His Personal Stripper (Curvy Women Wanted Book 7)

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His Personal Stripper (Curvy Women Wanted Book 7) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  He smiled. “You saw how different you were. Even with me offering you so much money, you’ve never once asked to see it, or seemed completely besotted with me for the clothes and the house.”

  “At a young age I learned that clothes don’t mean anything, nor does living in a good house. People have secrets, and they do everything they can to try and hide them. Money has its place in the world and in life. It changes people, and that makes it dangerous.”

  “I’ve always been wealthy. I had the intelligence, and I was cocky. Partying, I’d burn money because I knew I was going to have more to replace it.” He ran a hand down his face. “I gambled on companies. They were just names. An extension of my wealth. They didn’t bring much in. They broke even half the time. One day I was sitting in my office, a bottle of champagne at my side when a police officer came in. He had a file in his hand, and told me he was investigating multiple suicides. One of the companies that got shut down because I gambled the wrong way. Ten men took their own lives. They were men who’d put their entire lives into the company. Invested everything, and because I decided to party, had one too many to drink, those men lost everything. Their families had nothing. I stared at the pictures of the gunshot wounds to their heads. I didn’t pull that trigger, but I might as well have.”

  Rachel stared at him, surprised.

  “That was over twenty years ago.” He shook his head. “I took a trip, and I learned about that business. How it employed a hundred people, and I then visited the people, the families they had. The lives that depended on them. It was a wakeup call. The company that earned me billions also held the lives of my workers. They’re the ones that earn me money, and I didn’t respect them. I changed. I learned a lot overnight, and I made sure that I never, ever took for granted what I wanted. The people you saw tonight, they keep expecting that reckless bastard to appear. He won’t. He’s long dead. I’m not a hero, Rachel. I’m just like them.”

  Chapter Six

  Rachel sat in Jack’s office within the city where all of his major decisions took place. It had been a couple of weeks since the incident at the charity event. Neither of them had spoken about it, or what he’d admitted after. She hadn’t run away from him, but she also hadn’t denied what he said either.

  In the meantime, Jack had made it his mission to discover who’d been in the bathroom with Rachel, and he’d gotten the names of all the women, including Felicity. He didn’t have a problem with making them suffer.

  “You’re not like them, you know,” Rachel said, startling him.

  He looked toward her again. Even after her being with him for nearly a month now, she didn’t bore him. Jack had to fight not to merely stare at her. He loved her company so much, which was why he always brought her to work.

  Every day was a mixture of pleasure and torture, pleasure for just having her close, and torture because they couldn’t spend the entire day fucking like rabbits.

  She closed the book she’d been reading and turned toward him. “The other day you said you were exactly like them.” She shook her head. “You’re not.”

  “It has taken you this long to tell me otherwise.”

  Rachel smiled, and it made his stomach clench. There was so much warmth within that gaze. He’d gladly stare into her eyes all day long. She was nothing like the women he was used to.

  He couldn’t stand to be near anyone else for so long.

  “To be honest I was thinking about what you said.”

  “Which part?”

  “All of it.” She tucked some hair behind her ear and he watched her stand up, moving toward her. She rounded the desk and leaned against it. Her ass was perched on the edge of the desk. The jeans she wore molded to every single curve, and he noticed that unless he asked her to wear anything different, this was all she wore, jeans and a long shirt. “You can’t deny that you’re different.” She took his hand, locking their fingers together. “You could leave all of this to someone else to run, and yet you’re always here without fail.”

  “They’re my workers. This business depends on me, and I know in one turn of the market, all of this could end.”

  “Exactly. You don’t take any of it for granted.” She leaned forward, kissing his lips. It was then that Jack realized that it was the first time she’d initiated their touches. He squeezed her hands, offering her comfort, and pulling her down so that she was straddling his waist. She released a little giggle, wrapping her arms around him. “You’re not like anyone else I’ve ever known.”

  He ran his hands down her back, grabbing her ass and giving the rounded globes a squeeze. “Damn, woman, you make me so damn hot.”

  “It makes me wonder what would have happened that day if you’d not seen me.”

  “I’d have found you.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  Jack cupped her cheek, sinking his fingers into her blonde locks and pulling her down for a kiss. She didn’t fight him.

  He’d easily get lost in her touch, needing her more than anything else in the world. “Because I’ve always been looking for you, that’s why.”

  “You’re so romantic.” The twinkle in her eyes made him laugh. She gave a little wiggle on his lap, and her laughter was infectious. “You and I both know what you’re wanting.”

  “Well, I have to say, Rachel, I’ve never fucked a woman on the desk of my office.”

  “Never?” she asked. “I find that hard to believe. A hot, sexy man like yourself could have any woman he wanted.”

  “Yet the only one I want is in my arms right now.”

  He lifted her up and placed her on his desk, not caring as he threw items off to make sure she was comfortable. Unsnapping the buttons of her jeans, he slowly peeled them down her legs before he tore at the fabric of her panties.

  Sitting down in his chair, he stared at her pussy. Already she was wet for him. Licking his lips, he couldn’t resist a taste of her anymore. Sliding her lips open, he stared at the swollen nub of her clit and groaned.

  Taking her into his mouth, he sucked her, thrusting two fingers inside her cunt as he did. She cried out his name, the sounds echoing off the walls, arousing him even more.

  This was his woman, and she had no clue what he had planned for her. What he wanted them to both become. From the moment he first saw her, his goal had been to get her into his life. From that point on, it had been working for another goal. He wanted her as his wife, to completely devote her life to his.

  He loved her coming to work, being by his side. That’s what he wanted so damn much, but he also wanted to fulfill every single desire she had as well, and not leave her out.

  Not a day would go by without him giving her what she wanted. It would be his mission in life to constantly put a smile on her face, to put a ring on her finger, and one day soon, put his child in her stomach. Just the thought of her swollen with his kid was enough to make him pull his own cock out and begin to work the length.

  She’d make for a damn fine mother and wife.

  The truth was, he loved her.

  The fire in her eyes. The passion in her body, and the love he’d caught a glimpse off was all his to possess. He just needed to make sure he never destroyed that.


  On rare occasions, Jack would send her home before him with Wallace. Rachel would sit in the back of the car and reflect on how her life had changed. She’d been with Jack for a couple of months now, and she couldn’t even begin to believe that when he first met her she’d been counting change for a piece of pie.

  The clothes she wore, the life she led, it was all different. She didn’t check the job section or go to the grocery store. She no longer heated up noodles for herself. Someone else always cooked for her while she spent every second with Jack, apart from those days he needed privacy to do his work.

  She never stopped being herself though. The clothes she’d worn when he first met her were still hanging up in her wardrobe, and she’d stare at them, knowing in her heart she’d never forget, n
ot once.

  Running her fingers down the worn fabric, remembering the tears she’d spilled out of fear.

  Her life with Jack hadn’t been what she expected either. His personal little stripper wasn’t all she was. He didn’t toss her aside until he fancied being in the mood. They were together most of the time, but the sex didn’t dominate it. In fact, she calculated that she spent more times in her clothes than out of them. They’d laugh, and he even liked playing guessing games with her. It was something she did to amuse herself while the time went by.

  When her monthly cycle had come, she’d expected him to ignore her but he didn’t. Instead, he’d lain behind her, watching a sad movie and rubbing her stomach. He was so caring.

  No matter what he said, she knew the truth, and he wasn’t like the people she’d met at the charity event. He was so much different. She couldn’t even imagine him being the way he described.

  She’d showered, changed, and pinned her hair up, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before Jack got home.

  Walking downstairs, she paused when she saw Felicity from the party, standing in the entryway, looking all superior as she stared up at her.

  “Well, if it’s not the little resident whore.” Felicity sneered each word, looking at Rachel as if she was worthless.

  Rachel kept her head high as she moved downstairs until she was on the same level as the other woman. She never would be though. This woman was way too tall wearing her six-inch stiletto heels.

  Still, Rachel didn’t say anything.

  “Your pussy must really be made of gold. You’re nothing but a piece of trash. He likes doing that, you know, taking in the trash. You disgust me just by being in my sight.”

  Rachel tilted her head, looking at the other woman. Over the years she’d been called many names, and most of them just rolled off her like waves on the beach. This woman was trying to hurt her, using words that would cut most women to the core.


  “What have I ever done to offend you?” Rachel asked.

  “You’ve wormed your way into Jack’s life. You’re not the woman he needs for this house. He needs a real woman.”

  “Last time I checked I had everything that makes me a woman.”

  Felicity advanced on her, but Rachel was used to people standing over her, glaring, slapping, yelling. It was all the same, and none of them had the power to hurt her, only herself.

  She didn’t stop the slap that landed across her face, or the spit that followed on her cheek. Being spat on was a new one. Before she could do anything, Felicity was jerked away from her, and Rachel wiped the mess from her cheek, watching as Jack pinned Felicity against the wall with a hand around her neck.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are coming into my home, attacking my woman, and spitting in her face?”

  “Everyone knows you’re only using her to spite everyone else.”

  “I fucking love that woman you all despise. Rachel is worth a shitload more than you, and you dare enter my home. I was dealing with your father. He was begging me not to remove my funding just because his spiteful shit of a daughter decided to hurt the woman I love.” Jack shook his head. “I was going to ignore what happened a month ago. I’m not going to ignore this. I suggest you go home and tell your father what you’ve just done.” He leaned in close. “This time I won’t have any mercy.”

  Felicity cowered. “No, you can’t do it. My father needs that funding. He needs what only you can provide.”

  Rachel watched as Felicity began to beg. It was rather strange to see the woman brought so low, who only moments ago believed she possessed all the power, and in a way, she did. But it wasn’t the same now, and it would never be the same.

  Jack was going to see to that, and Rachel was in a little shock. No, not a little. A lot of shock over what she’d just witnessed. She didn’t know what to say or what to do.

  Her gaze followed Jack as he shoved Felicity away from him. “Get your ass out of my house, and if you ever come back here, you better expect some jail time.”

  Felicity cried out as she ran from the house. Wallace slammed the door closed and nodded at Jack before leaving. “Make sure he’s aware of who caused it.”

  “What?” Rachel asked.

  “He’s going to have a word with Felicity’s father. I was dealing with him this evening.” Jack moved toward her and turned her face as he inspected the heated cheek. “Do you want me to kill her?”

  “She’s not worth going to prison for.”

  “You really don’t get that money does speak for itself.”

  “I don’t want to believe that.”

  “You still believe there’s good in the world.”

  “I’d like to think there is always good in the world.” Her heart was racing. He’d admitted to Felicity that he loved her, Rachel. The girl from the streets who stripped for him and him alone.

  Could it, even for a second, be true?

  Chapter Seven

  He’d surprised her. Jack saw that in her eyes. When he’d entered his home, he saw what Felicity was doing. He’d seen the slap and the spit, and he was so fucking angry. Any chance he was going to give that woman’s father was over. Jack wasn’t a very good man, not when someone attacked the people he loved.

  Already, he’d gotten a newspaper closed down for some of the disparaging comments and headlines. No one came after what was his and got away with it.

  That was all gone and in the past now. All that remained was the woman in his arms staring up at him as if he’d lost his damn mind. He really did think she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  The red mark on her cheek angered him.

  “She wasn’t really happy to see me,” Rachel said, cracking a joke.

  “She had no right to hit you. You’re my woman, Rachel.” He stroked a curl back behind her ear. “I love you, baby, and I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “How? You don’t really know me.”

  “I know you, Rachel, and I know deep down that even if you don’t know it, you love me as well.”

  She nibbled her lip, and he watched as she averted her gaze, pulling away from his touch.

  Tilting her head back, he stared into her eyes, seeing the truth reflecting back at him. “You mean more to me than what I originally planned.” He sighed. “I’m not a great man, Rachel. I’m demanding. I want what I want, and I always go out of my way to get it. Work will always be part of my life. Charity events, people wondering what I’m doing or trying to tear you down.” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip and whimpered. She was pure temptation, and he wanted her all the time. “I’ll be by your side because I know what I want, and it’s you, Rachel. You’re the only woman I want. The only woman I’ll ever want.” He pressed a kiss against her lips. “Say something.”

  “You’ve … surprised me.”

  He chuckled. “I didn’t think I’d done anything differently.” He stared into her eyes, hating the red mark on her face. “You’re not like them, Rachel. You don’t see the world as about money or power.”

  “You chased after me because you liked the way I look.”

  He ran his hand down her back, gripping her ass and pulling her close. She didn’t fight him, and he loved how she melted against him, almost as if she couldn’t help it herself.

  “I don’t regret it.”

  “Now you’re saying that you’re in love with me.”

  “And I know deep down that you love me as well. You’ve not had an easy life. I know you’re afraid to let anyone in.” He stared into her eyes, refusing to hide his feelings for her. “You love me, Rachel, even if you don’t want to admit it today, you will soon, when you allow yourself the chance to believe. I want to marry you,” he said, shocking her even more. The look in her eye made him smile. “Yes, I want to marry you. Put my ring on your finger and my child inside you. I don’t want to use condoms. I want to feel your bare pussy wrapped around my dick as I take you. To watch my cum spill from your cunt knowing t
hat one day, you’ll have my child.”

  “This is all really sudden.”

  “Think about it.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “While you do—” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a ring. “Wear this.”

  “Are you doing this to get back at people like Felicity?”

  He shook his head. “I left them behind a long time ago. After I realized what I’d done by throwing away people’s lives, I went back. During conversations I’d start to ask questions about the businesses they’d lost. The people they hurt. No one gave a fuck. Lives didn’t matter to them, and once I thought I didn’t care either, but it wasn’t real. I never saw them until I was finally asked to open my eyes, and then—I saw them. I witnessed the pain and the sadness, and the fear. They stopped being names on sheets of paper, and they became real to me.” He slammed his lips down on hers. “Like you’re real to me, Rachel. Make no mistake about that. It won’t be a picnic being married to me. Women like Felicity will always try to tear you down, ruin you. Don’t let them get under your skin, and don’t let them change you.”

  Tears were shining in her eyes, and he hated that he’d made her cry no matter the kind of tears. He didn’t want to upset her, not ever.

  “I think our dinner is ready,” she said.

  There was a beep in the distance, and he chuckled, pressing his head against hers. “Saved by food.” Pulling away, he took her hand. “Please, think about it.”

  Leading her toward the kitchen, he watched as Rachel grabbed their food from the oven. Chicken enchiladas were served. He knew they were one of Rachel’s favorites so he always got his cook to make them for her.

  Watching her serve the food, he imagined Rachel heavily pregnant, and it wouldn’t be long before he got her that way either. He didn’t like waiting long, and he knew without a doubt that Rachel loved him.

  He just needed for her to realize it first.


  Rachel did love Jack, but she didn’t trust her feelings. She didn’t know what to do or what to say. Hearing him tell her how he felt had only driven her crazy with longing. No man had ever stood up for her, or made sure she was part of his life. What if he got bored with her? Could she bring herself to be vulnerable to him?


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