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Planet Bound

Page 18

by R. A. Mejia

  ——SAI’s POV——-

  After John is escorted out, the idiot pirate captain tries to get me to make him more weapons, but I use the same line about him being an unauthorized user. He’s angry and pounds his fists on the console below my display. I’d been worried that ex-crewman Susan Yoe would recognize my voice as I spoke to John, but I needed to use the same voice or John might not have recognized me at all. I think it was the wink and how I called him Mr. Espinoza that did the trick though.

  I’m just glad that I was able to fully take over the Military Fabricator system in time to figure out we’d been captured by the pirates and come up with a plan.

  There is one thing that most humans don’t realize: when they don’t see you as a person, they speak like you don’t exist and reveal the most interesting things. As soon as Joseph returns to the room, for example, the captain orders that John’s food be spiked with something to sedate him. Apparently, he thinks that John is the only one that can operate the fabricator; and, rather than have his hackers break into the system to change the protocols and possibly trigger security, he just plans on selling John along with the machine.

  While I’d like to say I’m surprised by the callousness of the decision to enslave John, I actually expected it. I mean, what else could the pirates do? They have to have some way to let his buyer operate the machine. At least this way, it gives me a chance to enact the second part of my plan. Let’s see, where are those schematics for explosives?

  Chapter 17

  A loud clatter interrupts the dream I was having, and I groggily roll over. Instead of finding my wife there, I fall face first onto the floor. The sudden pain wakes me up, and as I look around, I recall that I’m on the pirates’ ship. My head is still a bit fuzzy, and I try to remember the last thing I did before I fell asleep. I think I was eating some soup, which was quite good compared to the rations that I’d been eating this last week, but then I got sleepy and decided I’d rather lie down.

  A loud scream brings me right out of my reverie. It doesn’t really matter why I fell asleep. If someone is screaming on a ship full of pirates, it's a good sign I need to try and get out of here. I bang on the door of my cell, and although no one answers, there is a response from the wall next to it.

  “John! John, is that you?”

  Aaron is talking to me from the cell next door. “Yeah. I’m fine. Are you okay? What’s all that noise?”

  “I don’t know what the noise is, but it started about ten minutes ago. I tried to talk to you earlier to see what happened when they took you, but you didn’t respond. I was getting worried.”

  I press my ear to the door and I think I can hear the faint sound of blaster fire in addition to the screams. No, wait, I also hear a heavy stomping sound, and it’s getting closer. “Aaron, stand back. Something is coming this way. Arm yourself if you can.”

  I don’t have to press my ear against the door to hear the loud steps. Clomp. Clomp. The steps get closer and closer. Someone or something is just outside my door. I scan the small room for something--anything--that I can use as a weapon, but there’s nothing. Instead, I raise my fists, ready to pummel whoever comes through. I hear the beeps of someone tapping the keypad outside my cell, there’s the sound of electricity sparking, and then the door slides open to reveal a humanoid figure almost two meters tall. Even though it has two legs and two arms, it isn’t human. Instead, as it steps into the cell, I see that it’s a robot of some kind, heavily armored and with weapons attached to its arms and shoulders. The robot doesn’t have eyes but a single large sensor in the middle of its head instead. It’s one of the most intimidating things I’ve ever seen, and I’m just about ready to make my final stand when it speaks.

  “Hey John, did you miss me?”

  I immediately recognize the voice as SAI’s and drop my hands in surprise. “SAI? Is that you? What in the world is happening?”

  “No time to explain. The short version is that I took over the military fabricator and tricked that pirate captain into keeping you alive long enough for me to print this robotic soldier. Then I transferred myself to it, and now I have come to rescue you.”

  “That seems like a really succinct explanation actually.”

  “Thanks. But we really do need to move. We need to get to the hanger before part three of my plan goes off.”

  “Wait, what about the fabricator? Won’t the pirates be able to use the fabricator if we leave?

  “No. Before I transferred, I left a simple copy of myself that will act as security. It will take the pirates weeks to hack through all the electronic traps that she’ll lay for them. By that time, the Federation will have hopefully caught up to them.”

  “Oh, it seems you have that handled. Then can you open Crewman Joseph’s door? He’s right next door.”

  SAI squeezes back out the door to my cell and forces open the one next to mine. I hear screaming and clanging and rush out to find Crewman Joseph hitting SAI with a ripped-off faucet head. SAI just backs away, not taking any kind of damage from the implement.

  “Aaron, calm down. She’s with us. She’s my friend and is here to help us escape.”

  SAI’s massive robotic body turns towards me and she says in a quiet, unsure tone, “I’m your friend, John?”

  The question seems both unusual for SAI and completely inappropriate for the moment, but I quickly respond. “Huh? Yeah. I realized how good a friend you’d been when the pirates attacked you on the ship. You saved my life and really helped me out on that planet. So, we’re definitely friends.”

  SAI’s fearsome looking robotic form reaches out to hug me. Her metal arms embrace me, and I feel like I’m being hugged by a grizzly bear. “SAI. Stop. Can’t. Breathe,” I gasp out.

  The arms let go, and SAI mutters an apology. Then the killing machine slaps me on the back and says happily, “John, you’re my first real human friend.”

  I snicker at the sight of the big scary soldier robot acting so sentimental but stifle the laughter. After all, I wouldn’t want to offend SAI--especially since she could accidentally snap my neck with a playful punch now. “Yeah, SAI. You’re my first A.I. friend too.”

  Aaron, who has been staring at the two of us this whole time while clutching the facet to his chest, finally speaks. “SAI, is that really you? I thought you were destroyed when the ship crashed.”

  SAI turns and addresses Aaron. “Crewman Joseph. I’m sorry to report that the Argonaut is no more. I only survived with the help of Mr. Espinoza. The captain did not make it, but his last orders were to help as many of the crew and passengers escape and to get the pirates and whoever betrayed us. What are your orders as the ranking member of the crew, sir?”

  I stare at the deference that SAI suddenly shows. She’s never once acted this manner with me. I suppose she’s only acting according to her programing as a ship’s A.I. but it’s odd to see after all this time. Crewman Joseph, for his part, seems to find some comfort in the formality and straightens is posture and returns the salute.

  “SAI. We need to get out of here. You said you planned to lead us to the hanger bay. Why was that?” Aaron asks.

  “My priorities are your and Mr. Espinoza’s safety. We can steal one of the scout or attack ships in the hanger and escape.”

  “And the other directives from the captain?”

  “I’ve fabricated spider-bots, armed them with explosives, and sent them throughout the ship. When I command it, they will explode, damaging critical ship systems and hopefully causing enough damage to prevent the pirates from chasing us. When we’re far enough out, we can contact a federation ship and give them the coordinates of the pirate cruisers, thus putting an end to them as the captain ordered.”

  I’m about to ask how we get to the hanger bay when the sound of laser fire cuts through the air, and a flash of energy washes over SAI’s back. I reflexively duck, but SAI turns and raises the weapon on her right arm at Yoe and the three pirates that just entered the hallway behind her.

rewman Joseph places a hand on SAI’s raised weapons, stopping her from killing the four. Joseph calls out, “Susan, you don’t have to do this. We’ll find another way to help your parents. Come with us and we’ll figure this all out together.”

  Susan, holding her arm up to tell the others not to fire, looks torn for a moment but frowns and shakes her head. Almost speaking to herself she says, “No. You’re wrong. It’s too late now. The plan went wrong and I got too many people killed. My family needs the money and there’s no going back for me.” Her eyes take on a pleading look as she continues, “But you all don’t have to die. Just surrender and I’ll try to convince the captain to be lenient. He already knows you’re free and he’s getting the crew organized. It might take him a while to realize exactly what we’re up against, but I don’t doubt we have the firepower to kill all of you.” Seven more men, these with laser rifles, come down the hallway and join her. She tilts her head and looks at us sadly, waiting for our answer.

  Crewman Joseph stares unbelievingly at her. Perhaps part of him really believed she’d come with us, but I can see a hardness come to his features as he whispers to SAI, “I tried at least. Do what you have to.”

  The eleven pirates, hearing Aaron's order, open fire and I dive behind SAI for cover. Unfortunately for them, their laser fire only manages to scorch her armor without actually penetrating it. With no hesitation, SAI unleashes a firestorm of plasma. The weapons along her arms and shoulders spew a green barrage. Unlike their pitiful weapons, hers do devastating damage, cutting through their clothes, armor, and flesh with equal ease. The fight is over in a second, and all the pirates lie dead on the floor.

  “No more time for talk, you two. We have to get moving,” SAI says as she starts walking forward, the weapons on her arms out and ready.

  Crewman Joseph and I follow obediently, and as we walk past the dead pirates, he kneels down to look at the body of ex-crewman Susan Yoe. Her body has a large cauterized hole in it, and she stares lifelessly. Aaron mummers something to himself and closes her eyes lovingly before he picks up two hand-held blasters from the corpses and hands me one. I tentatively take one. It looks like just about any gun I’ve seen before: handle, trigger, long, pointy end the lasers come out of. Shouldn’t be too hard handle, right?

  The three of us move through the ship’s hallways as quickly and quietly as possible. The ship’s alarms blare, and we know we have even less time than we thought.

  Several times, we’re forced to kill members of the pirate crew we come across. Though, if I’m being honest, it’s mostly SAI that does all the killing. I don’t think I actually hit anything, but I point the gun toward the bad guys and pull the trigger. Crewman Joseph is deadly with his weapon and takes down several pirates that try to get around us. We make several more turns and go down numerous ladders, avoiding the elevators in case someone is monitoring them.

  Turning a corner, we practically run into seven pirates kitted out in medium armor covering their vital parts and carrying large rifles. We all stare at each other surprised for a moment, but SAI does not hesitate. She punches straight out at the nearest enemy, and I hear a loud crack as his head snaps back at an unnatural angle and then he drops to the ground. The remaining pirates look at their comrade’s lifeless body, then as one scream and begin firing. There’s little cover for Aaron and I, but we crouch behind SAI’s armored legs and fire back. Their shots are ill aimed and most go wide, but several heavy energy blasts hit SAI. She takes the shots and returns fire. Green plasma bolts wash over the too-close pirates, and though their armor absorbs some damage, one by one they’re taken down.

  When the shots stop, Aaron and I get to our feet and trade in our laser pistols for the heavier rifles. When I turn back to thank SAI for providing cover, I notice that there are multiple scorch marks along her torso and a crack along her right side.

  “Are you okay, SAI?”

  There’s a pause, and then SAI answers, “Yes, John. My scans show no internal damage, and my durability is only down to 87%. Those pirates will have to do better than that if they want to stop me.”

  I smile, glad to know she’s doing okay. But inside, I begin to worry if we’ll even make it to the hanger to steal a ship. We pick up the pace and it’s not until we finally reach the double doors of the hanger that I breathe a sigh of relief. Stepping through, I see a three-story hanger full of fighters, scout ships, and cargo transports. Each seems to be slotted in its own cubby hole for storage or maintenance. There are doors for each slot, which must let the ships rapidly deploy. We just have to get to one of the ships and get those doors open.

  Crewman Joseph runs to a console nearby and begins pressing buttons, turning knobs, and pulling levers. Whatever it is that he’s doing seems to work, and the storage unit for the ships moves around, cycling through several until it stops at a small scout ship. It can’t be more than six meters long from its dart like nose to its rear engines, but it has enough room for the three of us, and that’s all we really need to get out of here.

  Heavy fire erupts from behind us as the ship settles into position in front of us, and Aaron and I drop to the ground and look for cover. SAI calmly turns to face our new opponents, firing her weapons as she does. I crawl toward Crewman Joseph, who’s taken cover behind some metallic crates, and once there, I briefly raise my head to see over twenty armored pirates armed with heavy rifles firing on us. Most of the men are crouched behind three pirates in front that are holding up shields that absorb the plasma bolts from SAI’s arm mounted guns.

  Each pull of the trigger on my rifle sends a thick red laser beam in the general direction of the enemy, and there is a delay as the rifle charges the next shot. Aaron and I fire from our position, but only he seems to land any shots.

  SAI takes continuous fire and even a casual glance shows that the accumulated damage from these weapons is starting to show. A particularly concentrated barrage of fire damages her leg so much that she is forced to take a knee. Instead of getting back up, SAI crouches down and uses the only heavy weapon she has, the rocket mounted to her shoulder, and it goes screaming towards the grouped enemies. The shields carried by the pirates take the brunt of the explosive force and shatter, but the entire group of pirates is still blown backwards either dead or severely hurt. SAI and Aaron don’t miss this opportunity and quickly close in on the stunned group and finish them off.

  The latest fight won, the three of us head towards the scout ship, and I notice that SAI’s left leg doesn’t seem to be working well and is slowing her down. Still, she’s moving, and that’s the important thing. Crewman Joseph presses something on the ship, and a rear ramp lowers. He heads into the ship, and I follow him in. SAI is behind me a few meters back, but I hear a loud whoosh as I take my first steps onto the ramp and toward our escape, and then a blast of heat and force throws me forward. I faceplant on the ramp and am stunned for a moment before I roll on my back and raise my blaster. The world is still spinning slightly, but I can clearly see our new enemy: a group of men in mechanized armor who are pointing large deadly-looking rifles at us. One of them even has a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, and smoke is billowing from its circular end. A quick scan shows me that SAI is down, her left leg completely gone. She tries to push herself up but collapses again, sparks flying up from her arms.

  I scream and roll to my feet, firing my rifle at the armored men as I run to my friend. Return fire splashes around me, but by some miracle, I’m not hit. As I reach SAI, I drop to the ground and slide along on my right leg, suddenly glad that my dad made me participate in Little League as a kid. I roll into SAI, her massive robotic form providing enough cover to shield me from the fire of the enemy. She rolls onto her side, providing me even more protection and making it possible for her to see me.

  “John, what are you doing? Get back to the ship before these guys do enough damage to stop it.”

  “No, SAI, not without you. We’re not leaving you! I don’t leave friends to die!”

  Even though t
his robotic body doesn’t have the capacity for facial expressions, I can almost sense her surprise. She reaches out to me and grasps my right arm with her own, and the sight of not one but two artificial limbs holding each other really strikes home how much I’ve changed since I crashed. I’m as much machine now as SAI is a person, and I just can’t let her go. I try to pull my arm away and to get her to at least try to crawl toward the waiting ship, but she won’t let my arm go.

  Even as I feel the weapons fire shattering her robotic body, I plead, “Please, SAI, we have to go.”

  There’s a quiver in her voice, and I’m not sure if it’s from the damage or from some emotion, but she responds, “No, John. My time is almost up. I have to stay to set the explosives off, or these pirates will be after you in no time.” I feel a shock as she squeezes my right artificial arm. “Besides, you have one last quest from me. You need to get back to your family. Promise me you’ll get home.”


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