His Personal Stripper (Curvy Women Wanted Book 7)

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His Personal Stripper (Curvy Women Wanted Book 7) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

He stared at her mouth, and couldn’t resist a taste. Kissing her was like coming home. Being inside her was how he imagined heaven to be. In fact, there wasn’t a single thing about Rachel that he didn’t like.

  She set him on fire with need, made him so consumed with wanting her, it drove him crazy.

  One of the women entered, and his little fashion show would begin. Taking a seat, he saw them presenting certain colors, and when they were satisfied they got their choices right, they went to take her away.

  “No need for that. She’s my woman. I want to see.”

  Staring into Rachel’s eyes, he saw them flare, but he also saw the hard beads of her tits, which couldn’t disguise her own arousal. She wanted this as much as he did, and he always got what he wanted.

  Within seconds they had her down to her underwear, and he made another note to go to a specialist lingerie shop.

  For the next six hours, he watched his woman get transformed with so many different clothes. Casual jeans and shirts, dresses, skirts, floral prints, then into cocktail dresses and long gowns, in which he couldn’t wait to show her off at social functions.

  He noticed whenever they mentioned functions and the attire needed, she’d bite down on her lip. While the women surrounded her, he let them finish dressing her up, and once they were all done and left her a set of clothes to dress in, he stood up.

  She looked exhausted.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  She pulled up the pair of jeans, buttoning them before looking at him. They were a perfect fit, molding to her curvy figure like a second skin.

  “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

  “You don’t look like it’s nothing.”

  “We never talked about going out, and me being your date.” She ran fingers through her long hair, dropping her hands down to her side, and expelling a breath. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  Cupping her face, he stared into her blue eyes. He moved her back until she was pressed against the wall. His cock hardened at the thought of taking her here and now, but he didn’t.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he plunged his tongue into her mouth, and at the same time, he took hold of her hands, pressing them above her head. His cock rested against her stomach, and if they were home right now, he’d lift her up, wrap her legs around his waist, and fuck her so hard that she didn’t even have to think about anything else.

  “You’re Rachel Sterling. You’re not a coward, and there’s nothing in this world you can’t handle.” He’d trailed kisses down her cheek, getting to her ear. “Nothing.”

  Pulling back a little, he saw the shock on her face and smiled. “Why do you think I’m so strong? You don’t even know me.”

  Jack left her side, grabbing the shirt that lay on its hanger. Helping her into the shirt, he began to button it up. “You lost your job a year ago. You’re a foster kid who knows how the system works. If no one believes you, you get pushed aside, ignored, and passed on like old news. You’re not a woman who’s easily broken, Rachel. You’re a fighter.”

  He saw the tears that sprang into her eyes, and he gripped the back of her neck before taking her lips once again. Jack couldn’t stand to see her cry, nor did he want to. The need to take care of her burned inside, consuming him no matter what he did.

  “Will they whisper about you at social functions? Yes. Will they want to make you feel small? Yes. The only power they will ever have over you is the power you give them. No one else. Remember that.”

  She licked her lips, and he wiped the tears away with his thumb.

  “I won’t take any other woman. You’re mine now, Rachel. Walking away is never going to happen.”

  She was dressed, and she hadn’t spoken. “You make me sound like a badass.”

  “I think you are, and in my world, all I care about is what I think.”

  “Is that what I should care about? What you think?”

  He smiled. “It is my world you live in, but I was thinking that in your world, you know what you’ve done, you know what you’ve been through. Screw anyone else that would think differently.”


  Being the richest man in the world didn’t mean much as Jack still had to work. Rachel stared at her reflection and released another breath that she’d been holding. Over the past couple of days, she realized that she adored Jack more than anything else. He made her laugh and feel so comfortable within her skin. She loved his personality. He was a little domineering at times, but he was a man used to getting what he wanted, and she could respect that.

  Staring at her reflection, she saw the red gown that Jack picked out for her, which made her heart race. It plunged in the front, and she couldn’t wear a bra because people would see. There wasn’t much to the back either.

  His personal stylist had already stopped by to do her hair and makeup. They were going to a charity event, and he always made an effort to attend. He told her he would offer a donation, enjoy the food, and leave.

  “You look stunning,” Jack said, startling her. He leaned against the doorframe. She always saw him in a business suit, but that was nothing compared to a tux. She’d never really understood the difference until now.

  She gave a little turn. The heels she wore were killing her feet, but she didn’t say anything. All of her life she’d handled uncomfortable situations. When she’d been in one of the foster homes she’d promised herself she’d avoid moments like this, where she was uncomfortable or made to feel less than what she was, but it seemed her life was just going to be one long fuck-up.

  “Are you ready to leave?” she asked.

  “You’re going to be fine. Wallace has the car brought around.”

  He took her hand, helping her downstairs, and within no time at all they were in the car and arriving at their destination.

  Jack climbed out of the car first, and even as her legs were like jelly, she kept on moving. In her mind she was counting, hoping that she’d be able to get through this. Jack placed her hand over the bend of his arm, and she took it while trying to appear as if she was meant to be here.

  The moment they entered the large gathering, she noticed several women turned their way. Their gazes were hungry as they stared at Jack and glared at her.

  If looks could kill, she’d be dead already.

  One step at a time.

  They stopped, and Jack introduced her to a man she’d never remember, but she remained polite, offering her hand before they left.

  A waiter stopped by, and Jack took two long-stemmed glasses of champagne. He handed her one, and she took a sip, not liking the stuff. She didn’t let it show though.

  “The men want you,” he said.

  “Is that what you wanted? To display what you’d bought?” she asked. There was no judgment. She merely stated a fact. The only reason she stood here was because she’d been desperate. When they were together she could pretend they were alone. Right now, that was near impossible. She couldn’t even think of what to say to these people.

  Their judgments were clear to see.

  “Jack, darling, it’s so good to see you.” A woman came to them, pulling Jack in for a hug and a kiss.

  Rachel watched as his jaw clenched, and she hid her smile in another sip of the rancid champagne. She didn’t drink, so the quality of the stuff was lost on her.

  “I’d like to introduce you to my woman,” Jack said. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close. Leaning her head on his shoulder, Rachel didn’t say a word. “Rachel, this is Felicity.”

  Holding out her hand, she tried to go for something friendly. Felicity stared at her as if she was nothing more than dirt.

  It wasn’t the first time she’d been stared at like that. “You always did like that sort of thing.”

  Jack tensed. “I’d be careful, Felicity. You live a life of luxury because of me. Your father’s company survives because of me. I wonder how you’d fare working on the streets if I decide to change my mind.”

  The deadly aggressio
n in his voice surprised her. Rachel looked up at him as he defended her. Felicity went pale and left them alone.

  She’d known he was a businessman, but she’d never seen that side of him. He turned to look at her. “I enjoy your company. I like you, Rachel. I think you’re a stunning woman, and I won’t have anyone else treat you so small.”

  “Are you always rescuing women off the streets?”

  “No, you’re the first.”

  “Then what did she mean by what she said?”

  His hand rested at the curve of her back. Without fail her pussy went slick. She didn’t know what it was about this man that made her react so strongly, but she couldn’t deny it.

  “I like my women to have curves. As you can see here, not many women are like you. Also, I like my women to have a heart.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “By the end of the evening you’ll see what I mean.”

  She stared at him, unsure what to say. The way he spoke about his own people was filled with disgust as if he couldn’t even imagine being in the same room with them. She didn’t get the chance to ask him more questions as they were suddenly swamped by people. Jack didn’t let her go, and she kept the same glass of champagne, listening to the men treat her nothing more as arm candy while they talked business.

  Rachel watched as they talked about their dealings, not caring as they said one false move could see thousands out of a job. They were gambling with people’s lives, and no one cared.

  She wondered if someone had been at one of these events when her last job was on the cutting block.

  Chapter Five

  By the end of the evening Jack knew without a doubt that he had the right woman. No matter what was said, Rachel remained a lady at his side. He stood by her, not allowing anyone to even come close. The social set that he lived in was filled with people who only wished to bring others down. He didn’t have that belief.

  The only time she was out of his sight throughout the whole evening was when she needed to use the bathroom. He noticed her pale expression when she came toward him afterward, and didn’t doubt for a moment that someone had cornered her and said something. She didn’t say a word, and for the rest of the evening he didn’t pressure her into telling him anything.

  When they were in the car heading for his home, Jack wanted to know.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  Throughout the evening he’d felt her withdraw from him, little by little. Jack didn’t like it.


  “Don’t lie. Don’t start with the bullshit. I’m not some loser boyfriend who can be pushed aside and made to believe nothing is wrong. I know these people. I’ve been around them most of my life. You were like a sheep caught in a wolf’s sights. They don’t like how you look. The beauty and kindness shows within your eyes. They want to tear it down, destroy it, and let the world know there is nothing better than they are.”

  He saw the tears in her eyes, and she looked toward him. “They don’t deserve your tears, baby.”

  “Why not? They’re your friends. They only spoke the truth anyway. I’m your whore. You pay me to fuck me, and when you’re done you’ll pass me over just like you have everyone else.”

  “Everyone else?” he asked.

  “They spoke about how you’re always bringing in stray dogs, and that when you grow tired you toss them out onto the street and watch them struggle. It’s like a sport to you.”

  Jack’s rage knew no bounds in that moment. He’d discover who the women were and he’d make sure they suffered.

  Taking hold of Rachel’s hand, he stroked her wrist, feeling the pulse jump beneath his touch. “I’ve never done this before. I’ve helped people who needed help. I’ve got several shelters and organizations that help the homeless rebuild their lives. Some people don’t want that. They like their life the way it is. I’ve never seen a woman who has made me feel so much desire that I chase her halfway across town ’til I get to a diner, only to discover her counting loose change for a slice of pie. I saw you, Rachel. I wanted you. I’m not going to toss you out onto the street. I don’t expect you to believe me.”

  “I am your whore though.”

  “So? That’s our business. I won’t share you. You’re my woman. My stripper. My whore. My everything.” He cupped her cheek, turning her face toward him so she didn’t look elsewhere. “Who cares what anyone else thinks? I don’t, and I would never allow anyone to talk to you that way. What we do is our business.” He pulled her down, taking her lips in a searing kiss, moving her at the same time so that she lay underneath him.

  The dress she wore didn’t provide much modesty, but he had no intention of removing it right now.

  Sliding the dress to her waist, he tore at the panties and felt the heat of her cunt against his palm.

  She was wet already, and he wanted to drive those vicious women from her mind. Sliding a single finger into her soaked pussy, he stroked her clit with his thumb, moving back and forth.

  His fingers within her grew incredibly wet, and it made him moan just feeling her tighten around him. His cock pressed against the front of his pants, desperate to be inside her.

  “Please, Jack, I need you.”

  All he’d intended was to give her pleasure, but now, he couldn’t resist. Pulling his fingers from her tight heat, he licked her cream off, which only made him even harder. Releasing his cock, he ran his hand up and down the length. Pre-cum was already spilling out of the tip, and he groaned as pleasure flooded his entire body.

  Running the tip between her thighs, he bumped her clit a couple of times before heading to her entrance. In one thrust, he filled her pussy, holding her hips as he slid right to the hilt within her.

  She pulsed around him, crying out his name.

  The car wasn’t the ideal place to fuck her as hard as he wanted, but he found a rhythm that drove them both crazy.

  Taking her hand, he placed it on her pussy, getting her to play with herself as he rode her body.

  The scent of sex was heavy in the back of the car, and he loved it. He didn’t want to stop. Her pussy tightened, squeezing his cock, desperate for his cum, and he fucked her harder.

  She began to near her climax as she clenched his length, tightening like a vise. Suddenly, she cried out, impaling her pussy onto his cock.

  Jack found his own release, thrusting inside her, filling her with his cum.

  He’d not worn a condom. Now, he rested his head against her tits, closing his eyes with a smile. He’d found the right woman for him.

  All he had to do now was make sure no one tried to destroy it for him.

  By the time they were both covered and decent, they had arrived at his home.


  The dress she wore didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Entering their home once again, Rachel thanked Wallace for driving them home and followed Jack to his office.

  When she entered the room, she heard the soft music and knew what he wanted. He liked watching her undress, and he tended to put music on to let her know he wanted it slow, seductive, teasing.

  What shocked Rachel even more was the fact she enjoyed it. There was a kind of power in her dancing. The way he stared at her, the need always there. His gaze never failed to follow her, even tonight when leaving the bathroom after those women had told her exactly what she meant to them.

  “You’re a bug. We don’t like bugs in our crowd. We squash them and send them on their merry way. You’re just another plaything for him. You think you’re special, but you don’t even have the first clue how many women he’s had before you. How he mocks them when he tosses them out on the street. It’s only a matter of time before you’re begging men to take you just so you can earn your supper.”

  Rachel had simply stared at the woman and asked if she could use the sink. Girls like Felicity didn’t bother her. Being in foster care, she’d learned to have a thick skin, but in that moment, she wondered why Jack picked her.

  Was it all just sex, or did he want somet
hing else?

  Being the invisible one in the group tonight she’d heard a lot of whispers, a lot of rumors.

  They all were wondering whom Jack would marry, saying that one day he’d need an heir to his fortune, and he didn’t even look to be picking someone in their group.

  She was surprised by how greedy they were.

  Each and every person she encountered wanted Jack in some way, and it was always about his money, never about him.

  Slowly, she began to dance, using the beat and moves that enhanced her curves. Jack sat in his chair, and this time, she went straight toward him. Straddling his lap, she felt the evidence of his need for her pressing against the front of his pants.

  Lowering the straps of her dress, she watched him as he took in her naked form.

  “You picked me because I’m nothing like them,” she said, speaking for the first time.

  He didn’t say anything at first. Instead, he reached out, curling her hair behind her ear, and stroking down her cheek. “Yes.”

  “Why? Don’t you need someone like them to help—”

  “Make me more money? I don’t need more money, Rachel. I don’t need more power, or anything else. I’ve no interest in being the world’s richest man. I have more money than I can spend. You heard them tonight. They talk a good game. Gambling with people’s lives like it’s fun.”

  “The company I worked for before. Was it owned by anyone we saw tonight?” she asked.

  Jack nodded.

  She smiled. “Wow, in a weird way you were probably in a conversation like that. Listening to someone set the path that would bring me to you.”

  “I have no interest in putting people’s lives at risk.”

  She’d stopped dancing just to talk. Even with her tits exposed she didn’t care. Jack always put her at ease, even tonight surrounded by his friends. He’d put his hand at her back, and she’d felt comforted. “What made you change?”

  “What makes you think I was any different?”

  “Your age. I don’t know. It’s like you’ve learned from something, some action maybe?” She shrugged. “You don’t owe me any explanation or anything. I’d just like to get to know you.”


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