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Run Page 22

by Mary Wasowski

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, but why can’t I play it with my friend?”

  “It’s simple. I said no, and before I said no, your father said no.”

  “This is not fair!” he shouted and then pushed his chair back, causing it to fall over.

  “Paxton, pick up that chair right now,” I said calmly.

  “No, I’m calling daddy.”

  “No, you are going upstairs to your room because your sleepover with Sebastian is not happening tonight. Now, go!”

  I raised my voice just loud enough for Devan to walk inside and witness his son burst out into tears, but not before running up to his room.

  Man, we have come so far from that night. I thought about it as I caught my breath and relaxed a bit before running back home. Home. I love how that sounds rolling off my tongue. If I’m this happy just saying the word, the feeling only intensifies when I feel it in my heart.

  It was a gorgeous fall day as I sat down on the bench feeling the warm breeze on my face. God, if my Navy buddies could see me now. I was sitting here almost giggling at the memory of the night I thought was going to totally blow up in my face, but it did have a great ending.

  “Fuck! He heard me yell at Paxton. I’m so screwed,” I said aloud to myself.

  “Honey, I’m home,” Devan said as he set his laptop bag down, along with a bouquet of flowers that could not be missed. They were gorgeous and smelled amazing. No one really knew this, but I was a sucker for roses and lilies.

  I wanted to run into his arms, but instead, I lowered my head down in shame because I was so afraid of what he would say. But he didn’t allow me to suffer for long.

  “Babe, will you look at me?”

  I raised my head, and his brown eyes that I loved pulled me in like a magnet to him.

  “It’s obvious I walked in on a disagreement. Want to tell me about it before I go up and talk to Paxton?” he said and then peppered my lips with soft, sensual kisses. “I missed you so much today. I hate going out of town on business. Thanks for picking up the slack. Now, talk to me.”

  I’d almost forgotten why I was upset. His kisses were making me dizzy, and all I wanted to do was make love with him, but we needed to deal with other matters first.

  I innocently questioned, “Are those for me?” I gestured to the flowers.

  “Yes, of course. Do I smell your famous homemade pizzas? Is that for me?”

  “Yes, only you, and Paxton. They should be ready soon.”

  “Good. I’m starved, and not just for food, but that will have to wait until later.” He winked and then casually walked over to the wine fridge to retrieve a bottle of red for us.

  “Devan, how come you’re not freaking out on me for yelling at Paxton? I know you saw him run up the stairs.”

  “I’m not blind, babe, and I’m sure after you take a breath and sip this delicious wine, you will tell me what happened. We are a team, right? That’s what we agreed on when we chose to be together. My son is part of our team, and when I’m not here, I trust you will do right by him just as much as I would when I am here.”

  Well, that wasn’t so hard. I did begin to breathe again and then accepted the glass of wine he handed me.

  “I’m sorry, babe. Maybe I’m making a big deal out of it, but Paxton is mad at me.”

  “I see that. What for?” I shook my head and looked down at the floor. I was afraid to look into his eyes in fear of what I might see. I didn’t have to worry. He always made everything right. He whispered, “I love you. Whatever it is, we will work it out. I promise.”

  “He was angry because I told him that he couldn’t leave the house with the new NBA game. He was adamant about taking it with him to his sleepover. I repeatedly told him no and he threatened to call you. It kind of down spiraled from there. I thought he was just supposed to play it here and not take it out of the house.”

  “That’s right, he wasn’t. It’s one of the many perks that comes with what I do. I keep my business private for that reason, and Paxton knows that. What happened before his meltdown?”

  “Everything was great. We were catching up on his school day and making pizzas for dinner. He casually mentioned how excited he was to be going to Sebastian’s and looking forward to playing his new game with him. I remembered what you said and I told him no. He got upset and told me that it would be alright. Again, I told him no and the reason why he couldn’t bring it there. He didn’t like that and got upset, going from 0 to 60 in a second.”

  “Yup, kids tend to do that sometimes.”

  “Well, he was disrespectful, and then said I wasn’t his boss, which totally crushed me because things were going so well between us.”

  “Jake, they still are. Not every day will be perfect, and you will experience some bumps in the road from time to time.”

  “I guess it’s just normal kid stuff to act out,” I said.

  “Yes, to a point, but Paxton is not normally like this, and he knows better than to ever treat someone of authority in this manner. If I had to guess, I think it’s our boy testing the waters and seeing how far his ‘cool friend’ can be pushed. Jake, you can’t have both. You were the basketball coach that all the boys idolized, and now you are a father to one of them. It’s a big difference, and you have to know what those differences are.”

  “Our boy?”

  “Yes, our boy. I meant all of it, baby. I love you, and I want us to work as a family. Paxton loves you, and I know you love him. Tonight is just one of many bumps you will experience, but I promise that I will be right there with you, and we will work it out together, okay?”

  “Okay. I took back his sleepover. Was that wrong?”

  “Absolutely not. He has to learn consequences to his actions. Good call. Did you phone Lily?”

  “Not yet, but I’ll do that now.”

  After I phoned Lily and explained the situation, she totally agreed with my decision to cancel, and I hung up feeling a little more confident in the parenting department. The pizzas were ready, and I placed them under the warming racks while we went upstairs to speak with Paxton. We knocked once and then walked in united to take on our stubborn boy. Damn, I love the sound of that, and I love this kid so much, even when he’s mad at me.

  He looked just like Devan, even mimicking the same way he crosses his arms over his chest. Yeah, Paxton was holding his own, but Devan assured me that his tough stance would soon break. This was not his son, and when he knew he was in the wrong, he quickly realized and always apologized.

  I chose to sit in a chair near his desk while Devan sat on the bed beside him. He looked down at his watch and then back to Paxton.

  “So, how long are you going to sit here in silence before you say hello to me and Jake?”

  “Hi,” he said sulkily.

  “That’s better. Now, why don’t you tell me why you are so upset and hiding out up here when we can all be downstairs eating Jake’s awesome pizza?”

  “It’s not fair that dad won’t let me bring my game over to Sebastian’s,” he said with tears in his eyes and then went back to crossing his arms.

  Devan just smiled and gave me a wink. I knew he was trying to send me a hidden message by the gesture, but I was still scared that I destroyed the progress I was making with Paxton.

  “Okay, first off, I want you to stop being angry. Sit up, and listen to what I have to say.” He did without hesitation and then reached for his Hulk doll that he pulled against his chest. “Thank you, that’s better. From what I managed to hear before you stormed off to your room was Jake doing everything I would have done if the roles were reversed.”

  “But Daddy…”

  “No, listen to me. You know that this game is a big deal, and a lot of people are waiting for it. I told you that I didn’t mind you playing with it here at home, but it was off limits to your friends until it officially released. You promised, son, and now you are going back on your word. And the bigger question I have for you is: what made you believe that I would be okay with that?
Have I ever done that?”


  “So why would I now?”

  “I guess if Jake said yes, then it wouldn’t be a big deal.”

  “Yeah, that’s not how it works, buddy. You can’t play one of us against the other, and as much as Jake loves you—and you know he does—you can’t disrespect him because you may not like how he parents you.”

  I watched his lips quiver, and then he hugged the Hulk doll that he loved so much. He looked up at me and apologized, “I’m sorry, dad, for not listening and disrespecting you. Don’t go. Okay?”

  Devan gave me the look I needed to see and then moved aside so I could sit beside Paxton.

  I assured him, “Never, I’m not going anywhere. I love you and your father so much.”

  “Good, because I love having you as a dad, and I want you to stay forever. I’m sorry. I won’t be bad again.”

  “Apology accepted. And for the record, you’re not bad; you’re ten.” I smiled and ruffled his hair before giving him a big hug. “I don’t know about you, but I’m really hungry now. How about some pizza?”

  “Yes! Last one downstairs does the dishes,” he said and then ran ahead of us.

  “Nice try, son! You are on kitchen detail for the rest of the weekend,” said Devan.

  We heard him say, “Oh man,” and then Devan and I fell into each other’s arms and laughed.

  “I’m sorry, babe. I wanted tonight to be special, and I fucked it all up.”

  “Stop it, Jake. You didn’t mess anything up. I told you this wasn’t going to be easy. I can do a thousand jobs in my lifetime, and nothing will be as hard or rewarding than being a parent. We’re in this together, you and me, and as long as you still want to, I’m in it for life.”

  Right there at that moment, I saw my chance and took it. His deep brown eyes were penetrating my fucking soul, and I wanted to keep him there forever.

  “Marry me, Devan.”

  “What did you just say?” He pulled away just a little bit to look at me.

  “You heard me, babe. Marry me. I love you so much, and I don’t think I can wait for one more second to officially make you mine, or make Paxton my son. I want to be your husband and officially adopt him. This is how serious I am about us as a family.”

  There you have it. It may not have been in the manner I would have liked to ask him, but I did it, and I can’t take the words back. I want this man to be mine forever, and there is nothing I won’t do for him. He’s turned my world inside out and makes me want to be a better man for him and for his son.

  “Babe,” I asked. “Are you okay?”

  He leaned in to kiss me, and then my heart began beating again.

  “Yes, more than fine. Let’s go downstairs and join Paxton. I have something I would like to give to you.”

  “Um, okay, but what about my question?” I asked.

  He said nothing, only kissing me again and telling me that he loved me.

  Did I freak him out by asking him to marry me? I’m finding it hard to get a read on him at the moment. He’s smiling and sure looks happy enough, but still, he hasn’t answered my question. Sexy tease, he is.

  He checked on dinner and then looked over to Paxton, who was engrossed with something on his iPad. He had his headphones on and wasn’t paying any attention to us. Devan brushed up against me and then placed another hot kiss down to my lips.

  “What are you up to?” I asked.

  He walked over to where he placed the bouquet of flowers down, picked them up, and then handed them to me.

  “Like I said, these are for you. There’s also something inside for you. I had intended to give you your present when we were in private, but now I can’t think of a better time to give it to you.”

  My heart raced as I reached into the multi-layers of tissue paper surrounding the roses and lilies. Once I located the mystery gift, my heart was just about caught in my throat. I’m almost afraid to open the box, but knowing Devan, he doesn’t mess around and would not play with my heart like this. I took another deep breath and then held the small black velvet box in the palm of my hand. I looked back to Devan, whose smile literally made me weak in the knees.

  “Is this what I think it is?” I asked.

  “Only one way to find out. Open it.”

  And as I did, he got down on one knee and looked up at me and said, “I guess great minds think alike. I love you, Jake Mercer. A long time ago, I was told that I would find someone who was deserving of my heart. I may have not believed it then, but I do now. Jake, you’re the one. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you as your faithful partner in all areas of our lives. You were unexpected. I never believed I would find love and happiness like you have brightened my life with, but now that I do have it, I will move mountains to keep it. Marry me, Jake. Accept me and Paxton into your life and heart, and do me one more thing.”

  I stammered over my words as tears began to fall down my cheeks. “Anything, baby. I’ll do anything for you.”

  “I was hoping you would say that.” He stood up and kissed me passionately on my lips until we were both out of breath. “You only have to do one thing for me, and then the rest we will learn and do together.”

  “And? What might that be?” I asked.

  “Say yes, and make us a family!”

  “Yes!” I shouted. “A thousand times, yes!”

  You know how they always say, “If you would have told me a year ago that I’d be happily married and living the adventurous life with my now husband, I probably would have said you are way off base and to keep on dreaming!” Well, that didn’t happen, obviously; just the opposite.

  After I proposed to Jake and practically knocked him off his feet, he immediately wanted to hop on a jet and get married, Vegas style. I told him to pump the breaks for a quick second and just enjoy the moment.

  Paxton was over the moon with our announcement after he took his headphones off and realized we were celebrating in the kitchen. We ate our pizza, and then Paxton called his grandparents to share our exciting news.

  We knew that would be the perfect time to wed would be over the fall break that fell on the same week of Thanksgiving. My parents hosted our small but very intimate wedding on their property. We were surrounded by so much love that I knew in my heart Carrie could feel it from Heaven.

  We said our vows to one another under an archway of wildflowers and lighted mason jars that hung from the ceiling of the modern barn on my parents’ property. The lines were crisscrossed, and the glow from the lanterns illuminated the room. It was a perfect night. Well, almost perfect if Carrie was here watching me marry the man I was emphatically and irrevocably in love with, the man I’d never believed I would ever find but found me first. Yeah, we don’t really talk about the reasons how we first met, but we choose to concentrate on all the good that happened to us after.

  Not everyone gets to experience what I had with Jake, or even come close to it. Once we were engaged, that was the day that I finally kicked all my doubts to the curb and concentrated on just loving Jake. Life with him would never be boring. He made sure to add that to the many vows he professed to me on our wedding day. I knew he was badass most of the time and never backed down from a challenge. Leave it to Paxton to up the ante on his competitive side…even while on vacation.

  “You can do it, I know you can. Just don’t look down, baby, and I’ll be waiting for you on the other side,” Jake shouted over at me.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I screamed back.

  “I can, and a deal is a deal. I held up my end of the bargain. Now it’s your turn to honor yours.”

  “Jake, I think I’m going to be sick.”

  “Come on, babe, this is nothing. I did this all the time, back in my training days. Just let all your inhibitions go and do it. On the count of three. Here’s Paxton. He wants to wish you luck.”

  I watched Jake give our son the cell phone, and then I heard his excited voice on the line. I was no superhero,
just a father that loved his son and was willing to do anything to make him smile. And yes, my new husband too!

  “Hi, Daddy! Are you ready?”

  “Remind me again to never bet you,” I told our son.

  He laughed, and then gave me words of encouragement that I needed to get through the craziest thing I had ever done.

  Jake got back on the line and said, “Okay, Spiderman, show the Hulk what you’re made of. On my count…1, 2, and 3! Go!”

  This is for my crazy husband. I jumped off the platform and zip lined my way across the Hawaiian scenery below. I was literally flying in the air, and just when I was embracing the high that was rushing through me, I was in Jake’s arms, with him kissing the hell out of me. Paxton was fist pumping in the air and told me how proud he was that I faced my fear and did it.

  That’s the thing with fear: it holds you back and keeps you standing still instead of moving forward and living your life. That was me a year ago. That was also me ten years ago, but not anymore. I’d never felt freer and so alive, and it was all thanks to Jake, who smashed his way into my life and made no apologies for it.

  Life was certainly not quiet for us. Jake was true to his word and not only got Paxton one dog, but two lab puppies with big red bows tied around their necks. One was tan and the other chocolate brown. He said he needed two, with one matching the color of my eyes. I swear, for a former Navy SEAL, the guy knows exactly how to make someone deliriously happy. I’m living proof of it.

  “Hey, Daddy, you want to go again?”

  I smiled and then looked back over to Jake, who gestured over his shoulder so he, too, could smile at our son.

  “What do you say, baby? Feel like flying again?” He winked.

  “Again?” I said. “Since I’ve been with you, I’ve never stopped.”

  The End

  Thank you, readers, for taking time to read Run. I hope you enjoyed it. Please go the retailer where you purchased this book and write a review. Even if it’s just a line or two, it’s the best gift you can give back to an author. They are always welcomed and appreciated.


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