted and protected. Add to that the fact that these two men are more than any one woman could hope for.

  “Angel?” Talon whispers. “What’s wrong?”

  I don’t answer him; I just try desperately to stop the tears. This is so stupid. I shouldn’t be reacting like this, not over something like what Talon had to say. Why am I reacting this way? I shake my head back and forth.

  “Oh no, we talk about things, remember?”

  “I know, it’s just, damn it. It’s so stupid.”

  I feel his quiet chuckle. “Nothing you feel is ever stupid.”

  “Oh, believe me, this is.”

  “Do I need to get Kyle?” he asks and I shake my head. “Then talk to me, please.”

  “It’s just…I don’t know how to say this because it makes no sense in my head,” I whine.

  “Start at the beginning. What did I say?” He lifts his head to look at me better.

  “The fact that you guys talked about all this. I feel so confused. I feel like I need to like one of you better than the other, but I just can’t.”

  “Oh no, neither of us are asking for you to choose, we can’t do that to you. One, it’s not fair to you because we both have pursued you and two, well, frankly I can’t picture you without him and vice versa,” he says softly. “This whole thing is new to all of us, we’re going to have some serious growing pains and I have no doubt that jealousy will come into play at some point, but the more honest and open we are with each other, the easier talking about this will become. Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

  “Dammit, now I want to cry again,” I say quietly. One minute, I want just a physical relationship with these two and then something sweet happens and I feel myself falling into their trap. Falling for them, and damn, I don’t know if I’m ready for that.

  “Don’t, because there is no reason to. We’re all overwhelmed. Trust me, hitting Dex was more of a release for me than I realized.” He smiles. “In other words, it felt really good. Tonight, with you, raw like this is amazing. So I was helping you forget while you were helping me let go.”

  I smile. I’m not any less confused than I was when I started crying, but I will take it and absorb it. He pulls away from me and slides forward a little bit, when he does this I realize that he’s still buried inside of me. I moan and he freezes.

  “I didn’t mean…shit, Addie, I’m sorry.”

  “What fo
r?” I flick my hips at him and his eyes roll up. I lift my hips, trying to show him what I want and he rolls to his side. He slips out in the process but that’s okay. “Kyle!” I holler as I climb on top of Talon and bury him inside me once again as I shiver. “Kyle!” I call out again and I start to grind myself against Talon’s erection and he moans.

  Seeing what I’m doing to him is working, I continue working his erection, grinding and sliding myself up and down. The thick crown of his cock is brushing that sweet spot inside causing my pleasure to rise higher, grinding harder.

  The door opens. “What’s…oh, what’s wrong?”

  “I need you,” I moan as Talon thrust his hips.

  “You didn’t…”

  I cry out. “I need you too.”

  Talon’s hand slide up my thighs to my hips to help steady me so that he can pound himself into me. My body quivers watching Kyle strip out of his shirt and jeans. He kicks his shoes off before climbing onto the bed. I lick my lips.

  “Come here, Kyle,” Talon says and Kyle moves toward him. Talon lies back against the bed, opening his mouth.

  “Oh fuck,” I groan, flicking my hips against Talon’s. With my clit rubbing against him, pleasure soars the moment Talon’s lips kiss Kyle’s cock. Talon isn’t thinking twice about anything, he’s going for it and I can’t stop my cries of desperation. Talon swallows down Kyle’s cock. “Fuck me. I…” I grind against him on his up thrust and he slinks back onto the bed allowing me to take over. I reach over and grab the back of Kyle’s neck and pull him toward me. I need his mouth on mine since Talon has stolen his cock from me.

  He comes willingly and I crush my lips to his. Talon’s hand moves up my hip to my breast, stroking his thumb over my nipple and I moan into Kyle’s mouth. Kyle’s hand comes up to my other nipple and begins twisting and pulling.

  Talon continues licking and sucking Kyle’s cock. Breathlessness pulls me away from Kyle’s kiss. I flick against Talon again, pulling in a deep breath. I grab Kyle’s hand from my nipple and bring it to my mouth. I start licking his finger, sucking it in and out of my mouth. I settle onto Talon’s cock, just holding him inside me while I blow Kyle’s finger. Once I’m satisfied with the result, I lean forward onto Talon’s chest and guide Kyle’s hand toward the tight ring of my untapped entrance.


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