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The Demise of Humanity

Page 4

by Miller, Jayme L.

  “What do we do?” Silas asked nervously.

  “Why do you always ask me? Like I have all the answers!” I bantered.

  “Ok, I guess we stay in the water because they aren’t coming in. It’s as if they don’t like it or something,” Silas stated.

  “We could try and use your light. You’ve gotten pretty good at using it. I don’t understand how we lost track of time. How didn’t we notice it was getting dark?” I frantically babbled on and on.

  “I don’t know, we can’t focus on that right now. I think there are too many screamers. If you accidently take my light and then pass out or something it could end badly. Let’s stay in the water, as long as they don’t enter we are safe.”

  We stayed in the water and waited for the sun. We watched the night screamers and they watched us. They screamed hour after hour but it didn’t seem to affect us and I was thankful for that. The screamers rocked back and forth, taking a step or two in any given direction but not towards the water. They seemed to be afraid of the water. Hours passed and late into the night the sky lit up. White zig zags formed across the sky above, moments later thunder pounded the earth. The screamers started to rock back and forth faster. Panic stricken screams fill the night. Little cold drops of rain hit the lake, preceded by drops of rain. Soon the rain poured down faster and harder. Sheets of rain moved across the lake. Thunder pounded like angry drums.The screamers seemed disoriented and started running in circles. The sight reminded me of a rabid fox I once saw while out for a run. The screamers had a bloody foam protrude out their noses, mouths, eyes and ears. It was a gruesome and unpleasant sight. We stayed put in the water as the lightning and thunder pounded on. Probably not the safest idea but it was better than the alternative. The wind decided to join in the party, sending the sheets of rain sideways. The screamers fell to the ground and started to convulse like the one in the holding cell at the police station. This went on for what felt like forever but really was merely minutes. Finally every screamer in unison stopped moving, Silas and I stared at them apprehensively.

  After a few minutes I spoke, “Do you think they sleeping or dead?”

  “I’m not sure, we could go check.There are a couple screamers close to the boat landing,” Silas said unsure.

  I hesitantly agreed, we swam to the shore line. Silas used his gift to light up the surrounding area. We stepped onto dry land and approached cautiously to the closest screamer, it was a male. I guessed he was in his early twenties but his ashen skin made him look older. His eyes stared at the sky unblinking. Silas moved his hand close to the screamer. The light burnt the screamers skin but he didn’t move or even flinch.

  “Look, you are burning him and he isn’t moving,” I stated.

  “I think he is dead,” Silas said.

  The storm passed and the rain slowed to a mild but steady beat. The thunder, lightning and wind tapered away. We decided not to stick around we entered the truck and made our way home. I drove down the road and the rain let up completely, within minutes a terrifying sound filled the night once again. I frowned at Silas and glanced in the rearview mirror. We both turned and looked back at the lake, the sight was grim. We went further down the road and saw the screamers were shaking off the rain water. They resembled wet dogs as they stood and shook the rain away. They began screaming their ear splitting screams. No longer submerged in the water the sound was torture and I felt my ear drums pound. I tried to block them out but they were moving in from all directions. I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal and accelerated down the road. Silas released his light as the screamers jumped out towards the truck.

  We approached the farm to find a horrific sight. The cows were still out to pasture. They were scattered across the field. Screamers were attached to the cows like leeches. The screamers were quiet while they ate the flesh off the cows.They clawed and tore into the live flesh, some of the cows were still alive they kicked and fought to no avail. A few cows cried out begging for help. Unfortunately no help would come for the cows, only a slow and torturous death.

  I felt sick and wanted to vomit at the sight before me. I continued to drive past the slaughter but knew better then to stop. We needed to get to the bunker or we would be joining the cows in death. We pulled into the driveway and Silas shone his light while the garage door opened. We pulled into the garage and got out of the truck. The garage door closed and I saw a screamer standing by the mailbox. I was paralyzed by what I saw. My heart shattered into millions of pieces. The pieces fell out of me cutting me open. The screamer standing there was wearing a blue and silver dress. One black high heel was broken and the other was missing. Her head was turned slightly to the left, she stared blankly at me. My eyes blurred with uncontrollable tears and I wanted to scream. I found my mother, but she wasn’t my mother anymore. She was a screamer and she was standing outside our home.

  Day 46:

  I felt helpless and devastated that my mother was out there, she was no longer the mother that tucked me in every night. The mother that told me she loved me. She would never speak to me again. She would never sing me one of those corny Meatloaf songs that she loved so much. She wasn’t out there hiding away in some safe place, she wasn’t here in the bunker with me; she was gone but not really gone. My mother wanted to tear me to shreds and eat me. I didn’t have the energy to do anything I wanted to hide away under my blankets and pretend my life was normal. The pain and sadness that overcame me was consuming. I felt depressed and I missed her terribly, she was a good mother and she had loved me.

  Tears eventually dried but the ugly truth made the sadness and grief turn to something I hadn’t felt before; I felt anger. I felt pure rage and wanted to kill every night screamer out there. The world wasn’t ever going to be the same. Silas and I couldn’t hide away here forever because we knew there were other survivors. There had to be and we were going find them. Even if it meant we would get taken out by the screamers, at least we would die trying.

  Day 50:

  Silas gave me the time and space I needed to grieve for my mother. The sun had set and we quietly entered my bedroom. I felt sick knowing what I was about to do but I wasn’t going to back down. This was a new world and death was all around me. I needed to learn how to be strong and fight. I told myself this over and over again. I lifted the shotgun, aimed and fired.

  It was the first time I had killed anything. I had never killed chipmunks or squirrels when target practicing with my dad. It felt as though I had stepped out of my body and was watching a movie unfold in slow motion. I didn’t cry or weep my tears were all dried up, I felt empty. I watched the bullet go right into her beautiful ashen head. My aim was a bit off the bullet pierced her right eye. I remembered her eyes used to be a brilliant green. She slowly fell to the earth. I could almost hear her voice calling to me one last time. I wanted to believe she was thanking me for not letting her wander the earth as a monster.

  I had watched endless zombie movies before the sickness. Now, I felt as though I was in one. In order to kill the zombies completely you had to hit them in the head. I waited to see if maybe, just maybe she would get up and move but she didn’t. What happened next would forever stay with me. A couple of screamers emerged from the woods running wildly towards my mother. They pounced and attacked her dead body with such force I thought for a moment I saw her move but it was only the screamers ripping her apart. They consumed every last bit of her I watched in horror. I was unable to look anywhere else. After they were done they stood and ran in the direction they had came from.

  The sun made its first appearance and I noticed I was holding silas’ hand tightly, sweat dripped down my fingers. I released his hand, stood and made my way to the bunker in complete silence.

  Day 52:

  The truck was packed with weapons and supplies to last us a couple of weeks. I still had my doubts we wouldn’t make it past the first night but Silas was convinced he could use his light to keep the screamers away. The garage door opened and my eyes found the spot wh
ere my mother had stood. I allowed myself a moment to feel and remember her one last time before the truck was in drive. We drove past the farm. The pasture cleared from the horrors that occured. No sign of the brutal deaths the cows had endured. The sun was rising and we drove into town, then down the highway, finally entering the city. It was 9 am. when we reached the city line; it was not the city I remembered only weeks ago. Buildings were destroyed, trash littered the ground and the air was putrid and thick with rot and death. We turned down Main Street onto West Street. I viewed Silas’ rigid and tense demeanor. His eyes were glassed over and he seemed to be deep in thought. We passed numerous broken down houses. The windows and doors violated beyond repair.

  “Stop!” He yelled.

  I jumped out of my seat and stopped the truck in the middle of the road. Before I had the truck in park Silas had jumped out and ran up the walkway of a huge three story brickstone house. He burst through the front door as I chased after him.

  “Silas!” I called stepping into the house.

  The house was beautiful and had been spared from the damage and destruction. Some of the windows had cracks and a few were broken. I walked into the living room. My eyes focused on the pictures on the mantel. In a black frame was a happy family a smiling dad, mom and standing between them was a gorgeous young man. He was wearing a sky blue polo shirt and tan pants. His hair was perfect and his face was full of life and happiness. His dark eyes stared back at me.

  “They are not here.”

  I turned and saw Silas standing between the livingroom and kitchen entry. His eyes puffy from fighting back tears. It was a losing battle as I watched a tear fall from the corner of his eye. I walked over to him and hugged him, he hugged me back tightly. He was exceptionally strong and I couldn’t help but wonder if he could break me. After some time he released me, I could see the pain washed over his face.

  “They could still be out there, searching for you,” I said trying to sound hopeful.

  He eyed me but didn’t say anything. Maybe he was trying to read me, to see if I believed my own words. He took my hand and gently walked me through the kitchen and into the dining room. We stepped into the room and it was apparent something awful had happened there. Cold chills coursed through my body as I inspected the blood that was spewed all over the room. It was clear a bloodbath had taken place. My heart skipped knowing whatever had happened was definitely the end for someone; possibly multiple people. There was no possible way anyone could have survived. Silas rubbed his hands over his face and walked out of the house getting in the driver's seat of the truck.

  “Do you know how to drive?” I questioned climbing into the passenger seat.

  “Yes, I have my license if that is what you mean,” he replied.

  We drove in silence street after street. We did this for hours. The city was still. I couldn’t help but wonder if there was anyone else out there.The thought was terrifying and thrilling all at once. The streets were messy but drivable, we drove to the outskirts of the city. I noticed smoke coming from one of the chimneys at a warehouse. I pointed to the smoke; we made our way to the gated building. A huge sign read, “W.S.C. Organic Foods LLC.” We stepped out of the truck and viewed a massive gate before us. A tall fence with barbed wire ran the perimeter of the warehouse. It looked more like a prison then a place food was stored. Silas saw a small camera and a keypad. He pushed different buttons but nothing happened.

  “How may I help you?” A voice said over a loudspeaker.

  We gaped at each other in amazement.

  “Hi, we are searching for our families. Could you please help us?” I asked nervously.

  The gate opened and we loaded back in the truck. We drove on toward the white warehouse. As we approached the warehouse I could see two bay doors open multiple people came forward. I was trembling with excitement. There were people alive, and we found them!

  A tall skinny guy with a scruffy beard knocked on Silas’ window.

  “You can get out of the truck. We are not going to hurt you, you are safe here.”

  Silas peered in my direction and we cautiously stepped out of the truck. I walked over to Silas and stood by his side. The tall skinny man put his hand out in greeting.

  “Nice to meet you, my name is Quinn. This here is Lucy.”

  He put his free hand on the back of a beautiful tall blonde with natural curls that bounced when she walked up to me. She too put her hand out in greeting. My hand closed around hers and I couldn’t help but notice how dainty and slender her fingers were. Her nail polish was a vibrant pink but had faded and was chipped in spots. Her hand though soft, felt cold. She smiled like a practiced movie star. Her teeth were sparkling white each tooth in perfect alignment. Her parents must have spent a fortune on those babies. Lucy released my hand and reached for Silas’.

  I felt an instant serge of energy flow through me as I watched her smile brightly at Silas. I felt myself involuntarily take Silas’ light, I could feel it move into my hands. I balled my fists and tried not to allow the mixture of emotions to overpower me. I watched Lucy shake Silas’ hand. She glanced at me and winked. Silas’ skin turned to a pale white. I tried to give the light back but a burst of electrical power shot out of me aiming straight at Lucy. She fell backwards hitting the ground with a painful force. Everyone watched in stunned silence. Lucy laid on the ground without moving. Quinn and Silas eyed me for what felt like an eternity, before they ran to Lucy. Silas appeared a bit weak but was able to function. Lucy stirred before they approached. She surprised everyone by sitting up.

  “Look what we have here! Another gifted one,” Lucy exclaimed. She smiled brightly and was so cheerful I couldn’t help but smile back.

  Quinn assisted Lucy getting to her feet. I felt relieved that I hadn’t hurt her. It was difficult to control the energy that had moved through me.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that,” I cried.

  “It’s all good, you have come to the right place. There are others like you here,” Quinn explained.

  Lucy joined in, “We are all learning how to control our new abilities I’m not upset with you. Our emotions play a huge part in how we shift and move the energy around inside of us. You are not the first to lose control. We will help you here. There are eleven...”

  Lucy’s words were cut off by an unwanted but well known scream. Screams echoed from the city. People standing around us uttered terrified groans, some covered their ears fear washed over their faces. The sun was fading away and the screamers were rising.

  “Everyone hurry inside!” A deep voice called from a bay door.

  Quinn and Lucy directed us abruptly into the warehouse. We followed quietly, the door closed behind us. We heard more screams enter the evening air. The inside of the warehouse was dimly lit, cots and makeshift beds were spread across the open dock. There were aisles upon aisles of food stacked on pallets that reached to the ceiling. The warehouse was enormous with people wandering around all over the place. Some were sleeping on cots and some were eating at tables. I mentally counted twenty plus women, men and a few teens. There were no infants or children to be found.

  “Please follow me,” Quinn stated and walked down a hall.

  We followed at a close distance. Lucy caught up to us and walked next to me.

  “I didn’t realize you and Si were together!” She winked at me.

  I felt my face redden as Silas scanned the floor. He pretended not to hear but I knew he had.

  “We aren’t together, I mean not like that! We’re just friends!”

  Lucy smiled her movie star smile and skipped forward to Quinn. She wrapped her arm around his. We walked through many doors, down stairs and through hallways. Finally, we entered into a big white room with bright lights. There were two people in the room a stout man in a white lab coat and a medium built woman with grey hair. She was gazing into a microscope and didn’t look up when we entered. In the center of the room lay a man, he was clearly dead. His skin ashen, dried crusty blood
exited his nose, mouth, ears and eyes. A bullet hole left a nasty wound on the side of his head. I examined the body, I hadn’t been so close to a dead screamer. The putrid odor was awful and made my nose burn. Silas spoke with the man in the white lab coat.

  “Hi, my name is Dr. Nickels. It is refreshing to see new faces. It has been weeks since this all started and you two are the first we’ve seen. I am going to need to examine the two of you.”

  I considered Dr. Nickels for some time, I didn’t want to be examined, especially by someone I didn’t know. I felt Silas tense by my side.

  “What kind of exam are you talking about?” Silas questioned.

  “No need to worry, it is a basic examination. We will need a few blood samples and I’ll check your vitals. The two of you are the first to arrive; alive that is. We need to make sure you are well.”

  Over the next hour Dr. Nickels examined us. We were poked and prodded with needles and other medical instruments. Dr. Nickels and his assistant Mabel took notes and spoke quietly to each other. For the most part they ignored us and treated us like test subjects. Quinn sat at a desk in a corner of the room. He had his feet lazily planted on the desk and was reading a book. Lucy grew bored after a few minutes and walked out the door but not before kissing Quinn on the lips. I was internally smiling knowing Lucy and Quinn were a couple. Something about Lucy’s cheeriness made me cringe and want to hit something or someone. How could anyone be happy these days? Also how could anyone look that good when the world was falling apart? I felt stress was aging me at an alarming rate. I guess I looked to be in my twenties by now. In a few weeks I’d probably look like I was fifty. Okay maybe I was exaggerating a little bit. Dr. Nickels distracted my wandering mind by finally giving us the okay to leave.


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