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To Want A Billionaire (The Billionaire's Baby Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Ava Claire

  And to strap in, because it was gonna be one hell of a ride.

  But no command came. He didn’t tell me to get on my knees and take the bulge he’d teased me with in my mouth. He didn’t tell me to march over, or in my current state, shuffle to the wall, and brace myself for a spanking that would leave my bottom red and stinging, my vision blurred with tears and lust, and my core practically dripping, calling out to him to fuck me silly.

  I was a good submissive for a good twenty to forty seconds before I pulled my chin upright, my brow furrowed in confusion. I saw the tented front of his slacks, that beautiful bulge pressing against the fabric, begging for freedom. He was still wringing and flexing the belt in his grasp, and it whined to be put to good use as well. The stubborn jut of his chin was nowhere to be found. He was cool, calm, and collected, all things considered, and why wouldn’t he be? He was still perfection...and fully clothed. His lips were parted like he was right on the edge of ordering me to bend over and show him what he did to me. Show him that erotic, rebellious part of me that couldn’t stay silent. He had no problems in the staying silent department and when I reached his eyes, I saw why.

  There was a knowledge, an awareness that I was going through the motions. Topping from the bottom. From the playful gleam in his eyes, simultaneously hot as hell and infuriating, he was thoroughly enjoying making me wait. Making me squirm.

  I jutted out my bottom lip and nearly crossed my arms against my bare chest, perfectly petulant. And that would snuff out that naughty glow, instantly replaced by a Dom who wouldn’t abide all out defiance, especially when I knew better.

  I settled for pouting. Silently, but as loud and obvious as I could muster without uttering a sound.

  “Patience is a virtue, Leila.”

  He broke the silence and was clearly trying to break me because I was raking my nails against my thighs as I waited impatiently. His blue eyes drank me in as he came closer, within spanking distance. My nipples ached, wanting his brutal touch, which was well within reach. I felt how impatient he was, swollen cock and all.

  I hadn’t averted my eyes. I couldn’t look away now that he’d seen my hand.

  He could have me, all of me, and still he waited.

  His body betrayed him. My body betrayed me.

  His tone gave nothing away at all besides the fact that tonight, my antics wouldn’t work.

  I had no idea what came next and it made me tremble with excitement.

  His fingertips skimmed my arms, the gentleness of it a stark contrast to the edge in his voice. “This is how you should say hello to your husband.”

  I couldn’t help myself. “You’ve already got the whole barefoot and pregnant thing in the bag, don’t push your luck.”

  The hint of a smile that flitted across his lips told me he was at least moderately amused.

  “As endearing as I find unfiltered Leila, another comment like that won’t go unpunished.”

  To prove his point, he stepped back, leaving me wanting and practically salivating. That belt was still in his right fist and that bulge was still in his pants, instead of inside me. Pouting and defiance was clearly not the way to go.

  He shed his jacket, wordlessly moving to his cufflinks so casually that it made me squirm even more. I tugged my hair over one shoulder, dropping my hands back to my side when he paused. He rolled the cufflinks together like he was holding dice. Holding the keys to my surrender in his hands.

  “You think you know what comes next, don’t you?” His deep voice rippled over my skin. A different kind of foreplay made my core throb and my throat tighten. There was something unknown, secret in the low notes of it that told me despite the endless number of times I’d submitted, there were still parts of Jacob I’d yet to discover. Obviously, he still had some tricks up his sleeve because I was a heartbeat away from literally jumping his bones...and his body told me he would wholeheartedly agree with such a brazen move. His face was as still as midnight, the sparks of something naughty flickering in the darkened blue like stars.

  I had a choice. I could lie and maybe spare myself some unknown punishment, or I could state the obvious, that I’d been betting on an unspoken itinerary. Attempting to slyly tug his strings for my own ends.

  I balled my fists at my side and leveled my gaze at him. “I have no idea what comes next, but I’m hoping it involves my body and your body...and I’ll leave the rest up to my Dom.”

  His handsome face registered surprise, but he was too damn svelte to let it crack his facade. “That must be hard for you. Damn near impossible for a woman that prides herself on control and structure and not answering to anyone.”

  ‘Hell yeah it is’ rushed through my mind, but the words that came from my mouth came from my own secret place. “I’m ready, sir,” I repeated. Firmer. Undebatable. “I’m yours.”

  I dropped my chin back to my chest. Yes, control was a huge part of my personality and my work ethic, and here, naked, with him, I got to explore other parts of myself. The part that didn’t want to know what came next because the not knowing, not controlling was infinitely more thrilling. The very thing that drove me crazy, that made me roll my eyes defiantly, was a key to something more.

  Patience is a virtue.

  I trusted that Jacob would take me where I needed to go.

  “Good girl,” he murmured with approval.

  Need stirred in the center of me when he took his belt and smoothed it over my collarbone. I sucked in all the air from the room when the cool leather rounded my breasts. The buckle licked my nipples.

  “Head to my office, then kneel on my couch with your knees on the cushion. Your chest should face the back of the chair, your ass toward my desk.”

  I didn’t hesitate until I walked through the door and the hardwood floor creaked beneath the soles of my feet. I knew that Natasha headed out every day as soon as the clock hit five, so I didn’t pause because she would see me in all my naked glory. I froze, half in, half out of my office, because of something else entirely.

  “You’re worried about cameras.” Jacob read my mind, crossing the room with the same breakneck pace I had and came to a hard stop behind me, so close that if I’d been on a ledge, I would have tumbled into oblivion.

  I gulped, my answer at the ready, but he rendered it irrelevant.

  “Well, you better move quickly, then.”

  I blinked, familiar heat clutching my face, neck...hell, my whole body was red with embarrassment at the mere thought that Frank or one of the other security guards could be minding their business, doing their job and checking the monitors periodically. Then, they’d choke on their coffee when they got an eyeful of me streaking down the executive hallway like a bat out of hell.

  “Well, are you ready or not?” I put aside my nerves and glanced back at Jacob. I saw the gears grinding in the blue. He didn’t know what came next either, which meant I still had a surprise or two up my sleeve, too.

  I didn’t say another word. I didn’t waste another second going through shoulda, coulda, wouldas or worst case scenarios. I didn’t even bolt down the length of the hall at a pace that would make Usain Bolt sweat.

  I rolled my shoulders back, raised my chin, and put one foot in front of the other. I didn’t worry about the new sets of dimples on my thighs, on my ass, the result of my changing body and appetite. I left Leila Whitmore, and all the stress and obligations that came with that name in my office and I embraced me, the submissive, who’d been given a command by her Dom. A man who knew exactly what I needed: to escape.

  Once I reached Jacob’s office, I didn’t turn on the light. I didn’t do a thing he hadn’t ordered me to.

  My heart beat a furious rhythm in my chest and anticipation turned the butterflies in my gut to a swarm of wings and white hot tension. It reminded me that there was still new heights to pleasure yet undiscovered.

  I maneuvered around the glass coffee table and mounted the couch where it all began. Where I’d first felt the sparks of pleasure weaving into fear
and uncertainty. Tonight, I put all of that aside.

  Tonight, I submitted.

  I felt him enter the room in my bones, my heart leaping as the air in the room was replaced by electric want.

  No light was flicked nor door was closed for discretion purposes. Here, in the dark, we both let go.

  I gripped the couch, my legs apart, knees burrowing into the cushion. There was rustling, the sound of unzipping, and I licked my lips and forced myself not to rush. Not to treat this as another thing on my to-do list.

  The air beside me whistled and a plunk on the cushion drew my attention. Even in the sparse light I could make out the brown bundle.

  The belt.

  “You thought I was going to punish you.” He read my mind. Zeroed in on my surprise.

  There was no question mark at the end of his statement, but I still whispered, “Yes sir.” Spreading my fingers. Spreading my thighs wider, letting the cool air kiss my bare flesh.

  I gasped when his fingers swept over my bottom. Soft and gentle as a whisper.

  “I think you’ve been punished enough today, love.” His lips glided over my shoulder. “There’s a time for belts and numbers and colors...and there’s a time for pleasure.”

  “Oh God,” I whispered hoarsely, my nails digging into the back of the couch when I felt the head of his cock outlining my erotic flesh. This was a different kind of torture; knowing how close he was, feeling his desire, pulsing in time with a need that radiated from somewhere deep inside and threatened to pull me under.

  I felt his bright gaze taking me in with awe. With want. With a need that hadn’t dimmed in the midst of all the change. The body that I was adapting to, learning to not just live in but celebrate, did that to him. Made him tremble. Made everything else fade as every drop of blood in his body rushed to that wild and powerful part of him.

  “I need you inside me, Jacob,” My voice trembled. “I need you inside me now.”

  He gripped my hips with both hands, his fingertips digging into my skin as he kept teasing me. Teasing himself from the swell he taunted me with. “I don’t respond well to demands, Lay. Even demands from you.”

  I took the fact that he hadn’t chided me for breaking scene as confirmation that we’d loosened our hold on the rules that generally regulated our play. Since my bottom still hummed with anticipation of his belt, I figured it was a win-win. If I was too bold and he wanted to remind me who was in charge, I’d feel that leather strap, after all. And if not, I’d feel the solid proof that he couldn’t resist me, deep inside me.

  Supporting myself with one arm against the back of the couch, I twisted my waist just far enough to get a front row view of his eyes. Glowing in the dark. Lighting up with surprise. I watched the blue smolder when I gripped his cock.

  “Looks like I’m not the only one making demands.” I gave him a final, firm squeeze before I let go of him and used the hand I’d teased him with to glide over my curves, knowing that lights off or no, he knew every line, contour, and dimple. That he longed for me like I longed for him. Day, night; clothed, butt naked; obedient sub, bratty Lay.

  I assumed the position he’d first ordered me to and I put my spin on it, smiling in the dark. “Fuck me, Jacob. I dar-OH!”

  My dare was accepted before I even threw down the gauntlet as he thrust inside me. The angle of entry sent pleasure ricocheting over me and before I could catch my breath and try and ride the wave, another thrust washed away any delusion that I was in control.

  Of him. Of my body.

  There was only more; only our bodies. Slick with desire, moans filling the darkness, fingers gripping the couch as he moved inside me on a mission to undo me and put me back together again.

  He slipped an arm around my waist, his palm against my belly as he moved deeper. Pulled me further toward bliss as he let out a string of expletives, laced with sweet nothings about how good my body felt. How good I made him feel. I was overcome with pleasure. Drunk off love. Filled up. Stretched until I could take no more. Drowning in lust.

  “I’m close,” I warned, pushing my hips back to meet his. Swirling them nice and slow, giving him a full taste of my wetness. Of my body.

  “Come for me,” he roared. His grip and his tenor told me he was close, too.

  We were at the precipice.

  I didn’t teeter on the edge.

  I didn’t exercise control.

  When I couldn’t keep my head above water anymore, pleasure consuming every cell in my body, I did the only thing I could.

  My climax poured from my mouth in a scream that sent us both careening toward bliss. Surrendering to our release.

  My calendar was waiting. There weren’t enough hours in a day to do all that needed to be done, but I pushed aside everything but Jacob’s arms around me.

  He pressed his lips against mine and whispered, “I know there’s a lot on your plate. Make sure you don’t forget the most important thing.”

  I rustled my fingers through his dark locks, expecting something about not biting off more than I could chew. “What’s that?”

  “You are important too,” he answered, pressing a palm against my belly. “You two are my entire world.”

  Chapter Five

  “Are you ready for the best baby shower ever?”

  Under normal circumstances, my best friend, Megan Scott, was pretty much one of my favorite people ever, and her question would have been met with an equally enthusiastic response. She just had this aura, a pull that was hard to deny. I imagined that even the rambunctious student of hers, defiant until she sent them to the principal’s office, couldn’t deny that out of all the classes they raised hell in, Miss Scott’s was by far their favorite.

  Unfortunately, my back hurt and her cheery reminder that today, me, my mother, and Alicia would be spending multiple hours together, made my head hurt.

  Megan stood at the foot of the bed, still holding that sunshine filled smile of hers. When I peered glumly at her from the tangled covers, she turned on her heels and snatched back the curtains, flooding the room with bonafide sunshine.

  “Jesus, Meg,” I groaned, wincing as I rolled away from the new day and stubbornly locked eyes with the clock on the bedside table. I refused to believe that it was 11AM. It felt like I’d just settled in the bed a few hours ago, snuggling up to Jacob and making him promise to bail me out with a Whitmore and Creighton PR emergency if things got too crazy. But reality smacked me in the head, a Jacob-sized impression left on his side of the bed. I noticed there was a glass of orange juice perched beside those laughing, red digits on the clock. Swooning a little bit, I realized there was a bottle of ibuprofen nestled beside the glass.

  “My hero,” I murmured with a lazy smile, trying to muster the energy to claim the tiny pills that would help me get through this day.

  “How are you still in bed?” Megan’s cheery voice had lost a bit of its pep and when I twisted my neck to the window, the sunbeams outlined her disapproval. She was the master, or mistress, of the ceremonies today and she looked the part. She wore a flowing, ivory dress that swished with every step she took. She paused a the foot of the bed, her topknot bun as strict as her tone. “You know that we have brunch at noon at Cafe 29.” She counted out every last bullet point on the itinerary with her fingers. “Then, at 1:30, we have lemonade and cookies at the park by the lake. Gelato is up next, then back here for gifts and Sullivan’s. Then we’ll wrap up the whole shebang when Marco brings his team for manis, pedis, and massages.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at the last bit and I couldn’t resist.

  “We splurged and got the ‘happy ending’ package, right?”

  Megan’s jade green eyes widened and I swear her pallor matched her dress. “Leila Rae Montgomery, if there wasn’t an adorable baby growing inside you, I’d smother you with a pillow.”

  “Considering that would save me from playing referee with my mom and Alicia, can you make it quick?”

  She smoothed invisible strawberry blonde flyaways and ga
ve me a glare that made my blood run cold. There was a little bit of her boyfriend, Cade Wallace, facing an enemy guns blazing, in that glare.

  “You won’t have to worry about them because I will personally take down anyone that disrupts your day.” She narrowed her eyes and planted her hands on her hips. “Why are you still in bed?!”

  I dropped my hold on the covers I’d been ready to pull over my head and held both hands up instead. “Pregnant, remember?”

  She cracked the tiniest grin. “Excuses, excuses.” With a sigh, she plopped onto the bed beside me, kicking off her heels. “How are you feeling, by the way?” Before I could answer, she added, “You should be well rested after your Hawaiian escape. An escape that didn’t involve your best friend in the whole world.”

  “Still holding tight to that grudge, I see,” I laughed, propping myself up on a few pillows. Even if it hadn’t been a spur of the moment surprise from Jacob, I knew she wouldn’t have been able to take the time off from work. And she’d never admit it, because it meant letting me off the hook, but she would have hated leaving her kids for longer than a few days. Public relations was my passion and teaching was hers. She loved each and every one of her students and rooted for them, cried for them, and went to bat for them. The fact that she was taking today off of work for me was a huge deal.

  But it’s not just for you, I reminded myself. It was literally the only day my mother and Alicia were both free and they’d made it very clean that neither planned to miss their first grandchild’s baby shower.

  I tugged at my t-shirt, stroking my tummy before I reached for the OJ and ibuprofen. “Is it too late to BFF elope this thing? Because really, I don’t need the pomp and circumstance-”


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