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His Personal Stripper (Curvy Women Wanted Book 7)

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by Sam Crescent


  There was no way Rachel could deny that he knew how to kiss. Jack completely consumed her, making it impossible to think or want anything else. Slowly, he pulled away and she opened her eyes, only then realizing that she’d closed them.

  “Does that answer any questions?” he asked.

  She frowned. Right now, her brain wouldn’t work. “Questions?”

  He ran a thumb across her lip. “I think it answers mine. Tell me, Rachel, are you wet?”

  Heat filled her cheeks. She’d never been with a man so blatant. When she made to hide her face, he captured her chin and shook his head.

  “Never hide from me.”

  “I don’t like what you’re asking me.”

  “Becoming mine, you’ll have to get used to it. I don’t allow anyone that belongs to me to hide. Not you, not anyone.”

  She bit her lip, and he groaned. “Yes, I’m wet.”

  “Good. Now imagine what it would be like to have my cock sliding inside your pussy, desperate for more. I’ll make it so you forget everything else, and everyone else.”

  “What you want is your own personal toy.”

  “The thing is, Rachel, I could have any woman out there. Click my fingers and they’ll come panting for more. I don’t want anyone else. I won’t have anyone else. I’ll be yours, and you’ll be mine.” He leaned in close, kissing her neck. “I can give you the world.”

  She closed her eyes, thinking about that empty apartment with the mattress. The fact her landlord hated her and wanted to kick her out. All it would take was him to get off his lazy ass to get her stuff out, not that she had all that much.

  Tonight was the first good meal she’d had in a week. She’d been eating ramen noodles and anything that was cheap.

  After so long without any work, people didn’t want to hire her now. She’d gone from one bit of bad luck to another.

  She was tired.

  She didn’t want to starve or end up on the streets. This was her biggest lifeline. “Yes.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’ll do it. Whatever you want, I’ll do it.”

  He didn’t move away or show any sign of triumph. Instead, he kissed her neck, making her eyes close.

  She gave up the fight and just basked in the feelings he created within her body. It felt so good to have his hands on her, and she didn’t want him to ever stop.

  Opening her mouth, she gasped, needing him so much.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Rachel, and I swear you’ll never regret making this decision.”

  He stepped away and moved toward the small stereo in the corner.

  Pushing her hair off her shoulder, he stood in front of her as a slow, sexy beat began to fill the room.

  He removed his shirt, taking a seat on one of the chairs.

  She knew what he wanted, and stared at him, waiting.

  “I’d like for you to dance for me.”

  “Do you want me to get naked?” This was so out of her league. She’d never been asked to do anything like this. The way Jack looked at her though—the lust that shone in his eyes let her know this wasn’t a joke.

  He wanted her to dance for him, to strip, and to show him every single inch of her.

  She watched him kick off his shoes and move them out of the way so that all he wore were his expensive trousers.

  Turning away from him, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to force herself to relax.

  This wasn’t dangerous. The music was actually soothing, and the kiss she’d experienced with him only a few moments ago had set her body aflame.

  Removing her jacket, she placed it on the nearest coffee table. Kicking off her sneakers, she tugged off her socks as well.

  She made no move to remove any other clothes, and allowed her mind to drift. Jack didn’t rush her. He allowed her time, and she felt his gaze on her. She imagined him committing every single part of her to memory, so she’d never be able to escape, not that she wanted to.

  Her pussy was slick, her nipples tight.

  It had been nearly a year and a half since she’d been with anyone else. Thinking about Jack’s hands on her body nearly made her moan aloud. She didn’t.

  Reaching up, she bunched her blonde curls, closing her eyes, and thought about those hands sliding down her curves, holding onto her hips. With that in mind, she slowly took the lead of the song, and hummed along to the tune as she began to roll her hips. The beat took over, and it wasn’t long before she was moving her hands, and slowly, erotically dancing. Jack was the only man in the world.

  He was the first man to get her attention so quickly, and even though it pissed her off how entitled he acted, she also found it rather thrilling to know he just took what he wanted. There was a power in his actions, and she found that sexy. He was a man used to getting what he wanted, and would do anything to make sure he got it.

  Turning around, she finally looked at him. His hands were on the arms of the chair. He didn’t try to hide the rock-hard outline of his dick as it pressed against the front of his trousers.

  His gaze trailed down her body and he lingered, the anticipation clear to see.

  She’d never known a man who wanted her as badly as he did.

  He’d hunted for her today, and followed her to that diner where she’d been counting change in the hopes of a piece of pie.

  With her eyes on him, she began to unbutton her shirt. All of her clothes had seen better days, but she didn’t care.

  She’d never been one to care about money or stuff like that.

  Even with Jack being a wealthy man, she wouldn’t let it get to her either.

  If he thought for a second he was going to change her, he was wrong.

  Chapter Three

  Jack fought every single urge to get to his feet and take her. Rachel closed her eyes once again, and he wanted to see them. They let him know how much she enjoyed being the center of his damn world. She slowly, achingly released the buttons on her shirt, tempting him with the round globes of her tits.

  His dick pulsed inside his pants, but he didn’t touch himself, staring at the woman in front of him.

  She’d not wanted to give in to his demands, but there hadn’t been much choice. He had her in his grasp now.

  He wondered if she realized that he had no intention of ever letting her go, unless she disappointed him. The women in his world were all hungry for power, for greed. He wasn’t interested in that. What he wanted was a woman who’d stand by his side, who wouldn’t be tempted by more money or power, or attempt to blackmail him.

  Rachel didn’t even realize she was auditioning not just to be his, but also to be his wife.

  The shirt opened up, and he let out a little moan. The bra she wore had seen better days. He didn’t mind at all. He made a note to purchase her some brand-new clothing. Only the best would do for his woman.

  She spun around, presenting her back once again to him. Her hands bunched her hair up, showing off her neck.

  When he’d kissed her, she’d been so sensitive, releasing a slight gasp as he’d used his teeth to bite down.

  Her ass called to him, and he watched her hands move down. Slowly, she rocked her hips, taking the jeans with her.

  The panties she wore covered too much, and he groaned. He couldn’t help it anymore.

  She didn’t go straight for her panties.

  Rachel kicked off the jeans, sending them across the room.

  She reached for the catch at the back of her bra, and he watched her remove it. The red lines of her bra marked her skin.

  He couldn’t see her tits, but there was time for that.

  Still, she didn’t face him. She put her fingers in either side of her panties, giving him teasing glimpses of her ass. She didn’t pull them down, and then she spun, crossing her arms in front of her tits.

  With her blonde tresses cascading around her, she looked like a little virgin temptress. He’d gladly be the villain that took her.

raised her hands above her head, showing off those breasts he’d been wanting to see naked. The tips had tight red nipples that begged to be sucked.

  Her body was more beautiful than he even imagined, and in the past few hours, he’d been doing a lot of imagining.

  Finally, she bent forward so that her breasts hung down, and she stepped out of the panties, just as the music stopped. She stood up tall, and what he saw was a thing of beauty.

  Her pussy had a light dusting of hair, neatly trimmed and tempting.

  She panted. The rise and fall of her tits captured his attention.

  Crooking his finger, he waited for her to step toward him, and he smiled as she did.

  Taking hold of her hand, he got her to straddle his lap on the chair. There was just enough room for her knees to nestle either side of him. Putting his hands on her hips, he stared up into her blue eyes.

  Need looked right back at him. Running his hand up her back, he wrapped some of her hair around his fist, tugging her head back. Putting his lips on her neck, he flicked his tongue over the pulse before licking down her neck, dipping into her collarbone.

  She gasped, arching into his touch. Staring at her tits, he flicked one nipple and then the other, hearing her moan.

  “You like that, baby? You like my mouth on your body?”


  “Do you think it feels good?”


  Trailing his tongue to her other nipple, he licked the bud, relishing her moan. With his other hand, he moved it across her hip, down her stomach, cupping her mound.

  She was wet.

  Sliding a finger between the lips of her pussy, he found her swollen clit and stroked across it.

  She cried out, her hands going on either arm of the chair. Biting down on her nipple, he slid that finger into her cunt, feeling how tight she was.

  She was achingly so, and he couldn’t wait to slide his dick deep within her. He’d have her coming apart for him in a matter of seconds.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said.

  “I want you. Please.”

  “You want me? You want me to do what? Leave you? Let you make yourself come?”

  “No. I want you to make me come, and then I want you to fuck me. Please, Jack.”

  He smiled against her tits, rubbing his cheek against the mounds. She was perfect.

  Adding a second finger into her cunt, he rubbed her clit with his thumb, tugging her hair back at the same time.

  Her cries filled the air as he brought her closer to orgasm, the heat of her surrounding his fingers, clenching as he got her close.

  “Oh, fuck!” she screamed as he pushed her over the edge, the orgasm clearly taking her by surprise as he fingered her pussy.

  He didn’t let up, making her ride it, taking his digits within her. They were not nearly as big as his dick, but she was going to get that in just a second.

  Sucking her nipple into his mouth, he bit down, and that set her off again, screaming. Her hands sank into his hair as he caused pleasure and pain.


  Rachel’s body was on fire. She couldn’t recall ever experiencing an orgasm that powerful before. Jack had known her body, teased it, and then hurtled her over the edge and kept her there. The combination prolonged her orgasm but made it hard for her to pick if she should throw him off or hold him close.

  She watched as he licked his fingers, tasting her. The smile on his face aroused her even more. The way he had her straddled, she was open to his touch, and she relished it.

  He took control in the most delightful of ways.

  “You taste so good as well. I’m going to be sucking that pretty pussy very soon.”

  Jack helped her off the chair, and even though her legs were shaky, she didn’t collapse.

  He stood up, and she watched as he opened the belt of his pants and then slid them down. He took great care when he moved the material over his dick.

  She licked her lips when she saw the bulge of him inside his black boxer briefs. Next, he removed those same briefs. His cock stood out long, thick, and hard.

  He wrapped his fingers around the length, and she became aware of how much taller than her he was. He pushed some hair off her shoulder, and she couldn’t look away from him.

  When he cupped her cheek, she pressed against his touch, wanting him, craving his contact.

  Tilting her head back, she took the kiss that he gave her. Her hands landed on his chest as he held her steady with his other hand at the base of her back, stopping her from moving away, not that she could.

  Already she was addicted to his kisses. He was an expert, and knew how to get the fire burning inside her with his lips alone. She had to wonder what it would be like to have his lips on her pussy, bringing her to orgasm. The thought was too much right now.

  He gripped her arms and began to pull her down onto the floor. The carpet was soft behind her back as he pulled her underneath him.

  Lying out in front of his office, she stared up at him and smiled. “This is rather romantic.”

  “I can be romantic and dirty all at the same time.”

  She stared into his dark brown gaze, knowing that he was unlike any other man she’d ever known.

  His hand moved from her hip down, cupping between her thighs. She didn’t look away as he moved between her legs.

  Jack took possession of her mouth as he teased her pussy, sliding his fingers within her.

  She gasped, arching up, needing his cock more than anything.

  He pulled away, and she went onto her elbows, watching as he grabbed a condom from out of his pants.

  Within seconds the latex was on his cock, and she watched as his dick touched her pussy.

  Inch by inch he thrust inside, making her moan as his cock moved along the walls of her pussy, stretching her with his width.

  His hands moved to her hips, and with one hard thrust he filled her, making her cry out.

  “Oh, fuck, I knew you’d be tight, but I had no idea it would be this damn good.”

  He stayed still within her, and she wondered if he was letting her get accustomed to his size.

  Jack claimed her lips once again, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as pleasure rushed through every single inch of her body, driving her need higher and higher.

  She began to thrust up, wanting him to fuck her hard.

  He didn’t make her wait long as he grabbed her hands, placing them above her head.

  Jack drove his dick so deep inside her she gasped with each thrust. He made her feel on fire, the need consuming her as she watched his cock sliding in and out of her.

  She couldn’t believe this was happening. That she was having sex with a complete stranger and loving it. She didn’t want him to stop, and when he pulled out, flipping her onto her knees, she glanced over her shoulder to look at him.

  “Do you have any idea how many fantasies I’ve had about this beautiful ass?”

  “You’ve only seen me for a couple of hours.”

  “And I’ve put those hours to good use.”

  He slammed his dick back into her pussy, holding her hips as he went deeper this time, his cock hitting that point within her where it went from pleasure to pain and back again.

  She tightened her hands into fists, feeling the first stirrings of her orgasm begin to build. She couldn’t believe how alive she felt.

  “Yes, please, yes,” she said, moaning.

  “You feel so fucking good. I knew you would.” He slammed inside her, and she couldn’t wait any longer. Reaching between her thighs, she stroked her clit, finding her release with just a few touches against her nub.

  Jack tightened his hold on her hips, holding her still as he pounded inside her, his cock filling her as he hit the hilt over and over again.

  He kissed her neck at the same time as he rocked inside her, his groan echoing off the walls as he came, his cock jerking.

  She closed her eyes, panting for breath.

  This was not like her.<
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  Yet, it had been so perfect, so amazing.

  Reality began to sink in, and she closed her eyes. “What happens now?” she asked.

  “You don’t go back to that apartment. You can pick your own room if you’d like, but I’m much prefer for you to stay with me.”

  “You want me to share your room?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  She closed her eyes. She was now at his beck and call.

  There wasn’t a single thought of panic or regret. In fact, she was excited to get started.

  Chapter Four

  Jack sat back as he watched the women work, wrapping a measuring tape around her waist, getting her height. Rachel wasn’t handling the attention all that well. He saw her wince and pull away as one of the women clearly hurt her.

  “Gently,” he said, not liking to see the look of pain on her face.

  Someone nodded, and within seconds they were gone.

  “They’re like vultures.” Rachel rubbed at her arms.

  His gut tightened as she looked lost. Getting to his feet, he wrapped one arm around her waist and tilted her head back to look down into her eyes. “You need some new clothes. Unless you want to walk around naked? I’ve got no problems with that. Some of the staff may be a little shocked that my woman has decided to go back to a time before clothes.”

  She laughed. “I don’t want to go around naked.”

  That was one of the things he liked about her. She didn’t want or need to impress anyone else.

  “Good. I don’t share.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Think of it as your own store.”

  “They’re wondering what the hell a guy like you is doing with someone like me.”

  “This is where you enter the judgmental world. They’ll always wonder. I’ve found the less you talk, the more they try to convince themselves something bad is happening.”

  She tilted her head to one side. “How do you handle it?”

  “By not giving them what they want. They’re always looking for ways of torturing you. Be in control of who you are. Don’t let them get into your head. Smile, laugh, and show them that no matter how much they bitch at you, you’re the better one.”


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