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The Demise of Humanity

Page 2

by Miller, Jayme L.

  The bunker was open concept with a couch and coffee table in one corner. The kitchen area with table and chairs was in another corner. There were bookshelves filled with all my favorite authors. A desk loaded with all the essentials to stay busy. There was a small bathroom and bedroom off from the kitchen area. There was a radio station with every kind of radio you could imagine. Unfortunately I couldn’t remember how to use most of them. My dad showed me how to use them when I was young but I thought he was crazy so I didn’t pay attention. I mean how many families had bunkers in their basements?

  I knew I would need to make another trip into town for more supplies. I also needed to go back to the police station and get lots of weapons. I didn’t know what the people had become or what was really happening out there but I did know they were sick. They could run really fast and they screamed all night long. I could hear them all the way up on the mountain.

  It was seven a.m. and the sun was on the rise. I’d been listening at my bedroom window for the past few nights. The screams went away once the sun came up. I was guessing the night screamers only came out at night. I thought that would be a good name for them. “Night screamers,” seeing they came out at night and screamed like a banshee all night long. I also couldn’t help but wonder if there were more people like me out there. I couldn’t be the only one left that wasn’t sick.

  Ever since I woke up from the sickness I noticed I was different too. My eyes were still blue and my skin color was normal. I also didn’t run around all night screaming my head off. There was something else that was different about me though. I could feel it inside me, a pulling or nagging feeling. I was also thirsty all the time for water. I’d been consuming gallons per day and I never felt truly satisfied. I thought about all these things on my way into town. I wrote a mental list of all the things I needed to do while in town. I searched through my father’s desk at home and found a spare set of keys to the station.

  The ride to town was familiar and everything felt normal until I pulled into town. The town looked like a tornado swept through it.The storefront windows were broken and there was trash blowing around everywhere. The odor was overbearing and thick in the air. I strolled into the store and was shocked to see all the rotting produce gone. The meat section looked like a pack of wolves had torn it apart. A few crumbs scattered on empty trays were all that remained in the bakery display cases. Something had been here and whatever it was had destroyed the town. Strangely all the dry goods were still intact on the shelves. I filled shopping carts full with food. I loaded everything into the back of truck and then proceeded to the police station. The station appeared to be in the same condition. The only difference inside was a strong odor that lingered in the air. I walked down the hallway to the weapons room. My dad was the chief of police. I had grown up roaming the halls of this small town station. My mom was the secretary at the station. She worked at a small desk by the front entrance. This place was a second home for me. I used my dads keys to unlock the door to the weapons room. The room was fully stocked. My knowledge of weapons was limited to handguns and rifles. My dad used to take me out to one of the fields on our land and we would target practice. I was pretty good with the Ruger LC9 and the Glock 43. My favorite was the Remington 700. I started loading the guns; Glock 19’s, Glock 22’s, Smith & Wesson M&P 9, Beretta Model 92’s, Remington 870 Shotguns, Colt M4 Carbine and other weapons like taser guns, bullets and pepper spray. It was better to be safe than dead.

  I loaded all the guns into duffle bags and exited the room. I started for the exit when I heard a strange banging noise coming from down a different hall. I put the bags down and grabbed the Glock 43. I loaded the gun and cautiously made my way down the hall towards the banging noise. I came to the end of the hall and stood in front of a door that stated, “Holding Cells,” in bold black letters. I jingled through the keys until I found the right fit. I entered into another hallway with six different holding areas. It was dark in the hallway. There was little light emerging from the exit signs above the door.The first thing I noticed when I entered the hall was the odor, it was foul. It was a mixture of rotting flesh, skunk and dog shit. I’d never smelt anything so repulsive, it was awful and burnt my nostrils. I turned to leave the hallway but stopped when a banging sound hit the door next to where I was standing. I jumped back and turned to face a pale grey eyed man. I was startled and screamed like a little girl. The only thing protecting me from the grey eyed man was a glass door. I was guessing the door was shatter and bulletproof. The man smashed into the door but the door stood strong. I wanted to turn and run but I was frozen, staring at him. I quickly realized the odor was coming from him. Even the thick door couldn’t keep out the rancid odor. Blood poured out of a huge cut in his head. I took a step toward the door. He glared into my eyes and I couldn’t help think how dead he appeared.

  I opened my mouth and spoke, “Hello.”

  He turned his head and let out a terrible scream. I jumped back and covered my ears. He smashed his head against the glass door and blood smeared everywhere. He repeated smashing his head over and over. I noticed his knuckle bones were exposed. He smashed his fist and head against the door. His head had meant the same fate as his hands.The white of his skull peeked through his dangling skin. I felt sick. He continued to scream and I fell back against the door behind me. I turned my head and vomited onto the white and black tiled floor. After l vomited I was paralyzed by his relentless screams. At some point he finally stopped screaming. I didn’t know how long he had screamed and smashed his head and fists. For me it had been an eternity of endless torture before he stopped his episode. I slowly got to my feet. I saw my ears were punished severely from his screams. My hands had a thin layer of blood on them from where I had covered my ears. I observed the man lying on the ground. He must have knocked himself out with all his banging and smashing. His skull was an open mess of cracks and holes, black blood exited his wounds.

  I turned to leave and saw another man in the holding cell behind me. He was lying on the bed. I stepped closer to the door and peaked in the cell.The lighting was dim and made it hard to see into the room. I could tell he was too long for the bed. His feet hang off the edge. He was wearing blue levis and a black T shirt. His hair was dark brown and facial hair had grown in like weeds on his face. He appeared to be dead. I turned to leave but heard him call out in a raspy voice, “Please help me.”

  “Are you sick?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  My rational side was telling me to leave but he was the first person I’d seen in days that had spoken. That must have meant something. I had the strangest feeling I was suppose to help him. He was in a jail cell and this made me feel worried. What had he done to be put in here? I also told myself I had a gun on me. That thought seemed to ease my mind.

  “I was sick, but I’m not now. I’m not sick like the guy over there. I need water and food. Please. Help me!” He begged.

  I decided I would help him, but first I wanted to know why he was being held in jail.

  “Why are you in here?” I asked.

  “I was in a fight at school. I’m a senior at KHS. Please, I need water!” He sounded desperate but continued on, “My name is Silas, I’m nineteen years old. My parents were supposed to come and pick me up. They never came and then I became sick. I thought I was dying. You are the first person I have seen in a long time. Please lady, I need water.”

  I fumble through the keys until I find the right one. I hesitate but unlock the door.

  “I have a gun so don’t try anything crazy.” I said, entering the holding cell.

  He didn’t move and I wondered if he was still sick. I walked slowly towards him. He started to move around a little but cried out in pain.

  “Please, I need water. Everything hurts and I am thirsty.”

  I looked around and saw there was a sink and toilet. I walked to the sink but kept an eye on him. I filled a cup of water and brought it to him. I handed the cup to him but he shook and wasn’t able t
o hold it. I knew how it felt being weak. I noticed he had dried blood down his ears, mouth, nose and eyes. He smelt awful. It was a scent I had experienced myself when I was sick. Even with all the grossness he was still handsome. His eyes were a dark chocolate brown. He wasn’t able to hold the cup on his own. I put the cup to his lips. He immediately asked for more. We repeated these steps for some time before he was able to sit up and eventually move around. He was close to six feet tall when he stood fully.

  We left the holding cell and headed into the hallway. He miraculously appeared to be getting stronger by the minute. I picked up the duffle bags and we exited the station. The sun was setting at an alarming rate and I knew I needed to get home quickly. The air was thick with the foul odor. I worried trouble would be approaching.

  “Is there somewhere I can bring you?” I asked.

  We stood outside the main entrance in awkwardness.

  “I live in Keene, our school was here for a basketball game. We won but a couple guys were not happy and they attacked a friend on my team. I jumped in to help and ended up here,” he explained, pointing to the station, “Would you mind giving me a ride home?”

  The sun was setting but I couldn’t stop staring into his eyes. They were dark and his voice seemed too deep for a senior. I knew him but couldn’t put my finger on it.

  “We can’t go into the city this time of day. The night screamers will be coming out soon,” I replied.

  As if on cue a terrifying scream exploded into the silent air making Silas and me jump. His eyes opened wide with a panicked expression. I’m sure my face was of equal terror.

  “We need to go, now!” I ordered, grabbing the bags.

  I moved quickly to the fully loaded truck. He followed behind me, surprising me by keeping pace with me. The screams became louder and more unbearable with each passing minute.They sounded close, too close. My ears were starting to buzz and my stomach knotted. I glanced at Silas while clearing the passenger seat. I practically threw the bags in the back of the truck. The sun was almost completely set and the screams were coming from every direction. I focused and fought to keep moving, I was terrified. Judging by the look on Silas’ face he was scared too. I started the truck and the lights came on automatically.

  “Oh Shit!” Silas yelled.

  I glanced up and saw we were no longer alone. Standing not even twenty feet in front of us were, screamers. They all looked the same, sunken grey eyes, pale white skin and a terrible odor that filled the air. They all had dried blood on their eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

  “Go. Go. Go!” Silas shouted.

  The screamers all tilted their heads like a practiced dance and then proceeded to scream. The screams tortured my ears, sending pain throughout every inch of my body. Silas covered his ears too. The pain the screams caused spread across his face. I somehow managed to put the truck in reverse and I backed up. The screamers all proceeded to follow the truck. I turned the steering wheel and the truck turned around. The light from the truck revealed a horrific view. We were surrounded by screamers.They were coming out of the buildings. They were everywhere and I knew some of these people. The first one was the librarian. She almost looked the same, except her eyes no longer brown. Her torn blue dress hung at odd angles. My gym teacher Mr. Mason followed, a whistle dangled off a chain around his neck. A few kids I went to school with stood close to Mr. Mason. They all looked the same. Dead, but not dead, they definitely smelt dead though.

  We started to drive but there were too many of them, they were too close and too fast. They came at us like a lioness going in for the kill. I tossed my gun to Silas. I immediately knew he had no idea how to use it. Judging by the expression on his face, I didn’t think he ever held a gun. The first screamer hit the truck from the passenger side door. I pushed the gas pedal to the floor but it was useless there were too many screamers. They jumped onto the truck and covered the windshield. They punched at the windshield trying to get us.They were focused on getting to us and weren’t screaming.They were too busy trying to killing us or maybe eating us. I guess it didn’t really matter because we were minutes from finding out how death would take us.

  I couldn’t see the road in front of me. The screamers blanketed the windshield completely. One of them resembled my best friend Lily. I really hoped it wasn’t her. I didn’t want to be snacked on by my best friend. I couldn’t help but gaze over at Silas. The windshield was moments from breaking completely. I wanted to see someone else like me before I died. I was shocked when I looked at him and saw not fear in his face but rage. He was really pissed off. He was staring at one of the screamers in particular. His rage building like fuel on a fire. I could feel the heat coming from his body. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I watched him shine and glow. I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. It was an incredible sight. He was beautiful and all I could think was how much he reminded me of a twinkling star. His skin lit up, shining brightly. The sound the windshield made breaking echoed in my ears. Cold hands touched my skin. They came for me but I refused to look. I admired Silas and the beautiful light that shone from him. I thought to myself, maybe death wouldn’t be so bad. Then the light exploded in every direction, sweet warm light consumed me in its loving embrace.

  Day 11:

  “Layla, Layla,” I heard a voice frantically calling my name.

  I am so very tired, I feel as though I could sleep forever in this peaceful bliss. The air is warm against my skin. The sun is shining in the sky and there isn’t a cloud in sight. I am warm and the sun feels incredible today. That’s it! I will never leave this glorious place. I open my eyes and see a brown haired girl of maybe seventeen years old standing a few feet in front of me. She is wearing a torn white dress with dull red stripes running down the front. At closer inspection I realize her hair is tangled into wild knots and she is missing one of her diamond stud earrings. She is a beautiful girl with piercing brown eyes. She opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. She appears to be a bit frantic. She speaks but is unable to communicate. She takes a step closer to me. My eyes leave her and take in the surroundings.

  I am standing in the field again, only the sun isn’t unbearable this time. I do a quick scan of the ground and sigh in relief knowing I’m not being consumed in fire. I also notice there are others here too.There are people standing and sitting around the perimeter of the field.

  “Layla, we need to leave.” The girl speaks directly to me. Her voice deep for a girl.

  She takes another step closer to me. I gaze at her and see the red stripes aren’t part of the design on her dress. At closer inspection I see that it is red blood streaks. She takes another step forward and this time I take a step back. Her eyes aren’t a brilliant brown like I thought, they are a dull gray and her skin is a familiar white. Her lips are still moving, but they are predatorial movements. She snaps her teeth together and her jaw cracks loudly. I turn away from her and start to run but it is pointless, I am surrounded.

  “Layla, please wake up!”

  I sat up out of breath, my heart was a beating drum in my chest. I was sitting in my dad’s truck and the sun was peeking through a big fluffy cloud.

  “I thought you were dead,” Silas said, searching my face.

  I said, “What happened? There were screamers everywhere!”

  “They were everywhere and then they were gone, there was some kind of bright light. I don’t really know what happened, I remember they broke through the windshield then everything went still. I’ve been trying to wake you for hours to no avail,” he gulped.

  I glanced at what was left of my dad’s truck, it was in mint condition. A 1978 GMC C/K 1500 long bed pickup. I always loved the Medium blue poly metallic color. Now it looked like it was on the losing side of the demolition derby. All the windows were completely smashed, the hood was covered in scratches and dents. I couldn’t believe that humans could cause so much damage to a solid truck.

  I unstrapped my seatbelt and pushed the door, it open
ed reluctantly. My throat was dry and I had an overwhelming craving for water. Silas handed me a bottle of water as if able to read my mind. I thanked him and drank it down in one gulp. Water dribbled down my chin and I thought, I definitely wasn’t acting in a ladylike manner.

  “What are we going to do now?” Silas asked.

  “We need to find a truck, load what’s left of the supplies and get to my house, we will be safe there,” I stated.

  I walked towards a truck not far away. It was a newer ford pickup. It sat parked in the driveway of a big yellow house. The yellow paint was chipped from years of neglect. I tugged at the door handle but the truck was locked. I made my way to the front door of the house and turned the door knob. Silas followed me but stopped at the door.

  “Should we really go into someone else's house? I mean what if someone or something is in there?”

  I ignored him and pushed the front door open, thankfully it was unlocked. I walked into the house leaving Silas standing at the entrance dumbstruck. The house smelled the same as the town. I saw a set of keys sitting on a table in the entryway. I grabbed the keys and exited the house. I found Silas in the same spot, I dangled the keys in front of him and smiled.

  “Let’s get a move on it, before those things come back,” I stated.

  Silas helped me load what was left of the supplies in the ford. We drove out of town towards my house. The ride was quiet, I felt dazed and stuck in my own mind. Worry and stress eating away to my core. We passed the farmhouse and I noticed the cows were out to pasture. My foot slammed down on the brake. I gaped at the cows in astonishment .

  “What’s wrong,” Silas asked with concern.

  “This can’t be right, I haven’t seen these cows in a while, yet here they are eating the grass. I haven’t seen any animals except birds and chipmunks,” I stated.


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