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Duke: A Paranormal Scifi Alien Romance: Albaterra Mates Book 2

Page 15

by Ashley L. Hunt

  My nails rake over his muscled back and I arch my body up to his. His thick erection pushes against my inner thigh and I want it inside me. I want to feel it moving inside me.

  His mouth leaves mine, and he looks at me. “Ask me for it.”

  My breath hitches in my chest. I search his eyes. It’s not a thing I ever thought I’d ask for, but I do want it. “Please, Kerr. Please take me. Make me yours, husband.”

  Kerr smiles and then his mouth is back on mine, his tongue touching every last place as if claiming it as his own. His hand between us guides his large appendage to my narrow opening and though I’m afraid and have no doubt it will hurt as it stretches my virgin tissues, I want it.

  I want it like I’ve never wanted anything. Pressure I feel at first as he presses into me. Then a slight burning sensation followed by a pop and a white heat runs through me.

  A scream I let out, but his kiss stifles the noise. I wiggle under him but his hands take my hips, making me stop moving. He doesn’t move. His kiss grows harder and suddenly I don’t feel the burn anymore.

  My body yearns to feel him moving inside me and I arch up to him. He moans and pulls out then goes back in with a slow stroke. Three more slow strokes and he pulls his mouth from mine and looks at me. “Are you okay?”

  With a smile I stroke his smooth cheek. “Better than okay.”

  We look at one another as he moves in and out and it feels like Heaven. I close my eyes and let my mind go. He trails light kisses down my cheek, over the hollow of my throat then he pulls my breast into his hot mouth. After a nip he suckles it.

  It pulls something deep in my stomach and before I know it, my body is crashing into another climax. “Kerr!” I shout as I arch up.

  My hands run over his back and down his arms. His biceps are enormous and I hold them as the muscles ripple beneath his skin as he holds himself up over me. His body tenses and he groans.

  Liquid heat pours into me and my body convulses around his erection, causing it to let every last bit of his essence move into my body. My heart is pounding and I can barely breathe.

  His body falls on mine and I can feel his heart pounding.

  So that’s what all the fuss is about, I get it now!



  Her soft, warm body I hold in my arms. I let her sleep after the love we made. Kataline proved to be just as great as I thought she’d be. Her body responded so well to mine it was as if we moved together as one.

  Soft kisses I trail over her long and elegant neck as I push her dark waves to the side. Her moans fill my ears as she stretches a bit. “Oww,” she says as she moves her leg.

  Am I horrible that makes me happy?

  “Sore?” I ask as I smile against the soft flesh of her neck.

  “Very. Are you?” She turns to face me and I can’t believe how beautiful she is when she first wakes up.

  “Not in the way you are. It’s a pleasant sensation I have.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “You look amazing, Kataline. Is it possible you’ve become even more beautiful by becoming mine?”

  A flash goes through her eyes and her lips form a tight line as her body goes hard in my arms. “Please do not refer to me as yours.”

  “But you are mine.” I kiss her nose again.

  She pulls out of my grasp and leans against the pillows, pulling the blanket to cover her generous bosom. “Look, Kerr. You seem to have the wrong idea about me. I am no empty-headed female. And I am not your plaything. I’m a fiercely independent woman who will not be treated like an object.”

  I playfully run my hand along her thigh under the blanket. “Have I made you feel empty headed? That was not my intention. I’m sure you are smart. I’m sure you were independent, but now you are not only you. You are part of we, being you and me. So we are now dependent on one another. It’s nice to know someone has your back, forever, don’t you agree?”

  “How do I know you have my back, Kerr?” She frowns and looks completely adorable.

  “Because I’m telling you I do.” I stroke her stomach and see goose bumps pop out on her skin.

  “Kerr, stop messing with me. I’m not a toy!” she says as she pushes my hand away. “We should get dressed and order breakfast.”

  “We will, later.” I take her breast in my hand and she looks at me with a frown.

  “That’s treating me like your plaything.”

  “I think it’s showing you I find you irresistible. Don’t you like how it feels?” I lean over and kiss her cheek as I massage her full breast.

  Her body relaxes, and she runs her hand through my hair. “I’d be lying if I said I don’t. It’s just that when you touch me I can’t think.”

  “Thinking has its time and place. In bed is neither.” Her lips I take and she moans.

  My hands roam over her, relishing her soft skin and curves. She is all woman and the fact she’s mine thrills me. She’s a bit feisty which I didn’t think she’d be and the nurturing thing doesn’t seem to be a thing she has yet. But with time, she could become that.

  I pull her up on me and she straddles me as I hold the back of her neck, not allowing our mouths to part. Her ass I take into my hands and squeeze. It’s just the right combination of firm and soft.

  Everything is perfect on her. The genetic engineering of her physical body seems to have made quite a perfect specimen. Her attitude will take some work, but anything worth it often does take work.

  Things which come too easy are seldom appreciated and I want to appreciate this woman every day of my life.

  This marriage is starting off on the right foot, I think!



  After a couple of unimaginable days with my husband, we’re about to take off in his craft to go to my new home, the palace in the capital of the Euthenia Nebula. My heart’s pounding. I’m not at all happy about leaving my home.

  To top things off, Kerr doesn’t act the same when we’re around other people. I have to walk a step behind him and speak only when spoken to. He’s told me that’s how people act where I’m going and I have to follow the rules.

  It has my knickers in a twist and I can’t stop feeling this helpless sensation. But my inner strength fights the helplessness, making me quite irate with the man I must share my life with.

  How can he be soft and gentle, so loving then so hard as nails? It’s enough to drive a woman insane. And his father! Oh! That man seems to think I’m one cut above an animal.

  It seems most people from other planets don’t like Earthlings. Kerr said he has my back, but when his father says derogatory remarks against my kind he doesn’t say a word to stand up for me.

  I’m sitting in a deep chair made of pale pink leather as Kerr and his father join me in what Kerr calls the courtroom. I lower my eyes as he’s told me I must do as men come into any room I’m in.

  I wait for what seems like an eternity for him to allow me to speak. His hand touches mine. “Kataline.”

  When I look up he’s smiling at me. “Yes, sir?”

  He pulls me up. “Join me over here as we take off. You expressed concern over flying and I’d like to offer you support as we start this journey.”

  I smile and go with him to a long sofa and we sit next to each other as he holds my hand. His father takes a seat across from us and frowns. “Why would you be afraid to fly? Have you never flown before?”

  “No sir, I have not. Until the day of the wedding, I had never left our estate.” I look out the large window and see we’re moving, but I didn’t hear or feel a thing. “My, we’ve already taken off.”

  “See, nothing to be getting anxious over,” Kerr says, and he gives my hand a squeeze.

  His father clears his throat and I look back at him to find him looking at our clasped hands. “The idea of keeping someone trapped in one place for so many years is quite barbaric. You are twenty-three years old. You are telling me you have been left in the same place all those years?”

  “Yes, sir. The estate
is large though and only a few times did I feel trapped. Not often. I have my theories of why the females like me are kept from everything.” I stop speaking as he holds up one hand.

  “You have theories?” He chuckles as does my husband, igniting a streak of pure rage in me. “My dear girl, your blood may be made from that of Earth’s finest, but you are inherently female on top of being from Earth. Your theories are most likely incorrect and of low quality.”

  “May I be alone, husband?” I snap.

  Kerr holds my hand tight. “Why?”

  I glare into his eyes. “Because I am not used to being talked down to. That’s why.”

  “You should get used to this. It’s how you will be talked to once we get home anyway.” Kerr smiles and I find I’d like to slap the smile off his handsome face.

  My heart is pounding and I feel like I just might go off and really get myself into trouble. “Please, sir, may I go to our sleeping chamber?”

  “No. It won’t help you to acclimate to your new life if I allow that.” Kerr releases my hand and points out the window. “Just watch the sky turn from blue to black and don’t worry about a thing. No one’s asking you to think anyway.”

  Keeping my mouth shut, I turn and look out the window. I’ve never been one to curse, but expletives are bouncing around my brain. This will prove harder than I ever imagined.

  I try to focus on the gorgeous flying ship we’re in. It’s much like an extremely upscale yacht. A bit larger though. The cabinets in various areas of the vessel are made of a dark, red wood. Kerr has told me they were crafted out of some of the ancient trees in the red wood forests on Euthenia.

  The entire ceiling has lighting behind it, making it glow overhead. Little remotes in each room can be used to control the amount of light which is produced and when turned completely out, when in space, leaves one in the most darkness there is possible.

  That’s a thing Kerr cannot wait for. He wants to couple in that deep darkness, he thinks it will be otherworldly, which I bet it will. Alone, Kerr and I get along better than I could’ve ever imagined. Perhaps that’s why I get so mad when he acts differently around others.

  Kerr’s father laughs a bit, bringing me out of my inner thoughts, then says, “You have your work cut out for you, son. I told you this would not be as easy as you thought. She has been raised much differently than the females of our planet. The strap may be a thing you have to carry on your side with this one.”

  My body tenses with his words and Kerr pats my leg. “Father, please. Kataline will learn how things are done. As far as people from her planet go, I’m sure she’s a far cry from most.”

  My jaw is tight from holding back the barrage of words I want to throw at the men. Even Kerr’s compliment is derogatory.

  “I just hope your offspring gain your superior intelligence, Kerr,” his father says and I can’t stop myself.

  I get up and walk out of the room and go to our bed chamber. Kerr doesn’t say a word as I leave. He can beat me until I’m black and blue if he wishes, but I will not sit and let anyone talk about me like that.

  Once in the small chamber which houses a large bed and little else, I sit on the side of the bed and try hard not to cry.

  All things in this room are done in shades of silver. Except the bed which has been covered with a white cloth, soft as the downy feathers of geese. Kerr has said it’s a cloth made from the fibers some insect on their planet makes.

  Kerr comes in and holds a small tray in his hands. “Kataline, we were about to eat. I know you’re upset with the way my father talks. He’s old and thinks outdated things. It’s one of the reasons I accepted you as an award. I want to change the way people see females on our planet.”

  “Then why let him talk the way he does?” I snap.

  He sits next to me and places the small, covered silver tray on the bed. “He is the king. No one can tell him not to think or speak in any certain way. I’m sorry it’s like that, but there’s not a thing I can do. Here, eat something.” He pulls the lid off the tray and I nearly pass out.

  Small, wormy creatures move about in what looks like dirt. “Kerr, what is that?”

  “Good for you,” he says. “The base is a nutrient mixture, and the protein is hand raised in incubators until they reach the perfect size to give their full content to nourish our bodies.”

  “It looks like worms in dirt, Kerr.” I look at the little things move in and out of the dark soil. “It must taste terrible.”

  He takes a tiny, silver spoon and fills it then pops it into his mouth. He swallows without chewing and my stomach clenches. “It really has no flavor. Our planet is not like yours. We don’t consume food for any reason other than to nourish our bodies. It’s impractical to do so and leads to obesity. Here, try a bite.”

  I hold my hand over my mouth. “Kerr, no! Yuk! Please tell me there’s some food here I can eat.”

  “You can eat this food. Here just let me put it in your mouth and you simply swallow.” He scoops up another tiny spoonful and moves it towards my mouth.

  “Kerr! Stop! I will spit that out!” I scoot away from him and he frowns.

  “You will have to eat what we have, Kataline or you'll waste away to nothing. I'll not have that. There really is no flavor to it, so what is your problem?” He places the spoon back in the bowl and looks at me.

  “They move, Kerr! They move!” I shake my head. “Why do they not even cook them? It’s beyond disgusting!”

  “We don’t cook them because it takes the nutrition away. You swallow so quick I swear to you that you never feel them move in your mouth. Now get back here and let me place a bite in your tenacious mouth.” He scoops another bite as I shake my head. “Now!”

  His sharp tone has me doing as he’s said and I close my eyes and open my mouth and in goes the stuff. “Swallow!” he orders and I do.

  I open my eyes and smile. I didn’t taste or feel a thing. “Did you really put anything in my mouth?”

  He nods. “I did, and you swallowed it. Was it so horrible after all?”

  “I didn’t feel or taste a thing.” I run my tongue around my mouth and wonder how that is.

  “See. Here, let me give you another bite. It’s not nutritional unless you consume at least five bites.” He fills another small spoon and I close my eyes and let him place it in my mouth. As soon as I feel the spoon leave my lips I swallow.

  I giggle. “You may have to feed me like this until I get used to eating bugs and dirt, husband.”

  Kerr leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Then I will do as you need me to. I know it seems as if I don’t have your back like I told you I did, but I really do. Only in front of others, we must maintain the decorum my planet requires. In due time, you and I will rule and I swear to you we will make changes.”

  Kerr’s mix of stern and soft are somewhat confusing, but I have to admit I respect him for not bending to my will. “Thank you, husband.”

  He smiles and says, “Now you must be punished for leaving the room without my permission, Kataline.”

  I may have spoken too soon about this respect thing!



  My wife has much to learn about her new life as an Euthenian princess. The fact is, she cannot get to our planet acting anyway she wants. It is considered treason to disrespect my father or me for that matter.

  “You’ll need to undress now, so I can administer the punishment, Kataline. Stand and disrobe.”

  Her eyes are filled with fear and it makes something inside me fill with pain. “Kerr, what are you going to do to me?”

  “To disrespect the king or me is punishable by jail or even death, Kataline. You have to be taught to never to do what you did, walking out of a room without permission from me. You’ve left me no choice but to make sure you remember. I don’t wish to see your head rolling away from your body after all. I have grown to care for you and would miss your company.”

  She surprises me as she stands and does as I�
�ve said. I honestly thought she’d fight me on this.

  Kataline looks at me as she pulls her deep blue dress off her shoulders and lets if fall in a puddle of silky fabric at her small feet. “I had no idea and perhaps a rule book could be made for me. If you have to punish me then just do it and let’s get it over with.”

  In seconds, she stands before me naked and waiting. This is going much smoother than I thought it would. I take a cord and run it around her wrists then take her to face the wall. Pulling her hands up I loop the cord over a hook.

  To the side of the hook hangs a long strap. The hook and strap are in every home on my planet as women are to look at it and know what will come of behavior from them which is not allowed.

  I pull the strap down and ask, “Do you understand what it is you did wrong and why you are being punished?”

  “I left the room without your permission, thus disrespecting you and your father. I will not be doing that again.” She takes in a deep breath and I find myself not wanting to do this.

  “Kataline, this is the first time I’ve ever had to do this. I want you to know this isn’t easy for me. I have no want to cause you pain. Please let me know when you feel you can handle no more lashes as I have no idea of what your threshold is.”

  My heart is pounding and if it weren’t for the damn surveillance everywhere and my father’s words to me before I left him, I’d let her get by with this. She was unaware of what the outcome of her action would be after all.

  But Father told me either I can punish her or he will and I can’t have that. Women must always disrobe before any punishment is rendered. The thought of anyone laying their eyes on her body, which belongs only to me, is a thing which makes my blood boil.

  I also have to admit it heats me to think of anyone laying a hand on my wife. It would take everything in me to allow such a thing and even then, I don’t think I could.


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