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A Force of Nature

Page 10

by Kara Liane

  We chatted for a few more minutes and then ended the call, but not before she promised that she would contact me soon to meet and conspire. I pulled my cell away from my ear and placed it on my desk. I smiled at the phone. It felt so good to talk to a girlfriend. I sure hoped things worked out with Brent. But in the event it didn’t, I called dibs on his sister in the breakup.

  I got home later that night and still felt buzzed from the amazing call with Caylan. It had put me in a good mood for the whole day, in fact. I needed more positive people in my life, I realized. I groaned when I heard Stuart’s telltale chime. Ugh! That boy was becoming a stalker. I had repeatedly told him I wasn’t interested, but clearly he still wasn’t getting it.

  I rolled my eyes at the phone and walked to my bedroom. I put my phone under my pillow to muffle the sound and decided to treat myself to a bath—and maybe much later, after said bath, an orgasm.

  I had looked up some of Caylan’s poetry at work and printed out a collection of things she’d written. I decided to read some of it while I soaked. I opted for wine tonight, red to be exact, and I burned a pear-scented candle in the corner of the shower stall. The bubbles were stacked high, just the way I liked it, and I still gave myself a beard with them for kicks, like I had in my youth. Although, I remembered with a twinge, in my younger years it was a rare occasion when I actually got a bath. I also made my hair into a Mohawk. Some things you just never grow out of, I guess.

  After I was done playing and being childish—blame nostalgia and Caylan—I started to read. I couldn’t believe the first poem I picked from the small stack. I was awestruck, because it hit too close to home.

  I’ve Been Waiting for You

  The hours have ticked on and the clock signals the loss,

  My bleeding heart has not found the path that you cross.

  I’ve been waiting for you to return to me, you must know,

  But the colors have no clarity, and frolic to and fro.

  I’m waiting for the light to make the picture clear,

  I’m waiting for the time when you will reappear.

  I’m lost in the darkness, stumbling around,

  I cannot find the beginning, the end, or the ground.

  I’ve been waiting for you to return, can’t you see,

  Why did you go in the first place, why did you leave me?

  So I’ll sit idly by and keep watch from the tower,

  Ticktock, the clock signals hour by hour.

  I’ll stand guard and observe you riding right to my door,

  I’ll be ready and waiting, always and forevermore.

  I had cried last month for the first time in forever at Brent’s letter. And tonight . . . well, tonight I cried again, but this time because of his dear sister.

  Chapter 12: Ambushed


  September 14, 2017

  Finally! I fucking touched down on American soil, in Baltimore. I turned on my cell phone as we were still taxiing in, and a million messages flooded my screen. The message senders included my parents, sister, brother-in-law and his buddies, my former roommates, and various other people. All were welcoming me home. It was the best feeling to be back in the land of the free. I relaxed in my coach seat and just sifted through the texts as we pulled in. I liked to be the last one off the plane, so I had some time to kill as all the hasty passengers tried to make a swift exit.

  One of the first things I was looking forward to doing was taking off my smelly boots. I wanted to burn them. I had worn them too damn long. The trip home had been exhausting, as always. Traveling is the worst part of any deployment, because of the anticipation.

  I wanted to make fists with my feet like Bruce Willis did in Die Hard; that movie is another classic, by the way. But anyway, I desperately needed a shower. I couldn’t wait to rid myself of my uniform and general travel filth. I also couldn’t wait to wear civilian clothes again. On Monday, I’d have to go to the base to in-process, which involved a lot of paperwork because of transferring back to my normal squadron from my deployed one. But I had the upcoming weekend to just be me—whoever that guy was now. Once my in-process checklist was complete, I’d also be on R & R for two weeks, and I was going to take another two weeks on top of that because I had use-them-or-lose-them days built up. It would be amazing to take a break and get some headspace. I had a list a mile long of things to do, starting with finding a place to stay, then getting my dog back from the guys.

  I had a lot on my mind, as usual. I had never found out what happened to my letter, and it bugged me more than you can imagine. Nevertheless, I had survived another deployment. July marked my sixteen-year anniversary in the military, and these next fucking four years couldn’t go by fast enough to reach the big twenty-year mark signaling retirement. I was ready to start a new chapter in my life, whatever that entailed.

  I looked at my phone again. My mom’s text explained that they were in baggage claim, anxiously waiting for me. I definitely wanted to see my sister and niece, but I was hoping it was just my parents there for now. I wasn’t ready to face the firing squad quite yet. Yup, I’m a big, fat pussy. As I darkened the screen on my phone, thoughts of Everly swirled in. I longed to hear from her. How I wished one of the texts had been from her; I secretly hoped she had managed to get my number somehow. It was wishful thinking that she’d be around to welcome me back, though.

  Thankfully, there had not been a big parade or damn scene at baggage claim. That would have had Caylan’s name written all over it. It had been solely my parents there to greet me, and I couldn’t have been more grateful because I didn’t want a big to-do. I stayed with Mom and Dad, at the condo that Alexi and Caylan lived in when they were dating. My parents had made the place into a nice home. It was such a departure from its previous look. I had been in the condo when it still screamed “bachelor,” back before my sister Caylan-ified it, when Alexi was simply dating her. Eventually, Alexi and Caylan bought a house, then he went into private practice, and consequently they gave my parents the condo.

  My parents were hardworking people, though, and assured Alexi they’d pay him back over time. Alexi had more money than he could shake a stick at, so it wasn’t a big deal to him. His parents were rich too. I was happy my baby sister was taken care of and that their daughter would be cared for her whole life. There was no jealousy on my end, because I was comfortable with my lifestyle in spite of its flaws.

  The condo now had that homey feel that can only come from a mother’s touch. My mom was the best. She was sweet, loving, and giving, and everyone just adored her. Although I grumbled—okay, damn well barked at her—when I found out a surprise welcome-home cookout was planned for me at my sister’s house later that afternoon. But I was partly grateful. It would be good to finally see the rest of my family, even if in the back of my mind I was still pussying out.

  Before we left my parents’ residence, I noticed their orange sedan had finally transitioned from Texas license plates to Pennsylvania ones. The ’rents were supposed to surrender the plates a long time ago, but I think they had been holding on to a piece of what they thought was “home.” Now I think we all considered the East Coast home and finally felt settled. We were all at peace with where we were, and that was a comforting prospect. We had been through a lot as a family, so I smiled to myself as I climbed in the car and realized the simple plate switch meant my parents had embraced their present and future here. I had decided to let Mom and Dad chauffeur me around for the day, but I planned to get my truck out of storage the next day.

  We pulled up to a huge house on an amazing plot of land. My sister and Alexi sure had good taste. Their home would be the perfect place to raise a family, and I knew my niece would be adorable toddling around in the yard in a year. I had missed so much already, being “over there.” I felt awful. I remember when Caylan was born, and how she seemed to grow every single goddamn day. Emeline surely was a completely different baby by that point.

  My chest ached, and I started sweating. I rubbed
the spot in the middle of my chest where I felt intense pressure. Oh no, not now. I tried to stay in the moment and breathe deeply. Here goes nothing!

  We walked into the house and were immediately greeted by staff I assumed had been hired for the day to help out with the “cookout.” I knew that term was a euphemism for “party” and the explosion that was probably waiting for me in the backyard. Caylan sure didn’t do anything in a small way. My sister had a huge deck, patio, pool, gardens, hot tub, and tennis court, so their house and grounds could easily accommodate a large crowd. To my surprise, I didn’t see a lot of people as I looked around outside. I scanned the gathering of people and surveyed the area for any threat—a force of habit from being trained to observe and take in my surroundings. I was never going to break myself of that cycle since I did it everywhere I went. I always had an exit strategy for those just-in-case scenarios when things might go south.

  The backyard was decorated with elegance and taste, and Caylan’s minimalistic approach actually made it perfect. She had really made this a wonderful, understated homecoming, and it was awesome. Even the banner wasn’t obnoxious or loud. I was proud of her for making it a great event. My cousin Meg was flitting around the crowd, snapping pictures. Man, that girl never stopped with the camera. She was a budding photographer, and from what I hear, a damn good one. She’s also my sister’s best friend. I had missed Meg’s college graduation in the spring; it was just one more family milestone I had missed.

  I walked by three familiar faces and nodded my head at Caleb, Anthony, and Gil. They each appeared to have brought a plus-one to the shindig; I couldn’t help but wonder if two of the companions were only temporary–arm candy. These guys were the ultimate bachelors, but as I said, one by one, they were pairing off. Anthony was with Shanna, of course—the green engagement ring still shone brightly on her finger. As far as Caleb and Gil were concerned . . . well, I couldn’t picture either of their respective statuses changing anytime soon. But maybe I shouldn’t judge. After all, that’s where Alexi had been a year ago. Look at him now! It’s amazing what the right woman can do for a man.

  I saw one of Alexi’s nurses from his practice, Liz, over to the side. She was talking to his parents. Liz seemed like a cool chick. I barely knew her, but from what I did gather, she was an army brat. She was also a beautiful woman—and not just beautiful “for her age.” I think Alexi said she was in her forties. Apparently, she had three teenagers and an alcoholic husband.

  Alexi’s parents, Juliet and Randolph, were pleasant enough. They came from money, so they acted as I expected. There were a few people I didn’t know mingling about, but I assumed they were friends of Alexi’s and Caylan’s. It suited me fine, not socializing with everyone, because it didn’t appear I needed to entertain anyone.

  My ex-roommates, Todd and Ben, were chatting up two women by the bar in the corner. I didn’t know the women, so either they also brought plus-ones, or they were also mutual friends somehow connected to my sister. I kept scanning the yard, looking for something. No, not something—someone. I knew I was being foolish. Just then, I heard a squeal. I turned rapidly to gauge where the noise had come from.

  My sister, as tiny as she was, came barreling toward me. She practically took me down with the force of her attack. She kissed my cheek repeatedly, and I had to bend down to her level to accept the assault. Tears were streaming down her beautiful face, and I couldn’t understand a friggin’ word she was saying due to her excitement and sobbing. She held on to me for dear life, and I felt like I was about to cry too. My baby sister could do no wrong, and I loved her to death. It felt so good to see her.

  Then, she reared back. For a second, I thought she was going to slap me. I got off lucky: she scolded me with her pointed finger instead.

  “You’re in big trouble, you meanie. I have been through hell for six months because you didn’t call or email me. Don’t ever do that to me again, or I’ll cut off your manhood,” she said deadpan. Her red-rimmed eyes burned into me.

  I didn’t know if I should laugh or cower in a corner. She never threatened me like that. I knew she couldn’t bring herself to say the word “balls.” It was almost as if she was taking lessons from Everly. My chest ached again at the thought of that blonde-haired beauty.

  I didn’t know what to say to my sister except, “I’m sorry, Little Bit. It won’t happen again.”

  I scooped her up once more and held her to my chest. She looked gorgeous, as always. Motherhood suited her. She had on a beautiful pink, flowy dress and a jean jacket. My baby sister was a grown woman—married, with a daughter. I still couldn’t get over it.

  “You’re damn skippy it won’t!” she said with a resigned sigh.

  Then she smiled and looked like her normal, sweet, happy self. “Em is napping right now. Alexi just went to check on her . . . I suspect to give us a moment to talk. He wants to pound your butt for what you put me through, and I’m debating about whether or not I should let him. The funny thing is, you know I can’t stay mad at you very long. Especially now that I’m a mama and realize how precious life is. Oh my God, I can’t wait for you to hold her. She’s so stinkin’ cute. She giggles all the time and is the happiest little baby. She’s trying so hard to crawl. I bet it will be any day now, and then look out! I can see Alexi following her around with a pillow until long after she’s mastered the skill. Good Lord, that man is driving me crazy with how protective he is. But I’m the luckiest girl in the world. Wait until you see the pink headband with the enormous pink bow on top of her head.” She laughed with abandon.

  I knew she mentioned the bow and had the baby wearing it to purposefully drive my brother-in-law nuts, and I was all for it. Any chance I could get to gang up on him with Caylan was well worth it. I was about to tell my sister that we could gang up on him more often now that I was home when I heard a bark in the distance.

  Funny, I didn’t know my sister got a dog.

  The barking got louder as the animal got closer, then I saw Maverick weaving his way through patio furniture and people to get to me.

  He jumped up into my arms and started licking my face. He let out a part-cry, part-howl kind of noise. Then he ran around in a circle and repeated the process of licking me. I missed him and told him as much. He’s a good dog. I didn’t expect to get to see him so soon, but it made sense since Ben and Todd were there. I was scratching behind his ears and petting him on the head, telling him what a good boy he was, when he jumped up again. I could have sworn I smelled cucumber-melon lotion on his fur.


  “Maverick, sit! Good boy. When we get home, wherever the hell that is, I’ll give you a special treat,” I assured him while laughing at his display of excitement.

  “And when do I get my special treat?” asked an all-too-familiar but unexpected voice from behind me.

  I sucked in a huge breath and froze. I knew that voice. I’d know that voice anywhere in a crowd, even though I’d only had the privilege of hearing it twice. It would be locked in the very deepest recesses of my mind for all of eternity.

  I turned in her direction. It was one of those moments like in a movie, you know, when the records skips, the music goes dead silent in a jam-packed room, and then all the attention turns to the main character. Temptress Everly had invaded my senses every single goddamn day since the last time I had laid eyes on her. I raked my gaze up and down her delectable body and worried I’d bust a nut just from being in her presence.

  She was wearing skinny jeans, white strappy heel things, and a red fitted top.

  Fuck me, she’s my own patriotic princess.

  But was she mine? Her tits looked perky and amazing. Her tan skin begged to be sucked. Her pert ass filled the jeans out like she had been poured into them. I was probably slobbering like Maverick, but I’d gladly take a doggy bag to go if it meant I’d get to take that exquisite being home.

  God bless America, ladies and gentlemen! The flag was raised high and proud in my pants, waving in the wind a
nd at attention.

  You could probably have put a hook in my mouth from the way I was gaping at her like a caught fish. I imagined everyone thought I’d just seen a ghost. Maybe I was hallucinating.

  This can’t be real, can it? Fuck, did I get blown up again? Am I lost in some kind of a dream or coma?

  If that was the case, I never wanted to wake up. I needed someone to pinch me.

  What the hell did she just ask me again?

  I watched her assess my choice of dress too. She eyed up my build and devoured me with her gorgeous greens. I was wearing dark-washed jeans, black boots, and a tight, white T-shirt with a checkered, short-sleeve button-down over it. Watching her eat me up with her stare made my groin tighten painfully. I couldn’t even adjust myself to relieve the throbbing because we were in public.

  If she was standing there in front of me, it meant she was there to see me. A jolt of emotion and heat overtook my body. My spirit felt light and airy from the relief of seeing her. I hadn’t felt so good in as long as I could remember. That moment was everything. I was reunited with my family, and I was reunited with my woman. Yeah, I could talk in terms like that. She wasn’t going to get away—not this time. I had already decided I would go after her when I got back anyway, but as always, she beat me to the punch.

  She had better be prepared to pull an all-nighter, because I have six months to make up for.

  I never answered her question. She laughed, knowing full well she caught me off guard . . . again. This woman could do that to me anytime she wanted, though. I was about to tell her as much, but of course she spoke first.

  “Well, Tech Sergeant Peters, should we talk about the elephant in the room?” she asked with a captivating smile.


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