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Heal Me (Coopers Creek Book 2)

Page 12

by Bronwen Evans

  “No. I’m just sitting in bed reading veterinary medical journal articles. Your dog is on the bed with her head on the pillow you slept on,” Kate said.

  “My dog?”

  “Mmm hmm. Daisy has been moping the whole time you’ve been gone. She imprinted on you, so she’s your dog now. Every night she sleeps with that pillow.”

  That concerned Ric. “I can’t take her, Kate. I’d hate to see her cooped up in the apartment all day. I’d have to hire someone to take her out and everything.”

  “I didn’t mean for you to take her. I just meant that whenever you’re here, she’s yours.”

  Ric hadn’t had a dog since he’d been a kid and he loved the idea of having one again, even if it was only part-time. “Okay. I accept.”

  Kate chuckled in his ear. “I guess I have to get used to sharing you a little.”

  “Don’t feel bad. I have to share you with Cinders, so I guess we’re even.”

  He heard Kate muffle a yawn. “Sounds like you’re beat. Go to sleep, honey.”

  “I don’t want to. I want to talk to you. Do you want to hear something crazy?”

  “Of course.”

  Kate’s voice took on a shy note. “I miss sleeping with you. I know you only stayed here a couple of times, but I really liked having you here.”

  Her admission warmed Ric’s heart. “I feel the same way. I have an idea. Why don’t we both get comfy and we’ll leave our phones on and fall asleep together?”

  Kate giggled and in his mind, Ric saw the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed. “I love that idea.”

  Rolling over on his side, Ric hit the speaker button and laid his phone on the nightstand. “Can you hear me?”

  “Loud and clear.”


  They chit-chatted a little longer before Ric heard Kate snore softly. Smiling, he drifted off, his slumber restful for the first time since he’d been back in New York.


  Kate was in the middle of sending an email to a pharmaceutical rep who’d told her that he could get her anesthesia at a cheaper price than she was currently paying when she heard a knock on the doorjamb of her office door. Looking up, she was surprised to see Ric standing there looking yummy in jeans and a Hunter green Polo shirt.

  Somehow, Kate kept from squealing like a school girl, but she did rush out of her chair and into his arms. Eagerly, she met his lips and the flame between them was instantly ignited. Ric closed the office door and pinned her against it as their kiss turned hungry.

  Kate ran her hands over his broad chest and wanted to rip his clothes off. She wanted him to sweep everything off her desk and make love to her on it. Reluctantly, she broke their kiss and grinned at him.

  “You are a sight for sore eyes,” she said. “I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you, too. Notice anything different about me?”

  Kate looked him over and then saw the walking boot on his leg. “No more cast or crutches!”

  “Nope. I just have to wear this for a couple of weeks and do some PT and I’ll be as good as new. It feels so good to be out of that cast.”

  Kate hugged him tightly. “I’m so happy for you. No more garbage bags and duct tape.”

  Ric laughed. “That’s right. I’m glad to be walking instead of hopping around. Emily wanted me to invite you to dinner at their house tonight. Is that okay? I don’t want you to feel pressured about it.”

  Kate was happy that Emily and Tyler liked her. “That’s fine with me. They can tell me embarrassing stories from when you guys were kids.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Crap. Maybe I’d better rethink this plan.”

  “Oh, no. We’re going and that’s that, buddy.”

  Ric groaned and kissed her again. “Okay. Might as well get it over with.”

  “I have something for you,” Kate said.

  “I have something for you, too,” Ric said, rubbing his hips against her.

  Kate laughed when she felt his hard-on against her stomach. “Believe me, I want that, but you’ll have to wait until tonight.”

  “But what am I supposed to do with it in the meantime?”

  Kate said, “Well, cowboy, you might have to take things in hand for the moment.” The image of Ric performing self-gratification turned her on even more than she already was.

  Ric smiled and moved away from her a little. “Nah. I can wait, but just be prepared for a long night.”

  Kate grinned as she stepped over to her desk and took a small box from her desk drawer. “Here you go.”

  Ric took it and gave her a quizzical look before opening it. He lifted out a house-key on an Earnhardt keychain.

  “Now you have your own key to my house,” she said.

  Ric stared at it for a moment and then at her. “Are you sure? This is a big step, Kate.”

  Kate’s nerves jangled as she looked into his eyes. “I know, and I won’t pretend that I’m not scared somewhat, but it just feels right. Everything about you feels right. Does that make sense?”

  “Yeah. It makes complete sense,” he said. “I feel the same way about you.”

  Someone knocked on the door, making them jump. The interruption frustrated Kate, but she tamped down her irritation and opened the door.

  Robert stood on the other side, clipboard in hand. He went to say something and then caught sight of Ric. “Oops. Sorry. I didn’t know you had company.”

  “It’s okay. I’m glad that you guys can formally meet now,” Kate said. “Robert Chambers, this is Ric Stanford.”


  As Ric held out a hand to Robert and smiled, he took the other man’s measure. Robert wasn’t quite as tall as Ric, but he was muscular and good-looking. He saw that Robert was sizing him up, too.

  “Good to meet you, Ric,” Robert said, shaking his hand. “Sorry for being a smart ass a couple of weeks ago, but I just can’t help myself sometimes.”

  Ric said, “No harm, no foul. Nice to meet you, too. I’m looking forward to getting to know Kate’s best buddy.”

  Ric watched Robert closely for any trace of jealously, but he found none in Robert’s friendly expression.

  “Same here,” Robert said.

  Ric said, “Well, Doc, I’ll let you get back at it, but I’ll see you at Emily’s. Just come over whenever you’re done tonight.” He turned to Robert. “In fact, if you don’t have any plans, why don’t you come to dinner, too, Robert?”

  “Oh, I couldn’t. I wouldn’t want to impose,” Robert said, shaking his head.

  “You’re not. I’m inviting you,” Ric assured him. “I hope you guys like barbequed chicken.”

  “Love it,” Kate said.

  Robert gave Kate an uncertain look, obviously concerned that she’d be angry if he accepted Ric’s invitation.

  “Robert, I insist that you come tonight,” he said. “Glad that’s settled.” He kissed Kate’s cheek. “See you guys tonight.”

  He smiled to himself over their surprised expressions as he left Kate’s office. When he got into his rental car, he put the key that Kate had given him on his keyring. Happier than he’d ever been, he set out for home to see if there was anything he could do to help Emily with supper.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The meal that night turned into something of a party since Emily’s best friend, Brooke, and Tucker also came over. It was noisy and lively and Kate had a blast. She’d missed the kind of fun chaos a large family brings to a meal and the group assembled at the Jeffries house brought back memories of her upbringing.

  Hayley was a constant source of amusement with her bubbly personality and the funny remarks she made about things.

  Tucker had been talking about flat tires when she chimed in with, “I don’t know why they don’t make tires out of something better than air.”

  Tucker smiled. “What would you recommend, Miss Hayley?”

  She narrowed her blue eyes as she thought hard. “Sponges inside the rubber.”

  “Interesting. Why sp
onges?” Ric inquired, his eyes twinkling.

  “Well, they’d still be soft so the car rode nice, but if you run over a nail, the tire won’t go flat. See? Problem solved,” she said with an emphatic nod.

  Kate laughed along with the rest. She’d watched Ric with Hayley and saw the close bond they shared. He’s a natural-born father. I can’t believe that he’s not married with a bunch of kids by now. He obviously loves them. In her mind’s eye, she conjured the image of the two of them with several children.

  Then she chided herself for getting carried away with that kind of thinking. Their relationship was much too new to be daydreaming about marriage. They’d just entered the girlfriend/boyfriend phase. And while she couldn’t ignore what her heart was telling her, they were a long way from exchanging nuptials.

  To distract herself from her thoughts, she asked Emily if she could have the recipe for the chicken coating and started discussing cooking in general. When the meal was over, she offered to help clean up, but Emily assured her that she and Brooke had everything under control, so she went to the dining room where an impromptu card game was being set up.


  Ric had taken Coco outside to stretch his ankle a little. When he came back in the kitchen door, Emily waylaid him.

  “So things seem to be going very well with Kate,” she remarked.

  He couldn’t deny that. “Yeah, they are.”

  “How well?”

  Ric could’ve put her off about it, but he didn’t want to. He actually welcomed her opinion. “Maybe too well.”

  Emily stopped loading the dishwasher to look at him. “What do you mean?”

  Ric moved closer and lowered his voice. “She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. I haven’t felt this way about a woman since Lizzie.”

  Emily’s face lit up and she grabbed his arm excitedly. “I liked Kate from the first moment I met her. I think you guys are perfect for each other.”

  Ric laughed a little self-consciously. “I can’t disagree with you there. But isn’t it too soon? I mean, we only met a month ago. I don’t want to rush things.”

  Emily leaned a hip against the counter. “Does she feel that things are moving too fast?”

  “No. In fact, she just gave me a key to her house. I’ll be staying there a lot.”

  “That’s awesome,” Emily said. “Look, both of you are adults and if you make each other happy, who’s to tell you what’s too fast and what’s not? As long as it feels right to you and Kate, that’s all that matters.”

  “It’s the craziest thing. I kept running from a real relationship because it wasn’t the right time. Our business was too important for me to get tied down with someone. But maybe Lizzie hurt me more than I could admit. Then I meet Kate and we just clicked. She lost a fiancé, a man she shared a home and who she was going to build a life with. If she’s willing to give me a chance I’d be silly not to. She’s agreed to have a long-distanced relationship and is understanding when things come up,” he said. “She’s gorgeous and smart and fun—everything a man could want. I think I could fall in love with her.”

  Emily embraced him tightly. “I’m so happy for you! I’ve been hoping that you would meet someone special and I think Kate is a very special woman.”

  Ric hugged her back as his heart flooded with happiness. “So do I. I’m glad that you approve.”

  “I definitely approve and if you let her get away, I’ll never let you live it down.”

  “I won’t. I intend to keep her.”


  Ric gave her a last squeeze and released her. “Do you want me to help you finish up? I thought Brooke was helping you.”

  Emily giggled. “I think she got caught up talking to Robert. I noticed some flirty looks between them during dinner.”

  “Really?” That pleased Ric no end. “Great. I guess his girlfriend recently dumped him. Maybe Brooke and him will hit it off.”

  “Could be,” Emily said. “Now, go be with your girlfriend. I’m almost done here.”

  “Okay. Don’t take too long or Ty will come looking for you,” Ric said and joined the loud group in the dining room.


  Later that night as Kate lay draped over Ric, catching her breath from a rowdy round of lovemaking, a feeling of such contentment stole over her. The evening at Emily and Tyler’s house had been one of the most fun she’d had in quite a while. It made her feel good that his family and friends liked her, too.

  He ran his hands over her back. “Whatcha thinking about, Doc?”

  “You. Me. Us.”

  “What about you, me, and us?”

  “You make me so happy, Ric.” She raised her head and met his heavy-lidded, sated gaze. “I haven’t been happy in a while.”

  Something in her expression must have tipped him off that she wanted to have a serious conversation because, with her still on top of him, he pulled himself up into a sitting position against the headboard. But when she made a move to get off him, he pressed her hips down.

  “Stay there, honey,” he said. “What’s on your mind?”

  Running her hands over his muscular shoulders, Kate gathered her thoughts. “I’ve always been a risk-taker, even as a little kid. While other girls were playing Barbies and having tea parties, I was outside with my cousins building ramps and jumping my bike over them. And not some girly bike, either. BMX all the way.”

  Ric smiled. “I can believe that about you. I’d have loved to have played with you.”

  “I’m sure you would have. I’ve always craved that adrenaline rush from defying the odds and winning,” Kate said. “I push myself to the limit, past any fear I feel, and never let something defeat me. Phil and I were alike that way. God, how I loved him and when he died, I was crushed. We were partners in every way. Our practice, our interests—everything.

  “I know you’re a little jealous of Robert, but you don’t need to be. If it wasn’t for him, I’m not sure what would’ve happened to me. He got me through the worst, darkest period of my life and helped me see that I still had a lot to live for.”

  Ric squeezed her thighs lightly. “I’m glad you had him to count on. No one should be alone during a time like that.”

  “Me, too. He saw me at my weakest and helped me put the pieces of my life back together,” Kate said. “I was determined to keep my heart locked up. The pain of loss is indescribable to someone who hasn’t suffered it. I couldn’t go through that again, I can’t go through that again, but then I met you and all my fear evaporated.

  “You make me feel alive, something I haven’t truly felt since Phil died. I’m ready to take that risk again. I’m ready to open my heart again and let it fly.” She cupped his face and stared intently into his eyes. “I love you, Ric.”


  Ric’s heart thudded in his chest as he absorbed her words. Half of him was filled with joy while the other half was certain that he’d misheard her. “You what?” he croaked.

  Kate smiled. “I love you. I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  He looked at her suspiciously. “Where you eavesdropping on me and Emily tonight?”

  “What? No! Why would you ask me that?”

  Ric looped his arms around her waist. “Because we were discussing this very topic.”

  She arched a pretty eyebrow at him. “You were?”

  “We were. I told her that you’re an incredible woman and that I’ve never met anyone like you. I’ve been running from love for a long time, ever since Lizzie died, but I’m done running, Kate. You make me happier than I’ve ever been and I’m so glad that you love me, because I love you, too,” he said.

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Please don’t just say that because I said it to you, Ric. I wasn’t trying to get you to say it, I just wanted you to know how I feel.”

  Ric leaned forward, embracing her tighter. “I’ll never lie to you, Kate, especially not about something so important. I mean every word: I love you.”

  “Are you sure?�


  Her smile took his breath away as she threw her arms around neck and hugged him close. “I love you, Ric.”

  He closed his eyes as tears burned in them. To hear those words from her was more moving than anything he’d ever felt and he couldn’t help his strong reaction. “I love you, too, Kate.”

  When she drew back, he brushed away a couple of tears from her face and she did the same for him. They laughed together and exchanged a tender kiss that conveyed their newfound feelings to each other. As the kiss deepened, Ric’s desire for Kate flared again and he rolled over with her.

  Ric didn’t say it again as they became wrapped up in each other, but he showed her in every other way how much he loved her. He gave her as much pleasure as he possibly could, making every move, each kiss, and caress count. Powerful emotion filled him as he felt his love returned to him as they reached the summit together.

  Looking in her beautiful eyes while they remained in each other’s arms afterwards, Ric knew that he’d finally found the woman of his dreams. Kate was the woman he’d been waiting for all of his life and he planned to never let her go.


  On Sunday of the following weekend, Kate groaned as she rolled over in bed. Her and Robert had gone hiking to Lost Falls in Rocky Mountain National Park yesterday and the demanding hike had shown her that she was a little out of shape.

  “What’s the matter?” Ric asked, yawning.

  “That hike kicked my ass. It’s been a long time since I went on a really hard hike like that. I should’ve listened to Robbie. He said that we should do an easier hike, but did I listen? Oh, no. I had to—oh!”

  She broke off as she felt Ric straddle her legs. His large, capable hands settled on her shoulders and started massaging her sore muscles.

  “I’ll give you a million dollars if you don’t stop,” she mumbled against her pillow.

  “Our sex marathon last night probably didn’t help any,” Ric said, chuckling.

  Kate grinned. “Probably not, but at the time, I wasn’t feeling any pain. Of course, I’d had a couple of glasses of wine, so that might be why.”


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