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The Legendary Firestone. Book 2. Behind the Veils

Page 9

by Reja Emran

  The lake behind the trees shimmered like a quartz crystal, the sunlight forming mosaic patterns on its smooth surface enhancing its splendor. Milky swans floated on the still waters and in their wake were gentle ripples which touched even the exotic flowers on the farthest end of the bank.

  Besides the lake stood a beautiful building made of glistening marble and wrought iron was twisted into swiveling shapes on the gate. The trees surrounding it gave off a supernatural white light and that area possessed a mysterious aura. This was Silver Myr, a striking structure in an exotic city.

  The interior of the building was characterized with marble floors and was illuminated by huge glass panes. Statues of iron nominally dotted the enclosure, the rust on them sprinkling to the ground to form flaky mounds. Within the heart of this vicinity stood Cyrillon, dressed in his usual attire except the weaponry was not present. Along side him were Queen Sinardin and King Luminon, each appearing grave and disturbed.

  “Why have you called me?” questioned Cyrillon, gazing intently at the two before him.

  “Amin merna quen,” answered Sinardin in her native language, the language of the Elentian Folk.

  “Mani marte?” asked Cyrillon in the same tongue, resting a hand on a cool marble pillar; his eyes had darkened with anxiety for the two were acting strange.

  “What we are about to tell you is important,” said Luminon placing a hand on Cyrillon’s shoulders, “Listen carefully.”

  “Cyrillon, you may have wondered of your lineage and why we have been hiding it from you. Please forgive us. You are the son of Demetrius, the great warrior of the Elentian Knights and a great commander. He passed away in a campaign against the bloodhounds which was arranged by us as we were blinded with the greed for power and your mother, Queen Maya died of grief. We took you as our son, to bring up till you had reached manhood and now you have a place in the hearts of all Elentians. Cyrillon, you are the son of an exceptional man, you are an Elentian knight.” Sinardin spoke without stopping and she watched the coldness in the eyes of Cyrillon with apprehension.

  “Amin hiraetha…” said Luminon his mouth thin and solemn, “Please understand. We did what he had to and you will do what you must.”

  “Cyrillon we only did this to repent for our sin for murdering your father and now you are the last hope of uniting the disputed territories of the Elentian Knights and making us once again into a formidable force,” said Sinardin, her eyes shining with remorse, “If you wish to travel east, to the stronghold of the Elentian Knights, it can be arranged and Cyrillon and the stone container at the corner is for you. It was a gift from your parents when you were born to be given to you when you reach of age. And Cyrillon, Eurofir Mint’Aril will wish to travel with you as he too is a descendant of the knights, he is the son of Zerus. ”

  “I will take my place with them but know this that this is the end of any relation between the Elentian Lords and me. I will do this to honor my betrayed father.”

  At hearing his answer, the couple smiled sadly and drifted out hand in hand, their hearts overwhelming with a sorrow that they had to part with this man who had taken a significant place in their hearts. It pained them to see his coldness but knew it was inevitable and he would get over the hatred soon.

  Cyrillon watched them walk away, his tear glazed eyes focused on their retreating shapes. The hollowness in his soul was filled as now the true light of his ancestry had been revealed to him but at a terrible price as now he despised those who had raised him, who he had trusted as his parents. Despite that they had blackened his world; Cyrillon forgave them eradicating the piercing shards of betrayal which had struck his heart. Cyrillon then placed a hand on his head, his gaze falling to the ground as he blinked back the sudden tears which threatened to break loose. Collecting his self-control, the man strode towards the corner of Silver Myr, towards the stone container which Sinardin had mentioned. He wiped away the ancient dust from the granular surface. His eyes caught a silver plate which shone in the light which streamed through the windows. Quickly rubbing off the coat of dirt from the top, Cyrillon read the engraved words:

  For our son Cyrillon,

  These will guide you in your life’s journey…

  Yours always,

  Demetrius and Maya

  Underneath the plate was a small structure. It was an intricate lock only to be opened by a special key. Cyrillon glanced at the amethyst ring he had borne ever since he could recall. It was shaped as the lock and it fitted perfectly when Cyrillon inserted the jewel. As Cyrillon slid off the lid from the box, blinding flashes of light escaped from within which faded away after contact with air. His eyes widened, illuminating visibly. The container was inlaid with a velvet material and in it was a beautiful bow; with an exquisite design imprinted on the wood and the string stronger than even the finest Elentian bows. Adjacent to it was a long object wrapped in gauzy azure cloth. Cyrillon drew the item out and the cloth floated to the floor, revealing a long sword; the hilt had the shape of a dragon and as the bow, there was gold inscription on the smooth blade in runic script. It said the ‘Sword Durandel’. Cyrillon stroked the sword in awe and held it out in the sunlight, witnessing the true glory of the object which he clutched. He had heard the rumors of this sword from many and that it belong to a mighty soldier of the past. Now he knew that he was the son of this commander and as his father had died for his people, Cyrillon would aid them till his quest claimed his life. Attaching the sword on his belt, Cyrillon draped the bow in the cloth and left the building to meet Eurofir for he was sure that his friend had too been told of his heredity. Besides this Cyrillon also wanted to gift him the bow and he wanted to return the Jade-Silver sword to Luminon.

  He never noticed the darkness that fell over the tomb and the container shut tight behind him, the writing fading immediately as if rubbed off by an invisible power. The interior of the tomb grew cold and chilly in the faint darkness which had touched the essence of Silver Myr.


  Ching rummaged through his trunk and removed some accessories while Xia and Julian prepared for departure. The High Council had informed the Annoxonum of where she was to journey as there had been a sighting of the stone within the cave. Xia had placed the dagger she owned in the belt of her leather pants and fixed the necklace Julian had given her over her black and blue leather outfit. She had even stuck a stiletto in her thigh boot incase of an emergency. Julian glanced at Xia with appreciation as she tied up her long hair. The Magicka then strapped a pouch across her waist which contained all sorts of magical items and with it was a small blade.

  Finally the three were equipped and they emerged out in the open to say farewell as quickly as possible so as not to delay their task. Asra and Adam each hugged their daughters and the former embraced Ching with a tear streaked face, wondering how she could endure the continuous threats to her daughter’s life. “Promise that you will keep my child safe.” Asra whispered gently her face glowing with fear. She had lost much and she could not bear to lose Xia.

  “I promise” replied Ching stroking her silky hair for a while before letting go. His eyes were outlined with dark circles as he stared at his daughter’s solemn face and admired the strength she showed to everyone never letting Xia see the torrent of emotions she went through.


  Then from the misty air flew a large phoenix, its feathers blazing red-gold as the scorching sun and in its wake were six white horses, cantering forwards with their riders.

  The leader, an Elentian like the rest, dismounted from the horse swiftly and greeted Ching. “We must make haste.”

  “Yes…this is the Annoxonum and Magicka,” pointing out the two girls to the rider.

  “I am honored by your presence,” said the Elentian horseman before mounting his horse again, “My fellow men and I are here to assist you on your quest. I hope all ends well.”

  “Thank you,” said Xia softly and then looked at the phoenix with awe at the magnificent bird. It was one thing
reading about mythical characters but it was another to actually see them in reality. First dragons and now phoenixes, Xia could only imagine what else she would witness with the time she spent in the Magic Plains.

  “Annoxonum, I am Fiona, of Sacred Glove. Climb on my back and your journey will be swift.” Fiona’s golden eyes flickered as her voice reverberated with command and leadership.The three then climbed on the phoenix’s back, between the fiery wings and Xia marveled to herself at her luck. I guess I am the only teenage girl who has had the chance to ride on a phoenix besides Julian, thought Xia. She waved her last good-bye with teary eyes before being lifted up, feeling the excitement of flying as they soared off.

  “Do you think they’ll make it?” asked Adam anxiously.

  “I know they will,” smiled Asra, “They are our daughters.”

  A grey wolf stood nearby, under the shadowy trees and it gazed at the phoenix until it was out of sight. Determined to keep watch over the Annoxonum, this anonymous wolf bounded towards the direction the phoenix had disappeared.


  Aria stood at the doorway of the Fortress of Nebula, staring at the blazing sun without blinking as the wind teased the ends of her scarlet robes.

  “Axhelius!” she called and after a while, there came the panther, the ends of his black coat becoming golden in the sun’s harsh glare.

  “Yes Aria?” Axhelius glanced at her with frosty eyes as he awaited another set of instructions.

  “The Annoxonum has departed and Annor is probably dead. Follow her. Make sure she is killed and bring back the firestone flawless.” She laid a hand on the head of the panther that though she was stroking him but in reality Aria was removing any sense of good he still had left, at least for a while till he finished her task. She cleansed his mind of all sense and filled with the darkest of evils. It would not last long but it would last long enough for him to kill the Annoxonum and whoever had the stone.

  “Yes,” whispered Axhelius as he trotted on the grounds of Nebula, gaining velocity as he exited the gates of Nebula.

  Aria smiled wickedly and then walked towards Vien’s quarter with an immoral purpose. Her fists knocked on the door, “Vien, Open this door!”

  The demon’s face emerged angrily and he snapped “I’m busy!”

  Aria pushed anyway, entering through the doorway and flopping on the unmade bed, she signaled Vien to join her. Vien grumpily snarled and sat next to the sorceress.

  “We will journey to Etna, Vien.” Aria glanced at his shocked expression with a smile and then gave the reason of her demand, “The water stone has been restored there by the powers of the elders as my spies report.”

  “You always tell me of your spies? I haven’t seen them around.” Vien looked at her questioningly.

  “That is not your concern Vien. Just give me an answer,” replied Aria curtly with ill –concealed irritation at the inquisitive demon.

  “It will take a few weeks,” answered Vien slowly, “The road to Etna is difficult and harsh.”

  “I wish to depart today.”

  “Impossible,” he said, his voice filled with ridicule at the thought of traveling to an unknown mountainous land with no preparation. He did not trust these spies of the sorceress.

  “Make it possible.” Aria said in an acidly sweet voice, her eyes glittering with silent anger at his refusal and he noticed the look she gave him.

  “Yes, My Lady. I will do as you ask.”

  “Thank you.” Aria pecked the demon on the forehead as she walked away, scarlet cloth trailing behind her.

  Vien stared at her separating figure and then went to gear up for Etna, his naïveté causing curiosity to arise in all the demon guards as well as suspicion for the sorceress, as they did not trust her. I am acting strange and my forces do not know why, the funny thing is neither do I. Vien sighed and trailed after the witch, a fake smile plastered on his face.

  “I think she is bewitching him,” said one of them in a guttural accent.

  “Or worse…she may be clouding his perception,” replied another, voice thick with rage.

  “Quiet! He’s coming,” said the former guard as he repositioned himself.

  Vien strolled in, holding Aria’s hand and in his eyes was defeat which filled the demons with loath for the sorceress.

  “I hate that witch!” scowled one when the leaders was out of earshot, however Aria heard and the moment the demon said that he toppled to the floor dead. The other demons glanced at each other, remaining in their positions as they were fearful of the consequences of disobeying Death Wind. The two leaders, stood on the steps as the goblins brought forward two Nightmares, their flaming tails swishing and crimson eyes glinting excitedly. Their bony black wings hung on either side, ready for flight. Aria and Vien mounted the horses without a word and they flew north towards Etna passing the great mountains of Ragnar; towards the Home of the water stone but greater danger awaited them for the route to this region was barred by fearsome tribes of malicious creatures besides the dragon.


  Iguana was nearing the rear of Sacred Glove, at the gates of Tyrendocramius and he signaled to a cluster of demonic forces to remain in the shade of the trees as the Elentian folk had long sight and could detect small signs of movement from afar.

  “We must attack at night. It’s our only chance to enter undetected,” grunted a demon warrior clad in chain mail, clutching a bronze spear. “The forces need to rest after the three day march.”

  “We must wait till the sorceress’s army is engaged in battle.” Iguana was stern and rigid. “You may rest in the mean time. I do not want staggering half wits on the battle field and we must maintain the edge the forces of the sorceress give us.”

  “I don’t trust the sorceress,” stated the same soldier.

  Iguana gazed at him coldly with a harsh expression, causing the soldier to flinch. “Sire? Is something wrong?”

  “Soldier, I believe trust is no longer a factor. We all know Death Wind is using us to meet her purpose but not a word of it will be spoken,” replied Iguana heatedly. Then he detected a sound and thrusting his hand up in the tree, he brought down an Elentian archer to the ground.

  “A spy!” spat a soldier, “Kill him!”

  “No!” exclaimed Iguana and then gave an unpleasant, crooked grin to the bewildered but resolute Elentian. “He will lead us in safely.” This statement was followed by chuckles of approval from the demon forces.

  “Never!” hissed the archer.

  Iguana just nodded and then retreated to the shade of the swaying trees hauling the man with him. “We shall see.”

  ~ Chapter Nine ~

  Sylvana and Raven soared along the woods, searching every corner for the Earth Guardian but it was futile as there was no trace of her. All they had discovered was that within the Firewood of Ohtar there was a small segregated land, known as Calcaria, which was the home of the earth stone. According to the other creatures of the sky, this land was shielded by a green dragon called Cardiff whose name was feared throughout the woodland.

  “I have to go to the Council and update them on our findings.” Raven flapped his wings heavily as he was growing weary of this endless search.

  “Alright, however you must return to the Griffin Council at once,” replied the snowy eagle urgently, “I shall inform them on what we have unearthed during our search.”

  “I shall be back before dark,” answered Raven and the two partners split their directions, heading towards their respective locations under the folds of darkness.

  Raven finally reached the High Council and he related the message to he caretaker who understood eagle-tongue. This burly man translated it to the priestess Melodia who listened with an impassive expression. Then Raven was told to fly off as he was probably needed else where and the eagle swiftly escalated to the Griffin Land, his wings moving fluidly in the gale of wind.

  The priestess then dashed towards the Council Room to relay the message to the other mem
bers, namely Arak and Alfa whose impatience for information was clear.

  “So…the earth stone is also present along with the firestone. However it is curious that the others exist while the water stone does not,” uttered Alfa, stroking his wispy beard.

  “If I may sir Alfa,” interjected Arak, “if the water stone had been destroyed there would be no need for a Guardian. I believe the destruction was merely an illusion Klamath created for a purpose.”

  “Yes Arak is right,” said Melodia, “Aniah is alive for a reason. She may know of the fate of the water stone better than us.”

  “Where does the water stone exist?” asked Alfa, clearly interested in this new notion.

  “I do not know for sure sire, I believe it had been kept in Etna when the mages ordered their separation from the Kingdom of Annox,” voiced Melodia, uncertainty in her voice.

  “It is in Etna, guarded by the Ice-dragon Typhon,” confirmed Arak, passing a small smile to the woman. She tugged at the long silver braid which hung behind her and gave a nervous grin, then smoothed her robes of grey. Arak noticed her troubled eyes; with locked away grief and fear behind mirrors. It made him realize that they were a reflection of his own feelings. He turned his attention back to Arak who watched the two with grave eyes.

  “Then dispatch a message to the dragon to give the stone to none but the Guardian,” ordered Alfa, “I have a feeling that Aria is plotting to steal this stone first. The Shadow may too be stirring. It will soon come and we need to be prepared.”


  Raven reached the Griffin stronghold and there he spotted Sylvana perched besides an ancient eagle who he figured as King Vinyl, the glorious one. Among the other eagles were Servin and Kerfina representing Raven’s tribe.

  Settling on the lowest branch, Raven joined the rest of the eagles in this prestigious gathering where there was hope of reconciliation between the races of eagle and Griffin, a feat that had not been achieved in many centuries.


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