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Alyssa's Autumn Affair

Page 20

by Tabetha Waite

  She yearned to touch him, to see if it felt as hard as it looked. She sat up and licked her lips, noticing that his eyes darkened when she did so. “Can I… touch you?”

  His throat worked, his Adam’s apple bobbing as if he was having trouble speaking. So instead of replying, he took her hand and guided it to his shaft. She wrapped her fingers around him and began a gentle exploration. He throbbed under her palm, the thickness like nothing she’d felt before. His skin was as soft as silk, but as she started to rub her hand up and down his length, he stilled her movements. She looked at him and his jaw was clenched so tightly, she imagined he might be in pain.

  She withdrew immediately. “I’m sorry. I don’t seem to be very good at this.”

  “Far from it,” he returned huskily. “But unless you wish to be disappointed tonight, you need to stop.”

  He crawled over her on the bed, and she lay back down. She thought he might enter her now, but instead, he kissed her, touching and loving her until she was pleading for more. When she was sure that her body could withstand no more of this sensual torture, he positioned himself at the apex of her thighs and began to push forward.

  Alyssa’s eyes widened slightly at the strange sensation, a fullness that she hadn’t expected, and when he thrust forward, she tensed slightly at the sting of pain. He paused, allowing her to recover, and when he started to withdraw, she clutched his shoulders. But when he returned, she gasped, an entirely new feeling taking over the initial foreign intrusion.

  As Travell began a rhythm of advance and retreat, she shivered in delight, anticipating each movement as the discomfort receded and she began to embrace this carnal dance. Her body thrummed and as Travell’s movements became more fervent, she found that the tension he’d brought back uncoiled in a shuddering wonder that sent her soaring back among the heavens. With a guttural groan, Travell gave one last thrust and stilled.


  Travell opened his eyes and it was as if he was seeing the world for the first time. He’d had lovers in the past, and even a mistress or two on occasion, but nothing had ever compared to what he’d just experienced with Alyssa. It was as if she’d taken over control over his entire body and soul. Words had failed him, coherent thought had fled, for the moment he’d entered her he was lost.

  He glanced down at her and saw that dark hair spread across his pillow, her green eyes filled with wonder, and it made his cock instantly stir with interest. But rather than give in to the urge, he withdrew and lay down next to her, propping his head on his bent arm. He reached out and caressed her cheek. “I… tried to take things slow.”

  She rolled onto her side and reached out and touched his cheek. “It was only a brief discomfort, but one you quickly mended.” Her smile was infectious, causing his lips to lift at the corners as well. She allowed her hand to slip downward, to run her fingers along his chest. Her nose wrinkled. “I had no idea you were so… furry.”

  He chuckled at the description. “You make me sound like some sort of animal.”

  “Well…” She looked up at him through her lashes rather coyly, and he had to clench his teeth to keep from responding. “I believe you did growl at one point.”

  He couldn’t resist the temptation she presented. “Saucy wench.” He grabbed her wrists and rolled her over onto her back, pinning them above her head. “I haven’t even begun to growl yet.”

  She licked her lips and he had to wonder exactly who was in charge here, for she was quickly making him lose control. “Is that so?” she said rather breathlessly. “In that case, perhaps I should get on top to restrain you.”

  The noise that erupted from his throat certainly resembled a growl when he said, “Alyssa Breyton, you are going to be the death of me.”

  She smiled slowly, as she withdrew her hands from his grasp and wound them around his shoulders. As she brought his head down for a kiss, he whispered against her mouth, “But then again, what a way to depart this earth.”

  The next time he withdrew from Alyssa, he was breathing heavily and stars danced in front of his vision, but he wasn’t sure if it was from a lack of oxygen, or how this woman made him feel inside. She had definitely unlocked something within him, for a new warmth spread across his chest as his lungs slowly returned to normal.

  He glanced at her to see that her eyelids were already shut, her breathing deep and even in contented sleep. He yearned to draw her within the circle of his arms, but it wouldn’t do to scare her maid out of her wits in a few hours when she came in to check on her mistress and found a naked man there. Not only that, but he would have trouble sleeping if he remained. The sight of her flushed cheeks and perfectly curvaceous body was enough to tempt him back to her side.

  Reluctantly, he rose from the bed and donned his trousers, and then he pulled up the covers, tucking the counterpane gently around her. She sighed but didn’t wake. He glanced at the mantel clock as he gathered the rest of his clothes in his arms. It was nearly four in the morning. He had a long day ahead of him if he intended to travel to London to gain a special marriage license, so it was best to get a few hours of rest.

  He turned back to Alyssa once more and for the first time in his life he was looking forward to the future.


  Alyssa raised her arms above her head in a long, satisfying stretch. Her eyes opened to closed curtains, although it was obvious with the sun shining brightly beyond, that it was already midday. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d slept so late, but when she recalled the reason she’d stayed abed, she couldn’t help but hug herself.

  The night before had been absolutely amazing, and while she’d tried to hold back from giving herself wholly over to Travell as long as possible, there had been no hope of denying the inevitable. Her heart was too engaged to back down now. There would never be any other man but him.

  She rang for her maid and donned her nightdress as she waited for Daisy to arrive. When she did, she held a tea tray in her hands. “Good morning, my lady. The duchess has been wondering if you were ever going to rise. But then, Travell told her what had happened and—”

  Alyssa’s mouth fell open and she pressed a hand to her pounding heart. “He told her?”

  Daisy had begun to fix the tea the way Alyssa liked it, but now she paused and faced her. “Was it to be a secret that you assisted the earl last evening?”

  Relief flooded Alyssa. “Oh. No, that’s perfectly… of course,” she stammered, feeling her cheeks warm with her error. Travell was a gentleman. He wouldn’t have gone downstairs first thing this morning and bragged to his sister that he’d deflowered her best friend. Instead of satisfying the curiosity on her maid’s face that she’d missed something, she asked, “How is Lord Trenton this morning?”

  “He seems rather calm. Dr. Perimore told me that he was actually smiling at breakfast.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Alyssa returned sincerely.

  Daisy walked over and set the tray across her lap. The steaming scent of freshly brewed tea tantalized Alyssa’s nostrils, and she picked up the cup to take a refreshing sip. Noticing that two scones had been placed on a saucer next to her cup, she picked up one and bit into the flaky, sweet pastry. Truly, had anything ever tasted so good? But then, after an evening spent in Travell’s arms, it was a wonder she was still on solid ground, her spirits still soared.

  Hoping that it sounded like an innocent question and not a breathless query, she asked, “What is Lord Curdiff doing this morning?”

  “He left just after breakfast for London, my lady.”

  This got Alyssa’s attention. “Did he say what for?”

  “No.” The maid reached into her pocket and withdrew a note and handed the sealed missive to her. “But he said to give you this.”

  Alyssa’s hand shook as she took it and broke the seal where she read Travell’s neat, masculine handwriting;

  I regret that I had to leave so abruptly to meet with my contact in the city. I will return this evening, where I pray I shall
find you in good health.

  Your servant,


  Alyssa turned the paper over with a frown, but there was nothing written on the other side. No flowery words of poetry, just a brief, impersonal note that one might send to a casual acquaintance. Some of her earlier happiness deflated, but then, she hadn’t ever really known Travell to offer any sort of prose. He’d always been rather practical, even if she thought after what they had shared; he might have closed with more than just his title.

  Since her maid was still in the room, she refolded the note and set it on the bedside table. “Thank you, Daisy.” She finished off her tea and the last of her scone and set the tray aside. “I should like a bath before I head downstairs.”

  “Of course, my lady.”

  As Daisy left to attend to her duties, Alyssa threw back the covers to see a slight smear of blood on the white linen. Now how might she explain that to her maid when her courses weren’t yet due?

  Alyssa could feel her cheeks warm, but she refused to let anything mar her current joy. While she was disappointed that Travell hadn’t come to her personally, she knew that he had someone looking into Sophie’s whereabouts. She hoped that he received good news this time, but she also rather hoped that when he returned, he would ask for her hand again. Before, she’d refused him, but he would receive a decidedly different answer next time.

  With a smile on her face, she hugged herself and prepared for the day.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Travell waited rather impatiently at the entrance to the British Museum, where he was supposed to meet with his fellow agent. As usual, Logan was running behind. Either that, or Travell was just anxious to have this meeting over with so he could return to Rosewood. And Alyssa.

  While he’d managed to gain a few hours of sleep before business had forced him out of his bed, Travell’s mind had been swiftly filled with images of Alyssa ever since. From the way she’d arched her back as they’d made love, to the way her dark hair spread across the white sheets, and the sparkle of mischief that had finally returned to those beautiful green eyes, there was little about her that didn’t fascinate him. Every single inch of her was perfection, and he couldn’t wait to return to her side.

  At least he’d already accomplished one thing he’d set out to do that morning, and that was procure a special license. No matter how long he had to wait for Alyssa to finally agree to be his wife, he intended to see both of their signatures on the document. With that comforting item in his jacket pocket, he’d then made his way here, where Logan’s missive had reached him before he’d left Rosewood. Although he didn’t care to be detained in London any longer than necessary, if Logan had news of Sophie that might help his father, he was more than willing to listen.

  A hackney stopped in front of the building, and Travell watched as a tall man with coal black hair stepped out of the hired conveyance. Logan Montgomery was an enigma to most, with a past that very few knew about, including Travell. But he had known even fewer men who were as loyal or honorable. Travell wouldn’t hesitate to entrust his life to Logan at a moment’s notice.

  Logan greeted him at the top of the steps with an informal handshake, his ice blue eyes assessing. “Good to see you again, Curdiff.”

  Travell inclined his head. “Indeed, and the same to you. Although, I daresay I’m curious as to why you wished to meet here. Unless, of course, you merely wanted to have an afternoon excursion to peruse the Rosetta Stone or Captain Cook’s collection.”

  Logan’s mouth kicked up at one corner. “Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, Curdiff. You’ll find out soon enough why I asked you to meet me here.”

  Travell extended his arm. “Lead the way, Mr. Montgomery.”

  After they passed over their tickets for entry, Travell walked through the hallowed halls of the former Montagu House, a space that had been transformed to hold some of the finest antiquities of the world. As additional shipments continued to arrive, plans had already been put into place to expand the museum. Travell was one of the men who had been approached to sponsor the renovation, to which he’d gladly contributed. History was very important to him, as it was part of his heritage as an English lord.

  As they meandered through the various exhibits, appearing to marvel at the items on display like any of the other visitors, it wasn’t until they reached the Egyptian room that Logan paused. “A wonderful view, is it not?” he murmured.

  Puzzled by his choice of words, Travell glanced about the area. At first, he found nothing unusual of interest, but then, in the corner of the room, he spied two women in bonnets chatting about a specific work of art. They had their backs to them, but when one of the ladies turned her head and caught the attention of the other, revealing the profile of their faces, a niggling sensation crawled up the back of Travell’s spine. There was something vaguely familiar about the second woman…

  His jaw slackened as recognition jolted through him like a bolt of lightning. He started to walk toward her, making it halfway across the room before she turned her head and spied him. It took her only a split second to make the connection, but when she did, her face drained of all color and she grasped the sleeve of her companion’s arm.

  But it was too late. Travell was upon them and he wasn’t about to let her leave his sight until he found out what he wanted to know.

  “Good afternoon, Sophie.”


  Lady Fremont got to her feet the moment her daughter was shown into the parlor. “It’s about time,” she snapped. “I sent word to you hours ago!”

  Caroline’s mouth pursed tightly. “Don’t get angry with me just because you demand that I clean up your mess!” She sank down on the settee across from her mother and buried her face in her hands.

  Lady Fremont clenched her hands into fists and rolled her eyes impatiently. The gel was always falling into dramatics at the drop of a hat. “I don’t have time for this right now. In case you aren’t aware of it, Curdiff is in London, and could very well be speaking with Sophie at this very moment! If the scandal were to spread, it could not only mean my ruin, but yours as well.” She paced the length of the parlor. “Stupid gel! I told her to remain out of sight!”

  This regained Caroline’s attention. She lifted her head and spat, “You were foolish for letting her leave!”

  She glared at her daughter. “She served her purpose well enough. And yet, I asked you for one simple favor—”

  “I tried!” Caroline whined. “The viscount is too enamored with James’ cousin to pay me any mind.”

  “I thought Lord Lockley was going to take care of her.”

  Caroline flopped back against the settee, her mouth pursed in a pout. “James is an imbecile. He told me he was going to see Lady Alyssa was thoroughly reprimanded for the incident involving the stairs, but I doubt he’s been sober long enough to actually follow through with it.”

  “Is that so?” Lady Fremont tapped a thoughtful finger against her lips. “In that case, it appears we will have to remove the distraction for him.”

  Her daughter tossed her head and snorted. “And how do you imagine that might happen? It’s not as if you can drag her off into the wilds of Africa and dispose of her, especially with the Duke and Duchess of Chiltern in residence.”

  “I won’t have to.” The older woman walked over to her writing desk and withdrew a sheet of vellum. She sat down and held her quill at the ready. “Tell me everything you know about Lady Alyssa and her recent behavior.” She smiled. “And I will ensure that she receives the help that she requires.”

  Caroline blinked, but as her mother’s implication become clear, her lips turned upward in a cruel smile. “Of course, Mama. I daresay her condition is rather concerning.”

  As she rattled off a few things, Lady Fremont’s quill worked furiously. When they were done, she nodded her head. “This should do the trick. Once Lady Alyssa is out of the way, Curdiff will be so preoccupied trying to free her that I can take care of Lord Trenton, once and for a

  Her daughter’s eyes widened. “You don’t mean to take him back—”

  She pinned Caroline with a dark glare. “No. I can’t take the risk that his memory will fully resurface and he will summon the authorities.” She glanced off into the distance and said softly, “He found a way to escape, but I will ensure he suffers the same fate as Lord Fremont. I nearly had the ton convinced that he took the same route as Lord Trenton, but if Curdiff learns the truth…” She shook her head. “This is the only way.”


  Alyssa went to the conservatory to check on her Blue Ladies and then she walked into the parlor to find Triana working on some needlepoint. The moment the duchess spied her the stitching was immediately tossed aside. “Thank heavens! I wasn’t sure how much more of that torture I could withstand!” She stood up and took Alyssa’s hands in hers. “Truly, you have saved me from a terrible fate!”

  Alyssa couldn’t help but laugh as they embraced fondly. She had always loved Triana for her wit and easy manner, and in order to quell any doubts she might be harboring this morning, her presence was appreciated now more than ever.

  Triana must have read the hesitation on her face as they parted, for she said, “What’s wrong?”

  “Why does anything have to be the matter?”

  Triana shook her head. “That doesn’t work with me. I’ve known you too long.”

  She pulled her over to the settee where they sat down together. Alyssa couldn’t even count all the times they had been this close in order to share a confidence. But while childhood infatuations or ton gossip was one thing, discussing such delicate matters of the heart, especially when it involved someone like Travell, was rather different.

  But when the silence stretched out between them, Alyssa found the words tumbling out without warning. “I love Travell.”


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