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A Captivating Conundrum

Page 23

by Amy Lignor

  "You're welcome," I whispered back. "I want to take care of her for a long, long time."

  "Really?" Amber glanced at Beth across the room. She was looking at the two of us like we were conspirators, wondering what our private conversation was all about. As the little one looked back at me her eyes grew wide.

  Quickly I put a finger to my lips. "Shhh. It's our secret."

  Chris popped around the corner. "Uh, oh! We all better tape pillows to our backsides because the girl is here who will rough us up!"

  Amber giggled.

  "Ain't that the truth!" Bobby walked toward us with a big smile. "Frankly, I say forget Broadway and try out as a fullback for the Packers. God knows they need one and you can hit solid! A guaranteed Lombardi trophy in the making," he said, taking Amber from my arms. "Give Uncle Bobby a kiss!"

  I actually felt sad as Amber went on to bring joy to other people in the house. Shaking the strange feeling from my head, I walked over to Beth and reached out a hand. Pulling her up from the floor, I took her in my arms, replacing one amazing lady with another. "It's good to see you again."

  "Why did you stay?"

  I looked at her as if she was the very last loon to fly the nest. "What is it with you and Bobby? Were you dropped on your heads when you were little? Or, have you both just stared too long at a computer and it's fried your brains?"

  Beth remained quiet.

  "Where on earth would I go?"

  "This wasn't your problem, Matt. I would have understood if…"

  This time I covered her mouth with my hand. "Maybe I didn't make things clear enough for you. And since you've been through a horrible time I won't even get mad at having to repeat myself. I am in love with you, Beth Carrier. I want to be the person who is always there for everything. Good, bad, dull, exciting—you name it, I want to be the one who's holding your hand when it happens. And I want you to be the person beside me…always."

  Taking a deep breath, I suddenly realized that the rest of the room had gone completely quiet. No one spoke. Beth just stared up at me as if trying to take in my declaration. There was still another line to my speech, although a marriage proposal right after a mourning period really didn't scream romance to me.

  "Star!" As always, the child was the only smart one in the room. "Did you hear him? I think he loves you."

  Beth laughed and placed her head against my chest.

  I smiled over at Amber. "I think you're right."

  Pushing against Bobby's chest, he set her down and Amber ran straight at the two of us. "YAY, Star! Maybe we'll both get families soon. You'll get one with Matt."

  Beth dropped to her knees and picked Amber up. When her eyes returned to mine, the determined gaze was back in place. "You first. And I want you and Matt to practice together before we go back to the city, okay?"

  Amber nodded hard. "Yes." Turning back to me she began waving her finger. "You need to be really good, you know."

  Beth laughed, placing her hand over my heart. "That's true, Matt. YOU need the practice."

  I smiled back. "Well, no one can expect me to be a pro like this one." I pointed at Amber. "So I guess I better practice a lot just to keep up with you."

  "That's right." Amber nodded. Suddenly the child began to stare; her eyes were caught by something that made her face light up like a Christmas tree.

  Amber stared at Chris who was standing in the kitchen watching the show. Her eyes grew wide. "Is that one of Beth's cookies?"

  Chris nodded slowly. A flash of fear raced through his eyes, like he was about to be attacked by a fierce warrior.

  "Are there more?" Amber's voice grew deeper.

  Chris slowly looked back at the counter and gave a huge sigh of relief. "Yes."

  In a flash, Chris and Amber were sitting in the kitchen feasting on the one and only thing that was far more important than any Broadway show could possibly be.

  "Wait," Bobby said. "How did you get here?" Turning, he caught sight of the small figure standing on the front porch. "Wow! I think that's the longest you've ever been silent."

  Nicole smiled. "I missed you too."

  ~ Hers ~

  I stared at Nicole in shock.

  The evening had been such a high; I was already over the moon. I suppose what they say is true—with each horror comes a moment of sheer bliss. Apparently, that's the way the powers of Fate balance everything out. But this? This was unbelievable! "Are you sure?" I asked.

  She grinned wide. "The organization told me. Prospective parents came in and met with Amber yesterday, and they have visits scheduled for later in the week. Apparently, they're also coming to Amber's big Broadway debut. I have it on very good authority that they may ask her to call them 'Mommy and Daddy' very, very soon. Maybe even on the big night."

  My ears were echoing and my skin was tingling. It was as if my heart was trying its very best to expand out of my chest.

  I could hear the music and laughter coming from downstairs. Down there was a best friend, a new friend, and a complete and utter soulmate that I wouldn't have counted on in a million years. And now…this. My Amber was finally going to have a family. Right now I could build a bridge, a pyramid, anything single-handedly because the energy that was running through me was miraculous. Closing my eyes, I wondered if perhaps Jerry had pulled some strings wherever he went in order to make this dream come true for this sweet little girl.

  Sitting down on the bed I stared at my other best friend. "I can't believe this. I am SO happy. Does Amber like them? I mean, I know they didn't visit for long, but is she excited?"

  Nicole smiled over my shoulder. "Heck, yeah. Like a kid in a candy store."

  I followed her suddenly strange gaze. "Something wrong?"

  Nicole nodded her head at the small bedside table. "Who's watch?" Standing up, she walked fast, grabbing the watch in one hand and Matt's t-shirt in the other.

  Turning back to me, she raised an eyebrow. "You've become a cross dresser?" She tilted her head in sympathy. "I guess you have been alone a while."

  I grabbed at the shirt but she ripped it away and brought it to her face. "Hmmm, smells like someone I know. Soap, a dash of your favorite cologne…not Bobby."

  "Enough," I said. "Please, shut up."

  The small body practically bounced on the bed beside me. "Is there something you would like to tell me?"

  I looked away, trying to decide if tears, a smile, or perhaps an all-out admission of guilt was the right way to go.

  Her hand touched mine. "I am sorry about Jerry. I know how much you cared for him."

  I nodded. "He's back with Missy now which is where he wanted to be."

  "You know, I would give my right arm for just a year in that kind of relationship."

  I squeezed her hand. "Speaking of that how's Ken?"

  The smile reappeared in an instant, as if a photographer had jumped out of the closet in order to capture her close-up. Nicole practically purred. "He's fantastic, thank you very much!"

  I laughed as her face began to grow a bit wistful. "I do think I love him, Beth. And I KNOW," she said, standing up and pacing the room. "I know that's absolutely ridiculous. There is NO way you can fall in love with someone in days." She punched her fist on the table like a lawyer attempting to make her argument. "But I swear, Beth, we have spoken every moment since we've met. I know more about Ken than I do about you, and I've known you for how long now? Ten years?"

  I smirked. "That's only because you never listen to me."

  "Very funny," she snorted. "I even know his childhood stories already—first girlfriends, how he feels about his career, what he wants for the future—everything. It's like we interviewed each other up front just to get on with it."

  I laughed. "Girl, maybe once you're our age the brain just knows we don't have time to dance around anymore. You either feel it." I looked away. "Or, you don't."

  "HEY!" The little body was flung beside me once again, as Nicole wagged her finger in my face and gave me the dreaded 'mother' look. "I
forgot you can deflect in an instant. WHY are there personal items of Mr. McKenna's in YOUR bedroom?"

  I sighed. "He was helping me through. After Jerry…he stayed with me."

  Nodding slowly, Nicole squinted at me as if looking for any secrets. "Well…that was very nice of him. Matt seems like he has some of those hero qualities you always tout in your books." Her stare soon turned into that of a kidnapper's ready to waterboard her victim. "No," she finally said, shaking her head. "That's not it."

  I gasped. "I'm serious. Matt was very kind and compassionate after Jerry's death." I was telling the truth, after all, so my eyes never wavered from hers. Unfortunately, the blush was uncontrollable.

  Nicole's eyes grew wider as my cheeks grew hotter, and she suddenly looked as if her headband had tightened around her skull and the plastic needles were now officially touching her brain. "You slept with him."

  "That's usually what it means when someone comes in and holds you while you sleep."

  "NO!" She shook her head, and I rose off the bed. I really needed those exits on either side of my body in order to finish this conversation. "You did!"

  I put my hand in the air. "No. I did not make love to him, and he did not make love to me."

  She sat back. "Well, there's SOMETHING you're not telling me."

  I sighed heavily. "Oh, for crissake…we had an intimate moment, that's all."

  The clapping hands were louder than her voice, if that was at all possible. "YAY!" Nicole grabbed my hand and practically threw me on the bed. "Tell, tell. What's he like? Was he gentle? Tough, rough, ready? Is he…well-endowed?" She laughed, elbowing me in the side as she immediately turned into a fifteen-year-old girl who'd just been felt up for the very first time.

  "Like I'm going to answer any of that." I leaned in. "How's Ken in that department?"

  Nicole's mouth snapped shut as her eyelashes flickered like a mare in heat. "Honey, he's Texan."

  "And?" I pushed.

  "And everything's bigger in Texas."

  We burst into laughter as a knock came at the door.

  "Yeah?" I called out.

  The door opened and Matt walked down the small hallway into the room. It still sounds so unbelievably asinine, but my breath caught in my throat as if I was just seeing him for the first time. I suddenly felt as if it would take only one word from him for me to toss Nicole out the window so we could be alone.

  As if oblivious to the other woman in the room, Matt wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed his full lips to mine, kissing me as if he'd been overseas for the past year and had just returned home from the battle. Well, to be fair, being around Nicole was a bit like standing in a war zone.

  I tried to pull from his embrace when the kiss ended, just to locate my lungs in order to make them work again, but he held me to him. "Hi," he said, with a smile.

  I could hear my hard swallow in my ears. "Hi," I whispered back.

  I felt his hand playing with the hair down my back.

  "Damn, girl! If this is the new standard greeting in your household I'm moving in!" Nicole spoke loudly, as if reminding Matt there was another entity in the room.

  I glanced at the open window. She was small…it wouldn't take much.

  Matt turned to Nicole, who was standing with her arms outstretched, and kissed her on the cheek. "Hi, Nicole."

  Her frown was immediate. "Figures."

  "I've met Ken." Matt laughed. "The man could kill me with one punch, so I'll stick with the cheek."

  "I'll give you that one." Nicole grinned. "Wise choice, son."

  Those brilliant eyes that were now green to match his pale green shirt turned back to me. "Did she tell you about Amber?"

  All the blood rushed back to my head and I grabbed him, hugging him tight. "Yes!"

  "She is so excited," he said.

  I pulled back, noticing that we were dancing in each other's arms.

  Spinning me out, Mat pulled me back in—a small victory dance that I truly thought was the most romantic thing any man could ever do.

  "She wants to see you," he said, turning to Nicole. "AND, she wants to show YOU the big finale of our piece together so that you can rave about what an amazing singer and dancer she is."

  Nicole hit him gently on the chest. "Oh, I already know she's gonna steal the show right out from under you."

  Heading out the door, Matt and I were right behind Nicole. His hand was once again on my back and I felt…comfortable. I'd always hated that word. Comfortable had to be the most boring adjective in the world when it came to relationships. But, for some reason, at this moment comfortable meant secure, peaceful and tremendously happy.

  When we reached the landing the small body before us immediately spun around. "Oh, by the way," Nicole began, her professional tone back in place. "Amber and I are staying tonight and we can all head back into the city tomorrow. So we need to share your room."

  I nodded. "Duh."

  She offered a slightly teasing smile as she looked Matt up and down. "No, I mean…"

  I sent her a glare, trying to stop her from saying anything that would embarrass me enough to want to jump off the roof.

  "I mean…if there's any funny business inside the house." She leaned toward a smiling Matt. "You know, I think your friend Chris and Bobby are heading down the path of true love. So I think it would be best to remind them that a child will be in the house."

  He nodded, as I felt my face burn. "I'll have a talk with Chris."

  Nicole spun around and headed down the stairs. "Of course, I hear that the beach alcove on your property, Beth, is very romantic. It really shouldn't go to waste."

  The small body disappeared into the kitchen, adding her loud laugher into the mix.

  I tried to follow, but Matt stopped me with his arm and pulled me back against him. "I think she's right."

  I swallowed hard. "Yeah, Bobby and Chris have been heading down that path."

  The moment I felt those lips on my neck, I suddenly felt like the next thing to go down the stairs would be me…ass-over-teakettle.


  ~ His ~

  I felt like a kid. Seriously. I hadn't felt like this since the crew and I used to pop-and-lock on basketball courts while talking about the hot chicks, the cool bands, and the things we wanted in life. I would like to say the exhilaration all came from Amber—from how excited that precious little girl was at the chance of seeing her dream come true. She radiated pure joy and it was addictive, yet the thrill I was feeling came from Beth being on my arm. When she was there, everything was right with the world. In fact, as far as I was concerned, all things bad or negative simply melted away when I escorted her anywhere.

  Is it possible to feel like you have a warrior who'll defend you standing directly by your side, and at the same time a beautiful woman who looks at you as if you're the protector? I never knew what it meant until now, and it probably sounded like something any sappy guy would say, but with Beth beside me I felt like a truly great man—not an actor, singer, dancer, friend—a great man. And that title encompassed everything I ever wanted to be.


  Amber came flying around the corner and Beth pushed us both against the wall. "INCOMING! SAVE YOURSELVES!"

  Amber laughed loud and flung herself into the air as Beth tried to catch her and landed with a thump. "Ouch! I think I broke my butt that time."

  I held hands out to both girls and helped them back up. Amber jumped into my arms and I held tight to her all the way down the stairs and into the kitchen, as she gabbed at Beth over my shoulder.

  "Did you hear? They're called Mr. and Mrs. Prescott. Isn't that great? Amber Prescott sounds nice. AND…," her voice was so loud in my ear, I knew I would most likely be tone deaf for the show. "They want me, Star! Me!"

  I felt Beth's hand on my back, as if balancing me so I could hold on to the flopping fish in my hands. Her voice was so filled with life again that my heart almost broke with happiness. I know how special Jerry had been, but I was s
ure—even though faith was a bit of a conundrum for me—that wherever Jerry was he was looking at our group and smiling wide.

  "Of course they want you, honey. I told you. It takes time to find the right one."

  I looked at Beth as she stared up at me. A strange, brief moment of confusion seemed to pass through the dark brown orbs, as she quickly turned back to Amber.

  The little girl shook her head. "No, Star. They came in to look for a baby and they met me. It was like…" She frowned at her fingers as she tried desperately to snap them together. I added the sound effect. "It was like that," she said, pointing at me. "They fell in love with me at first sight."

  "Not a surprise, kiddo," Beth said with a wink. "I fell in love with you the minute you smacked me the very first time."

  Amber laughed. "Well…we're partners. Remember? We're a team."

  "We definitely are."

  A frown appeared on the little lady. "What if the Prescott's won't let me see you? I don't even know where they live…where they'll take me."

  I placed Amber on the floor and Beth opened her arms. "They could move you to Mars and I would make sure I see you. You got that?"

  Amber smiled and linked her pinky finger with Beth's. "Forever promise?"

  "Forever promise."

  The only thing I wanted to do was head back to the city and go shopping with Chris…immediately.

  ~ Hers ~

  The night was pure fun. It was so nice to have Amber babbling away, and when she and Matt did their performance there wasn't a dry eye in the house. As far as I was concerned he was the one—the only one who could get a standing ovation every night. In fact, it was his heart that made my material seem good enough to be among the big names. In other words, Matt made me better.

  As the night wore on and Amber fell asleep against Chris—two people who seriously looked like they could be poster children for the Von Trapp family—the atmosphere in the house was serene. I sat on the couch with Matt's arm around me and stared at Bobby. His face was absolutely glowing when Chris lovingly sang a lullaby in order to give Amber the sweetest dreams possible.


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