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The Legendary Firestone. Book 2. Behind the Veils

Page 12

by Reja Emran

  She gave a small smile of appreciation as she eyed the Annoxonum before her, “I am glad that you are the new Annoxonum. I couldn’t stand the others, old fools.”

  “Why did you steal the firestone?” asked Xia tentatively ignoring the compliment as she eyed Kashya warily.

  Stroking the stone’s surface lovingly, Kashya answered in a raspy whisper, “Because of you.”

  Xia studied the girl and now decided that there was no use to pursue the questions. She rolled her eyes, tapping her foot on the ground as Kashya had started singing to the firestone. The first instinct she had was to tackle the woman to the ground but she thought better of it and decided to wait for who knew the strength of this Soulless Annoxonum.

  Now she thinks it’s a baby, what a dim-bulb! I mean…just look at her, she’s pathetic. Singing to the stone, what next? Thought Xia, she’ll probably start kissing it goodnight!

  I know that song? Where have I heard it before? Thought Xia, clearly perturbed as she listened to the faint melody. Ignoring the questions in her mind she thought of the last comment the girl had made.

  Her answer made sense to Xia as this girl wanted the stone because she was jealous that she had taken her place as the Annoxonum. It must be hard to know that some one else has been chosen while you are alive but Kashya was not alive; she was practically dead and if Xia didn’t leave soon, she was going to end up as the demon’s meal. She had run around thinking that some pet of the sorceress had taken the stone but no, it was not that. This creature had it. All that trouble, all those dreams she had to bear as a price of this loss. Xia’s anger mounted. What she didn’t realize was that Kashya could hear every thought in her brain and neither did she notice the faint smile of amusement on Kashya’s lips as she antagonized the Annoxonum silently.

  Annoxonum, you have journeyed far and wide to obtain this stone have you not, but for what purpose? You have come to your own death. Look at this warrior before you; can you defeat a former Annoxonum whose strength has doubled in the monstrosity? Join her and see what wonders you two can accomplish side by side, feeling the tenderness of dead flesh as it pulsates under your hands and drinking the ever sweet fountains of blood as they gush gently from your prey. Feel it, taste it and embrace the fold. Feel it Annoxonum, it is yours for the taking.

  Xia realized that she had been tightening her grip on the dagger to such an extent that her fingers throbbed with pain. The voice inside her head echoed with the command and adrenaline sped in her blood, her fear intensified and she closed her eyes briefly to block out the voice not aware that it was coming from the girl who invaded her thoughts. Releasing her tight hold, her mind raced wildly as now the benefit of the dagger was questionable. My dagger is probably hopeless against her and if I make it out alive, I’ll have a word about it with Grandpa Ching. I need a new weapon and he just sends me in with a small knife. I must call out to them if this woman attacks. But the present Annoxonum could not run away without the stone, it was inconceivable and her steely determination pushed away her fears: for at least a while as she knew there were allies waiting outside.

  “Did you know that the line on this firestone is called Sitar?” asked Kashya as if challenging the knowledge of Xia. “It glows with its respectful owner, who of course is me.”

  Great one grandpa! What else did you leave out? Xia clenched her fists and growled, “Give it to me.”

  “If I do not what can you do about it Annoxonum. Your friends outside will not hear the screams of your death nor will they see what happens in this cave. Annoxonum, your failure is inevitable. Your death has been written.” Kashya smiled and then placing the ruby in the pocket of her fray garments that were wrapped tightly against her skin and then whispered in a voice pulsating with anger. “It is mine.”

  Xia wasted no time and she dived forward, sending a hard kick on the girl’s jaw which sent her flying to the cave wall. However Kashya was quick to recover, with the additional skills honed with her age added to the efficient Annoxonum-trained body, and she grabbed the shard of glass and charged towards Xia.

  Xia tried dodging but then the girl was already over her, trying to slice her throat with the glass. The two were interlocked in a struggle, using the best of their abilities to overthrow the other. Xia punched the other hard on the nose and threw her off as blood trickled down the girl’s nose onto her clothes. Kashya did not stop and she whirled, running and crushing the human under her body. Xia groaned as the sharp edges of the bracers dug into her flesh and she tasted blood in her mouth. After a long struggle of lashing kicks and tackles, Xia soon got the upper hand and pinned the girl on the ground.

  “This isn’t the way to treat your relative!” Kashya’s fangs were dripping with the blood from Xia’s wound in her arm and licking it hungrily she growled. The blood, so strong and pure intensified the fury that Kashya had contained for so long and she thought of the pulsating organ in Xia’s chest, almost tasting it in her mouth and feeling the juicy pulp trickling down her throat. The thought maddened Kashya for she thrived on strong blood to add to her skills and she struggled with Herculean might to tear apart the tissues and drain every cell in the tissue, to drain them till they were lifeless and shriveled.

  The present Annoxonum raised the dagger to the girl’s black heart noticing the fierce gleam in her eyes but then before she could finish off Kashya, a deep roar occurred in the hollow cave. Xia’s squinted to make out the creature and in the dim light, a threatening outline was visible; low and crouched as if waiting to attack. It was a predator.

  Both the Annoxonum clambered to their feet, retreating back against the wall keeping a considerable distance between each other but Kashya still licked her bloody lips with intensifying hunger. The creature walked towards them and to Xia’s utter surprise, it was a black panther with eyes brighter than molten lava and they were purely evil. She knew who it was. She had seen it before. It was Axhelius.

  She glanced at Kashya in whose eyes she saw recognition or joy, she couldn’t decipher. “A-Axhelius?” stammered Kashya as she asked the question, “is it r-really you?”

  “Yes.” Axhelius gave a gruff answer and then his yellow eyes lit up as he studied the girl before him. “Kashya!”

  Xia grimaced as the two embraced each other, exchanging heartfelt greetings. ‘Ugh’ was the only word to describe it. Xia spotted the stone lying there on the floor, unguarded. It must have fallen out of Kashya’s pocket, she thought as she strode quickly to the stone in the corner, scooping it up in her palm.

  In an abrupt second, the sitar inflamed and it glinted with a furious fiery red which flashed and illuminated the surrounding. Xia hardly took any notice that the other two were looking at her with curled lips and hard, fixed glares.

  “Drop it,” hissed Kashya, “or you will burn.”

  Xia didn’t need telling twice as her palm was scalding under the immense heat and she dropped the stone. As the stone touched the ground, its glow faded away. Breathing hard, Xia glanced at Axhelius and Kashya who were rooted to the ground having not moved an inch. “What enchantment have you placed, Kashya?” demanded Xia vehemently as she tenderly fingered the parched skin of her palm.

  “It will burn when touched by any other than myself. Only you are so dense that you cannot see through my devious enchantments, some Annoxonum you are.”

  “Listen you retard, that stone does not belong here! Who are you protecting it from, yourself?” retorted Xia.

  “It is rightfully mine.”

  “For god sakes! You are the Annoxonum, you are to be protecting it, not stealing it and hiding it in a cave where anyone could easily grab it from under your nose.” Xia was beyond frustrated, she was extremely infuriated. Grabbing the stone, regardless of its scalding property, she marched past the two angrily. Tears were in her eyes but she didn’t let them fall, she would have rather died. The black panther bounced and blocked her path, its eyes shining red in the intense light of the firestone which was emanating intolerable heat but X
ia did not let go. “Stop Annoxonum!”

  “Move out of my way you, you disgraceful creature. Why should I even listen to you, you betrayer? Go butter your witch friend!” snapped Xia, the sheen of agonizing tears lightening her eyes as her palms were scorching. “I will kill any who stands in my way and when I am outside my friends will finish the job.”

  Axhelius guffawed, “You will not last a step beyond this point. Do not be foolish Annoxonum or else you will be remembered as the greatest mistake of the Annox line.”

  Her will to leave had faded and with tears rolling down her eyes, she let go of the stone; praying with all her heart that Ching and Julian would come to her rescue but that was laughable as they did not even know that she was in danger. She had to tell them to wait. She should have learnt her lesson last time she went alone and now she repeated the mistake but the difference was that this time the danger was grave. Axhelius was speaking and Xia tried listening to the slurred words, but all she caught were the last sentences.

  “-Aria is no witch,” said Axhelius, “she is a great woman with innumerable powers. Now come with me quietly along with the stone.”

  He advanced to the entrance but was stopped by Kashya who laid a hand on his fur not interested in the fate of the stone but in answers for questions she had so long sought. “Why Axhelius, why did you betray our fold?” she asked, her thoughts swishing past to the past as she told a crushed Xia her story; a depressing story that had no parallel in the annals of time. Xia could have run in the mean time were it not for the panther eyeing her with a stormy gaze. The tale Kashya told angered her as well saddening her for at this moment she was a girl like Xia, not a monster out to kill.

  August 1804 A.D, Crescentile


  The sky was darkening yet once again in the long sixteen years of Kashya’s life andas always she had sore legs, an aching back and a throbbing headache from chasing the new evil, an evil which spurted out months back. First she had to chase away the minions of the Shadow and now this.

  Axhelius trotted besides her, his muddy paws scraping the dirt beneath him and the two retired in the cavern. Sleep was overcoming them and Axhelius fell into its clasp but Kashya had a voice down her head, a troubling voice.

  “I wonder how the sprites knew the hiding place you chose?” she asked aloud and as she expected, Axhelius shifted nervously. Her throat burned.

  “I…I don’t know” he muttered.

  Although Kashya loved Axhelius dearly and hated suspecting him but from her late mother she had learnt one thing: Those who are closer to you are always those who betray you.

  “Uh-huh. Axhelius have you noticed that the Sorceress Aria is aware of all our moves?” she questioned but received no response. She knew that Axhelius had an irritable nature and would soon spill all the knowledge he possessed, “Do you suppose someone could have tipped off where our haven is?”

  Axhelius snapped at her on the pretext that she was disturbing his sleep, but the headstrong girl asked yet another question. “It cannot be you nor me, then who Axhelius?”

  Now the breaking point of Axhelius’s patience was surpassed and jumping up, he roared his reply. “It is I Kashya, I am corrupted and evil, and I betrayed you. I…I gave Aria all the knowledge! Now are you satisfied?”

  What effect this would have had on the Annoxonum, he could never have dreamed of. Her eyes were brimming with tears of anguish, her hands were wringing in pain and her heart felt as though all life had been squeezed out by a cruel hand. She fingered the dagger on her belt but she could not kill him, she would never. She wept.

  “Now I have to kill you,” spat Axhelius, “but I cannot. Give me the stone or come with me.”

  “Never!” shouted Kashya and before Axhelius could capture her, she sprinted away into the dark night.

  Four years later, Kashya she fell into the darkness of a monstrosity, never to see light again. She had become one of the Zëlliâm of Amon, the soulless warriors of the night…

  Kashya sighed and Xia was struck with some pity for the girl as she knew the feeling of loss. Axhelius had lowered his head and was emitting guttural noises and unintelligible words.

  “In this very cave you betrayed me and now you have returned.” Kashya smiled but the happiness did not last long as when she embraced Axhelius, the merciless creature pierced the throbbing vein in her neck and Kashya wailed in agony, her life flickering away but the creature showed no mercy despite the bond the two had once shared. The soulless warrior fell heavily to the ground, dead. Her body faded away gently into a silver dust and the shimmering particles floated to the ground to become part of the dwelling in which Kashya had spent her life and now it was to be a burial ground. Tears stung the eyes of the Annoxonum as she watched her sister die. From the depths of her heart an unexpected surge of boiling anger burst forth. “You are such an empty hearted fiend!”

  Axhelius looked at Xia, baring his fangs as the Annoxonum had grabbed the firestone. His eyes were dark with evil as if he had no will over his actions. The stone no longer burnt as with Kashya’s death, the enchantment had been broken.

  “Now it is your turn,” whispered Axhelius and on hearing that Xia sped out of the cave towards Ching and Julian, who were growing restless with each passing minute.

  “Where is she?” hissed Julian, her aqua eyes peering at the cave through her bushes. “It couldn’t take this long. What’s the time?”

  “Twelve, midnight” answered Ching with an edge to his voice as she tried to catch a glance of Xia. He was worried for his grand-daughter but he waited for a signal from her.

  “One hour has gone by! I’m going in.” Julian dashed in the direction of the cave before Ching could stop her and was compelled to follow. He lifted his staff from where it lay and sent a fiery signal to the riders as he left their hiding place to enter the cave.

  Inside they found nothing but marks of struggle on the ground and Xia’s dagger in the corner. No firestone and no Xia…oh no…please no. Julian’s stomach clenched with fear for her friend and she cast a look at Ching, who too was concerned beyond comparison.

  Julian scurried towards the dagger and gently picked it up, “It cannot be…”

  “Wait!” exclaimed Ching, “can you hear that?”

  In the distance, muffled screams of a girl could be heard and at once Julian’s hopes soared. “It’s Xia!”

  The two tore through the leaves to gather the forces and aid Xia before it was too late. I won’t let it be late, thought Julian as adrenaline pumped through her body, giving her an amplified velocity and she muttered enchantments under her breath to protect Xia.


  Nearby Xia was trampled to the ground by Axhelius who was roaring continuously, sending chills down Xia’s spine. The Annoxonum held the beast away with her hands to prevent it from biting her. They both tumbled around interlaced in a dangerous fight and they rolled down the grassy slope, each aiming to injure the other. The firestone lay somewhere forgotten in the ensuing struggle.

  When all hope was diminishing, numerous arrows darted through the air and pierced the flesh of Axhelius, who roared in pain and his heart tightened as he perceived several Elentian riders emerging down the mound. The arrows glinted with energy and Xia knew that from afar Julian was casting with Ching.

  Axhelius was sensible and knew that this was a losing battle so he fled the scene to a dense part of the forest. Xia panted as she stood up and thanked her saviors.

  The leader inclined his head gently and jumped down the horse. His hands were closing around her as he wanted to put her on the steed and take her to safety. But Xia stopped him as her work was not yet accomplished. “I need to get the firestone.”

  Nodding, he followed her and they found the stone hidden in a bush nearby. The Sitar gave off a weak glow reminding Xia of the girl who had died and her thoughts also diminished as the glow died out.

  In an instant, a wolf appeared before Xia; its jewel-green eyes staring at her in a peculiar
way. “Whoa,” said Xia softly as she moved back slowly. The rider placed a sword on the creature’s head but he then, to Xia’s astonishment, bowed his head in reverence. The grey wolf glanced at the firestone held safely in Xia’s hand before it bounded off.

  “Who is that?” she asked the Elentian leader.

  The man said nothing, but in his glassy eyes there was awe and he turned his heel, walking away with a grumbling Xia in his wake for she did not like being ignored. The riders strayed to the rest without a word spoken in the short journey and Xia kept hurling angry looks to the leader who took no notice feeling it was inappropriate to mention anything at this moment and place.

  Julian ran to Xia, clasping her in a tight bear hug and Ching patted Xia at the back to show his appreciation for her efforts. Xia’s face lit up, forgetting all about the wolf she had seen. Xia glanced at Ching and said, “Grandpa, next time before you send me on an expedition could we brush up on mythical creatures and stuff?”

  Ching studied his granddaughter unsure of what answer to give to her bizarre question and then she burst out laughing at his bewildered expression. Shaking his head with a small smile which tugged at the corners of his mouth, he joined Julian and Xia on the phoenix before they flew away into the sky followed by the several riders who changed course halfway through the journey towards Tyrendale. During the flight, Xia plunged into a detailed version of her story to which all listened with great interest along with the phoenix Fiona, who passed remarks here and there. The hearts of all were peaceful, all shared the same serenity and the Annoxonum held the stone close to her heart as if never to let go of it again. She had redeemed herself.

  All thought that this was the end of the menace as the firestone was in safe hands but little did they know that the clashes were intensifying and the wounds were deepening. On the edge of a cliff stood the wolf, hardly visible in the pitch dark except for its luminous jade eyes; the eyes which shone brightly being the only radiance visible in the dark folds of night. These solemn eyes swept over the lands, their gaze lingering awhile on the jungle with its shadowy trees. The grey wolf turned and slowly trotted away, aware of the danger approaching and aware of the earth’s whispers; whispers of regret and warning.


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